Classless Ascension-Chapter 80: She Knelt Akin to a Pious Devout...

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In the darkness, two silhouettes could be faintly distinguished. From their shape, one could have guessed that one was a woman kneeling right in front of a man, akin to a pious devout. One could even say a very pious devout.

The obscurity made it so none could see the woman's face. She had been previously proudly bragging about her night vision and her wonderful technique. But now all that could be heard was her muffled panting that echoed in the otherwise empty room.

That is when the man commanded in an assured tone. "Go on, touch it. It's not going to bite. Stroke the head all you want. In fact, you can play with the entirety of its length, no need to be shy."

Her rapid breathing betrayed how eager she was. "T-this… is it alright? It's bigger than I thought. But, somehow, it kinda looks cute. I'll just try touching it quickly and… AH!" she gasped.

"What is it?", the man considerately asked.

"I-It's soft and yet quite pleasing to the touch. But why isn't it reacting when I'm caressing it?" a hint of worry could be heard in her sweet voice.

"Who knows. If you keep stimulating it, you could soon get a huge surprise. Wouldn't you like that?" he tempted her.

"Y-yes, I'd like…no I'd love that! I just want to keep playing with it all day!" A gulping sound could be heard as her hands busied themselves carefully.

"So, what is your verdict? Is it to your liking?" the teasing tone was clear as day. Yet, there was a serious undertone that meant he did expect an answer.

"*Humpf* I have my pride as a scout Ranker! You are sorely mistaken if you think I'll give a half-assed judgment! I-I am also not giving up on making it react to me, just so you know! N-no matter what it takes!" She started her statement oozing with confidence but it ended as a shy whisper.

"Alright, do as you please then." He would let her have her fun, even with how clumsy she appeared. He was truly enjoying the current her, stripped of her usual strong facade.

A short silence followed, but it was soon broken by the sound of deep inspiration. The woman was so close to the man, he could feel the air from her breathing. He couldn't help but ask in wonder. "Oh? Is sniffing it part of the process?"

"O-of course! I'm making sure it smells good! This…this smell is peculiar. But it's not bad. I could even get used to it. I wouldn't even mind if this smell permeated my whole bed. Ah, n-not that I'm saying that…"

"I understand. What's next? Are you going to try licking it?" Slight expectation could be perceived in his tone.

"T-that, no need! I'll simply rub it for now. It should be enough, right?!" her entire tone could have been described with an italic question mark, uncertain and cute.

"Alright, suit yourself. Still, it doesn't seem that your rubbing is having much effect, you know. Who was it again that declared proudly that she had a magical touch that let her tame men and dragons alike?"

"S-shut up! I'm really good! It's your thing that is too hard to please! It's just lying there between your legs taunting me! I can almost picture it just staring at me while grinning."

"Oh? Isn't the head covered by your hands already? How is it staring at you?" he amusedly asked.

"T-that's why I said picture! You asshole!" The way she said it made it clear she understood he was simply teasing her. She wanted to get back at him, but she knew she had lost this round.

Under her careful and gentle ministrations, Josh's thing didn't react one bit. At first, she was confident, then she became troubled and finally slightly depressed. She was used to having her way with things and people, yet Josh kept teasing her, taking advantage of her, and even taunting her!

In fact, he had wanted to bet before they even began. He was convinced she would fail. Somehow, even while being confident, she thankfully had the sense not to accept. The man was a clear anomaly after all. Thus it would make sense that his godly pet be one too!

Yes, the rat had simply been lying between Josh's legs all the while she had talked to it, caressed it, and even sniffed it. She was already convinced that no matter what happened she wouldn't crack this tough cookie.

"Alright, what do you think?" he seriously inquired.

"It's really weird. Not only does it not react to anything but it doesn't even seem to perceive its environment. It seems alive but acts dead. Yet it emanates heat and seems to be breathing. It also has extra clean silky fur which is weird considering you brought it in the Tower. Also, it doesn't have a breath either. No air ever comes out, it's as if it's faking being alive."

"I'm amazed you perceived all that in a few minutes only! Especially in the dark. You really are a great scout!" Josh praised her.

"Of course! Now, do you realize how amazing I am!" She exclaimed as she proudly stuck her chest out.

"I thought we were done with you trying to show your sex appeal? You don't have to put that much emphasis on your assets." he casually remarked while glancing at the full curves she was showing.

"I'll kill you!" Yet she didn't seem that mad.

"Eh, guess I'll die then."

"…..You're supposed to beg for your life. Tch, how boring."

"Anyway, do you have any idea what I should do about this lifeless thing?"

"Pfft, how about you take it to the vet?"

"If the great Kasha doesn't know then we are officially fucked. But seriously if you do hear of a lead keep me informed. I guess for now I'll just chuck the thing in my pet slot. So yeah, the name sounds cool but it's quite useless."

"I know one thing it can be used for." she mysteriously added.


"You can show off!" she triumphantly said.

"Let me ask you something, Kasha. Have you ever found a way to share your status screen info with another? Also, have you ever heard the expression full of wisdom that goes 'Pic or didn't happen'? So yeah, it is useless to know it's called godly if it doesn't look the part."

"Technically we scouts, and a few other classes, have skills to peer into the status of others. The only issue is that it's rare and quite useless before the skill levels up. Even then it only gives approximative information based on your own perception."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, for instance, it will never quantify that kind of information. It will be along the lines of the target is weaker, as strong, or stronger than you. That kind of thing."

"Wow, how many abilities are there in this world? Is there some listing of it all?"

"Nope. As you know asking someone about his skills is taboo. At first, the MTA tried to implement it but literally everyone got pissed. Climbers do not like being needlessly controlled at all! Then again, who does?" Kasha almost looked the kind teacher kind for a moment.

"True, everyone can Climb, even kids. Talk about crazy." Josh clearly remembered the journalist episode with how he had been compared to a kid Climber.

"In a sense it truly is, but it's also the world they will grow up in. For us, this whole Tower thing is foreign, unknown, and scary, but it will be different for them. In the future, the youngsters won't find any of it weird. What do you think of it all?" She added, appearing way wiser than the usual her.

Was this how people felt when the Internet became widespread back then on Earth? To see the whole world change in a heartbeat, leaving some people feeling as if the whole thing was crazy. Then the youngsters took it all for granted.

"It's good food for thoughts for sure, Kasha. I think Climbing is a necessary evil. It is the only way that I know so far to become powerful enough to take control of one's own destiny. I don't trust the Tower itself, nor do I trust the gods. Still, it doesn't change that both present opportunities.

"Are you acting? You say that as if you were some wise old man. I clearly remember all the shit that ever came out of your mouth!"

Josh went for an exaggerated gasp! "Wow! I didn't know you were observing me all this time! Do you perhaps have a crush on me?!"

"No, but I do have ears. Anyway, weren't you supposed to go somewhere? What happened to that?"

"Alright, I'll leave the rat here for you to creepily play along in the dark then."

"Why is there no light here in the first place?! Who lives in such conditions?! Besides you, I mean."

"Eh, there used to be some but it got cut when I took possession of the place. I'm guessing there is someone I need to pay for that." Josh stated what would anyone else have considered obvious.

"Yeah, yeah get out. …I mean have a safe trip!" Kasha waved him away as one would a pesky fly.

"Oh, right! One last question!"

Josh had just remembered one issue. Right now he could store the White Spider set equipment but not his normal one. What obvious problem would this cause?

Picture a proud hero wearing a complete matching set….and running away with a bunch of loot in his hands. Josh would either look like a thief caught red-handed, some compulsive hoarder, or even some very confused guy.

Even if he managed to store it, he would need to find a way to change quicker. Changing equipment was as simple as interacting with one's status screen but that still took time. Especially if this happened in a fight.

After all, Josh wouldn't be able to just scream 'time out!' at the monsters so they gave him enough time to change. What else? Would he also shyly implore them to turn around? Would he then coquettishly beg them to let him plunge his weapon deep in their hearts?

"What is it?" Kasha answered absentmindedly while petting the rat.

"Is there a way to store equipment easily in one's inventory and equip/unequip it at will? You know like a quick change mechanic?"

"Well, yeah. There is such a thing that drops on Floor 40. But it's utterly useless. You pretty much never need spare gear. Items are way more resistant than their users, plus they are able to regenerate using ambient mana. Your equipment is either fine or you are dead. No need for a spare really."

"Yeah, but what about items sets?" Josh persisted.

"What?" She was lost.

"What?" He was equally lost.

"Item set? You're into fashion?!"

What kind of misunderstanding was this?!

"Wait, you don't know what an armor set is?!" Josh could barely believe it.

At this moment, the friendly atmosphere turned into one of utter shock and confusion. Both were actually wondering if the other was pulling their leg...