Feng Yu Jiu Tian-Volume 15 Chapter 5.6

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I haven't even start to translate next chapter. Somehow I'm feeling torn. Thank you Minak Amie for your hard work. Today I'm being generous with my release..LOL..


“Oh,” Feng Ming grabbed a jade flute from his waist and showed it toRong Tian, “while travelling on the ship, I came across the famous Du Feng. Asexpected, his mannerisms are outstanding. He’s a truly remarkable man and thesound of his flute is so beautiful. He gave me this jade flute, why don’t youtry to play it?” He lightly shook the flute in front of Rong Tian’s face whilesmiling happily. “I will not allow anyone to blow on it, you are the onlyexception… hehe, it’s only you that I will make an exception for.”

However, Rong Tian looked at the flute disdainfully and lightly grunted.“Don’t joke with me, Du Feng is nothing special. If this King wanted to blow ona flute, the only one I would blow is Duke Ming’s.”

[TN : gosh, I was laughing so hard whiletranslating this... ]

Feng Ming’seyes blinked in confusion, but after a while, he finally understood what thenonsensical thing that came out of Rong Tian’s mouth meant, causing his face toturn completely red. He pointed the jade flute at Rong Tian and stammered,“You…you…”

Rong Tian looked at the interesting expression on his face and lovinglylaughed. He grabbed the hand holding the flute and casually tossed it behindhim. At the same time, he held Feng Ming in his arms and laid him down on thesoft quilt while deliberately teasing him. “You what? Are this King’s words nottrue?”

“You… You, you, you immoral rogue!”

[TLN: 荒淫无 - huāng yín wú dào : be profligate and devoid of principles.]

“Yes, this King is immoral.” In Rong Tian’s eyes, there was tendernesshidden within, however his facial expression could only be described asdevious. “But the lewd one is you. Come, lie down and be obedient for thisKing. Don’t squirm too much.”

“What are you doing?”

“Of course I’m going to play the flute!”

Xi Lei’s King gracefully replied as he quickly and decisively removedDuke Ming’s clothing, spreading the pair of beautiful legs open. Facing thecute spot in the center, he tenderly went down and started “playing the flute.”

“Ah…” suddenly Feng Ming’s breath quickened and his graceful neck liftedup with his face towards the ceiling, creating a sweet and beautiful image.

The wet sounds seemed inexplicably erotic.

Looking at the waist that couldn’t stop writhing, Rong Tian couldn’thelp but smile seeing his lover enjoying his service. With that, his tonguegrew even more diligent, “playing the flute” with his mouth in order to satisfyhis demanding partner.

Licking the sensitive parts, the wet sounds became even more erotic andlewd.

Of course, Feng Ming could no longer resist the pleasure. Soon after,his lips parted and out escaped a shy and seductive moan. Desperate pleas couldbe heard leaving his mouth. “Rong Tian… nn… ahh… Rong…ah…Tian…”

Rong Tian wickedly licked the head, near his slit, causing Feng Ming’sdelicate waist to arch. He whimpered and sobbed in pleasure.

Whimpering like a small animal, Feng Ming was unable to bear the intensepleasure so he used his snow-white heel to rub slowly between his unyieldinglover’s legs.

Rong Tian grabbed his ankle and relaxed his mouth for a bit. Raising hishead while laughing, he jokingly asked, “How is it? Isn’t this King’s fluteplaying much better than Du Feng’s?”

Feng Ming finally got a chance to catch his breath. Listening to theridicule nearly made him vomit blood.

Feeling shy, but anxious, he took severaldeep breaths before gathering up the courage to fiercely demand, “You didn’teven finish playing so how can I compare? Hurry up and play till the end.Otherwise, this Duke will consider this incomplete treatment as an offence!Wha... nn”

Interrupting his words, without retorting, Rong Tian happily used histongue to finish what he started.