Evolving Silver Dragon-Chapter 383 - : 401 Demon Flame Emperor_1

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Chapter 383: 401 Demon Flame Emperor_1

They’d had their fill of food and drink, so it was time to get down to business.

After Otto and his foodie group polished off an entire steamed crab, Claire successfully took control of the smaller Dark Erosion Crab that was left.

At this point, even without Konoheim’s magic to control it, the Dark Erosion Crab was well-behaved, lying to one side and showing none of its previous fierceness.

Fire Blade, who had buried himself in the ground nearby, cautiously pushed the rock off his head and finally squatted down low-key beside them once he was sure there was no more danger.

After patting her unchanged belly, Welin looked at the other Dark Erosion Crab with terrible eyes.

Suddenly, she grinned and said, “The steamed one tastes great. I wonder what it would be like to change the cooking method to grilled!”


Otto immediately stepped in, shaking his head and sighing, “I’m counting on using it to bait the Demon Flame Emperor. Anyway, Claire is here, so she can summon a few more if we want to eat in the future.”

So, a majestic abyss summoner like herself would become a food supplier?

Although Claire had plenty of objections, she still squatted down with a bitter face, not daring to voice any of them.

Eventually, Welin listened to Otto’s advice but still looked at the smaller Dark Erosion Crab with some reluctance, clearly not entirely giving up.

To avoid further delays, Otto urged Claire to contact the Demon Flame Emperor as soon as possible.

The latter showed no intention of evading and promptly crushed the Demon Flame Emperor’s scale.

It’s worth mentioning that her method of crushing the scale was quite special.

Given the hardness of the scale, it couldn’t be done with Claire’s frail body alone.

At the beginning, her palm was instantly cut by the sharp edge of the scale.

As her blood touched the scale, it dissolved like it was affected by some toxic substance, turning into a powder that dissipated in Claire’s palm.

Technically, she crushed it.

However, Otto waited for a while without getting any particular response.

Finally, he said impatiently, “That’s it? Did the Demon Flame Emperor react in any way?”

Claire looked at Otto in fear and quickly explained, “Your majesty, I’ve already contacted the Demon Flame Emperor for you. Once he knows I’ve prepared the Dark Erosion Crab, he’ll be here soon to enjoy the feast.”


Otto was still dissatisfied, “I don’t like vague words like that…”

“Please rest assured!”

Claire kept her head low, and then added, “After crushing the scale, I had a short conversation with the Demon Flame Emperor.

I told him that the deliciousness of the Dark Erosion Crab has a limited preservation time, and if it’s not cooked within three days, the quality will decline greatly.”


Otto looked at Claire with interest, and she immediately flattered him with a smile, “This means that, barring any accidents, the Demon Flame Emperor will be here within three days!”

However, Claire underestimated the Demon Flame Emperor’s pursuit of delicacies. Early the next morning, Otto’s perception ability kept sending him alerts.

From the distant sky, a dreadful creature was approaching rapidly.

Apart from Otto, Konoheim also seemed to have sensed something, while Welin and the Fire of Red Lotus were somewhat slower in their reactions due to their weaker powers.

By the time the two of them came to their senses, the Demon Flame Emperor had already appeared above the gathering of dragons.

Surprisingly, the Demon Flame Emperor looked more like a gigantic dragon with crimson scales than a demon.

Of course, it was an extremely weird and unusual-looking one.

Roughly speaking, the Demon Flame Emperor looked like a 50-meter-long red giant snake with golden patterns throughout its body, making it look even more majestic.

At the front of its body, it had a pair of slender claws and a pair of hideous dragon wings at the base of the claws.

This content is taken from fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm.

At its tail, there was another pair of limbs with sharp claws, which inexplicably reminded Otto of the divine dragons from his homeland.

Of course, usually symbolic of good fortune, divine dragons didn’t have such a hideous appearance.

Thick scales covered its entire body, even its eyes were well-hidden beneath them. Its mouth had elongated, pincer-like protrusions with spike-like structures spreading outwards.

Its mouth was filled with tiny sharp teeth – a bite from this creature would undoubtedly be extremely painful.

What attracted the most attention was the strange blue round gemstone on the Demon Flame Emperor’s forehead.

Looking at it, Otto inexplicably felt a sense of familiarity.

Soon, he realized that this blue round gemstone looked very similar to the Light Ball Boss in his own mind.

It seemed that the Blood Thunder Lord hadn’t lied to him; the Demon Flame Emperor must have known something about him.

As Otto and the others observed the Demon Flame Emperor, it was also observing them.

Of course, its main focus was on Otto.

Like Otto, the Demon Flame Emperor also noticed something unusual about the strange-looking Silver Dragon.

Next, its gaze fell on Claire.

With a terrifying, oppressive voice, it boomed, “Claire, you have deceived me and betrayed my expectations! Do you know how the Land of Red Flames deals with traitors?”

By this time, Claire was already too scared to even fart and hid behind Otto, clearly considering him her life-saving straw.

All the demons and dragons present were somewhat affected by the Demon Flame Emperor’s pressure, except for Otto and Konoheim. Welin and the Fire of Red Lotus also showed varying degrees of discomfort.

As for Fire Blade, who had been squatting obediently to the side, he had been scared unconscious…

No matter what, he was still a lord of sorts, and his current performance was quite embarrassing.

Looking at the only two unaffected dragons below, the Demon Flame Emperor’s gaze became more complex.

Leaving Otto aside for a moment, the other middle-aged, weird-looking creature seemed vaguely familiar as well.

For a being like the Demon Flame Emperor, his transformation magic had no effect on it.

It saw right through Konoheim’s disguise – he was not a human, but a powerful Brass Dragon!

If the Demon Flame Emperor remembered correctly, the creatures of this continent had always referred to this Brass Dragon as the Time Lord!