Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns-Chapter 97 Zero Chance 3

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97 Zero Chance 3 𝙛𝑟𝑒e𝘸𝑒𝗯𝘯𝗼𝘃el.𝒄𝒐m

Song Fengyan had told him he should change his method if he wanted to pursue Tang Moyu, but how could he when the woman wasn't willing to give him a chance at all. If not for Xiao Bao and Little Star, he was sure as hell that the empress would have forgotten his existence in her own home.

Since he was distracted and annoyed for not being able to see much of the empress in her own home, Feng Tianyi had spent most of his sleepless nights finishing the manuscript for his next book. 𝐟re𝐞w𝐞𝒃𝓃𝒐𝐯𝚎𝒍.c૦𝚖

On the third night of Tang Moyu's silent treatment, Feng Tianyi stared blankly at his screen. He had nothing written for the past hour since he sat in front of his laptop. Just a blank document, almost as if a black hole had appeared in front of him, taking everything out of reach, leaving nothing behind but emptiness and a sense of loss. A void inside of him.

He sighed and let a hand run on his face, closing the lid of his laptop before wheeling himself towards the kitchen to get coffee. He wondered if his blood was now replaced by the amount of coffee he was drinking these days. The caffeine was enough to keep him awake, but it was also why he was having trouble sleeping at night.

On the first day that Tang Moyu started to not talk to him, he was adamant not to give up too early, wanting to allow her some space to think about what she really wanted. However, his patience started to run thin when he realized that Tang Moyu was obviously the one who was giving him time to let her rejection sink in.

It seemed that he was the one who needed to understand that the empress truly didn't need a man nor a husband in her life, that his poor attempt of teasing her, flirting with her would never be enough to win her heart.

At the rate they were going, not only would he lose her completely, he might also miss the deadline of his book, which wasn't good because he needed to finish and submit this book to the editor this weekend, before it could be published.

The release date was set on the first week of next month, which was only a little over two weeks away. The manuscript he'd lost and him moving in with the Tangs had totally offset his schedule and Qin Jiran's book was highly anticipated by his readers. He was clearly lost on track from the sudden distraction in his life.

When he reached the kitchen and opened the fridge, he wasn't surprised to see Hunter following after him. The pup had chosen to stay with him here at the guest house while the two little buns would go back to the main house with their mother.

Hunter barked once at him as if answering his question. The pup was clearly affectionate to the little buns and Tang Moyu not him.

"Good to know you, traitor," Feng Tianyi muttered before checking if the dog had enough water in his bowl before he returned to his work.

The ding from the oven called him back to his purpose. He pulled out the pizza for a midnight snack and decided to brew a stronger coffee to accompany him for an all nighter.

Filled with frustration over the empress's rejection, Feng Tianyi went back to his study, fired up his laptop and began typing nonstop. His mind was forced to focus on the story he needed to finish and it didn't take long before he was truly submerged in the story, the words flowing easily through his writing.

He hadn't felt so riled up like this in a long time. The mere thought of his younger brother was enough to make his blood boil with anger.

He continued to write nonstop, only taking small breaks to sip his coffee or bite into his pizza. He didn't dare to stop until he completed the story. It wasn't a happy ending. How could it be when life was unfair? Most people suffer for no good reason; like him and Tang Moyu.

Life was never fair to the two of them, so why would Qin Jiran write a happy ending this time? People should realize that not everything would be fruitful, no matter how hard they work on it. There would always be something or someone who would stop them from achieving their goal, and most betrayal came from the people closest to them.

In fact, in this book, his protagonist had ended up becoming the real villain of the story. Maybe once he felt better, Qin Jiran would write the next book about his protagonist's redemption, that is, IF he was worthy of it.

Saving the file and making sure to make a backup copy of it, Feng Tianyi checked to confirm that he had sent it to his editor and informed Song Fengyan about him completing the work ahead of time. He hoped that his cousin would stop pestering him for the next few days while he pondered how to mend his relationship with the empress.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think of any reason to tell her why she should reconsider him at all!