Fate Online: Shadow-Chapter 305 Thunder Bluff Chieftain: Orgar

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Chapter 305 Thunder Bluff Chieftain: Orgar


Shadow gave a glance below his eye level and saw that there was a message from Chakram warning them of incoming danger.

"You guys saw it too, right? We don't have the luxury of getting held up here, so use everything you have to increase your mount's speed!" said Shadow as he turned to his companions.

The others nodded as they also saw the message from Chakram. Every one of them quickly took out items from their [Storage] space and quickly used them.

Cereal Killer took out a scroll and hastily tore it in half as a burst of light appeared and turned into a vast halo of green light encompassing their group appeared and surrounded them, which quickly increased their speed, startling those Wolf Cavalry behind them who was just about to catch up to them, and there was even one of them who was riding on the front who was already prepared to hack his humongous axe at Shadow's back.

While Solitary Tempest just continued shooting her arrows filled with elemental energy towards the remaining Grey Orcs riding in their wolves, as those Grey Ocs running on their two feet had already stopped due to exhaustion and slowly went back to their tribe, leaving only the persistent Wolf Cavalry who is still pursuing them, hot on their heels.

And Storm Moonlight who is riding beside Cereal Killer and in front of Shadow and Solitary Tempest took out something which puzzled the three who saw the crystal in the shape of dodecahedron on her hand.

"What the heck is that?" Cereal Killer couldn't help but ask in curiosity.

"It's a mana crystal bomb" Storm Moonlight replied as she threw it behind them towards the Wolf Cavalry, and one of the Grey Orc riding on the front subconsciously caught it on his hand and looked at confusingly.



That Grey Orc was just about to bring it up to his nose and smell it when it suddenly emitted a weak to a blinding light before it exploded on his face and the surrounding five meters, killing most of the orcs inside the blast radius and injuring those who just outside of it, especially the wolves as they tumbled on the ground which caused a chain reaction as those riding behind them crash onto them and fell.

The scene was like those car chase scenes in the movies where the police always crash and burn from either chasing after the protagonist or the antagonist.

The quick-witted ones quickly maneuvered around the "crash site" and continued chasing after Shadow and the rest, while some of the orcs stopped and jumped down from their mounts and helped the wounded.

"Holy moly! That's awesome!" Cereal Killer exclaimed in amazement while Shadow's eyes quickly glittered with interest, and quickly made plans to ask Storm Moonlight later from where she had gotten a Man Crystal Bomb, as he is also interested in having one or two of it.


Just as the group was almost at the exit, a shockingly powerful roar full of anger resounded throughout the entire gorge, they even saw that the tall trees around them trembled because of it, with numerous leaves falling off to the ground.

They were just a couple of hundred meters away from reaching the exit when Shadow's and Cereal Killer's mount slowly stopped in their tracks and started trembling in fear.

"F*ck! Go ahead of us! Leave!" Shadow had a change of expression when his mount came to a quick halt because of the overwhelming fear that the roar brought to their mounts.

Solitary Tempest and Storm Moonlight only gave them a quick glance and didn't even hesitate to leave them to their circumstances knowing that Shadow and Cereal Killer can take care of themselves.

And even if they do die, then they would just lose fifty percent of their experience bar or a level, but the most important thing is that at least one of them should be able to leave through the gorge's exit and enter the dense forest behind the exit, where they would certainly be able to maneuver around the forest and avoid the pursuing orcs.

Where the others would be able to directly resurrect on the location of their surviving companion by sacrificing a level.

On the other hand, Shadow has also gambled on the fact that the Grey Orcs surely wouldn't cause a huge ruckus in the forest as there certainly would be monsters stronger than them living in the forest, right?

So everything that they have been doing until now has mostly depended on sheer luck.

Shadow and Cereal Killer dismounted from their mounts and unsummoned them back, while the Wolf Cavalry didn't quickly charge forward to kill them and instead surrounded the two as the resounding sound of thumping on the ground echoed behind the Wolf Cavalry as a huge shadow is slowly making his way over towards their direction.

The two of them stood back to back to each other, and Shadow opened his mouth and said, "Hey, you ready?"

Cereal Killer slightly turned his head and said with an annoyed tone, "If you're planning to do something, then just do it!"

"Of course, but let's wait for the main dish to arrive!" he sent Cereal Killer a private message so that the Grey Orcs surrounding them doesn't hear the conversation between the two of them and would only see them with their tense looks on their faces.

"Humans, how dare you lot trespass into our lands!?" said the biggest Grey Orc among them, and behind him is a huge bastard sword with a width of at least a foot long and with a length of more or less two meters.

Like the others, his body is also covered in varying shapes of tattoo.and probably the leader of the Wolf Cavalry or someone with status in their tribe.

Both Shadow and Cereal Killer just rolled their eyes and took a quick glance to the side where they finally got a clear look at the behemoth.

It was a monster around seven meters in height, a behemoth of sheer size with two long curved tusks on both sides of its mouth!

It was an ancient beast from tens of thousands of years in the past.

A Woolly Mammoth!

And the back of the mammoth is a huge Grey Orc, twice the size of a regular orc. The biggest orc that Shadow and Cereal Killer had ever seen. Its face has a scar across its face as it glared at the two of them with disdain and anger!

[Level ???

Thunder Bluff Chieftain: Orgar]

"Damn, this dude is huge!" Cereal Killer couldn't help but exclaim to himself when his eyes landed on the figure of the huge orc who is now standing before the two of them.

The beast is even bigger than Shaquille O'Neal!

"You better have a good plan to escape from this man. I don't want to be eaten by these bastards and turned into a meat patty" said Cereal Killer as he's starting to feel suffocated just standing before the large orc and if it wasn't because he is a Wizard, then he would probably kneeling by now and suffering from a couple of negative statuses.

While Shadow just stared at the monster before them with a dark look and the edge of his mouth couldn't help but twitch when he realized that the power exuding from Thunber Bluff Chieftain: Orgar is no weaker or just below from that Elder Dragon that he had once met back in Forest of Despair.

'I wonder how many experience points he'll give us or what items would he drop if he dies?'

Shadow couldn't help but snicker to himself when he finally remembered the thing he's holding in his hand.

Teleportation Scroll

An ancient scroll inscribed with a teleportation spell.

Usage: Tear the scroll in half and teleport towards the target location.

Of course, the item wasn't an item that could launch an attack and kill a beast of Orgar's level. Shadow didn't quickly use it because he wanted to get a clearer look at the monster before making their escape and at the same time, infuriating them!

Shadow bit on the other side of the scroll while he placed his free hand on Cereal Killer's shoulder, and tore the scroll in half.

The scroll burned up and turned into motes of black light and covered both Shadow and Cereal Killer, as a blue magic circle appeared beneath their feet.


Shadow waved at them with a huge smile on his face before both of them disappeared.

All of the Grey Orcs stared at the spot from where the two humans disappeared with a dumbfounded look on their faces, and Orgar who was just preparing to bellow in anger choke on his words, and his face quickly turned red due to anger.


"Find them! I want you to find them and bring them before me, dead or alive!" Orgar angrily pulled one of the Orc Elders towards him who had just arrived at the scene and saw their leader bellowing towards the skies in anger.

"Yes, chief!" the Orc Elder quickly made a saluting gesture by placing his fist before his heart.

The said Orc Elder quickly brought two hundred Wolf Cavalry with him and rode towards the dense forest with their brethren watching their departure.

"Chief, was it wise to send a large army inside the Garuda Forest?" a hunchbacked old looking orc with a huge beard and with a walking stick stood beside Orgar.

The orc is so small he looks like a child beside Orgar.


Orgar turned his head towards the old orc and just snorted and didn't say anything before leading his horde back to their tribe.

The old orc looked towards the dense forest and shook his head as he also turned around and slowly followed the rest back home.

'I hope all of them return alive'