Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills-Chapter 745 - : Meeting Between the Two Families

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Chapter 745: Meeting Between the Two Families

Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

Chu Qingning returned home, finding it already late.

Li Qingyu said, “Hurry and change your clothes. We’re going to the county town to have dinner with Zhaozong’s brother and sister-in-law. No matter what, we mustn’t lose our manners on our first meeting.”

Feeling a bit nervous, Chu Qingning nodded, “Mother, I understand.”

Just then, Jiang Zhaozong’s voice came from downstairs, “Uncle Chu, Aunt

Chu, Qingning, I’m here to pick you up.”

Chu Qingning replied, “Coming.” She then proceeded to leave.

Today, she had taken special care with her appearance. Chu Qingyan had helped her with a light makeup, making her face look elegant and refined. Dressed in a goose-yellow dress embroidered with beautiful orchids, her hair was styled in a young girl’s bun, adorned with a simple orchid hairpin to match her orchid earrings. She looked both formal and beautiful. ƒree𝑤ebnσ

Jiang Zhaoyong turned and saw Chu Qingning, struck by her radiance, “Qingning, you look beautiful today.”

With a modest smile, Chu Qingning jokingly asked, “Am I not always beautiful?”

Worried about a possible misunderstanding, Jiang Zhaoyong quickly clarified,

“I mean, you’re always beautiful, but today, even more so.”

“That’s better.” Chu Qingning exchanged a few light-hearted words with Jiang Zhaoyong before turning serious, “Are your brother and sister-in-law easy to get along with? What if they don’t like me?”

Jiang Zhaoyong assured her, “My brother and sister-in-law are generous and protective. They are clear about what’s right and wrong. With you being such a wonderful girl, they couldn’t possibly fail to see that. Once they do, they couldn’t possibly dislike you.”

Feeling somewhat relieved, Chu Qingning said, “That’s good to hear.”

After getting ready, Chu Rong and Li Qingyu accompanied Chu Qingning to the county town.

Jiang Zhaoyong had arranged for a carriage to pick them up. Upon entering the county town, they stopped outside the Hongyun Restaurant.

Inside the private room, Wu Yan, Jiang Tao, and their two sons were already waiting.

Wu Yan instructed her sons, “When the guests arrive, no fussing. Be careful while eating, and don’t act rash like you do at home. Don’t embarrass your uncle, understand?”

The eldest son, twelve, and the youngest, ten, responded together, “We understand, mother.”

Jiang Tao added, “Make sure to greet them properly. Don’t stand there like a bump on a log, got it?”

“Understood, dad.”

Jiang Tao told Wu Yan, “If the girl isn’t to our liking, let’s not show it. Considering she has been taking care of Zhaoyong, we should at least offer a meal in thanks.”

“There’s no need for you to say that. I wasn’t planning to make the girl feel awkward,” Wu Yan replied. “And you, keep your opinions to yourself until after the girl has left. Don’t get drunk and forget yourself.”

Jiang Tao waved it off, “I’ll only have one drink today. I won’t get drunk and say anything out of line.”

Wu Yan warned, “Remember your words. Don’t say something offensive and turn the girl against Zhaoyong. Even if you end up liking her, she might not want to be with Zhaoyong anymore.”

Jiang Tao assured her, “I know. I wouldn’t joke about my brother’s lifetime happiness.”

Wu Yan nodded, “That’s good. Regardless of whether we like her or not, we must show her respect.”

Jiang Tao agreed, “That’s the right approach.”

There was a knock on the door. Jiang Zhaoyong said, “Brother, Sister-in-law, I’m back.”

The couple immediately stood up, anxiously adjusting their clothes and exchanging glances before Jiang Tao went to open the door with a smile, “Everyone, please come in.”

After entering the private room and introductions made by Jiang Zhaoyong as the link between them, the initial meeting proceeded smoothly.

Upon seeing Chu Qingning for the first time, Wu Yan and Jiang Tao had the same thought unspoken…

This girl didn’t resemble a countryside girl at all; she was even more refined and beautiful than any of the young ladies they had seen in the county town. She had both beauty and grace, truly one in a hundred.

The quality of her parents’ clothes indicated their affluent background, and their gentle demeanors suggested good character. Finding such good and wealthy folks was rare indeed.

Now, the concern wasn’t whether they liked the girl, but whether their family was esteemed enough for her.

With this realization, the couple became even more determined to leave a good impression on the girl and her parents, hoping to aid their brother in his pursuit.

Wu Yan, with a smile, said, “I’ve heard from Zhaoyong that Qingning is a doctor?”

Chu Qingning nodded and smiled, “Yes, but I’m not very proficient yet. I’m still learning and practicing medicine. The medical knowledge I’ve acquired is primarily for treating women, which is somewhat different from other doctors.”

Identifying with this, Wu Yan appreciated Chu Qingning’s medical focus, “That’s wonderful. It’s often inconvenient for us women to seek medical treatment. If there’s a doctor who specializes in treating women, that would be fantastic.”

Chu Qingning replied, “That’s exactly what I thought. It’s nice to see that sister-in-law shares the same view.” She then cautiously asked, “Do you think it’s improper for a young lady to go out and practice medicine publicly?”

Wu Yan quickly reassured her, “What you’re doing is a great deed. I fully support it; how could I think otherwise?”

Relieved, Chu Qingning said, “Sister-in-law is very understanding.”

Pleased by the compliment, Wu Yan beamed, “Are you hungry? Let’s order some dishes and continue chatting while we eat, shall we?”

Chu Qingning politely responded, “I’ll follow sister-in-law’s lead.”

“Alright.” Wu Yan called the waiter and ordered a large selection of dishes, most of which were Chu Qingning’s favorites.

Jiang Zhaoyong pretended to be aggrieved, “Sister-in-law used to cater to me. Now that Qingning is here, I’m forgotten.”

Wu Yan teased him, “You’re grown up and still acting spoiled in front of your sister-in-law. Pay more attention to Qingning; if she ignores you, you’ll be the one crying.”

Jiang Zhaoyong quickly agreed, “Yes, yes.”

Later, Wu Yan also presented Chu Qingning with a gift, showing her approval.

As the evening progressed, the relationship between the two families grew more harmonious, marking a promising start.

After dinner, Jiang Zhaoyong escorted the Chu family home. Upon his return, Wu Yan immediately pulled him aside to inquire, “Does Qingning’s family have any specific requests for the betrothal gifts? Your brother and I will start preparations right away to settle the marriage proposal as soon as possible.”

Jiang Zhaoyong was taken aback, “Sister-in-law, weren’t you saying yesterday…”

Wu Yan cut him off, “Yesterday was yesterday, today is today. I didn’t know Qingning was so exceptional before. If we lose her, you’ll never find anyone as good again.”

Jiang Zhaoyong nodded in agreement, “You’re right, sister-in-law.”

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Wu Yan urged him, “So, tell me, what are their requirements for the betrothal gifts?”

“They don’t have specific requirements, as long as it follows tradition. But I don’t want to shortchange Qingning.” Jiang Zhaoyong took out a list of betrothal gifts that Chu Qingning’s eldest brother had prepared for his own proposal, “This is what her brother brought for his marriage proposal.”

Upon seeing the list, Jiang Tao was astonished; the items listed amounted to over a thousand taels, including a thousand taels of betrothal money, “Is Qingning’s family that wealthy?”

Jiang Zhaoyong hadn’t previously disclosed the Chu family’s wealth to his brother and sister-in-law, only mentioning matters related to Chu Qingning.

Jiang Zhao Yong explained, “Their family is in business, which has expanded to the capital. They even collaborate with the richest family in Daling Dynasty.

And there’s something else you should know. The girl who was granted the title of baroness that you were talking about before is Qingning’s youngest sister. She’s also the fiancee of a general…”

His brother and sister-in-law were speechless.

So, in the end, was it them who were climbing the social ladder through this marriage?