Dragon Tamer-Chapter 331 - 333: Technique of Taming

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Chapter 331: Chapter 333: Technique of Taming

“We are far enough away now!”

Zhu Minglang stepped on the back of the Ice Morning White Dragon, and his body shot towards the zenith of the sky like an arrow.

The cool frost accompanied him on both sides, and the moment he flew towards the Crossing Robbers Fiend Star Dragon, the Ice Morning White Dragon had also cast an Ice Feathers guard on itself, those feathers imbued with the power of extreme cold stemmed from the Ice Morning White Dragon’s auxiliary wings…

Zhu Minglang glanced at the Ice Morning White Dragon falling beneath him, but his heart was devoid of distractions.

Such heights could not be reached without a partner willing to put aside everything for him.

In the end, everyone has their own limits.

“Sword Spirit Dragon, it’s our turn.”

Zhu Minglang was now very close to the Crossing Robbers Fiend Star Dragon.

One must admire the perseverance of the Fiend Star Dragon, for at this height, its entire body could be scorched until not a single bone remained.

If it didn’t succeed, the Fiend Star Dragon would be obliterated.

Even so, the Crossing Robbers Fiend Star Dragon did not retreat half a step; it was climbing against the current, and for it, this was a rebirth from the brink of death!

Zhu Minglang raised his sword.

At this moment, all he needed was to chop at the tail of the Crossing Robbers Fiend Star Dragon and sever the Ancient Lantern Jade attached to it, which would surely turn the Crossing Robbers Fiend Star Dragon to ash.

It was evident that given such critical injuries, the likelihood of the Crossing Robbers Fiend Star Dragon failing its trial was very high.


A massive terrifying meteor shower came falling down, a sight to behold. Zhu Minglang was originally going to cut off the tail of the Crossing Robbers Fiend Star Dragon, but upon seeing this scene, he dared not proceed, for if he didn’t defend with all his might, he too would be reduced to bone dust in an instant!

“Sword Removal Technique, Moon Crown Sword!”

Zhu Minglang executed his most powerful defensive swordsmanship, his sword resting by his left waist, with his left hand forming the posture of a sword sheath.

Gathering strength, remaining calm, the reason for sheathing his sword was that he needed to concentrate all his power at one point. At the same time, he needed to strike with the most perfect angle and force so that the Sword Radiance formed on the blade could sweep in one direction, creating a vast full moon of light that would build the Sky Moon Shield for him!!

Most importantly, this Moon Crown Sword would only last for a very brief moment. Swinging the sword too early would fail to withstand the terrifying onslaught of heaven-sent fire, while a delayed strike would leave his body turned to ash…

The Heaven Fire of Annihilation was rushing towards him, and in the corner of his eye, Zhu Minglang saw the Crossing Robbers Fiend Star Dragon bathing in the flames, looking like nothing more than a pitiful desiccated skeleton.


Unsheathe the Sword!

His left hand acting as the sheath, and his right hand drawing the sword, he focused all his strength into his arms, transferred it to his elbows, and finally to his wrists. It had to be done in one fluid motion, without any hesitation or pause, allowing the sword to be swung as fluidly as water, creating the most perfect moon crown!!!

The red sword blade, when swung, painted a crimson swath!

The empty sky was brilliant, as if blood were about to drip. Against such a backdrop, a sudden Red Moon appeared, magnificent and stunning, standing against the sky. Most astonishing was that beneath the Red Moon, there stood a man, as if he had cleaved through the chaotic heavens with one sword, bringing the Red Moon into existence!!!

The Red Moon Sword Radiance that had formed was both splendid and resilient, and even the most ferocious wave of Heavenly Fire could not penetrate it. It could be seen how the rolling Heavenly Fire, like a torrent meeting a boulder, could only flow from either side.

Zhu Minglang’s body trembled slightly…

Even the hand holding the sword was shaking.

Every move in the Sword Removal Technique was a gamble with life itself, as it involved sheathing the sword and striking in an instant. Success or death, the power of the sword had to be pushed to its utmost extreme, and yet, it could also lead directly to one’s demise!

Zhu Minglang now understood the hardships and difficulties of being a Sword Master, and he felt even more so that being a Dragon Shepherd was a safer and more reliable choice.

Zhu Minglang had withstood this tumultuous wave of Heavenly Fire.

It’s a pity that his cultivation base isn’t enough, and he’s also unable to climb further upward. Otherwise, if he reached the other shore of the fierce void, perhaps he could be the one to ascend.

There have been cases where someone uses another’s tribulation to pass their own Soul Class.


The Crossing Robbers and Star Dragon let out a long cry as the powerful flames from the heavens pushed it down from a higher altitude, and its entire body was left without a single patch of intact skin; its wings were also on the verge of being completely burned away.

Zhu Minglang’s sword strike blocked a large amount of the heavenly fire, unexpectedly allowing the Crossing Robbers and Star Dragon to narrowly escape with its life.

However, under such circumstances, the Crossing Robbers and Star Dragon was still flapping its wings, still attempting to climb upward. With its current condition, flying higher wouldn’t lead to ascension but to the Ghost Gate!

Zhu Minglang sighed deeply.

There was no longer any need for him to take action.

The Fiend Star Dragon made no choice to fly downward, nor did it choose to cling to life…

All Zhu Minglang had to do was wait for it to fly up and turn to ash, then casually catch the Ancient Lantern Jade that would fall from it.

The Ancient Lantern Jade truly lives up to its divine nature; under such a heavenly tribulation, neither the piece he held in his hand nor the piece embedded in the tail of the Fiend Star Dragon was burned by the heavenly fire.

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Oh, the piece in his hand, which is the City Lord’s Seal, seems to be a match for the one in the tail of the Fiend Star Dragon or to put it another way, it seems they were originally one piece split in two.

If the Fiend Star Dragon possessed the piece he had in his hand and reactivated that incandescent jade light protection, it might actually have a chance at successful ascension…

“Fiend Star Dragon!” Suddenly, Zhu Minglang thought of something and yelled out loud.

The Fiend Star Dragon actually bore no grudge against Zhu Minglang; it wanted to kill the two Orderers and Tu Wenhe all because of the Female Star Dragon.

“I will help you transcend the tribulation, and you will sign a Spirit Contract with me,” Zhu Minglang said to the dragon that was almost burnt down to bones.

“Ngh ” The Crossing Robbers and Star Dragon roared angrily, as if Zhu Minglang’s words were a great insult to it.

“If you really aren’t afraid of death, you wouldn’t have needed to take shelter beneath my Sword Qi just now. Of course, you can choose to die bravely, become an Unyielding Dragon Soul, and then completely vanish from this cruel world. After all, this world never lacks delusional Mortal Dragons who covet entry into the Celestial Divine Realm like you do. In the future, when my companions and I reach far higher realms and travel through famous mountains and rivers with a beautiful Female Divine Dragon, we’ll probably mention you as a joke. A Heavenly Sign Level Fiend Star Dragon, yet flitting into the flames like an insignificant and pathetic moth, thinking it is a Phoenix that can be reborn from ashes, when in reality, it’s just ignorance and folly,” Zhu Minglang said to the Crossing Robbers and Star Dragon.

Zhu Minglang may not know the Technique of Taming, but is he not skilled in the art of words?

“Ngh!!!!!!” The roar of the Fiend Star Dragon grew louder, and though it had not yet become a Ghost, it no longer wanted to let this detestable human go.

“I can lend you this Ancient Lantern Jade. Whether you ascend to become a Dragon King or die a lowly death, the choice is yours,” Zhu Minglang declared.

The Fiend Star Dragon fixed its gaze on Zhu Minglang.

It harbored an extreme aversion toward humans.

Especially since its own mother, the Female Star Dragon, had already died but was refined by humans into a Bone Dragon, with her soul unable to find peace.

“Are you afraid of being enslaved?”

“You are a Fiend Star Dragon, a Rebellious Dragon, you must have confidence in yourself. If in the future I hold you back, and you don’t break the chains of the Spirit Contract yourself, I will be too embarrassed to keep you,” Zhu Minglang continued to coax the dragon.

With the precedent set by the Female Star Dragon before it, the Fiend Star Dragon’s eyes seemed to hold a glimmer of thought.

The Dragon Bloodline of the Fiend Star Dragon is inherently hard to enslave and tame. With sufficient strength and the right opportunity, it can definitely tear apart the Spirit Contract and regain its freedom!

“Ngh ” The Fiend Star Dragon hesitated.

“Hurry up and sign. We can discuss any articles of agreement or preferences you have, and advantages you want afterward. If the next wave of heavenly fire strikes, both you and I will turn to ash!” Zhu Minglang exclaimed.