Devil's Son-in-Law-Chapter 506 - Plan

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Chapter 506: Plan

“Sir lord’s strength is really admirable. I was discovered after only leaking a trace of breath on purpose.” Chen Rui walked out slowly. Of course, he was using a stranger’s face now.

Sicali felt that the strength of this mysterious man did not seem to be under him. He secretly gathered his power and prepared to activate a special magic circle in the lounge. He asked, “Who are you?”

“Sir does not need to activate the teleportation magic circle. I have changed its attributes a long time ago. If you act rashly, I’m afraid that there will be unimaginable consequences.” This made Sicali frown. He deliberately signaled those players to leave just now in order to prevent the disturbance of the magic circle. Now the other party directly exposed him, but he did not hesitate to activate it with his power- As expected, the magic circle did not react at all.

Sicali was really taken aback. He didn’t expect this person to change the magic circle silently. He didn’t dare to act rashly for a while.

In fact, due to time constraints, Chen Rui only had time to do some little tricks. If Sicali tried a few more times without believing Chen Rui, the flaw would be revealed.

“Please rest assured, sir. I have absolutely no malicious intent,” Chen Rui did not give Sicali more time to react or experiment. He bowed and said, “My name is Fako, I came to visit Sir Sicali from afar. As I’m a more impatient person, so I chose a more presumptuous way. In order to express my apologies, here is a trivial gift. Please accept it, sir.”

A space ring appeared in Chen Rui’s hand. He controlled the ring with a gentle power to send it slowly to Sicali.

Sicali vigilantly sensed the state of the ring and confirmed that there was no abnormality. After taking a look, he was slightly moved, “Although I don’t know sir’s real intention, this gift is beyond imagination and I can’t think of a reason to refuse immediately.”

“If I really have to say my intention of coming, it is to use a different way to make a little impression in sir’s heart.” Chen Rui’s smile was even brighter, “If sir can forgive my uninvited presumptuous today, I will go to the city lord’s mansion to visit sir at a convenient time according to the official etiquette as the beginning of a precious friendship.”

“Sir’s intention is just for ‘a little’ impression?” Sicali shook his head, “No, Sir Fako’s generosity and courage gave me a very deep impression.”

Chen Rui cursed ‘Fuck you’ in his heart while he said indifferently, “I will not ask how many people did impressive you deeply with their behaviors before me. I just want to say that I will be the most daring one.”

“Oh?” Sicali finally showed a smile on his face, “Then I look forward to Sir Fako’s official visit.”

“I can guarantee that sir will never be disappointed.” Chen Rui bowed slightly. As he walked toward the door and passed Sicali, the empty door seemed to be open without any defense, but Sicali just kept smiling. His eyes flashed, but he didn’t make a move. His smiley eyes became deep only after watching Chen Rui opened the door and left.

The conversation between both of them seemed friendly and smooth just now .If “Fako” was just a weakling, he would either be killed or interrogated by Sicali long ago. The basis of equal conversation was strength.

What puzzled Sicali was that this uninvited guest had shown pretentious courtesies for so long without showing any real intentions, but the wealth in that space ring was solid and real.

Is it really for “a little impression”? Sicali sneered and shook his head. Give before take. Without greater benefits, the other party would not give me such a fortune out of thin air.

Speaking of it, this impression was really deep. Before “Fako”, there was also a strong organization that left a deep impression on Sicali. Could it be…

In any case, this “Fako” shouldn’t pose a great danger as long as I have a huge value for him. At least, the possibility of an assassin can be ruled out. Otherwise, he wouldn’t show such a move just now. Sicali made a conclusion in his heart, just in time to hear the loud shouts of welcoming the “sir lord’s appearance” outside. The corners of his mouth curled as he walked toward the stadium.

Chen Rui didn’t know Sicali’s thoughts. His actions just now were spontaneous and adaptive. The real plan required more detailed consideration and more comprehensive intel. If he had plenty of time at hand, he could plan slowly, but time was pressing at the moment, so he must use a certain overall planning method to maximize the work efficiency.

After leaving the arena, Chen Rui found the Dark Demon’s base in the White Feather Estate. After making some arrangements, he did not stay in the White Feather City. He rode the griffin obtained by the Dark Demon in the suburbs and flew north.

This griffin had a mutated bloodline which had very strong endurance. Chen Rui used the [Analytical Eyes] to motivate the griffin to fly at ful speed while thinking about the plan in his mind. With the help of the magic map, it only took 3 days to reach Town Iztar in the north of the White Feather Estate. It was the closest town to the south of the Warlock Fortress and also the main area affected by the “looting”. A large number of the White Feather Estate’s defense forces were stationed here. In addition to the 2 nearby towns, the total number of soldiers in the town actually exceeded 100,000.

In Town Iztar, Chen Rui heard rumors about the atrocities of the Warlock Fortress guards including the looting of property and food, adultery of women, killing of rebels and so on. Everyone expressed strong indignation. Now that the White Feather Estate guards were stationed here, the Warlock Fortress guards really dared not “invade”.

Facing the 100,000 army of the White Feather Estate, General George of the Warlock Fortress did not dare to slack off. He sent the deputy legion commander of the Red Dragon Legion and the capable General Francis to lead his army to build outposts and strongholds in Brucek Canyon at the north of Town Iztar. They were prepared to respond to any move.

After learning this news, Chen Rui passed Town Iztar calmly and continued northward to the Brucek Canyon area.

“Who are you?” Facing the stranger who suddenly appeared at the forward-looking outpost, the guards of the Red Dragon Legion looked like they were facing an enemy. This person could pass through magic traps and the watch of the scouts silently. He is definitely not an ordinary enemy.

“Please don’t get me wrong, I’m an old friend of General Francis. Please send someone to inform the general that the military supplies officer who once held the Lion Tooth Sword in Weiju Valley has come. I would like to meet the general for an emergency military matter.”

Chen Rui once rescued Francis alone in Weiju Valley, led the remnants to ambush the Bloody Empire’s army, capture the Demon Emperor Pamir alive, and inflicted severe injury on Bubowa and Mecek, the generals of the Bloody Empire. He used the identity of the “military supplies officer who did not want to be named” at that time.

The guard’s leader saw that the guy in the cloak didn’t seem to have malicious intent. Otherwise, it would not be difficult to destroy this outpost based on the opponent’s ability to come here without alerting any defenses. He immediately ordered a scout to go toward the canyon and secretly launched a magic warning message at the same time to notify other outposts to be on full alert.

Chen Rui noticed it and did not stop him. Not long after, the leader was surprised to see Deputy Legion Commander Francis personally rushing over with a group of people.

When Chen Rui took off the cloak on his head to reveal the face that Francis saw that day, Francis took 2 steps forward with surprise and joy. He performed a military salute first, “We meet again, sir ‘military supplies officer’!”

Francis was a Lucifer Royal Family member, the deputy legion commander of the Red Dragon Legion, and the favorite general under General George. Now, he actually saluted this mere “military supplies officer”. Many of the soldiers that Francis brought had participated in the battle in the Weiju Valley back then. They showed their sincere respect to Chen Rui. This made the team leader and the soldiers at the outpost dumbfounded.

Chen Rui also saluted back and stepped forward to give Francis a hug. He said straightforwardly, “I need to meet General George for an urgent matter.”

“I will accompany you there right away.” Francis knew Chen Rui’s identity was not simple. He was awarded the Lion Tooth Sword by General George, so he was definitely the person the general trusted most. Therefore, he immediately agreed to it. Both of them returned to the stronghold of the canyon, thenthey quickly rushed to the Warlock Fortress on 2 fast horses.

General George had already received Francis’ message in advance. He welcomed Chen Rui into the fortress command center immediately.

“General George, Madam Gloria.” As there were no outsiders, Chen Rui returned to his original appearance and saluted his father-in-law and madam red dragon.

After not meeting for some time, General George’s eyes became a little haggard. Even Gloria, who had always been generous and beautiful, looked worried.

George skipped the courtesy and asked directly, “Chen Rui, how is the situation in the Dark Moon? Are you here this time to ask for help from the Warlock Fortress?”

Before Chen Rui spoke, Gloria shouted angrily, “That shameless bastard Obsidian. If he dared to hurt my beloved daughter, Athena, I will lead the Red Dragon Legion to wipe out the capital!”

“Madam, don’t worry. When I left, the Dark Moon’s situation was still stable. Before that, we also dampened Obsidian’s military morale…”

Chen Rui relayed the situation of the 2 victories of the Dark Moon. George nodded slightly upon listening while Gloria clapped her hands and cheered, “Chen Rui, you are really something! Our family’s Athena picked the right person! After I learned that Obsidian personally led the expedition to the Dark Moon, I wanted to help you several times, but George just refused!”

“It’s not that I refuse, but we can’t move!” George shook his head, “At present, the 100,000 troops of the White Feather Estate are approaching and eyeing the fortress. That’s still fine. More importantly, the Iron Fist Estate of the Bloody Empire is also starting to gather a large number of soldiers. Despite the so-called association agreement, the Bloody Empire has been coveting our empire for some time. Especially in this situation, we must not overlook the possibility of them breaking the agreement and sending the army to invade. Once it does happen, the Warlock Fortress is facing the danger of being attacked from 2 sides. Once the fortress falls, not only we may be wiped out, but the leader of the Bloody Empire will also enter without any obstacles, threatening the safety of the Fallen Angel Empire. Therefore, we can’t simply move at this time!”

Chen Rui just only realized that the situation in the Warlock Fortress was so severe. He was silent in thoughts.

“Chen Rui, although you have won 2 small victories, for Obsidian’s millions of troops, it was not a severe setback. The real test is yet to come. I cannot provide you with more substance support in the current situation. You can only depend on yourself.”

“I know.” Chen Rui nodded, “General, please rest assured, I can promise with my life that even if the Dark Moon is ultimately defeated, I will protect Athena’s safety!”

George and Gloria looked at each other, and they both seemed relieved.

“By the way, General, is the food shortage problem of the Warlock Fortress serious?”

George sighed, “It’s really serious. Last time, after you provided a lot of black crystal coins, there was no problem with the military payment. Later, we received a large amount of equipment and ordnance from you via the Moon Shadow Legion, but the food is still in short supply. White Feather Estate Lord Sicali not only delays the military rations, but he also prohibits the people from selling food to us. Although Sicali is cunning, he does have a way to control the people. Now, almost all the people in the White Feather Estate hate the Warlock Fortress. In case the Bloody Empire really aggressively attacked the fortress, it might be difficult to hold on without the logistical support.”

“After I heard the news in the White Feather City, I asked the Dark Demon organization to try to raise a portion of the food. I brought it together this time. Although the quantity is limited, it can be useful to some extent. I also brought 2 improvement blueprints of the magic crystal cannon which are the work of the alchemy quasi-grand master. We have experimented on the Magic Shadow Legion of the capital. It is very powerful. If used with the rest of the ordnance, it will exert terrifying power.” Chen Rui took out the blueprint and gave it to George.

“Great!” George’s eyes lit up, and he took a few more glances. “It’s just that this kind of improvement is very complicated. Without the goblin warriors, we need a large number of professional craftsmen to complete it. The White Feather Estate has the best human resources in the empire, but now…”

“According to the current situation, no matter which step of the plan, we must first solve the problem of the White Feather Estate. Sicali is a very difficult person, but I already started to have contact with him. I hope I can achieve the goal.” Chen Rui pondered for a while and said, “Actually, I came out of the Dark Moon this time for the most important plan. If it is successful, the Dark Moon will be able to achieve a true victory in this war.”

“A true victory?” George was shocked, “You mean…”

Chen Rui smiled slightly, “By then, the empire will be ruled by a real empress instead of a regent.”

George took a deep breath, but he calmed down, “I want to hear your plan first.”

After Chen Rui illustrated the rough framework briefly and concisely, George’s eyes became more and more brilliant. He couldn’t help but nod.

“Then, I will be ready at the Warlock Fortress and look forward to your good news.” George’s face suddenly showed worry, “I only worry about 1 thing now.”

Chen Rui sighed softly, “I’m worried too.”

Madam red dragon Gloria on the side asked strangely: “What are you worried about?”


“The Dark Moon.”

Chen Rui and George spoke out at the same time. Although there were two different answers, they had the same meaning.

At this moment, the Dark Moon Estate on the other side finally ushered in the biggest test.

The mighty army led by Regent Obsidian crossed the Town Mordo and Black Mountain Forest, all the way south, and came to the first line of defense of the Dark Moon, in front of the Moonlight Fortress.

Can Chen Rui persuade Sicali to change his side?