Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives-Chapter 32: Heartbroken Alice

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Chapter 32: Heartbroken Alice

After winning the bet, Jayden leaves Eleanor's room and goes to take a shower in his room. All the while walking, he was humming and had a big smile on his face; he was having the time of his life.

Jayden enjoyed the games he played with Sophie and Eleanor, though he would just say it was the doing of his cunning ego.

He also noticed whenever his cunning ego was activated, Anna never talked to him. He shrugged and thought about the presence he felt at the entrance of his kingdom.

There were only three who were pretty strong, though Jayden had the confidence he could kill all three in a single attack. Thinking about his next game and next target, he enters his bathroom.


Stephen, along with his two personal guards, an assassin, and a few of his guards and slaves, enters Warwitalm, jaydens' Kingdom, carrying many gifts.

He was heading straight to the royal castle, and while sitting on his seat in the carriage, he was fidgeting continuously.

" My king, it seems you can't hold back your excitement of meeting your wife. "

Stephen's face breaks into a grin as he replies:

" What are you talking about? She isn't my wife.

'Yet.' "

" Yes, not yet. But very soon, she'll be. The assassin is ready; that fool is dead for sure. Then she's all yours, my king. " Luke says cheekily.

" Great work; after this is finished, I'll reward you handsomely. " Stephen pats Luke on his shoulder.

" Thank you, your majesty. I shall do my best to serve you. " Luke replies while bowing his head.

" How are things going with the dark cult, holy cult, and shadow group? " Stephen asks, suddenly with a serious expression on his face.

" Most of the preparations are finished; after around a week, we will be to start the ritual. "

" Great, everything is going very smoothly. I have a feeling that today I'll also have Alice in my harem. " Stephen says with stars in his eyes.

He has 6 wives, out of which the first is the most beautiful, only second to Alice in beauty. He loved his first wife the most, but every wife of his was a beauty.

He was drooling, just thinking of Alice in his arms. He couldn't wait and ordered to increase the pace.


After 2 hours of travelling, he was finally standing in front of the castle. Luke asks a guard to inform Alice of his arrival.

After a few minutes, the guard returned and invited them into a big room, which was used to treat guests. Stephen sits on the sofa as if he's the real king of this Kingdom and has just returned from a big war. His two personal guards, Luke and Ben, were standing behind him.

After making them wait for almost half an hour, Alice finally appears. She's wearing a black dress, going from her neck to her foot, with flower patterns in it. Her face, as always, has a chilled expression.

Even without revealing any of her skin, she was looking stunning; Stephen had his mouth open wide in shock; she looked much more beautiful and sexy than he remembered.

Without even noticing, Stephen stood up and started to walk toward Alice; he was in a daze. He walks towards her and stretches both his arms to take her into his embrace.

Alice frowns and steps back while speaking:

" Please, behave, Mr Stephen. " her voice was cold, which brought Stephen back from his stupor.

" Ah, I... I'm sorry, my wife-I mean, Ms Alice. I think I got a little too excited there. Please forgive me for my rudeness; as an apology, please accept these gifts. " he replies stutteringly while pointing towards the pile of the gifts he brought.

" It's alright; there's no need for all that. " Alice replies without even looking at his gifts, making his mood drop a little.

" So, what's your reason for coming to my Kingdom? " Alice asks

Hearing her saying 'my Kingdom', Stephen raises his brows, but doesn't comment on that, as after jaydens' death, everything will be there.

" Shall we sit and talk? " Stephen says with a small smile.

In reply of which, Alice nods and walks towards the sofa farthest from the one Stephen was sitting on.

Stephen didn't show the displeasure he was feeling and had a big smile while looking at her. Then his expression turns serious, and he begins to talk:

' To kill that fool and make you my wife. 'he thought but said.

" Have you heard about the 'Shadow' group? It's an assassin group. " Stephen waits for a moment, and after Alice nods, he continues.

" There is a rumour going around that the shadow group is going to call their founding ancestors, through a ritual, all three of them. " Stephen speaks while secretly enjoying watching her.

' What an eye candy she is. I could just eat her up whole. ' he thoughts; he immediately hid the lust that showed on his face momentarily when Alice began speaking.

" So, let me ask again, what's your purpose in coming in here? " Alice asks in a voice as a child as before.

Stephen takes a deep breath, ignoring her tone. He replies with concern in his voice.

" My purpose is simple; I want to ally with your Kingdom. With both our Kingdoms together, we'll have a better chance at surviving whatever is to come," he said while looking at Alice in anticipation.

Alice didn't speak immediately; she tilted her head downward and, after a few moments, asked:

" What kind of alliance? "

Stephen was overjoyed; she didn't reject immediately; maybe there's a chance, after all, he thoughts.

" I want you to come to my Kingdom with me; you will be much safer there. I want to form a relationship between us; if you agree, we can get married after going back, but if you feel it's too early, we can get to know each other before marrying. " Stephen speaks in a single breadth with stars in his eyes.

A disgusted expression appears on her face as she listens to the nonsense he is spouting. She can't even imagine her life without Jayden; all the other men disgust her; she was about to shout at Stephen when they heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

*step* *step*

*step* *step*

Stephen's eyes glow with viciousness as he immediately jumps from his place and holds Alice's hands, stunning her momentarily.


Jayden, after a bath, ate some food and walked while using a toothpick. He was really glad that even after becoming a vampire, he could eat normal food, though he didn't need to.

While walking, he asks one of the maids about Alice, who tells him about her meeting with some guests.

Jayden was curious about the guest and leisurely walked toward them. When he was about to reach the gate of the room, he saw a guard standing there who didn't belong to his kingdom.

Just as he was about to enter, the guard nodes to someone inside the room; Jayden found this strange and entered the room.

Upon entering, he saw Alice sitting on the sofa while a handsome man in his late twenties, wearing the finest silk clothes, was holding one of her hands.

The man had a big smile on his face; Jayden had heard their conversation, so he knew exactly what happened.

Seeing Stephen touching Alice's hand, murderous intent was released from his body, and he was about to cut him into pieces when Anna's hurried voice sounded in his mind.

' Eleanor's life is in danger; there's an assassin in your room. '

At this point, Alice noticed Jayden, too; she was horrified of being seen by him while another man was touching her. She immediately jerks off Stephens's hand and stands up abruptly as she takes a few steps towards Jayden while trying to speak:

" H... Hubby,'s not wh- " she was spluttering with each word.

But before she could finish her sentence, Jayden turned around and started walking hurriedly in the opposite direction, but not before throwing the metal toothpick at Stephen's hand with a flick of his finger.

As soon as he left everyone's sight, he turned into mist and flew towards his room; he was surprised; his speed was way faster than when he entered the mana room at least three times.


As Jayden moves away, Alice felt her heart getting tighter, her breathing becoming harder with each passing second. She felt as if something was stuck in her throat, choking her voice.

Warm tear drops rolled down her cheek; she wanted to run towards him but felt strength disappearing from her body, and she fells back on the sofa. Her mind was a mess.

She thought Jayden heard them and, after seeing Stephen touching her hand, misunderstood the situation. She thought he must be heartbroken and probably would never want to see her again.

' Did he hate me now? What should I do? Will he break off our engagement? Will he never talk to me again? No. No. No. He's mine. Will he leave me forever? ' more and more questions appeared in her mind as she felt a great ache both in her heart and mind.

"Aaaaah " Stephen had no time to pay attention to Alice as he felt something piercing the palm of his right hand, passing right through it.

His guards approach him and shield him from any danger.


Eleanor came to Jayden's room to ask his permission to leave the castle and attend a family meeting.

But accidentally she discovers the assassin, who was entering jaydens' room. Seeing that he was discovered by someone, his first action was to kill her and silence her immediately.

He pulled his blade and was about to cut her throat when a gust of wind made him take a few steps back.

Eleanor didn't even have time to scream when she felts the assassin's attack, but suddenly someone was standing in front of her, protecting her.

Her eyes widen when she sees Jayden appearing from the mist, and complex emotion begins to erupt in her heart.

But the assassin was even more surprised; he didn't even notice him approach. He had a bit of fear in his heart but kept a brave front as he spoke:

" Good, I was going to wait for you, but you delivered yourself at the death's doorstep. I have no hard feelings for you, but it just works for me. Still, I'll give you a painless death. " the assassin spoke, keeping his eyes on Jayden.

Jayden looks directly into the Assassin's eyes and uses his 'Mind Manipulator' skill to copy his skills and steal his killing intent.

The assassin lunges at Jayden, pointing his blade at his neck to kill Jayden in a single stroke.

Jayden's expression does not change; when the blade is just a few cm away from his neck, Jayden waves his right hand to press the nerves at the Assassin's neck, killing him instantly. 𝘣𝘦𝑑𝑛𝘰𝑣𝘦𝘭.𝘰𝘳𝑔

He used his skill Divine doctor, which gave him knowledge of every part of the human body.

After killing him, Jayden turns around and looks Eleanor up and down and asks:

" Are you alright? Did he hurt you somewhere? " saying that he moves closer to her and takes her into his embrace.

Eleanor finally felt relaxed as Jayden hugged her; his actions warmed her heart. She puts her hands behind his back and hugs him tightly.

" I...I'm fine. Just stay like this a bit longer. " Eleanor's said in a shaky voice.

" It's alright; I'm here. " Jayden comforts her.

After more than ten mins, Jayden sends her back to her room to rest and decides to deal with Stephen. He had pissed me off; he's going to suffer much more than death, Jayden thought.

When Jayden was returning, he found that Stephen was about to leave the castle, so he hurried and reached just before Stephen left.

Stephen was standing outside his carriage; his expression was joyful. Alice was nowhere to be seen; Jayden looked into Stephen's eyes and used his mind Manipulator skill.

He copies all his memories and then, for the first time, uses his skill, 'Master of Genjutsu.' After that, he went back to where he last saw Alice, leaving behind a dazed Stephen.

" My king, are you alright? "Luke's voice sounded beside Stephen.

He finally comes to his senses and shakes his head, and then nods to Luke. After that, he sits in his carriage and starts his journey back. Although he is yet to get Alice, he's not in any hurry.

He just wanted to go back and be with his wives, especially his first wife. Even though they have been married for a long time, he still feels butterflies thinking of her.


" You didn't kill him. I'm surprised; I thought you would be shredding him to pieces the moment you saw him. " Anna voice sounded in jaydens' mind.

" Yeah, I would have, but after seeing his memories, I found a much better way to torment him. He would be afraid of even falling asleep. " Jayden replies with a ferocious look on his face.

Anna felt pity for Stephen; he was going to live a life worse than death, she knew what Jayden had done and felt it was overkill, but she didn't give her opinion, not to his cunning ego.

Jayden finally reached the room, and upon entering, he saw Alice sitting on the same sofa, her hair dishevelled, her eyes red and puffy, her face covered in tears, and she was sobbing continuously.

Jayden felt pain in his heart seeing her in such a condition, and his anger at Stephen increased even more; he decided to deal with him later and slowly approached Alice.

As he gets near, Alice comes out of her depressed state and looks up at the approaching figure. She saw Jayden approaching her, but before she could react or say anything, he hugged her tightly, making Alice shiver.

Alice immediately moves her hand and places them on his back, hugging him tightly so that he can't leave her. She felt his body's warmth and spoke in between sobs.

" D...Do you *sob* hate me now *sob*? "

Jayden felt his heart hurting, seeing Alice crying. He took in a deep breath and replied to her in a calm and loving tone.

" I would never hate you; even if you were to burn this whole world, I'd always be together with you. You are mine; we're going to be together for a whole eternity. "

Jayden starts to tell her the event that had happened earlier, making Alice finally relax a bit, but the whole time her grip on Jayden doesn't loosen at all.
