Contract Marriage: Emperor CEO's Secretary Wife-Chapter 171 - Torment

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Chapter 171 - Torment

Her previously wounded shoulder was burning with pain. Her lungs felt like it was denying the entry of oxygen and her other bleeding wounds were stinging. But Xiu Mei suppressed herself from groaning in pain.

When suddenly she felt someone yanking out her hair forcibly, making her lift her head in the process.

"Sister Meimei." Wan Wan repeated. This time, Xiu Mei didn't avoid her gaze. She daringly met her gaze, unwilling to show her weakness against her enemy.

Wan Wan who saw her expression looked at her with disdain making her grip on Xiu Mei's hair tighten even more. Xiu Mei bit her lip to stop herself from crying out.

"Did you like my third gift?" Wan Wan continued her statement.

Xiu Mei blinked in confusion. Third gift?

As if reading her mind, Wan Wan forcibly turned her head to face towards the small Irises field that almost immobilized Xiu Mei awhile ago.

So the Irises was her third gift?

Something clicked inside Xiu Mei's mind upon making the connection between the Iris flower and Wan Wan. Is she doing this because of Ying Yue?

Before Xiu Mei could open her mouth, Wan Wan pulled her hair again and dragged her closer to the Irises. Since Xiu Mei was too weak to fight back against her at the moment, she could only let herself be dragged by Wan Wan.

Xiu Mei groaned silently feeling her legs scr.a.p.e against the small stones hidden under the soil and the scattered branches. Her fisted hands tightened as she endured the immense pain. Because she just got caught in an accident two days ago, Xiu Mei was enduring double the pain. The burning pain on her shoulder and the other wounds she got.

After dragging Xiu Mei, Wan Wan unceremoniously threw her on the ground once again.

"Didn't you like it? Back when I was younger, didn't you like all the flowers I gave you? But now you dislike it?" Wan Wan scoffed at her still body.

"Or did you dislike it because it is an Iris?"

Hearing that, Xiu Mei wanted to refute but her body was against her actions. Because of her panic attack, her body wasn't allowing her to move in the way that she wanted it. If she was permitted, she'd rather much stay like that lying facedown on the ground.

Not receiving any response from her, Wan Wan knelt in front of her and yanked her hair once again.

"Is that why you let Sister Yue die? Because you didn't like her anymore just like how you didn't like Irises anymore?"

Xiu Mei wanted to scream 'No!' but she couldn't.

"You must be wondering why I'm doing this, right?" Wan Wan brought Xiu Mei's face closer to hers as she threw a piercing glare at her.

"Of course you don't know. Just like how you don't know that I was originally meant to be adopted earlier that year into the Ying family. That Sister Yue was going to become my family soon. But because of you! Your family! She died!!"

Overtaken by her emotions, Wan Wan slapped Xiu Mei almost making her fall to the ground again.

"You knew how much I liked Sister Yue back then. And just when she was going to become my family, you took her away from me! And you know what's worse? That is how she died and you survived." Blinded by her anger, Wan Wan continued to scream at her ear while pulling on Xiu Mei's hair. It seems like it was the only thing she could do right now to quell the rage she was felt right at this moment.

Wan Wan finally freed her hair from her grasp. Just when Xiu Mei thought that it was over, two men suddenly appeared beside Wan Wan. With her head, she gestured to them to pick her up. Both her arms were suddenly confined by the two men before they pulled her up to stand up. Barely able to stand on her own, they mercilessly dragged her to a different locked room.

They immediately pushed her inside the room and left. Wan Wan walked in just in time to see her pathetic figure lying on the wooden floor. Her hair completely disheveled, her entire appearance dirtied with the mud outside and bleeding wounds here and there.

Just by her appearance, no one would surely be able to recognize her as Xiu Mei at all. She simply looked very pathetic in contrast to the strong woman they see every day.

Xiu Mei's heavy breathing echoed inside the room, as she struggled to prop herself up with her injured arms. Wan Wan watched her support herself until she was finally able to sit upright.

"Sister Meimei, there's still one thing that I wanted to do to you." Wan Wan opened her mouth again while looking straight at Xiu Mei with complete disgust visible in her eyes. She clearly disdained her, but her desire to watch her crawl on the ground made her mood better.

Xiu Mei's movement paused.

What is it that she wanted to do to her again? Wasn't she contented enough to see her reduced so pathetically like this?

She raised her head to look boldly at Wan Wan. Her foreheads creased but her eyes glowed up with fearlessness. Xiu Mei definitely won't back down and completely give in to her wishes. She can torture her and hit her how much she wants but Xiu Mei would never beg and fulfill her desire.

Wan Wan walked over to where she was and knelt in front of her again. Then she reached out to her.

Xiu Mei slightly flinched but she instantly tried to hide her emotions. She let Wan Wan's finger brush along her cheeks and hair as if she were touching some kind of precious porcelain. Wan Wan's gaze wandered around her face as if she was studying her face.

"Sister Meimei is truly a wealthy man's daughter ah." Wan Wan coldly spat out. "Your face still looks very captivating despite your pathetic appearance. Rather, this pitiful appearance of yours can bewitch any men instead to take pity on you."

Xiu Mei swallowed her saliva as she carefully listened to her words.

Her gaze slightly trembled when she tried to read the message between her words. Wan Wan's words echoed inside her head when she said she learned how Ying Yue died. And then listening to her remark just now, her mind suddenly made a scary assumption to what Wan Wan was planning.

And she was right.

Wan Wan's cold expression distorted into a scary smile. And then she laid her judgment before her heartlessly.

"Then the men I prepared for you tonight will surely enjoy you."

Wan Wan stared at her expression for a few more seconds to see Xiu Mei's reaction. She wanted to see the color drain from her face and become filled with dread but instead, all she saw was Xiu Mei's unchanging bold gaze as if she wasn't scared at all of what she just said.

The anger in her heart bubbled up again but Wan Wan held it back. She comforted herself as she thought of Xiu Mei's personality. If Xiu Mei still wasn't moved by what she said, then Wan Wan could just watch her expression during the deed.

Wouldn't it be a loss on her part if she didn't enjoy it to the fullest?

Her men violating Xiu Mei. Just like what happened to her Sister Yue.

If it's like this, the rage in her heart may dissipate even for a bit.

As soon as Wan Wan left the room, Xiu Mei let out all the breath she was holding in. Gone was her strong and fearless front but replaced by her, gasping for air and clutching her chest.

Her panic attack was already worse, and with Wan Wan's statement, it made it even worst.

Xiu Mei narrowed her eyes at the locked door while clutching her chest.

Lu Chen, where are you?

She chanted that question in her mind for how many times.

Looking at Wan Wan's hatred at her, Xiu Mei knew that Wan Wan was very serious when she said that. And she'll surely do it very soon.

She was afraid. She was very scared if that truly happens.

Recalling what she went through when she was kidnapped before and thinking about the possibility that she will go through at it again tonight, it would be a lie if she wasn't horrified at all.

She was already barely holding on with her slipping consciousness. If she really fainted right now, who knows if she'll wake up all bare and n.a.k.e.d after getting feasted upon by Wan Wan's men.

After that, Xiu Mei wasn't sure if she'll still be able to take it, if her mind would be able to accept it at all.

Her old thoughts resurfaced.

Wouldn't it be better to die instead of going through that torment again?

After all, it was she who knew better than any else how much torment and pain that kidnapping brought her aside from Ying Yue's death.