Devil's Son-in-Law-Chapter 1181: Sophia

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Chapter 1181: Sophia

Chen Rui and the 3 others followed Stanwell out of the palace. Zola thought about it and asked, “Elder Stanwell, there is something I want to ask you.”

“Please speak.” Stanwell looked extremely respectful. Zola was no ordinary elder, but someone whose strength was far superior to the Royal Majesty Dragon Emperor. She deserved to be the number one person in the Dragon Valley, not to mention that there was a man with unfathomable power who actually defeated Raphael!

If that ‘brother-in-law’ at the beginning came true… Stanwell secretly smiled bitterly, but Loraine had a very bad impression of ‘Richard’, let alone whether the other party would like his sister. He also couldn’t do it if he were to sell his sister for glory.

Zola didn’t know the unconstrained thinking in Stanwell’s mind. She just asked, “Why did my mommy Meria make such a request just now? Also, when Royal Majesty Pagris mentioned Aunt Sophia and the golden dragon saliva flower, he seemed weird. What’s the story behind it ?”

“There is indeed an unspeakable secret here.” Stanwell nodded, “Elder Zola, after you escaped marriage back then, uh… it has been more than 20,000 years since you left the Dragon Valley to train, so of course you don’t know what happened in the Dragon Valley during this time. In fact… it was during this time that a very unfortunate event befell Your Highness Sophia.”

“Unfortunate event?”

Stanwell sighed and spoke.

In fact, although Zola’s departure made Elder Pelin ashamed, this incident did not cause much follow-up reaction, because soon afterward, the Dragon Valley reported the good news that Queen Sophia was pregnant. It was quite difficult for dragons to conceive, not to mention that Pagris and Sophia were both super powerhouses, which was a great joy for the holy dragon family and the Dragon Valley. That child was likely to become the next Dragon Emperor. Compared to Zola’s escaping marriage, it seemed insignificant. Only Span and Meria were anxiously looking for the missing Zola.

Sophia, who was a mommy for the first time, was very excited. She made a lot of baby clothes and toys by herself. She also found the rarest golden dragon saliva flower with all effort. She carefully planted it as a future gift for her child.

Dragon Emperor Pagris, who was still at the peak stage of the Demi-God at that time, unexpectedly got a glimpse of the way to condense the Pseudo-Godhood. It could be described as double happiness. Pagris immediately chose to train behind closed doors. Anyway, the dragon descendants would take a long time from pregnancy to birth. It could be a few years at the earliest. Otherwise, 10 years, 100 years or even longer.

However, in the third year of Pagris closed-door training, a major event happened in the Dragon Valley. An elder of the holy dragon named Regner took advantage of Dragon Emperor’s closed-door training and Great Elder Meria searching for her daughter and launched a coup.

This coup was not an ordinary power struggle, but a terrifying battle to control and even destroy the entire Dragon Valley. Regner was the fallen one who had been infected by evil forces— This was exactly the same as what happened in the Jade Forest Sea back then. The culprit behind it was the Abyss.

In the fierce battle, Sophia was seriously injured and almost died. Fortunately, Meria rushed back in time after hearing the news, rescued Sophia, and led the remaining dragons to resist Regner and the fallen one. At this time, Pagris finally succeeded in advancing to the Pseudo-God and got out of the training. He killed Regner and the rebellion in one fell swoop to settle the catastrophe. It was a pity that although Sophia’s life was saved, the little life in her belly was annihilated.

Pagris was infuriated about this. During the siege against the Cloud Rider Empire, which was infected by the Abyss forces, Pagris did not care about the ‘Demi-God contract’ that restricted the super powerhouse to attack ordinary people and destroyed 7 cities in a row. Later, it was Gabriel of the Holy Church who stopped Pagris.

Sophia couldn’t take the loss of her baby and she almost collapsed. During those days, she didn’t eat or drink as she just guarded the golden dragon saliva flower that she originally prepared for her child and cried.

In the following years, the golden dragon saliva flower became Sophia’s last sustenance. She took care of it as her own child until now.

After Stanwell finished speaking, Chen Rui fell silent for a moment. Unexpectedly, there was a story about this golden longan flower. For Sophia, it was no longer a simple plant, but a child, and the sustenance of all longing and maternal love.

No wonder Pagris would reject his ‘any exchange’. No wonder Meria would still make such a request after Zola showed the strength of Pseudo-God peak stage.

Alice’s eyes were red. She lost her mother when she was very young, and she didn’t even leave any impression in her mind. She could only vaguely outline it from her sister’s description. Now that she heard about Sophia, she couldn’t hold back her tears.

Zola held Chen Rui’s hand tightly, inexplicably thinking of the sadness and anxiety of her parents after she ran away from home. Meanwhile, Lalaria, who was calm and composed when she faced the Dragon Emperor just now, also lowered her head in silence.

After a while, they had already arrived at the White Jade Palace.

The palace looked much simpler than expected. There was not a single guard or maid. Pagris and Sophia were a couple who went through difficulties together. Although he had married other wives, the position of queen had never changed. The reason why the White Jade Palace was like this was because after that unfortunate incident, Sophia dismissed all the attendants and stayed behind closed doors for many years. She just wanted to stay here alone with the golden dragon saliva flower.

However, Pagris had placed a powerful Dragon Inscription on the gate and its surroundings. Without Sophia’s permission, outsiders were generally unable to enter.

Stanwell came to the gate and spoke respectfully, “Your Highness Sophia, I’m here by the order of Royal Majesty Pagris.”

After a while, the inscription at the door disappeared. Stanwell led everyone through the door and went all the way to the garden behind the palace.

Compared with the simple facilities of the palace seen before, the garden looked lush and green. The plants planted were clearly taken care of carefully. In front was a woman with a thin face and wearing white clothes. The features of silver hair and golden eyes were precisely of the holy dragon family. Her temperament was also quite extraordinary, but the hair that should have been glowing was gray and dull. The original beauty and grace were covered by a haggard expression.

On the ground behind her, there was a half-foot-tall plant that was particularly conspicuous. Among the emerald green branches and leaves was a beautiful pale golden flower. It was full of spirituality and life force.

Golden dragon saliva flower!

The target was so close at hand. That woman was nothing more than an early stage of the Demi-God’s strength. Moreover, her combat power had obviously declined greatly, not to mention Chen Rui or Zola, even Lalaria could easily take it, but the 3 of them did not move. It was not only because of Meria’s order previously, but mostly because of the story Stanwell told.

“Your Highness Sophia.” Stanwell bowed. Sophia had saved his life back then. Although Stanwell’s strength had slightly surpassed Sophia, he still maintained respect from the bottom of his heart every time he met her.

“Elder Stanwell.” Sophia bowed back as she looked at Chen Rui and the others, “May I know what His Majesty wants you to convey?”

Stanwell hesitated for a moment before he finally gritted his teeth and said, “As per His Majesty’s order…”

Without waiting for Stanwell to continue, Chen Rui interrupted suddenly, “It’s just that we, the uninvited guests, want to pay a visit to Your Highness Sophia.”

“This is ……”

“Aunt Sophia, do you still remember me?” Zola said, “I’m Zola from the Rainbow Summit. I remember when I was young, you often took me to the mountains to get bamboo shoots and watch the rainbow after the rain.”

“You’re Elder Meria’s daughter, Zola?” Sophia showed a surprised expression, “As I remember, didn’t you leave the Dragon Valley back then? It seems to be to escape marriage…”

Stanwell said, “Uh… Your Highness Sophia, Elder Zola has returned to the Dragon Valley a few years ago. Royal Majesty Pagris also officiated the wedding for her.”

“Elder?” Sophia looked even more surprised.

“Elder Zola was praised by His Majesty as the Dragon Valley top genius…” Stanwell paused, and he did not mention the title of ‘top powerhouse’.

“It’s good that you can come back safely. Welcome home, Zola.” Sophia smiled slightly, “I’m sorry, Auntie hasn’t left here these years, nor have I participated in any activities, so I couldn’t attend your wedding.”

When Sophia said so, Zola felt even more guilty. She quickly shook her head to express that it was okay.

“By the way, these people are…”

“This Sir Richard is the husband of Elder Zola, this Her Highness Lalaria is the next Dragon Emperor of the Demon Realm, and this Princess Alice is the lord and first princess of the largest estate of the Demon Realm.”

These few words reveal a lot of information. Sophia couldn’t help being even more surprised: Zola’s husband? Stanwell’s attitude seems to be extremely respectful? And… the next Dragon Emperor of the Demon Realm? The lord of the largest estate of the Demon Realm? They are all little girls?

The Demon Realm… How did they all come to the Dragon Valley? Then Zola’s husband must be related to the Demon Realm, or maybe he is someone with a great background. Surprisingly, Pagris would agree to this kind of marriage and officiate the wedding himself?

Chen Rui nodded to Sophia, “I usually do a lot of research on plants. I heard that Your Highness Sophia also has the same interest. So I brought my 2 younger sisters to visit the White Jade Palace with Zola. Please forgive me for being presumptuous.”

Sophia looked at Zola, then at Chen Rui, then she nodded, “Sir Richard also likes plants?”

Chen Rui nodded, and a colorful mist loomed in his hand. Several plants have appeared on the ground, and they were actually ‘planted’ directly in the soil as if they were meant to be in this garden.

“This is the blue papyrus, and this is the magic grenade sapling…”

“These plants are all special varieties of the Demon Realm.” Sophia took a deep look at Chen Rui, “It’s simply magical. Storage equipment can’t store such vibrant plants. Could this be… Pseudo-God’s sub-kingdom power?”

Chen Rui felt the implicit meaning in Sophia’s gaze. The Royal Highness Queen is obviously a very smart woman. She has vaguely inferred my level of strength from Stanwell’s respectful attitude, and she has not been diverted by the power of the colorful garden. I’m afraid our intentions can’t be concealed…

Sophia’s eyes were fixed on Stanwell who seemed a bit reserved. She was silent for a moment, then she asked sadly, “Is it his order?”

There was a hint of sadness in this voice. Stanwell didn’t dare to meet Sophia’s eyes as he lowered his head, “Yes.”

Sophia sighed, “The one who released that powerful breath just now must be this Sir Richard. Even in this corner full of inscriptions and isolated from the world, I can clearly feel the coercion that overrides everything. Only the golden dragon saliva flower can attract such a powerhouse to a small place like mine.”

Stanwell bowed his head and said, “Actually, it was Elder Zola who released that kind of power breath.”

Sophia was startled as she looked at Zola in surprise, then she smiled wryly, “I didn’t expect that the little girl back then has grown into such a powerhouse. With your strength, even if you don’t force Pagris to abdicate, it is easy to get this dragon saliva flower. “

“I’m sorry, Aunt Sophia.” Zola felt even more sorrow in her heart.

“Then…” Sophia’s body suddenly trembled slightly, “Take it away.”

These few words almost exhausted Sophia’s last strength. Her whole body seemed to be crumbling.

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