Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 319 - 319 The Flesh-Devouring Destroyer Approaches Greensart

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319 The Flesh-Devouring Destroyer Approaches Greensart

Another banner was added to the military tent of the Elven Expeditionary Force command.

“The flesh-devouring Destroyer approaches Greensart.”

Kang De’s marching route was marked on the map. Every two to three hours, he would arrive at the new battlefield and launch a huge and terrifying attack.

The third battle report had already been sent.


The servant army from the Aaronhide Kingdom was completely wiped out.

The relationship between countries was also distant and close. Aaronhide was one of the earliest vassal countries of the Twilight Dynasty. Over the long years, it had been modified into the shape of an elf. The citizens recognized Twilight extremely well. The royal family, bureaucratic groups, the army system, and the vested interests class had also formed an intertwined network with the Twilight Dynasty. It could be said to be a hardcore lackey.

Their army naturally received more considerate care from the Twilight Dynasty.

Not only were they enthusiastically inviting the generals and officers of the Twilight Dynasty to the Royal Military Academy to study hard, but the equipment exchanged by the Royal Army was also given priority to be sold to Aaronhide at a discount. The army of this country was all elf equipment and learned elf combat techniques. Of course, they were all monkey versions.

However, even if it was the monkey version, the Aaronhide army was considered a powerful brigade that could not be underestimated. They also had a high evaluation in the elf army. As an important part of the third defense line to intercept Kang De, the advisors had high hopes for them and deployed them to an important restraining position.

The outcome was as they wished. Kang De had indeed taken the path of Aaronhide and was also restrained and lured by the attack of the Aaronhide army to fight this powerful brigade of the southern countries.

Then, he followed in the footsteps of the first two armies.

This battle report came especially quickly.

Because the battle report was quickly written by the scouts and spies watching the battle from afar, the content all came from their observations and did not contain interviews of the defeated soldiers. It saved a lot of time. Moreover, they did not see the end. Firstly, the outcome was already decided, and secondly, they had already lost the courage to watch the battle.

This was because the equipment and formation of the Aaronhide army were too similar to the elves.

Array, combat techniques, and weapons.

A lineup like the elf army, fighting like the elf army, and being as brave as the elf army.

Then, they were bombarded by an incomprehensible and powerful force that they could not control. They continuously suffered casualties until they were defeated. They did not make a mistake or be timid and perfectly displayed all their combat strength.

However, they still lost.

The scouts observed the battlefield with indescribable fear.

They asked themselves, if it was a powerful legion of the Royal Army on the battlefield, what would the outcome be after encountering such an attack?

No one dared to think carefully. They did not want that answer.

“He’s devouring flesh and blood.”

They recorded what happened on the battlefield with fear.

Firstly, more than a hundred heavy crossbow heads that were larger than the enchanted ballista whistled down with tail flames like meteors. Like a storm, they set off a violent explosion that killed countless soldiers. Then, Kang De drove the murderous alchemical chariot into Aaronhide’s military formation.

It also devoured flesh and blood.

Many scouts and soldiers witnessed all of this.

The car roared forward among the miserable corpses and let out a strange roar that no one had ever heard before. Intense flames and sounds continuously appeared at the top, front, and side, shooting invisible or visible crossbow bolts. These crossbow bolts were actually all enchanted weapons that could burn and explode, penetrate hard armor, and shatter fragile human bodies.

The description said that be it the attack method, attack frequency, or even attack density, they had greatly increased. Kang De took out many new things, long and short, and there were many types.

The huge wheel crushed the flesh and blood. Wherever it went, the flesh and blood enveloped by the chassis disappeared.

Then, the arrowheads spat out streaked across the trajectory of the sky, and bloody shadows appeared.

It was as if this steel beast used flesh and blood as bait and turned it into combat power, adding bloody and terrifying fear energy to all the attacks, causing the enemy’s fragile body to bloom with blood-colored light.

The long-range attacks strengthened by the blood-colored energy were even stronger.

However, the increase in power was secondary. The tragedy of the visual effect was the burden that suppressed the resistance will. The Soul Seizing Scythe that poured death was efficient and terrifying. It was unstoppable and swept through everything.

According to the information, Kang De had taken out at least five attacks at once this time. The basic effects were all explosions, but after the blood-colored baptism, it was even stranger and more terrifying. What had appeared before and had not appeared before were ferocious flames and airwaves that filled the air. It was like the anger of the Fire God baptizing the scarred ground.

He ravaged the battlefield with even crueler, more efficient, and fast methods.

Even the scout realized something.

He was very anxious, extremely flustered, and violent.

Coupled with the previous two battle reports, it could be seen.

As time passed and he got closer and closer to Red Maple City, the intensity and cruelty of Kang De’s attack continuously increased. It became more and more bloodthirsty and cruel.

“He’s already lost his cool!”

Commander-in-Chief Sylvan Keller continued to cheer his subordinates on.

“He has already become a bloodthirsty lunatic. A terrifying demon. Using such a cruel method is simply no different from the evilest demon king. Such an evil person had once appeared on the continent. In the end, as the demon king, he was resisted by the entire continent who fought and suppressed him! Soldiers, we’re facing such a demon king. Justice and light are on our side. His actions will definitely be condemned by the entire continent!”

“He’s almost at his limit!”

“In order to obtain victory, he had no choice but to take out several new attack methods!”

“When his attack is extremely sharp, he won’t be far from suffering a setback!”

The commander-in-chief boosted morale and ordered them to adjust the war preparations for the next round.

In the fourth interception battle, the elite troops directly under Twilight would enter the battlefield.

“Kang De relied on a powerful alchemical chariot to win these three victories. Without a doubt, he’s one of the most powerful alchemists we’ve ever seen, but he’s only one person. In that case, in the next battle, we’ll use puppets to fight puppets and alchemists to fight alchemists!”

“The central principle of the next battle is to restrain and suppress that alchemical chariot with the alchemical weapons and magic weapons that we elves are proud of!”

No matter what they thought, at the very least, the advisors and officers still maintained high morale on the surface.

Moreover, he continued to invest 100% of his energy and efficiency in planning the battle.

They had yet to show true fear and uneasiness. After all, at least for now, there was still a long distance between them and Kang De. Be it the Demon King who devoured flesh and blood or the bloodthirsty and cruel demon, at least at this moment, they were not the ones fighting this guy.

They could win… right?

Sylvan Keller stared at the wide sand table.


The battle report about Kang De from the east was sent every two to three hours, but the battle report of Red Maple City arrived every 20 minutes.

The defense of the capital of Goethe was extremely strict. It had already been operated for more than ten generations and had to be strengthened and stabilized during this war. It was a solid city with sufficient rations and armor. It gathered the essence of the entire Goethe. The soldiers and citizens were determined and were enough to fight the Elven Expeditionary Force.

The expeditionary army launched a beheading operation and went into battle lightly. The subsequent heavy troops and equipment had yet to arrive. It was completely impossible to conquer this city in a day.

However, a day later… Kang De was coming.

Could they win?

Before this war, he was very confident and thought that the strength of Twilight was world-renowned. A mere Goethe was not worth mentioning. However, now, he was not sure, because a lunatic had interfered in this war.

The flames of war flew in front of him, and the weather was strange. Magic turbulence surged violently.

The confrontation of spells continued. The brave elf warriors continuously attacked the city wall, but Red Maple City was Goethe’s last watch. The dignified capital of a country had once been filled with glory. In just a day, they could completely fight on par with the expeditionary army’s surprise attack.

Unless a powerful force could tear open the deadlock and open up a new battlefield.

Sylvan Keller looked across the sand table in the direction of Red Maple City.

A large number of air force, air combat mages, and heavy magic devices mobilized from the various colonies, and garrisons of Twilight were still on standby.


Over the years, the concept of the air force had developed very slowly. It was mainly because the nurturing of air cavalry battle beasts was slow and expensive. Mages who could fight in the air were even rarer. The greatest use of the so-called air force was an investigation, guerrilla warfare, and the marking of arcane elements for the over-the-horizon spell volley. As for the other uses, the army and mage troops could do it better, and the cost-performance ratio was higher.

Therefore, the rare and precious air force was usually evenly distributed to every legion and became the treasure of the commanders. They did not easily participate in the battle.

Now, an unprecedented huge air force had gathered in Sylvan Keller’s hand.

He wanted to gather this air force and the air force of the expeditionary army to use it and launch a large-scale attack on Red Maple City from the air. With the Dragoon as the core of the attack, the Horned Eagle Knight and the Pegasus Knight would be the air guards, and the mages would carry out a spell bombardment. With the centralized arcane support of the long-range mages, they swooped down from the sky and broke into Red Maple City.

Arson, attack the important hub, raid the mage towers everywhere in the city, attack the strategic location, cause chaos, restrain military strength in the city, and echo the attacks of the outside world.

He had a feeling that he was even more confident that this move would definitely obtain an unprecedented victory. This was because, before this, there had never been a similar concept and tactic in the history of world war. Goethe must be defenseless.

Such an attack was enough to change the current stalemate.


The council ordered that before Kang De arrived, the air force was not allowed to enter the battlefield and not allow any losses.

To be fair, after the initial dissatisfaction and shock, and then seeing Kang De’s terrifying results of breaking through three defense lines in a row like a hot knife through butter, the commander understood the meaning of this order.

It was only a matter of time before the fall of Red Maple City. When the follow-up troops arrived, he could calmly launch an attack and have as many methods to break through this city as he wanted.

The so-called Goethe, the so-called solid city of Red Maple City, had never been a problem.

The greatest problem was Kang De.

As long as they dealt with him, everything was fine.

If they could not deal with Kang De, the city would become the greatest nightmare of the Twilight Dynasty.

Therefore, the air force could not be lost.

They had to maintain their intact strength and set up the strongest lineup to surround Kang De.

Sylvan Keller understood the council’s thoughts and admitted that this train of thought was completely correct. He even agreed with the council’s importance of Kang De. Such a human was indeed worthy of such a lineup.

However, if…

That terrifying thought still grew like a coiling vine.

What if such a lineup was still not enough to defeat and kill Kang De?

What if Kang De rushed to the foot of Red Maple City and broke the air-killing formation formed by a large number of air forces, many mages, and the heavy magic devices created by the previous Phoenix King, Marge, to fight the sky?

At that time, the entire expeditionary army’s elite troops would be firmly blocked outside Red Maple City by the Goethe people. What would the Cathayan who had once summoned the sword of the sky to bombard the ground and instantly overturn the five legions do?

When he thought of this, he wanted to order the air force to attack without caring about anything.

Before Kang De arrived, he took down Red Maple City and stationed all the troops in the city. He used the entire city’s residents and all the members of the Tedrell family as hostages to talk to him.

However, the order of the council…

There was also Kang De…

The life and death of more than a hundred thousand elite troops, the outcome of the battle, and even the future of Twilight. His choice would determine and affect the future of many elves and even the entire country. Such responsibility was too heavy, so much so that the famous and outstanding Lord of Dawn Light could not make up his mind.

Such a choice was too difficult.

It was better to wait.

He would wait a little longer.

He took another look.

He comforted himself like this and waited.

After all, Kang De was still far away. The current situation was not enough for him to make a decision.

At this moment, eight hours had passed since Sword Saint Snowfall and the gorilla set off from Valentine.

The sunlight moved west until noon.

Tagris, who had been perfunctorily dealt with by Hong San a few times, finally realized that something was wrong.

He reached out and grabbed Hong San’s collar. Inexplicable panic and uneasiness filled his heart, and the elf’s voice was extremely sharp, “Where’s Kang De?! Where did he go?! Tell me the truth!”

That powerful and majestic aura even froze the air.

Hong San’s face was pale, but his eyes were calm, “It seems that you really don’t know.”

It had been eight hours, so there was no need to hide it. Moreover, the other party had already sensed that something was wrong. Even if he really knew nothing about this, as long as he was suspicious, with this person’s intelligence and monstrous power, he only needed a short period of time to figure out the truth…

Tagris’ voice became even more manic. “Don’t know what?”

The Cathayan said indifferently, “It’s good to let you know that at the latest this morning, the Elven Expeditionary Force has already started an undeclared battle and launched a surprise attack on Red Maple City. My Highness is already on the way to help the capital of Goethe.”

Tagris’ expression froze.

He then said angrily, “Impossible! I don’t believe it!”

“I’m unwilling to believe it, but His Highness has long set off and hasn’t returned. This means that the news is not fake.”

Hong San’s tone was still calm, but his words were filled with anger and provocation as if nothing had happened, “However, what surprised me was that with your status, you actually know nothing about such a huge matter. As expected of the Twilight Dynasty. The council is governed by the royal family and is not controlled by the pope.”

Tagris’s expression was unprecedentedly ugly, and his eyes were burning with anger. He gritted his teeth, and his hands were trembling slightly, “…If he knows, why didn’t you tell me?”

—I clearly believed him.

They were clearly enemies, but he came to help and even saved him.

He wanted to teach him something.

He was willing to cooperate with him.

—I took the initiative to believe this human, even if his hands are stained with the blood of my race.

—Why didn’t he tell me about this? Why didn’t he discuss it with me?

—Why won’t he believe me?

Hong San sighed in his heart.

—Your Highness, you have to thank me.

He stared into the other party’s green eyes and said softly, “His Highness doesn’t want to make things difficult for you.”

Tagris’ eyes instantly shook.

Then, a sad expression appeared on his face.

“Make it difficult…” He smiled bitterly, “What’s going on now?”

Letting go, Hong San landed and staggered a few steps before sitting on the ground.

With his martial arts cultivation, it was quite fatal to face the killing intent and power of a top expert in the world.

Tagris was in a daze as he turned. 𝒇𝗿𝙚ℯ𝑤ℯ𝑏𝒏𝑜ѵe𝙡.c𝐨m


Hong San barely said, “After the guest from outer space you mentioned descended to this world, he encountered the elite troops of your country pretending to be Goethe soldiers and attacking the Harlem Fortress. After a battle, he encountered Sword Saint Snowfall who came to deliver the letter and has already died in his hands.”

When a wise person spoke, a reminder was enough.

Tagris paused for a moment. Then, a powerful shock wave tore through the front hall of the house. With this terrifying recoil, the elf whistled into the distance.


Hong San wiped the sweat on his face and exhaled. “He scared me to death.”

He pondered for a moment and muttered to himself, “Fortunately, he didn’t kill me. There might still be a chance.”

Tagris had already returned to the temporary embassy.

Elandir stood not far away and looked at him.

The elf stared at the other party, an elder who was both a master and a friend.

His voice was cold. “Tell me that you don’t know.”

The Elven Sage said in a low voice, “Your Majesty…”

“—Tell me!”

His emerald green eyes instantly turned into flames and golden eyes that burned everything. The phoenix flames burned close to an illusory disguise. His weak and thin body was replaced by a tall and heroic figure. His wide mage robe was raised high. Then, this moving body was covered by shining battle armor. The dragon and phoenix armor shone with holy light. The king’s sword swept up the eternal phoenix flames and pressed them against the neck of the Elven Sage.

The elf guards who heard the commotion were shocked. They were not qualified to know about this.

These young officers from extraordinary backgrounds and who had a bright future knelt on one knee to see the Phoenix King.

The most powerful monarch in the world only stared at her teacher close at hand.

The king’s face was pressed by the full phoenix-winged helmet.

“Tell me.” She seemed to be crying as she asked, “How much more do you want to take from me?”

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