Cursed Immortality-Chapter 732: Cursed Heart Moved!

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Chapter 732: Cursed Heart Moved!

After Jacob refined all the blood, he frowned because he only got around 45% of the cursed blood from such a huge amount of blood. This clearly means that the Unique Rank blood has almost lost its effect on him, and the next time he refines the same quantity of blood, he might not get even half of it.

Even this high percentage was all because this blood belonged to myriad races, so the first time he refined it, he got a higher value.

Nonetheless, Jacob found that just as Immortika told him, nothing out of sorts happened, and he appeared to be completely fine. But just to be safe, he decided to turn this cursed blood into a longevity schema!

Jacob then quickly removed his clothing, revealing 80% of his skeleton body. Furthermore, in his empty stomach area, a glowing blue sphere filled with tiny white dots revolved like a blue star. This was his water magic core, which was revealed after his last sculpting session.

Jacob was worried at that time and thought that the magic core might escape his body once there was nothing there to hold it, but his worries were for nothing. The Water Magic Core remained at its position, and Jacob still felt his connection with it; in fact, he felt closer to it than ever before. fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

Nevertheless, it was still strange to see his magic core within his body like this, and he might never get used to it. That's why he didn't dare to reveal his body in front of others, as this magic core was an obvious target.

Now, he was about to sculpt the longevity schema on the rest of his rib cage, especially the area around his heart. He didn't know if his cursed heart would also be absorbed in his bones like his other organs, and Immortika refused to comment on its ether. He was about to find -out, though.

After calming down, he started to sculpt the longing scheme, starting with his right breast. Last time, Jacob had already sculpted the 6 false ribs and 4 floating ribs. Now, only 14 True Ribs, the Sternum, and half of his spine remain.

Jacob started the sculpting from the seventh true rib on the right side. 89 runic lines were supposed to be sculpted on each true rib, and this process was extremely delicate, not to mention painful.

So, Jacob made sure no one disturbed him during this time. He dug out a deep tunnel below the church and filled it with many powerful traps and arrays. After all, he can't take any risks with his progress in Cursed Immortality.

It took Jacob four days, between resting during Cursed Immortality's summoning cooldown period, to complete the right side of the true ribs and sternum, and he stopped after completing the right clavicle.

Now, below his neck, only the left side had skin, and his entire upper body had turned into a skeleton. Around 17% of the cursed blood remained, which Jacob mused should be enough to complete the rest of the true ribs on the left side, or at least 6 of them.

Furthermore, after he completes the sternum and one of his clavicles, a half-glowing red sphere with a fiery aura appears within his empty skeleton, just like the water magic orb; it is the fire magic orb.

Furthermore, Jacob also noticed an ethereal tiny black hole within the xiphoid process of his sternum, and he instantly recognized it as his Solar Plexus, as he could sense Autarch's presence within it.

Moreover, the longevity scheme's glyphs, which were sculpted around the solar plexus, seemed to have a strange effect on this black hole because when Jacob thought about how troublesome it was for it to be on display like this, the black hole suddenly twisted, turned into a tiny infinity symbol, and could appear again with a thought.

Jacob was astounded when he noticed this strange effect as he looked at the crimson infinity symbol, which was exactly like his mystic signature thoughtfully. But since it was quite convenient to have, he was content and quickly started to work on the side of his heart, which was the part he was most worried yet expectancy about.

After taking a break until he was able to summon Cursed Immortality again, Jacob started the true ribs of his left breast.

Time slowly passed for Jacob as he endured the intense pain while completely focusing on sculpting the longevity schema. Furthermore, Jacob noticed the pain he was feeling while sculpting the longevity schema above his heart was more intense than he had experienced previously.

It took almost eight days to fully exhaust the cursed blood and sculpt all his true ribs on his left side.

However, when he saw the result, he was shocked because, for the first time, Jacob saw the appearance of his pulsing cursed heart! He always has been curious about what kind of change the first stage would have brought him. But this was something he had never imagined.

He thought that his heart might be filled with runes or glyphs or would be of different color and size, yet although the color was indeed different, the heart's entire shape and structure were different. Moreover, the hex core was revolving within the section of his cursed heart, giving off a profound yet vile aura he was familiar with, and whenever the heart pulsed, it released a crimson glow.

This chapt𝒆r is updated by frёewebηovel.cѳm.

Jacob finally understood why Immortika had told him that the cursed heart was the very foundation of his physique and that it was far more than just a simple heart.

Furthermore, the moment he was done sculpting the rib cage above his heart, the cursed heart didn't get absorbed into his bones like the rest of his organs and skin.

But it was far from over. The moment his cursed heart was revealed, it suddenly trembled, and Jacob's entire body shuddered with cold chills.

The next moment, under Jacob's flabbergasted gaze, the cursed heart suddenly started to move from its initial position and slowly flow toward the center of his rib cage.

When it completely aligned with the center of his rib cage, it started to pulse strongly, and the crimson glow intensified, almost making his heart appear like a glowing star and releasing an icy-cold current all over his body.

It was as if his cursed heart was about to do something, but the moment the cold current reached his neck, the heart quivered violently, making Jacob almost lose his mind. Then, suddenly, the cold current retracted back to his heart, and the cursed heart slowly started to return to its original position before it suddenly vanished with the hex core from view!

Jacob was paled with trepidation and shocked when he noticed the cursed heart was gone, but he could clearly feel its presence right where it had vanished. It was as if the heart was hiding on its own and waiting for the right time to emerge again!