Cursed Immortality-Chapter 739: Constellation Arbiter of…!

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Chapter 739: Constellation Arbiter of…!

After that day, Diminutive kept delivering Jacob's blood containers, but despite the huge amount, the cursed blood condensed from them was minuscule.

Jacob knew that he had reached the limit of condensing cursed blood from the Unique Rank species, and he now needed blood vitality from three steps of the legend rank species.

As for Elia, she suddenly fell into a slumber right after she bound the Liber Chaotica with herself, and a devil face mark was pulsing over her forehead continuously. Jacob decided to keep her in the secret chamber and allocate a puppet of Autarch to keep an eye on her. If anything happened or if he needed to leave, he would take her into the infinity pendant.

Nonetheless, Jacob knew that if he wanted to complete the longevity schema, he couldn't remain a bystander anymore. That's why he summoned Veronica to discuss the next phase of the plan with her.

While Jacob was getting the blood from locusts and the species of the conflict plains, the number of people alive on the conflict plains decreased to a dangerous level while the locust army seemed to be endlessly pouring into the conflict plains.

When the population of the conflict plains dropped by over sixty percent, this triggered a critical single in something hidden deep in the fabric of space.

Within a continental-sized space filled with countless shimmering runes, a massive ethereal gray octahedron pulsing with neon radiance hovered.

At this moment, SAAI's voice suddenly rang from the octahedron, but this voice wasn't static; instead, it was feminine and icy.

"A Red Tier report has been submitted by the Lesser Galaxy of Taurus!

"Investigation the 'Red Tier' report took priority!

"Opening and decrypting data package!

"Extinction level threat has been discovered!

"Threat: Ice Fiend Locust belongs to Forbidden Spices: Fantastic Insect Race!

"Gathering date from Unique Plains Star Servers.

"Progress: 1%...5%...18%....39%...88...99%...100%

"All the data has been gathered!

"Sending the date and requesting permission to trigger 'Extreme Respond' from Z.O.D.I.A.C!"

Suddenly, a few seconds later, an ethereal hominid neon figure appeared right in front of the massive octahedron,

"I'm the Constellation Arbiter of the Will of Z.O.D.I.A.C, Virgo!" A warm voice suddenly rang.

Suddenly, the countless runes in the space lit up, and a light suddenly released from the octahedron on the neon figure before it vanished almost instantly.

"Constellation Arbiter of the Will of Z.O.D.I.A.C, Virgo, identity confirmed!"

The figure, or Constellation Arbiter, wasn't bothered by it and asked impassively, "What triggered the birth of Queen Ice Fiend Locust?"

"We do not have substantial information about it, but there are two prospects!

"The first possibility with 30% probability is: 124,994 years ago, when a Void Calamity (Zodiac Beast) mysteriously escaped the Star Ocean Boundary of the Unique Plains of Lesser Galaxy of Taurus, an exception was made and the Servant of *#@&?/#* was dispatched, by the *#@&?/#* and it seemed that where the servant killed the Void Calamity. Although we retrieve the corpse, the remains of such a high-intensity battle and the Void Calamity's blood could trigger mutation in any locust-type species with a trace of Fantastic Incent genes present there and can birth the Queen Ice Fiend Locust!

"The Second possibility, with 80% probability, is when the Fantasy Insect Pirate Lord tried to infiltrate the lesser Galaxy of Taurus for a reason still unknown, but it happened during the time when we released the Dark Ruins Plains Trail in the Rare Plains of the Lesser Galaxy of Taurus, which seemed to belong to the fiefdom of a Baron from the Heretical Insect Shaman Kingdom. There is a high possibility that the Fantasy Insect Pirate Lord had released eggs in the Lesser Galaxy of Taurus, so when they hatch and reach a certain maturity stage, the Fantasy Insect Pirate Lord can take control over them!"

The neon light around the Constellation Arbiter shimmered slightly as its amusing voice rang, "What could've compelled the notorious Fantasy Insect Pirate Lord, who even the *#@&?/#* is searching for high and low to take such a risk?"

"I have examined the trail Dark Ruins many times, but there was nothing there out of the ordinary that could pose any threat to the Zodiac Plains."

"Maybe no, as it exists. Anyway, since he failed, the Dark Ruins have long been clear, so there is no point in dwelling on this matter. But still, since *#@&?/#* might be involved in this, sanction an appropriate fine according to the probability and send it directly to *#@&?/#*.

"The Fantasy Insect Pirate Lord has broken multiple rules, and this variable occurrence has the most probability to be related to him, so raise its criminal level one more start and reveal its current location to his enemies once every 1000 years starting from now until he can drop his criminal level by three stars,

"You are authorized to initiate the 'Extreme Respond' protocol." The Constellation Arbiter impassively issued its verdict as if it was doing something trifled, but the people involved in those commands were anything but ordinary.

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"Authorization received!

"Initiating the Extreme Respond protocol according to the Zodiac Plains' Planetary Rules and Regulations!

"Starting to send the instruction to the living beings and dark beings!

"Given Extreme Respond Time will be: 3000 Days

"If the extension-level threat isn't dealt with within the given time, the restriction on the Star Ocean Boundary of the Lesser Galaxy of Taurus will be released to initiate the Lesser Plains Reset!"

The Constellation Arbiter seemed to be nodded in satisfaction, and it was about to leave when SAAI said something unexpected.

"There is another report on a small anomaly. Since I can't judge if this is an anomaly or not, and since you're here, I'm hoping you can judge it for me."

The Constellation Arbiter suddenly stopped as the neon light around it intensified a little, "State your conundrum, child."

"The Centum Millennium Path of Legend of this term was supposed to open in 34 years, but for an unknown reason, it's been 54 years, and it still hasn't shown any signs of opening. I don't know if this is an anomaly or a Space/Time error on my part!"

"An error with the Philosopher Heart of Tesseract's replica? That's impossible." The Constellation Arbiter muttered in a rare solemn tone before it shone brightly. "It seemed that while our attention was elsewhere, someone was stirring up trouble. I'll look into it! Continue to monitor this anomaly, and report to me if you find anything!"