Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 84 - - Greatness (Part 1)

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Talon wiped his eyes a few times as he looked at the description of the class thinking he had read something wrong. But, no matter how many times he reread it, it still said the same thing.

"What the fuck..." He murmured as he grabbed his forehead in disbelief. "This has to be some kind of practical joke..."

The sheer ridiculousness of the class description made Talon forget to even feel happy. He didn't even need to try it to comprehend how absurdly powerful it was. It didn't simply give him a small boost or a useful ability, no, far from that. Instead, it completely reshaped his power level and pushed him a few leagues higher.

"Haha, hahahaha!" In the end, he started laughing. "The Core Dimension is one sick bastard. They're sick!" Talon laughed weirdly as he stared at the floating holographic window.

"+20% in attack power using any weapon, +10% in all stats, and +25% power against stronger enemies. This is madness, this is literally madness."

Talon didn't take long to comprehend how mind-boggling that is. While currently, the numbers might not be that massive, Talon realized that this class will only show its true potential in the future, when Talon's stats reach hundreds of points, those percentages will become a monstrous boost.

In other words...

'This class is made to push me to fight stronger enemies and level up even faster so that I can reap the benefits of its percentage-based boosts.' Talon thought to himself.

Even for someone who just recently got to know what the Core Dimension is, he could easily see through its blatantly obvious intentions. It wanted Talon to push himself even more and do way more reckless things, just so that he could reap more rewards and get even stronger.

But, the question remains, why would the Core Dimension want him to do this? As far as he knew, the Core Dimension doesn't treat anyone better than the other. If anything, from what he heard, it wants to put creatures under its firm control without letting anyone get too strong to threaten its sovereignty.

Yet, with this second class it gave him, Talon wasn't sure anymore if that was true. If he truly does continue to get stronger, at some point, his power will be so out of this world that there is a very high chance it could threaten the Core Dimension's supreme presence.

If that happens, what would the Core Dimension do?

"Ugh, this is a headache." Rubbing the back of his head, Talon realized the absurd nature of what he was trying to imagine.

'Fighting the Core Dimension? Pfft, why am I even bothering to imagine it now? This has been a problem for Talon from 100 years in the future. Good luck with that dude, you will need a lot of it.' Talon chuckled as he finally closed the window.

"For now, I will just enjoy the benefits of this ridiculously strong class. I feel like I can finally tackle the research center problem."

What seemed like such a far-fetched idea two weeks ago didn't look as impossible today. That made Talon realize how far he had come in this period of time. He had done so many things, discovered many secrets, and learned valuable lessons, physically and mentally.

It was, in a sense, the most fruitful two weeks he ever lived. Granted, it was chaotic, dangerous, and really bloody, but, Talon was still glad he was able to survive through it and emerge a completely different person.

Sitting there, he reminisced about what happened for a while as he thought of the future, his plans, and what could happen after he finally left this place.

"Hmm, I want a hearty meal... A good bed and a pillow, for god sake, I miss having a pillow. Mmm, then, I will finally be able to start moving south... Back home." He murmured to himself.

"Someone is getting homesick?"

At that moment, a very soft, beautiful voice spoke to him from up close, making Talon look to the side. Acrypha had suddenly appeared inside the room out of nowhere. Talon's eyes flashed with a glint for a second as he turned away with a smile.

"I've always been Homesick. I just don't show it to anybody." He replied casually.

"And here I thought I was able to make you feel at home with me. So disappointing." Acrypha pretended like she was sad which made Talon laugh.

"Your presence did help."

"Oh?" Acrypha raised an eyebrow as she looked at him curiously. Talon could see anticipation in her eyes which made him grin inwardly.

"Yeah, like it helped by... 1%? No, more like 0.5%."

"You little rascal! I thought you were honest for a second there!"


Acrypha looked at the young man laughing before she smiled again. "I'm glad to see that you woke up. You took your sweet time, didn't you?"

"I deserve some rest. But, yeah, I'm glad I woke up. I missed you too." Talon replied with a sigh as he cracked his neck.

Acrypha flinched for a split second when she heard the last sentence before she quickly regained her composure and continued. "I assume you have some things to tell me."

"Oh? How did you know?"

"It's all over your face since I came back. Besides, I learned to read your expression better."

After spending more than two weeks together, Talon and Acrypha had naturally grown familiar with each other. They learned each other's personalities, likes and dislikes, and how they can act in certain situations.

It came as a natural result of spending every day together. But, what they also didn't realize helped a lot was the natural chemistry between them.

Talon and Acrypha perfectly fit each other as partners. Even with their drastically different origins, they both somehow found each other to be the best person they wanted to spend time with. For Talon, Acrypha became his guide and the person he would look for whenever he was in a bad situation.

As for Acrypha, she found Talon to be the most intriguing individual she had met. He gave her a sense of familiarity and belonging that she didn't feel in god knows how long. Spending time with him became one of the few things she genuinely enjoyed. Watching him develop slowly and guiding him through it became her main purpose.

"Yeah, in fact, I do have many things I want to tell you about." Talon nodded his head.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears."

Then, Talon went on to recount the dream that happened to him during the time he was in a coma. He gave her every detail he could remember, even the insignificant ones. Meanwhile, Acrypha listened carefully.

By the time he finished, her face subtly changed.


"Yeah, I was confused at first. But, to be honest, I think it's just a weird dream, that's all." He shrugged.

However, Acrypha didn't reply immediately as she thought about it. "Really interesting... Yeah, it could be simply a dream, but I don't think it's that simple. So far, everything that happened to you has been abnormal. This dream seems too realistic to be a mere illusion."

"Is it?"

"Yes, that's what I think. I can't give you a definite answer since you were only inside a room and couldn't take a look at the outside world from there."

'Though, his description of the place feels vaguely familiar... Though, I can't remember where exactly I heard it before.' Acrypha frowned as she tried to remember.

"Well, I will keep it in mind since you're suspicious. Until something else happens, it's not that big of a deal." He shrugged as he finally moved on to the most important topic. "Also, I received a second class after killing that monster."

"You did? That's rare. Second classes are usually something you acquire at a much higher level. But then again, by your standards, this is just another Monday." Acrypha rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I was surprised too. It's called 'Boundless Breaker' and let's say... Ehem, it's ridiculous." Talon coughed awkwardly as he extended his hand to Acrypha to grab it.

"What did you get this time?" The latter realized what he meant and could only frown. She had to take a few deep breaths before actually touching his hand, just so that she could be mentally ready for the shock.

But, when Talon revealed the class to her, she froze in her place for a second. Her beautiful eyes blinked as she read the description.

"Yeah, I feel you, I had the same reaction when I saw it." Talon nodded his head with an 'I feel you' look.

"I don't even know what to say at this point." Acrypha rubbed her temples. "This class is one of the strongest classes I've ever seen. Percentage boost is extremely rare to find in skills and classes because of its versatile nature that keeps changing as the individual gets stronger. Unlike getting a fixed boost which won't increase further in the future."

"Oh, that makes sense..."

"In this case, based on the description, there never existed and probably will never exist a class like this one. However..."

"Hm?" Talon noticed the change in Acrypha's expression.

"I did hear of a class that sounds oddly similar to this one before."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, remember when I told you about the entire history of how creatures from all dimensions traveled to the Core Dimension?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Well, there was a particular standout of those individuals. The first ever creature to take a step inside the Core Dimension..."

(A//N: Thanks to everyone who supports the book with power stones and golden tickets, you guys are the best:) )