Devil's Son-in-Law-Chapter 500 - Arrival! 100,000-soldiers Coalition Army from the Capital

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Chapter 500: Arrival! 100,000-soldiers Coalition Army from the Capital

A few days later, the coalition army from the capital finally arrived at the Red Spirit Estate.

The news of the defeat of the Magic Shadow cavalry legion’s raid undoubtedly gave the highest commander of the coalition army, Obsidian, a hard slap. The worse news had yet to come. The Dark Moon actually took the initiative to attack the Red Spirit Estate and besieged the Bloodmist Valley where the Magic Shadow Legion was located. They also took advantage of the situation to occupy Town Mordo, an important land in the northern part of the Bloodmist Valley.

This battle report surprised the coalition army. Unexpectedly, facing the arrival of the millions of coalition army, the Dark Moon was actually so “fierce”.

The coalition army was stationed in a temporary barrack outside the Red Spirit Estate. Obsidian did not accept Josh’s request to enter the city’s main mansion. Instead, he set up a temporary command center in the barrack and summoned various lords to participate in the war meetings.

“Everyone, this time we have only one goal, to conquer the Dark Moon Estate and destroy all the rebels!” As Obsidian said, a huge sand table appeared in the middle of the tent. It was the map of the Red Spirit Estate and the Dark Moon with text labels on each important location on the map. “The rebels are very impudent. After ambushing the Magic Shadow Legion, they dared to invade the Red Spirit Estate and occupy Town Mordo. What do you all think?”

“Destroy these arrogant guys!”

“Let them know the fate of going against Royal Highness Regent!”

“Kill all the rebels!”


The voices of the lords rise and fall in succession. We have come here anyway, even if they are following the main force of the capital as bystanders, at least they must show their determination.

Obsidian certainly understood the thoughts of these lords, but he still showed a satisfied look on his face, “I have seen your determination and fighting spirit. Josh, what do you think?”

Obsidian still relatively trusted the Red Spirit Lord Josh. This was the “station” of the Red Spirit Estate after all. He must first listen to his opinions.

Josh stood up. He slightly bowed and said, “Your Highness, although our military has an absolute advantage, we cannot underestimate the enemy. With the coalition army, we will surely eliminate the Dark Moon. The key is how to reduce our own losses and maximize victory.”

These words won the approval of Obsidian and the lords. Obsidian promised in advance that the benefits of the Dark Moon would be shared by everyone. Although this “share” was definitely Obsidian’s leftover, judging from the financial resources of the Dark Moon, even “a scoop” was considerably huge. Everyone wanted the benefits. However, if the army that they trained hard (It was actually a lot of black crystal coins too) became cannon fodder, then the gain was not worth the loss.

“I got the latest intel that the Dark Moon sent a lot of troops into the Red Spirit Estate. It was at least the amount of one legion, but not all are concentrated in Town Mordo. A considerable number of them are attacking the Bloodmist Valley. General Nesta of the capital’s Magic Shadow Legion and my son who is also the heir to the estate, Kanita, are defending the Bloodmist Valley.”

With that, a strand of ice crystal appeared in Josh’s hand. He pointed to the corresponding position on the sand table, “Bloodmist Valley is located in the Black Mountain forest. The terrain is dangerous. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The last time when the war of lords failed, I asked Kanita to build fortifications, store military supplies in the Bloodmist Valley as an important strategic contact point in order to prepare to counterattack the Dark Moon. After General Nesta’s raid failed, Kanita went to reinforce him and retreated from the Dark Moon Estate to the Bloodmist Valley, but unexpectedly, the Dark Moon invaded the Red Spirit Estate. They are in a fierce battle now. I have sent reinforcements twice. Due to the wrong estimation of the number of the Dark Moon’s troops and my lack of military strength, I suffered a failure. Now is the most critical time, I beg Your Highness to send troops to rescue.”

“Gerant, I want to hear your opinion.” Obsidian did not reply, and he set his sights on the coalition army deputy commander, Gerant, who was aside.

The Demon Realm empire implemented the traditional 3-general structure. The 3 most outstanding generals in the empire hold the power of the military. The first general of the Fallen Angel Empire was George. Wales, who was appointed by the Lord of Midnight Sun. Wales, Athena’s father, was not only able to strategize and win from far away, but he was also highly respected by the army. Even after Obsidian came to power, he could not shake the position of General George.

The second general, Doren. Rus, was initially the third general of the empire. He was the first representative of the military to surrender to Obsidian. The former second general died after following the Lord of Midnight Sun to the human world, Doren was promoted to the second general by Obsidian. His military talent and prestige were comparatively much inferior, and he currently stayed at the capital.

Gerant. Brian in front of him was a cutting-edge talent promoted by Obsidian personally. He had been guarding the Tekula Fortress which was adjacent to the Dark Shadow Empire in the northwest of the empire. This time, he was appointed as the deputy commander of the coalition army by Obsidian.

“The Dark Moon is very different from the strength of our army. By right, they should stay and guard the Moonlight Fortress. It is definitely not that simple that they go against the norm and take the initiative to attack. I think they have 3 purposes. Firstly, they want to defeat the Magic Shadow Legion. It is very likely that they have set up some kind of trick to ambush our reinforcements. They want to use some victories to inspire the soldiers and civilians of the Dark Moon, and at the same time, demoralize our army. Secondly, they shifted the battlefield to the Red Spirit Estate to reduce the loss of the Dark Moon’s local defenses. Thirdly, they use harassment and other tactics to disrupt our army’s deployment, delay our army’s pace, and buy more time for the Dark Moon’s defense deployment.”

This analysis was very incisive. Many lords nodded one after another, Obsidian showed admiration, “Then what do you think we should do now?”

“The biggest purpose of the Dark Moon is to delay time and temporarily divert our attention. We should not be fooled by this method. We should use absolute strength to crush the enemy’s scheme. At present, the coalition army is exhausted after traveling a long distance. I suggest the army to rest for a period of time, arrange various resources and supplies, adjust the state to the best, then dispatch the whole army to attack the Moonlight Fortress with great momentum, and take down the Dark Moon in one go! As for the enemies entrenched in Town Mordo, it is nothing but dust along the way for our millions of army. They will dissipate without a trace with a single blow. It is nothing to be fearful of at all.”

Red Spirit Lord Josh immediately expressed his opposition, “General Gerant means to give up General Nesta and Kanita? The capital legion and my Red Spirit Estate soldiers are currently gritting their teeth to defend the Bloodmist Valley. Yet, we have a million troops who dare not go to rescue them? Where is the prestige of the regent? Where is the morale of the coalition army? Are we letting the soldiers’ blood flow in vain?”

Gerant looked at Josh’s emotional look, and he faintly replied, “The ultimate goal of war is to win.”

The lords whispered for a while Obsidian frowned. Nesta is my royal family confidant. Although it is infuriating that the raid plan failed, he has shown some tenacious fighting spirit by being able to hold on until now under the Dark Moon’s fierce attack. Particularly, the heir of the Red Spirit Lord is there. If I ignore it, it will disappoint the lords.

As the controller of an empire, apart from the military affairs, politics were also factors that couldn’t be ignored. After thinking about it for a long time, he spoke up, “Who wants to lead the army to Town Mordo, retake the lost land of the Red Spirit Estate, and rescue Nesta in the Bloodmist Valley to make this top contribution?”

A tall royal family member immediately stood up, “Your Highness! Samoer is willing to take this mission with my Nether Hydra Legion!”

Seeing that the capital’s legion took the lead, the lords of 2 medium estates also expressed their willingness to go. Anyway, the Nether Hydra Legion was the main force. It shouldn’t be a problem to take advantage of sharing the top contribution.

Obsidian nodded and ordered Samoer as the leader and 2 lords as the support to lead the Nether Hydra Legion and 2 estates’ army with a total of more than 90,000 soldiers. They were to immediately set out to rescue the Magic Shadow Legion in the Bloodmist Valley and crusade against the Dark Moon’s rebels in the Red Spirit Estate. The rest of the army should be fully rested and be prepared to attack the Dark Moon.

Seeing Obsidian decided so, Gerant was silent for a moment and did not raise any objection. He only suggested that the elder family’s Demon Overlord should be sent to protect Samoer.

Soon, Samoer led an army of 90,000 soldiers from the Red Spirit Estate City and marched southward in a mighty manner.

“General, sirs, there are 2 roads to Town Moling from this location. One is a main road which takes about 5 days at our speed, and the other is a mountain road which passes through Tarot Mountain Range. It takes about 3 days to reach, but it is very dangerous. Sir Josh’s reinforcements have been ambushed on this road and forced to retreat.” The person who spoke was the guide accompanying the Red Spirit Estate.

Samoer opened the map, looked at it for a while, and he said, “Take the mountain road! I want to appear in front of the rebels as soon as possible!”

A lord, Rudy, advised, “General, we must consider the ambush that the enemy may set.”

“Don’t worry!” Samoer said confidently, “That kind of terrain can only fight against a small number of troops. In the face of our army, the enemy’s ambush is just courting death. I even wish to encounter the Dark Moon Army to get more credit. Also, I can just let them see what is the real strength of the capital’s legion! My Nether Hydra Legion is not those arrogant cavalries!”

Samoer had always been at odds with Nesta. This time, he took the initiative to fight not only for the top contribution, but also for the purpose of raising himself and humiliating Nesta. The 2 lords originally came to take credit. Seeing Samoer being so sure, they had no objection.

The army began to turn to the mountain road. As expected, they encountered the Dark Moon’s ambush along the way. Facing an army of nearly 100,000 people, the ambushing army of about 1,000 soldiers could only run away without the absolute geographical advantage.

The 2 lords praised Samoer for seeing through the enemy like a god. Samoer proudly led his army across the Tarot Mountain Range and finally came to Town Mordo.

At this time, it was almost dusk. Considering the exhaustion of the soldiers’ long-distance marching, Samoer did not recklessly issue an attack order. Instead, he asked the army to camp and rest on the spot. He sent a scout to investigate the situation of Town Mordo.

At night, most of the lights in the barrack went out, leaving only the torches of the camp post.

Suddenly, there was a scream, then the alarm sound of the enemy attack awakened the soldiers who had just fallen asleep.

Rows of fiery arrows shot toward them. The camp on the outer edge was already on fire, and thick smoke rose to the sky above the barrack.

Samoer and the 2 lords hurriedly got up. While dealing with the fire, they sent their deputy generals to battle.

However, what made Samoer depressed was that the enemy’s purpose was not to hijack or set fire to the camp, but to harass. Before the deputy generals approached with the troops, they had already withdrawn far away. The only thing worth paying attention to was the bow that shot out fiery arrows. It was far better than the ordinary bows; it should be specially modified.

After the chase failed, Samoer who returned doubled the guard and expanded his defense range.

Not long after the sneak attack subsided, the soldiers who had just put down their guards and fell asleep were awakened again by the deafening sounds coming in succession. This time, the enemy used the magic bombs that were actually thrown from the sky on the flying demonic beasts. Because Samoer’s army was temporarily stationed there, it was only equipped with protective magic near the main tent. The rest of the tents could not withstand this “airborne bomb”. After dozens of explosive bombs burst, putting aside the damage caused, the deafening sound made all the soldiers frightened again.

What was even more hateful was that those sneak attackers who threw the bombs were very cunning and not greedy for merit. They threw once and rode away with the demonic beasts without giving Samoer a chance to catch up.

Soon after, the harassment came again…

The soldiers did not sleep well all night. Even Samoer eyes were red. Those sneak attackers were not only cunning but also fearless. Although a group of them were killed, they still carried out various intrusions fearlessly.

“Soldiers, I know that everyone didn’t have a good rest last night. The enemy’s methods are quite despicable, but at the same time, it also reflects the enemy’s cowardice. They only dare to interfere with us with this kind of lowly trick!” Samoer was not a mediocre talent as he could lead a legion. He spared no effort to encourage them loudly, “The enemy is in the Town Mordo ahead. Let the assholes of the Dark Moon taste the anger from the strongest legion of the capital!”

This encouragement was still effective. Although the soldiers were mentally and physically exhausted, they still showed a high level of fighting spirit. Under Samoer’s command, they eagerly marched toward Town Mordo.

As Samoer expected, there were some harassment and ambushes along the way, but they couldn’t stop the army’s march.

Soon, the army arrived in Town Mordo. This time, the Dark Moon seemed to concentrate its forces and intend to stay in Town Mordo. Especially the activated magic circles and defensive facilities, the Nether Hydra Legion had encountered strong resistance. This was all thanks to Joseph, the former operator of Town Mordo, who had always secretly sought refuge in the capital. However, he must have never imagined that after his death, this painstakingly managed equipment was all used to deal with the capital army.

The soldiers of the Nether Hydra Legion also bear through it. Under the fierce attacks, the magic circles and defensive facilities were breached one by one. The Dark Moon Army was finally unable to hold on, and they had to completely evacuate from Town Mordo.

Listening to the cheers of the soldiers, Samoer, who had successfully regained Town Mordo, felt elated and energetic. While quickly ordering the soldiers to occupy all points of Town Mordo, he sent people to report the battle to Obsidian which was actually to get merit.

The next step was to support the Bloodmist Valley. Although the soldiers’ morale was boosted after winning, they were already quite tired physically and mentally. They must rest immediately.

Samoer’s idea was to “rest and rejuvenate” here for a few days. He didn’t want to rescue Nesta at the expense of sacrifice. Moreover, he already had the credit of regaining Town Mordo. It was equivalent to a top contribution which boosted the army’s morale. Therefore, he would not be blamed even if he couldn’t rescue them “in time”.

After discussing with the 2 lords, Samoer settled down and arranged for the soldiers to be stationed in Town Mordo for defense, and they repaired the defensive towers as well as other facilities.

We should be able to sleep well tonight.

And never wake up 😴