Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen-Chapter 245 - Viscount Prothus (3)

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Chapter 245 - Viscount Prothus (3)

?Ambassador Zolokis?? Alexander mutters, narrowing his brows. He clenched the knife with his gloved hand, but he soon relaxes, remembering the situation we're in.

He's now used to cutting food with his left hand since he doesn't take the glove off before sleep. Months have passed from the day he was injured. There must be a scar on his palm, but I've never seen it because he hides it away.

Is it because of me?

But most of all, is this the right moment to think about this? There are more urgent matters.

For example, the fact that my uncle passed by here and decided to mess around. The Viscount isn't a noble from the court. His fief isn't all that vast, but it has quite the population. f𝘳𝚎𝐞we𝐛𝑛𝐨𝘃e𝘭.co𝘮

People live off agriculture and livestock, especially cows. They do not eat the meat but make cheese and other similar products. One should be able to live well in these conditions, but somehow peasants are impoverished and hungry.

For years, the local lords have ignored the possibility that the population could rebel and continued their cruel acts without fear. Only after Alexander passed by and solved the immediate issues, peace ruled for something like a week.

Soon after rising to power, the new Viscount, son of the previous one, followed his father's steps and even surpassed him in cruelty.

Selling people, though, isn't something that could have come to his mind on its own. Ethiro doesn't permit slaves.

The servants are treated in a harsh way, paid too little to be considered free, but they do not belong to their masters. They're free to go whenever they want, that's true, but they can be exchanged among two lords without any issue.

However, peasants do not belong to the administrator of the fief but to the land itself. Sending them away isn't allowed, as they're bound to the fields they work.

At first, I suspected the Viscount was allocating the villagers towards another less populated area. But now that the Ambassador's name has been mentioned, another possibility crossed my mind.

Asteria does allow slavery. One can buy and sell people as long as they have the documents declaring that those people aren't free. They can't just kidnap someone on the road and sell them.

There are two ways to acquire new slaves. The first one is war. Prisoners can be sold to repay the costs of the war. There's nothing to worry about in that case since they already aren't free.

However, Asteria hasn't started a war in years. And the last that had place didn't bring an income of slaves.

The only choice remaining, right now, is to import slaves from abroad.

If my uncle was here to cause havoc, he might have proposed the Viscount to sell the peasant to Asteria...

Why here? Maybe, because of the centrality of the area. This position is delicate, and a rebellion would destabilise Ethiro.

According to Alexander, this already happened once. Pushing the local lord to act harshly would have resulted in the population starting a revolution.

?Yes, him,? the Viscount answers. ?He didn't find a place in the inn and came here instead, so I hosted him for a couple of days. He's an interesting person... Do you know him, perhaps??

The man's eyes are now shining, suspicious as if he already knew that we know the Ambassador. Is he setting some trap, for goodness? Such an evident trick...

?Yes, I do. He's the Ambassador resident in Kyre. Asteria opened an embassy in Albios a few years ago. I've talked with him quite a few times.?

?Is that so?? the Viscount utters, smiling weirdly.

His lips almost touch the ears from how much his grin is wide.

?I was surprised you admitted you knew him so easily,? Alexander comments. ?Have you already heard of our plan??

The Viscount blinks a couple of times, leaning back on the chair.

?No, I haven't,? he admits. ?But I would be happy to help. After all, thanks to your grace, I succeeded my father. I owe you that much.?

He leans back on the chair and observes us with the stare of a jackal.

?In exchange, I want to be admitted at court.?

?Sure,? Alexander nods, ?you'll be at court very soon.?

?We can consider ourselves allies, then.?

?I didn't make a mistake to delay my journey to come here...?

?Indeed, your grace.?

?Ambassador Zolokis is on our side,? Alexander continues.

?Family is family,? the Viscount chuckles.

?My wife has some use, after all...?

?Be aware that Asteria's noble will become clingy, your grace.?

?We'll solve that problem when it comes,? my husband says. Is he talking about getting rid of me? Oh, that would make sense.

Once taken the throne, my role would be absolved.

The Viscount nods; these thoughts are evident on his face. He's no good at hiding his thoughts. That must be how my uncle managed to manipulate him this easily.

?I need to meet with someone from Asteria to send a missive, but it has to be secret,? Alexander continues. ?The Ambassador hinted that you might know a way to cross the border without being discovered.?

?I do,? the Viscount replies. ?And I will show you if you have patience and stay two days more.?

?Two days??

?Some people will visit me the day after tomorrow,? he explains. ?You can entrust the missive to them. They will deliver it to the recipient, I'm sure of it.?

?That's good,? Alexander sighs. ?I was worried I travelled so much for nothing.?

?Yes, sure,? the Viscount mutters. ?I'm happy to be of help.?

Just like that, my husband reached our prior goal. He'll be present the moment the exchange is done.

I'll have to praise him later for being smart and also so skilled at acting. I'm almost afraid by his words right now.

But most of all, I'm proud. And a little excited, but just a little.

It's not like I needed to see him at work, lying and manipulating for his purposes, to realise how handsome and competent he is.

But all of this makes him even more attractive to my eyes.