Detective Ghost Empress-Chapter 436: There really is a ghost?
The concubine who saw the ghost of the hunting ground was beyond listening to any kind of reasoning, she was shivering, trembling and getting sick all over again and again, it was like an endless cycle, even if Liu Hui Ying wanted to ask her anything, she could only wait for her to stop shivering like a little rabbit.
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It took the concubine at least ten minutes before she finally calmed down and Liu Hui Ying opened her mouth to ask what she saw at once,
" Umm Concubine …" She did not know the name of the concubine which was why she had turned and looked at Nanny Gong who immediately answered her query, "It's concubine Han," The voice of Nanny Gong was barely above a whisper which was only heard by Liu Hui Ying who turned to look at the woman who was crying and once again opened her mouth to say, " Concubine Han, what did you see——"
" WAHHHH!" No sooner did Liu Hui Ying ask that question than the woman started to cry again as if she was going to die if she was to answer that question. The cries of the concubine were so heart-wrenching that the ones who were surrounding Concubine Han glared at Liu Hui Ying as if blaming her for not having enough tact.
Liu Hui Ying of course sensed that she was being disdained and was speechless, what was this? She was only asking the question which was obviously the most important question at this moment! Why were they glaring at her as if she was in the wrong? She naturally did not do anything wrong, damn it!
" Please don't mind the queen, Concubine Han," at that moment a gentle voice which was filled with slight annoyance spoke as Zhai Tianyu came to stand next to Liu Hui Ying and spoke to Concubine Han. " The queen can be a bit heartless when it comes to solving her own troubles without caring about others."
As he spoke scathingly to Liu Hui Ying, the latter knew that he was still upset with what happened earlier. Liu Hui Ying wished she could glare at the man for speaking a bit too much but before she could even turn her head and look at the man, concubine Han who was crouching on the ground turned around and threw herself in the arms of Zhai Tianyu.
" Your majesty boohoo, I am really scared!" She cried while holding Zhai Tianyu by his waist causing the latter to be speechless, he only said those things because he wanted to scold Liu Hui Ying who used her wits to treat him like a fool but he did not expect that this concubine of his would throw herself in his arms.
He raised his head and this time it was Liu Hui Ying's turn to glare at him.
" Concubine Han, please act properly," Zhai Tianyu cleared his throat as he turned to look at the maid and nanny of concubine Han as he asked them to take their mistress away. " We are in public, you cannot pounce on me like that——-"
" Is he trying to say that she can pounce on him when they are alone?" Li Gang gasped and even though the rest could not hear him, Zhai Tianyu could hear what he was saying which made Zhai Tianyu glare at him but Li Gang was not at all bothered by his glare instead he turned and looked at Liu Hui Ying and added, " Hui Ying this son of a gun most probably lied to you, he doesn't look like a virgin who has no experienced whatsoever.
Look at how he is flirting with that Concubine, does he look unskilled to you?"
His words caused Liu Hui Ying to narrow her eyes while Zhai Tianyu stared speechlessly at the ghost who was trying to drive a wedge between him and Liu Hui Ying, who was this? What was he doing? Don't tell him that he was interested in Liu Hui Ying which was why he was trying to pull the rug from under his feet.
Zhai Tianyu did not know what son of a gun meant but he knew that it was nothing good, which was why he cleared his throat and then pushed concubine Han to the side where her nanny was and then none too gently asked in a soft voice, " What is the matter, my dear Concubine what did you see? You can tell me I promise to hear what you have to say."
The concubine who was lying in the arms of her nanny was a bit annoyed that she was pushed away so easily but she still did not forget to act a bit scared. Now that she was with someone, she no longer felt scared and her trembling also subsided a bit as she opened her lips and then answered in a polite voice, "It is like this…I was sleeping but then I felt that something was looking at me.
I did not know what was going on, your majesty … I mean other than you and my maids no one is allowed to enter my tent. I thought that I was thinking too much which was why I continued sleeping."
As she spoke she looked at Zhai Tianyu bashfully who speechlessly looked at her before turning to look at Liu Hui Ying who raised a brow at him causing him to lower his head a bit.
Concubine Han did not have any idea that she had created strifes in the love life of Zhai Tianyu instead she was still speaking passionately, "But then the icky feeling did not go away which was why I opened my eyes and then turned to look at the entrance of the flap and I saw that someone was standing outside without moving!"
"This scared me but I still thought that I should go and warn that person who was standing outside the tent, but as soon as I moved the thing inside also started to move as it turned around and walked away, it annoyed me, I thought that someone was pranking me but then I heard it" with her eyes popping concubine Han's voice hushed up a bit as she added, " The Song of eternal peace, the one that the woman sang before dying."