Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 146 - - Vendetta (Part 2)

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The duo walked through the streets of the destroyed city in silce. Hi-Ah had a nervous look on her face as she thought about what was about to happ. As for Talon, his face was completely stoic with no visible emotions on it.

Nobody could read through his expression, not ev Acrypha who had be with him for a very long time. However, she was certain that whatever he was thinking of, it wasn't something nice.

Evtually, the two ded up in a completely differt area of the city.

"Over there, can you see it?" Hi-Ah pointed ahead at a particularly huge building. It was the main supermarket for the western section of Seoul and it was one of the biggest in the country.

"Oh, you meant that one," Talon murmured as he stared into the distance. "Understood. Thanks for the help. Let me find a good place for you to hide. Things might get really ugly really quick."

"O-Oh, o-ok…" Hi-Ah replied hesitantly.

She didn't need to know what he meant by his words as it was as clear as day. He wasn't there to talk.

With that, Talon helped Hi-Ah to a nearby building before he made her sit down in a hidd place.

"Stay here and don't move. It won't take long. Understood?"



'That place should be hidd ough from monsters and humans.' He thought to himself as he looked a him before he turned a and vanished from sight.

"Wha…" Hi-Ah looked a her, unable to believe her eyes. "Where did he go?!"

Her eyes couldn't keep up with Talon's speed, so it appeared to her as if he vanished like a ghost.

'Who is this person…' Rubbing her temples, Hi-Ah questioned whether her worries that he might get himself killed were ev needed or not. Perhaps, what she should worry about was how brutal it was going to be.

Outside, Talon had already crossed a few doz meters in a second as he approached the supermarket without trying to hide his presce too much.

"What's your plan?" Acrypha asked.

"Plan?... There is no need for a plan." Talon replied coldly. "I'm just going to get in there, make those bastards regret the day they were born, and th go back home."

"Well… I guess I expected that much." She murmured with a calm expression.

'With how strong he is… Wiping out this human camp is very much possible.'

Wh Talon reached the perimeter of the supermarket, he finally stopped and crouched down as he took a peek at it.

There, right in front of the gate stood 4 guards, carrying a multitude of weapons, mostly swords and guns. They were talking to each other casually, not aware that someone was looking at them.

"Seems op ough to me." Sucking in a deep breath, Talon stood up and left his hiding spot, walking straight toward the four guards as if nothing was happing.


It didn't take long for the m to notice the odd presce approaching them. Immediately, they pulled out their weapons.

"Wow, stop right there, little guy…" One of them said as he pointed his sword at Talon. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to meet a piece of filth named Cha Kwang. Can you bring him to me? I can wait here while you do that." Talon declared coldly.

"..." (x4)

The guards blinked in shock before they stared at each other.

"Pfft! Hahahahahahahahaha!" Everyone exploded in laughter almost at the same time. "Are you ok, kid? Did you hit your head before coming here?!" One of them said.

"I didn't laugh in a while. That took me by surprise." A second one said.

They kept giggling for a while as if the joke was too funny to ev stop. Th, one of them started walking toward Talon with a wide grin on his face. novelbuddy.cσ๓

"Hahaha! Hey, be nice to the guy. He has a good sse of humor."

"Don't worry, I won't beat him up too much. Hey, kid, did you just call our boss 'a piece of filth'? You do realize that's a sin only punishable by death?"

Reaching Talon, the man suddly realized that he was far shorter than him and it made him a little irritated. Not to mtion the fact that this kid had some good looks.

'A very punchable face too… Tsk!' Clicking his tongue, he reached out with his hand to grab Talon's collar.



Before the man could ev react, Talon grabbed his hand. The guard instinctively tried to pull it back only to realize that the young man's grip was very tight and was only growing tighter.

Meanwhile, the guards were still joking a, unaware of what was happing.

"Ugh…" It didn't take long for the grip to become painful… very painful.

"Hey, release it, bastard." Clching his teeth, the man tried to grab Talon with his other hand, only to find himself in a situation he never expected.

*Swish* *CRACK*

A loud, crisp cracking sound echoed in the vicinity, catching everyone's atttion. No one understood what happed for a good two seconds, not ev the man himself. Slowly looking down, his eyes wided in pure shock.

His right arm was bt to a completely abnormal degree. His bone protruded out of his skin and blood was gushing out dlessly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!!" Wh he realized the situation, the hellish pain hit him. "MY ARM!! MY ARM!!!!"

Falling to the g, he started screaming and rolling a as he cried like a pig. Talon stared at him coldly for a second before he stomped his chest, crushing his ribs as if they were weak tree branches.

With that single attack, the man stopped moving and his cries died down.


The remaining three guards stared at him in pure shock. Their minds couldn't register the sight.

"I think I wasn't clear with my words. Where is that piece of filth, Cha Kwang? Get him outside or I'm going to get him myself." He repeated in a cold, chilling tone.

Ev though they were the same words he said before, this time, they didn't sound funny at all.

"Fuck! This guy isn't joking!" But, in the d, with pure will, they snapped out of their daze as they quickly took fighting stances.

Talon didn't ev flinch and started walking toward them. "You should've run wh you had the opportunity. Now, you're all involved."

"We're three, he's alone! Let's fuck him up!!"

Ev with fear writt all over their faces, they rushed toward Talon with their weapons high in the air as they attacked him from three sides.

'We got him!!' They all thought wh they saw how he had no way of dodging three attacks at the same time.

However, much to their shock, Talon didn't ev try to attack them as he suddly jumped and spun in the air, kicking one of them on the side. The sheer impact of the hit st the man flying to the side, hitting both of his frids.

"AGH!!" The trio fell on the g, stacked on top of each other.

Before any one of them could move, Talon approached them before he grabbed one of them by the hair, and lifted his head.

"Where… is… Cha Kwang?" He asked slowly.

The man stared at him with a pained look on his face. His eyes were barely op as he smiled weakly.

"Fuck… You!"

Hearing those words, Talon stared at him for a few seconds before he nodded his head faintly. "At least you lot ar't complete sellouts."


Th, he smashed his head against the g, blood splashed everywhere as Talon released him.

Standing up, he started walking toward the building's trance in a calm manner.

Pushing the door op, he found himself inside the supermarket, a vast area filled with rows upon rows of aisles filled with all kinds of products.

The place was akin to heav in a world where food was scarce and resources were few and far betwe.

'... This place is definitely going to be perfect as a second base.' He thought to himself.

As he stood there, inspecting the place, a few guards noticed his presce and were quite tak aback.

"What? Who the fuck are you?" Looking at him, the guards noticed the blood on his hand and on his clothes and they immediately grew alerted. They didn't need any more details to realize that this young man was an emy.

In a matter of seconds, a big group of m approached him. They didn't ev think twice before they quickly sured him and pulled their weapons out.

'Hmm, these are certainly more expericed than the ones outside. They don't seem like they're underestimating me. Interesting.' Talon noted down that detail.

"I said, who are you, bastard?! What are you doing here?"

"If you don't speak, you're dead."

"Sigh, just make this quick, ok?" Rubbing the back of his head, Talon finally unsheathed his spear.

'Time to get a little bit more serious'.

Seeing that the mysterious young man wasn't intding to speak, the guards got ev more wary.

"Is he insane? There are 30 of us and only him? Does he want to commit suicide?"

"A sane person would never do this shit. Hahaha, it's a crazy idiot."

"Kill him!!"

With that shout, the guards rushed toward him.

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