Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?-Chapter 406 - 229: Finally Stood Up! _3

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Chapter 406: Chapter 229: Finally Stood Up! _3

His elder brother maintained close ties with these three families, their joint visit could possibly be orchestrated by him.

She Ruan naturally perceived all these happenings as a struggle between himself and She Rui.

He may not have any certainty in his heart, but he must not lose in terms of demeanor!

If he failed to outshine She Rui in terms of demeanor, he might as well give up on the position of the She Family’s Master!

She Ruan’s mind was filled with anxiety, but he maintained a pretentious air of arrogance on his face.

As if he had the upper hand in discussions with Jianmu, and the visits of the other three families were to seek his favor.

The attitude of She Ruan had somewhat taken She Rui by surprise.

She Rui had never imagined that She Ruan could actually establish ties with Jianmu.

A disciple of a Grandmaster Creator wouldn’t have to fuss much over his servant unless Jianmu had other intentions towards She Wan.

Only under such circumstances would She Ruan dare to take charge so boldly.

The intimacy between She Ruan and Jianmu would greatly affect the other three families’ considerations of entering a partnership with Rui.

Thinking of this, She Rui’s face turned somber.

He himself had set a trap for She Ruan, but ended up being maneuvered by She Ruan instead.

She Rui’s usual smile began to fade from his face.

She Rui snorts in his heart.

He hoped that She Ruan could truly invite Jianmu, and make him deign to attend the She Family’s banquet!

Otherwise, even if you beg Jianmu to heal Grandpa’s Guardian Beast, you won’t become the master of the She Family!

The She Family must consider their relationships with the other families.

While the Lu Du Five Clans are competitors in business, their fates are intertwined, sharing both honor and disgrace!

Over the years, the Five Clans of Lu Du had nurtured many forces in Lu City, suppressing just as many in the process.

Otherwise, how could the Five Clans of Lu Du shine forever like stars in the territory of Lu City?

Drinking cup after cup of strong tea, seeing the day begin to break, She Ruan’s heart sank.

But on She Wan’s say-so that she would get an answer from Fang Mu whether he agrees or not, She Ruan decided to wait for a bit more.

Seeing the phone ring, and it turned out to be a call from She Wan.

In his eagerness to pick up the phone, She Ruan’s left thumb was trembling slightly.

She Ruan knew very well that the moment he answered the call, it would only be heaven or hell.

With a deep breath, She Ruan picked up the phone and spoke in a deep voice.

“Girl, just tell me the result directly!”

Upon hearing how She Ruan addressed her, She Wan instantly realized how nervous he was.

Ever since she was chosen as the She Family’s Noble Girl, her father had not addressed her in this manner.

Because the term “girl” suggested that she was still in the boudoir and was not befitting of a Noble Lady’s status.

A Noble Lady is supposed to represent the younger female generation of the family, a presence set high above!

She Wan did not beat around the bush with She Ruan and said straightforwardly.

“Dad, the young master doesn’t want to participate in the family banquet, but he is willing to see grandpa.”

“Grandpa’s Guardian Beast should be saved!”

She Wan knew what her father needed most right now was assurance.

So She Wan continued to speak.

“The young master gave me a brocade box, and the elixirs inside it are enough to heal the origins of grandpa’s wounded Guardian Beast.”

“It can even further enhance grandpa’s Guardian Beast’s strength!”

“But these resources are given to me by the young master, and I can’t secretly give them to grandpa without his permission.”

Upon hearing She Wan’s words, She Ruan was taken aback.

Due to the immense size of his father’s Giant Toothed Whale, the potions it would consume would be at least five times as much as an ordinary Guardian Beast. She Ruan was astonished that Fang Mu had given She Wan, so many resources to enhance her strength!

From this, it could be inferred how much Fang Mu valued his daughter.

The despondency in She Ruan’s heart was instantly put to rest.

Even if Fang Mu was unwilling to help in healing the old master’s Guardian Beast, he generously provided resources for She Wan.

The old master would have to consider that making She Rui the Family Head might cause She Wan’s discontent.

She Wan had a great talent and a strong foundation since childhood.

With the pouring in of so many resources from the Grandmaster Creator, her future would be limitless!

The She family would not push out a strong person who could serve as the face of the family, especially since Fang Mu had agreed to She Wan’s request.

Now, She Ruan was completely unperturbed by She Rui!

It is highly possible that after this meeting, he will gain the upper hand in the struggle with She Rui.

Just as She Ruan couldn’t help but want to roar with laughter, he heard She Wan continue to speak.

“Dad, the young master also told me that if I need anything in the future, I could ask him directly.”

“He will help whenever he can!”

“But you should also understand, if I keep troubling the young master for the family matters.”

“Even if the young master doesn’t mind, his master might bear some thoughts.”

“So, if you can avoid asking for help from the young master, try not to.”

“But at your crucial moments, I would certainly ask the young master for help!”

She Wan relayed Fang Mu’s promise to She Ruan in turn to reassure him and boost his confidence.

Simultaneously, She Wan trusted that her father would consider her feelings and would not trouble her to seek Fang Mu’s help too often for family matters.

Hearing She Wan’s words, She Ruan’s fists clenched and a feeling of exuberance swelled in his heart.

Finally, he stood tall!

Regardless of the personnel from Zhao, He, and Wu families who came to exert pressure on him last night or the Gao family who has not shown up yet.

He now can confront them all without hesitation.

What Fang Mu said to She Wan gave She Ruan a boost of confidence.

When the other four clans realize that they can’t establish a relationship with Fang Mu but can exchange Creator resources through him.

They would naturally want to appease him.

After the call, She Wan felt very relieved.

She Wan gained confidence in Fang Mu’s trust and regard for her and also resolved her father’s problem.

She Wan felt a sense of accomplishment she hadn’t felt in a long time.

After hanging up the phone, She Ruan was overly excited and couldn’t sleep.

The old master falls asleep as soon as it gets dark and gets up at dawn to exercise at the Martial Arts Arena behind the old house.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fгeewebnovёl.co𝙢.

Having changed his clothes, She Ruan planned to see the old master right now and inform him about this matter.

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