Dark Magus Returns-Chapter 902: The End Of Pagna

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Chapter 902: The End Of Pagna

Like a flick of a switch, everyone had witnessed the all-powerful Dark Magus, who had been dominating everything in his path, suddenly fall to the ground.

It was a strange sight to see, and no one quite knew how to react. It was as if a large natural disaster had suddenly stopped—the ground shaking, the tornado coming to an end. There was a slight fear that it could start up again at any second, or perhaps a moment of relief that everything was finally over.

It wasn't just the Behemoth Clan members who were left alive who felt relieved, but also those behind the wall of Flendon.

"It's over," Alba said, watching in the distance. "Raze must have been using his power, pushing himself to the point where it completely stopped."

Of course, Alba and the rest of the Crimson Crane didn't really have a full picture of what was going on or what had happened. They had no idea about Safa's demise or what had caused Raze to end up in such a state.

"Safa!" Simyon called out as he rushed over to give her his shoulder. He had been holding onto her the entire time, but in the midst of the fighting, the power had forced Simyon to let go of her. He had been looking for her body while Raze was fighting the two brothers, but it was nowhere to be found. So right now, he couldn't understand—how was it that Safa was standing?

Even if she had strong Light magic and the special Lux Spear's capabilities, there had been a giant wound on her stomach.

When Simyon went to look at her stomach, he could see there was no wound at all. Instead, he just saw her smooth, pale skin and belly button.

His face went a little red from staring so hard.

"You can look away, you know," Safa said.

"Sorry, I just… What happened? How are you alive? I'm just so happy you're still here," Simyon said.

"I'm not really sure myself. I have a feeling it has something to do with the special Lux Spear. It feels like part of it helped me," she answered. "But I'm not sure if it can do that again. Regardless, we need to check on Raze!"

Safa hadn't fully witnessed what Raze had done or what he had been capable of. There was no memory at all for her after she had been attacked by Sha Mo—it was as if she had truly died in those moments. Yet she knew in an instant that the old man who had been fighting was Raze, not the brother she used to know.

She realized something must have happened, so she had shouted at the top of her lungs to show she was okay. Now that she had seen Raze collapse like that, she felt somewhat responsible. His body had been holding onto that form of power—all because of her.

As for Raze, who was lying flat on the field, he was quite far from the wall of Flendon. He had pushed himself outward, getting into the middle of the large army. When the large earth wall had fallen, many of the warriors had fled, running back to their homes or who knew where.

However, there were still some who were relatively close to Raze. They had been saved from the fight with the two brothers, but their eyes were filled with anger as they looked at their fallen friends and allies.

"He's passed out. He must have used all his power. This is it—we can get him!" One warrior drew his sword, and several others followed. They no longer had a desire to attack Flendon, but if they could kill the Dark Magus after everything he had put them through, they would be satisfied.

Several men charged toward Raze, but before they could reach him, a high-pitched sound echoed. Their vision went black as their bodies were sliced in half and fell to the floor.

Han could be seen holding his flute up to his mouth. His clothes were badly damaged, and there were several markings on his body.

On the other side, flipping through the air and landing in front of another group was Fing. The warriors stopped in their tracks, but it was too late. A twist of Fing's hand sent a strange Qi through the air, making the warriors feel like their bodies were being crushed. With a single punch, their limbs were torn from their bodies and flung across the battlefield.

"That was satisfying after taking such a beating," Fing said.

"What's going on?!" one of the warriors shouted. "Weren't they just fighting that man a while ago? Why are they protecting him? It makes no sense."

Fing wiped the blood from his hand and looked at the remaining warriors.

"You think we'd let you just take him out while he's worn out like that?" Fing said. "We would never let you touch this man. That fight was to decide the pecking order between us, and it's quite clear—he is now Brother Number One!"

Rayna was surprised to hear those words from her brother, and she could see that Han was nodding in agreement, clearly acknowledging it as well.

"These guys are crazy! Come on, let's get out of here!" one of the Behemoth Clan members yelled. With that, the remaining members turned and fled the battlefield.

Andy and the other guards saw this and erupted into cheers.

"The war is over!" Andy shouted. "The town of Flendon and the Dark Magus have defeated the Behemoth Clan!"

More cheers erupted, and the citizens who had been hiding in their homes started to come out. They were wondering if their ears were playing tricks on them. Could it really be over?

Out on the field, Rayna and the others slowly walked over to where Raze lay. His appearance had reverted to his younger self.

"Raze…" Rayna said, falling to her knees and stroking the back of his head, running her fingers through his hair. It was something she had never been able to do. Sometimes she just wanted to give him a hug—he always looked like he needed it.

"What happened to you?" Rayna said, her voice full of tears. "What happened to you that made you like this?"

Right now, Raze was trapped in deep dreams about his past—a past filled with pain and suffering that didn't end with Sabrina. There was more to Raze's story, more pain that couldn't be forgotten.

Standing far back, Lince watched everything unfold.

"This is the catalyst that's going to change everything. First the Dark Faction is thrown into chaos, and now the Demonic Faction... The Light Faction will be making its move. And from what I know, it might not be enough. But I guess you knew that too, Belil, which is why you sent your two sons here. It can't be a coincidence."

"The end of Pagna is near..."