Douluo Dalu: The Legend of Heavenly Ruler-Chapter 301: Zhu Zhuyun's Madness

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Chapter 301: Zhu Zhuyun’s Madness

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— Chapter 300 —

“Hmm, Hmm…” Zhu Zhuyun hummed while dancing on the sea’s surface.

Her silky black hair fluttered by the sea breeze gently, causing the hallucination gas she scattered on this area to spread even more.

More than 5000 Sun and Moon agents are floating on the sea because of this gas, falling into their worst nightmare.

A little black cat ran around the seashore with a cunning light in her evil green eyes. It’s Zhu Zhuyun’s spirit soul, Little Yun.

Little Yun is a random stray cat Zhu Zhuyun adopted as a pet when she was 6, growing older alongside her since the beginning of her cultivation.

Yes, her spirit soul is just an animal without a single drop of Spirit Beast’s bloodline.

However, when Little Yun was about to approach her old age and die, Yunlong invented Spirit Soul’s Codex.

Maybe it’s a coincidence, but Yunlong granted her beloved cat a chance to live longer. His Essence Blood also evolved the formerly stray cat into an absolute beast.

“Little Yun, come here.” Zhu Zhuyun waved her hand casually,

The black cat bounced on the seawater and jumped to Zhu Zhuyun’s shoulder, rubbing her furred head on her owner’s cheeks.

Zhu Zhuyun brushed Little Yun’s furs and commented, “Nice, you’re slowly reaching 100,000 years old.”

“As expected of the master’s Essence Blood, you could evolve easier now.”

She was reaching the limit of her hell chivet a few years ago. Not only did she not progress anymore, but her martial soul also grew weaker and weaker.

There is only one explanation for this, the bloodline curse her family inherited through the years.

Zhu Zhuqing didn’t know about this, but the tradition in their family was to cleanse the curse away.

It’s simply a rivalry to end the curse.

“Aih, how naive of you, my little sister.” She commented while shaking her head.

Zhu Zhuyun closed her eyes and saw an image of her master torturing herself. It’s intoxicating scenery she expected every day to happen in her life.

“Ah~ How beautiful.” She moaned softly.

An arrow suddenly passed through the air and roached over Zhu Zhuyun’s head.

“Oh well, someone is ruining my fantasy.” Zhu Zhuyun caught the arrow and destroyed it with her grip.

She moved her gaze to a group of people outside her domain and added, “You guys would get punished.”



“How!” A young woman shouted in disbelief.

“My arrow flew faster than 100miles per hour, so how could she catch it so effortlessly!”

This young woman is from the long-ranged squad of the 3rd fleet, and her mastery over archery is at the top, rivaling some title douluo in accuracy.

She’s a title douluo with 91 spirit rank, recently just becoming title douluo under Admiral Kong’s help. A young woman with brunette hair and a slender body, giving a gentle yet refined look.

Her name is Xing Ke, the vice-captain of the third long-ranged squad.

“Xing Ke, watch out!” A warning abruptly was spouted by her teammate.

Zhu Zhuyun arrived without a drop of sound. Her slender hand was about to tear Xing Ke’s neck but failed because other Sun and Moon agents stopped her.


“How annoying.” She slapped a sword away.


Zhu Zhuyun quickly kicked Xing Ke’s back and somersaulted in the air, landing on the sea surface with an annoyed look on her beautiful face.

“Kuugh…” Xing Ke launched away and carefully was caught by one of her teammates.

She turned around instinctively and stared at the black-haired lady with a frown.

‘This person isn’t on the list.’ Xing Ke thought solemnly.

Their fleet was ambushed and scattered around the supposed to be Sea God Island. It’s too weird to be a coincidence.

“Who are you?” Xing Ke questioned while drawing her bow.

“You’re not from Sea God Island-,”

A needle passed Xing Ke’s question and killed one of her teammates.

She couldn’t even blink her eyes when this tragedy happened.

“I don’t care about your question.” Zhu Zhuyun returned while materializing her spirit rings.

After Zhu Zhuyun accepted Yunlong’s illusion of torture as a blessing, there was something awakening inside her.

No, it’s not her masochism.

It’s a psychopath tendency.

Everything in this world doesn’t matter to Zhu Zhuyun, but her master’s wishes would always be her number one priority.

She will do anything beyond normal means to finish Yunlong’s order, and even killing her own family is acceptable for her.

It’s not just a result of mere Stockholm Syndrome because Yunlong’s illusion shaped her mind into something crazy.

Zhu Zhuyun has become completely crazy.

“You guys are messing with my master’s grace, so I’ll punish all of you accordingly.” She added indifferently.

Her gray eyes released an intense killing intent to pressure the whole squad into fear.

A domain filled with darkness expanded from Zhu Zhuyun’s body, covering a 50 cubic radius around her.

“Dark Circus…” Her cold voice echoed.

A cage surrounded Xing Ke and her squad, trapping them inside a powerful barrier. Nevertheless, it doesn’t stop there because several sharp weapons suddenly manifested out of the cage.

“Iron Maiden.” Zhu Zhuyun’s fourth spirit ring lit up dimly.




The land of darkness filled with thorny spikes, penetrating Xing Ke and her squad. They realized these spikes also sucked their blood quickly.

“This is dangerous.” Xing Ke tried to activate the 7th class barrier for her teammate.

“Everyone, use your nano injection now!”


She looked back and saw her teammate’s complexion become paler than white. Their eyes became lifeless like a doll, but she knew they hadn’t died yet.

“Mei?” Xing Ke called her friend, who stared down silently.

She shook Mei’s body with her hand but responded with a punch on the face.


Mei’s fist suddenly planted on her face, launching Xing Ke to the cage’s bars.

“How does it feel?” Zhu Zhuyun chuckled madly, looking at the shocked Xing Ke with a wide grin on her face.

“Your friend was being controlled and punched you in the face.”

Xing Ke’s eyes widened in shock and shouted angrily, “YOU BITCH!”

Zhu Zhuyun lifted her finger, and someone from Xing Ke’s group activated the 6th class soul cannon, charging it with his spirit energy.

Xing Ke used her martial soul, and a wind fairy-like silhouette merged with her body. “I’m sorry.” She bent her bow and launched an arrow at the incoming shell.


The shell exploded and swept over half of the squad, killing them instantly.

“I promised that I’ll kill this bitch.” She vowed while trying to find a way out of this cage.


A dagger swiped over Xing Ke’s face, which was Mei’s martial soul.

“Mei…” She frowned and stared at her friend with a complicated gaze.

“Aww, you killed them,” Zhu Zhuyun commented while making Mei dance with her control. “What a shame.”

“Now I have to fight you in a hard way.”

Zhu Zhuyun gained an innate mutation when enduring Yunlong’s illusion for years. Her martial soul adapted to Sharingan’s spiritual powers and merged with it.

Even though she didn’t inherit Yunlong’s sharingan in any shape or form, his illusion awakened her spiritual sea. Regardless, it’s not your common-type spiritual sea.

Zhu Zhuyun’s spiritual sea was corrupted and filled with extreme darkness and malice enough to make one crazy for being influenced by it.

There was a reason why Zhu Zhuyun decided to create a cult under everyone’s nose. Her martial soul could influence every believer she accepted and turn them into Evil Spirit Master.

Yes, Zhu Zhuyun is an Evil Spirit Master.

Yunlong knew about this, but he didn’t do anything because Zhu Zhuyun was devoted to him. Not to mention his Blood Essence prevented her from betraying him.

Zhu Zhuyun teleported into the cage and attacked Xing Ke with a kick, but the vice-leader of the 3rdlong-ranged squad countered with her hand.


“You’re only a spirit emperor,” Xing Ke commented indifferently.

“Don’t ever think your surprise attack could catch me off guard twice.”

“Is that so?” Zhu Zhuyun’s body unleashed a dark ray.

Her right hand transformed into a dragon claw, unlike her usual cat claws. It’s radiating with darkness.

Xing Ke activated her second spirit ring and released a howl to change the wind element around them. “Wind Arrows.” She chanted while raising her arm.


The wind arrows assembled in the air and aimed at Zhu Zhuyun simultaneously.

“Go!” Xing Ke launched more than 100 wind arrows at her.

Zhu Zhuyun watched wind arrows move at her swiftly and smirked inside.

‘Oh well, what expression would she make?’ She thought naturally.

“Die!” Xing Ke yelled furiously.

However, when Xing Ke’s wind arrows were about to reach Zhu Zhuyun, Mei jumped in front of her and received all of them.


Mei’s body was torn apart like a piece of paper and left with holes all over her body.


“There, catch your friend.” Zhu Zhuyun kicked Mei’s corpse to Xing Ke.

Xing Ke opened her arm and caught Mei’s corpse with tears running from her eyes. Overwhelming hate rose to her chest.

“I’ll kill you…” She coldly said.

“Dark Explosion.” Zhu Zhuyun returned while pointing at Mei’s corpse.


Mei’s body released intense dark energy and bloated into the size of an elephant, exploding violently.


Xing Kei’s barrier couldn’t handle the explosion, and some dark energy was able to invade her body.

She gritted her teeth and activated her 7th spirit ring.

A wind fairy avatar manifested in the sky and created a domain over Zhu Zhuyun’s domain.

“Wind Break.” She picked a syringe from her spatial ring.

Zhu Zhuyun retreated and commanded some of Xing Ke’s former teammates to test her strength.

Xing Ke drew her bow and said, “Million Rains.”

A million wind arrows formed in the sky and encircled the wind fairy avatar.


Zhu Zhuyun aroused her dragon wings and began to fly in the sky. She dodged Xing Ke’s attack and witnessed the whole seashore filled with tornados.

It was a devastating attack from Xing Ke, but none of her wind arrows reached Zhu Zhuyun.

When evolving through Yunlong’s Blood Essence, Zhu Zhuyun gained flight ability with dragon wings.

She could fly faster than Xing Ke’s wind arrows but was more energy-consuming.

Xing Ke destroyed the cage with excessive attacks and spewed blood from her mouth.

As the area became clear again, a green armor covered Xing Ke’s body and increased her strength by several folds.

It’s one of the newest battle armor models Sun and Moon invented with Tang Xiao’s data.

Xing Ke’s martial soul avatar descended and integrated with her body, causing a change in her armor. A pair of feathery wings flapped on her back.

Zhu Zhuyun tilted her head because Xing Ke grew more powerful than before, but the darkness seemed to swallow her from inside.

“Well, your cultivation is fake.” She commented while summoning Little Yun.

Zhu Zhuyun made a pact with Little Yun after she absorbed her sixth spirit ring, which means the black cat didn’t grant her any spirit rings or additional ability.

However, this is where Yunlong’s Spirit Soul Codex showed its actual color.

According to the future, Spirit Soul can only use the skill they have or inherently granted to their host. Yunlong’s Spirit Soul Codex surpasses that.

Alpha was an example of that, and she could use Yunlong’s spirit skills freely beside her spirit skills.

Yunlong created a crux pact where Spirit Master and Spirit Soul completely connected, influencing each other.


Little Yun’s small body exploded and evolved into a majestic dark tiger with dragon scales around her neck, limbs, and forehead.

“Spirit Corruption: Fusion.”

The Spirit Soul hugged Zhu Zhuyun’s body and processed an unorthodox Spirit Fusion.

Spirit Fusion is when two or more Spirit Masters combine their martial soul to create a new powerful spirit.

In Zhu Zhuyun’s case, she sacrificed part of her spirit energy to make Little Yun into a Semi-Martial Soul for a short period. Then combined the spirit soul with herself.

It’s unorthodox, but their compatibility is beyond 100%.

“Wind Piercer.” Xing Ke launched an arrow at Zhu Zhuyun.

An enormous wind arrow broke the space and penetrated Zhu Zhuyun’s chest.


Zhu Zhuyun coughed a mouthful of blood and looked at Xing Ke calmly. A grin widened again on her face, making her look like a crazy lady.

Pain like this wouldn’t be enough to kill her.

She had experienced more than one thousand hideous deaths and tortures inside Yunlong’s illusion. A stab was just a basic attack.


Zhu Zhuyun’s destroyed heart beat violently and pumped Dark Spirit Energy throughout her entire body, filling every inch of her well-being with darkness.

Her spirit rings materialized again and surrounded the sky with purple and black lights.

A pitch-black spirit ring with the shade of red and gold descended from the sky, entering Zhu Zhuyun’s head.

Zhu Zhuyun’s spirit rank exploded to the top and reached 80 instantly, causing another spirit ring to appear again.

Another burst of energy happened within Zhu Zhuyun’s body and increased her power to level 90.

“Peak Soul Douluo.” Xing Ke frowned because this crazy girl raised her strength by 20 levels.

Its two realms of power increase in short 10 seconds.

“Heavenly Dance of Dragon and Tiger.” Zhu Zhuyun’s cold voice reverberated on the seashore.

The entire area was filled with an evil aura, causing Xing Ke to feel pressure for some reason.

Zhu Zhuyun’s body suddenly was wrapped by gray dragon scales, which turned into a beautiful grayish purple dress with fluffy tiger furs.

Xing Ke blinked her eyes, and Zhu Zhuyun arrived in front of her.

“Evil Dragon’s Claw.” Zhu Zhuyun swiped her dragon claws at Xing Ke.


Xing Ke’s barrier was pushed back by Zhu Zhuyun’s sheer strength.

“This…” Her eyes widened because an enormous tiger’s mouth was coming toward her.

“Evil Tiger’s Strike.” Zhu Zhuyun punched Xing Ke’s barrier.


Xing Ke repelled most of the attack away with her armor and felt weird inside for some reason. “What’s this uncomfortable sensation?” She muttered while flying away.

Zhu Zhuyun bled every time she threw a punch or kick.

There was a hole in Zhu Zhuyun’s chest, but she didn’t care and kept bombarding Xing Ke with her violent attacks.

Her seventh spirit ring flashed with evil gray light, blinding the whole area with bloody carnages.

“Dark Surge.” Zhu Zhuyun whispered to herself.

Every corpse from the Sun and Moon continent’s side started to disintegrate and become pure dark energy.

Zhu Zhuyun absorbed the dark energy and increased her strength several-fold again.

‘Monster!’ Xing Ke felt Zhu Zhuyun’s strength quickly increasing more and more.

Just a moment ago, this crazy girl was no more than the Spirit Emperor, but now she is a complete monster.

“Don’t tell me you’re sacrificing your life.” Xing Ke noticed Zhu Zhuyun’s life force depleted at a fast rate.


Zhu Zhuyun ignored Xing Ke and raised her hand. Her territory became pitch black, and a sword descended from the sky.

Xing Ke felt suffocated and prepared for her last attempt to kill Zhu Zhuyun. A tornado swirled on her palm, forming a revolving spear with her whole strength inside it.

“Wind Judgment…” She pulled her bowstrings.

Zhu Zhuyun grasped the sword naturally and devoured it with her mouth. She raised her left hand and changed the dragon claw shape a little.

“Evil Dragon’s Rage.” Her eyes turned crimson red.

“DIE!” Xing Ke launched her attack at Zhu Zhuyun.

Zhu Zhuyun’s hand moved down similar with slashing motion and said, “Dark Heaven’s Space Slash.”

The entire seashore inverted, and Xing Ke’s attack clashed with Zhu Zhuyun’s, destroying the area around them.


Xing Ke noticed her attack slowly was swallowed by the fabric space and became weaker because Zhu Zhuyun’s space slash absorbed the energy.

“There is no way…” She mumbled in disbelief. Her most powerful attack was split into two, leaving some breeze behind.

Zhu Zhuyun teleported in front of Xing Ke and grasped her head with her hand. “I’m not going to let you die easily…” She said with a smirk.

“I’ll make you part of my cult, hahaha…”

Xing Ke’s spiritual sea was shallow compared to Zhu Zhuyun’s spiritual sea, which means when she received this crazy girl’s hellish experience. Her mind broke instantly.


Xing Ke rolled her eyes because every painful experience one could imagine swept over her mind. Killing her was a child’s play compared to this.


“MY MIND!!!”

It was a horrifying experience for Xing Ke, and she couldn’t even faint from this.

Zhu Zhuyun giggled and hugged Xing Ke’s broken body, inhaling the newly corrupted cult member.

“Welcome to Yunlong’s Fanclub.” She whispered to her ears.

“Our purpose is to serve him till we die.”

Xing Ke drooled and answered, “Y-Yes…”

At the Sea God Mountain, Yunlong shivered a little and cleared his throat because of Zhu Zhuyun’s statements.

“Daddy, are you okay?” Little Saixi asked innocently.

Yunlong shook his head and replied, “I’m okay.”

He used a spiritual link with Zhu Zhuyun’s mind and sighed because her spiritual sea absolutely was corrupted beyond saving.

“Ah, Master, do you need something~?” Zhu Zhuyun asked when feeling her master’s spiritual link.

Yunlong felt complicated because his illusion drove Zhu Zhuyun to such a state. “Don’t push yourself too hard.” He commented calmly.

“Also, deactivate your Spirit Fusion and use the recovery pill I gave you beforehand.” He added, to which Zhu Zhuyun responded with a bright smile.

“Okay~!” She answered while releasing all the transformations.

Her spirit energy dropped to peak Spirit Emperor again, and some of her injuries opened.

However, after consuming Yunlong’s recovery pill, Zhu Zhuyun recovered quickly.

Yunlong stared at the seashore and asked, “Zhuyun, do you hate me?”

“No,” Zhu Zhuyun shook her head. “I loved you from the deepest part of my soul, master.”

“I see…” He responded with a sigh.

“When Sea God’s Trials finished, I’ll grant one of your wishes.”

“It’s a promise for the horrible experience in the past.”

Zhu Zhuyun laughed happily and answered, “No, No, Master.”

“It’s not horrible at all.”

“I’m so happy because of it.”

“Anyway, I’ll still take your offer~,” She added with a moan.

“Let’s do something wild later~.”