Fantasy System-Chapter 177: Sect Elders

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Chapter 177: Sect Elders

All the people present didn't waste any time to start tasting the delicacies in front of them. They may not be familiar with some of them, but they definitely couldn't stop their stomach from controlling them. As Ed had expected, everyone was attracted to the most unfamiliar dish, the pizza. Three types of pizzas were present. Seafood, meatball, and a simple cheese pizza. The most popular one turned out to be the seafood pizza, but the others were almost as popular.

Time passed by and everyone enjoyed themselves. Merchants kept asking about the dish, and foreign nobles kept pestering the maids about the recipe. Arthur proposed a toast to Elizabeth, wishing for her to have a long fulfilling life. All her children did as well, and the existing parties each proposed their own toasts. They drank some alcoholic beverages, but as Ed didn't like it, he chose to drink juice like Bella. Time passed by and people started leaving. Some chose to return to their county even though it was nighttime. Of course, Ed didn't stop them.

The sect Elders excused themselves until only the Ed's closest people remained. Including Oliver and Griffin. Bard and Audun couldn't leave either as Ed had asked them to stay until he discusses some things with them.

"Ask Dorothy to bring 'that'," Ed spoke to one of the maids, who left as soon as Ed finished. In an instant, Dorothy came with 'that'. 'That' signified the chocolate cake that Ed had made. He could have said chocolate cake, but he chose to make everyone think about what 'that' was.

"Happy Birthday mother." Ed smiled as he raised his glass of juice. This was his own gift to his mother, a birthday cake never seen before in this world. The cake was covered in chocolate. 'Happy Birthday' written on it with dark chocolate. "Where's our share?" Eric, who was sitting next to Ed, asked his in a low voice. "Later," said Ed in a low voice as well. 𝗳r𝗲𝙚w𝐞𝚋𝘯𝚘ѵ𝗲l.𝑐om

Ed had made five chocolate cakes. One for his mother, two for his companions, one for Emilia, Ellie, and Alicia, and the last one for him and the others. Only this one had the 'Happy Birthday' written on it. Elizabeth wanted to split the cake between everyone, but Ed stopped her. The cake was big, but it wouldn't be enough for everyone. He assured her that he had enough for everyone.

Elizabeth still chose to split it. She gave a piece to Bella, Suika, Merry, Agumon, and Arthur. Ed smiled while looking at everyone enjoying it very much. Especially Merry and Bella who had a sweet tooth. Ed gave the cakes to maids in order to take them to his companions, and to Emilia's group of girls. The last one was split between him, Eric, Oliver, Bard, and Audun. He didn't forget the maids and butlers of the castle. He left Dorothy with the ingredients to make some for everyone. Becky was staying with Emilia, so he was sure she would get her share there.

The night sky was shining with a crescent moon, and the stars filled the place. Elizabeth was thankful to Ed for preparing her party so she gave him quite the powerful hug. Everyone went their own ways, and only Ed, Arthur, Audun, and Bard remained together. They were now staying in Arthur's room.

Bard and Audun were starting to get nervous, as they had no idea why they were there. Of course, Ed started explaining things to them.

"Would you like to become Elders at our sect?" This sentence didn't explain anything. Instead, it threw their brains into even more turmoil.

After a while, Bard finally spoke. "I'm thankful for the offer Edward, but we're simply old men who are now no different from a normal person." Bard looked like he wanted to accept Ed's proposal, but something was stopping him from doing so.

"I know." Ed confused the two of them even more. He knew they were no different from normal people, but he still chose to ask them such a thing. They couldn't process Ed's train of thoughts.

"You used 'now' when you described your current situation. Which means that you weren't normal in the past." Ed had already scanned both of them at one time. Bard and Audun's conversation at Audun's house interested him. It sounded as if the two of them were very familiar with war. After scanning them, he was surprised.

Both Bard and Audun had a cultivation higher than Immortal Establishment. Bard was level 1 while Audun was level 2. However, they had a certain condition. Next to their cultivation level was this sentence [Broken QI center].

This explained why two Immortal Establishment cultivators looked so old. Immortal Establishment meant that the person would keep his youth for at least 100 years. Yet, these two looked like they already hit their maximum amount of years.

"Your Qi center is broken so you can't use any of your cultivation techniques, right?" As Ed told them, they looked shocked. They never told him about this, and he shouldn't have found out as they acted like normal people all the time. They slowly nodded their heads without removing their eyes from Ed.

"Your experience as cultivators should still serve as a good help to the disciple." Arthur was the one who spoke this time. His voice caused the attention of the two to switch to his side.

"Of course, we won't be using you. You'll be able to live however you want as long as you help the sect. And Ed has something you would want." Arthur made their attention to switch back to Ed. The two of them looked at Ed who was smiling.

"I'll be able to heal you." His answer shocked both of them. A broken QI center meant that the cultivator was doomed for his whole life. No one really knew how it could be fixed, but Ed managed to claim that he could. Of course, this wasn't an empty promise. Ed remembered the pill he got from the system to cure his crippled cultivation. If could recreate it, he could easily heal both of them. Of course, if he couldn't, he could heal them with Healing cards. But, they'd have to wait until he reached Immortal Establishment according to the system. He couldn't heal those that had a much higher cultivation than him.

"If you can promise us such a thing, we have no reason to refuse," Audun spoke as he knelt on one of his knees. The opportunity to use their QI again was something they always dreamed of.

"That's great. We'll discuss the specifics on another day. For now, you can go back home and think about everything." Arthur spoke as he dismissed them. Everyone was happy that night. Some filled their stomach with the greatest of delicacies. While some were going to retrieve a lost treasure.

Bard and Audun were announced to join the seats of sect Elder after a week. All ten seats of Glory sect have now been filled. Coincidently, Uther's wounds have been fully healed on that day. Ed had been hunting Blood sect posts for the past week, but now decided to stop for a while. The plan to take back Scale kingdom was about to start.