First Immortal of the Sword-Chapter 991 - Begging

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Chapter 991 - Begging

When the four Profound Serenity Emperors attacked together, Ye Luo couldn’t help but snort coldly. However, just as he was about to intervene, Su Yi’s calm voice resounded throughout the premises. “Stay out of this.”

Not long after he arrived at the Burial Ground of the Dao, he entered the Divine Cave of the Six Paths and saw the old blind man imprisoned there after undergoing brutal torture. These four Profound Serenity experts had surrounded him then, too.

At the time, murderous intent accumulated in Su Yi’s heart. It was then that he decided to personally send the four of them on their way. Given the circumstances, how could he possibly let Ye Luo intervene?

“Got it!” Ye Luo silently stepped back.

The four Profound Serenity experts inwardly heaved sighs of relief. They’d been worried that Ye Luo would charge in, heedless of the consequences. Who’d have thought that Su Yi would be the one to stop this from happening?

Regardless of whether Su Yi’s confidence was warranted or not, the four Profound Serenity Emperors thought that working with Huo Yao was the most reliable method to take Su Yi down.

“Kill him!” The four of them worked together to attack Su Yi from all sides.


The dark-robed elder waved his snow-white fly whisk, filling the sky with starlight that descended upon Su Yi from behind. He’d unleashed his killer move right off the bat, and he held nothing back.

Su Yi didn’t even turn to look at him; it was as if he had eyes on the back of his head. He swung his arm behind him, and dazzling, radiant sword qi swept outward. It shattered the starlight with ease, sending the dark-robed elder staggering back. He almost fell, and the pain was so intense that he almost coughed up blood.

Practically simultaneously, the colorfully dressed woman, the man in dragon-embroidered robes, and the white-haired youth descended upon Su Yi. All fought with their lives on the line, and they seemed utterly insane. As Profound Serenity experts, they’d experienced countless bloody battles both large and small. They were naturally well aware of how dangerous this battle was. If they didn’t go all out, they were completely doomed!

Huo Yao seized this opportunity to attack with all his might too.

Just like that, a grand battle broke out.

Even one against five, Su Yi fought barehanded. He had no intention of using treasures of any kind. However, his majestic bearing became increasingly forceful and mighty. His entire body glowed with sword intent as he attacked like a god or immortal.

Only then did his opponents realize just how terrifying Su Yi was!

Fighting him was like fighting a primordial divine mountain. He seemed utterly unshakable, and his opponents felt utterly helpless against him!

Barely enough time to snap one’s fingers nine times had passed since the start of this chaotic battle, but an agonized cry already filled the air. It came from the white-haired young man. The heavy saber he gripped split in two, and an unstoppable streak of sword qi cleaved through his chest, leaving a bloody hole in its wake.

A moment later, his body exploded into ash!

It all happened so fast.

Even though his enemies had him surrounded, Su Yi wasn’t suppressed. On the contrary, he rallied himself and forcefully broke through the joint attacks of five powerful foes. Now, he’d seized an opportunity to cut one of them down!

Lu Hu, an old monster of Nine-Star Sword Mountain. After proving his Dao and becoming an Emperor, he cast aside his sword and took up the saber. He’s been immersed in the Dao of the Saber for tens of thousands of years, and he’s finally achieved major success in this path. They call him the first and greatest saber cultivator of Nine-Star Sword Mountain. Ye Luo thought to himself, But against Master, he was ultimately unable to take even a single hit.

The white-haired young man’s death had a deep impact on the others. All of their expressions changed dramatically, and they fought with renewed, explosive madness. Especially the dark-robed elder—he saw that the situation wasn’t in their favor, and he activated a forbidden technique without the slightest hesitation.

“Go!” He roared like a devil, and his blood and qi soared into the air, manifesting a thousand-foot, three-headed, six-armed illusory demonic god.

This was the forbidden technique of Dragon Tiger Dao Mountain: the Wrath of the Demonic God! Rumor had it that those who used this art paid for it with all of their blood and qi. Even if they survived, their bodies would be completely destroyed, and they’d have no choice but to build them anew.

It was for this reason that no one would use this technique unless it was truly a matter of life and death. It meant sacrificing their body!


The thousand-foot projection of a demonic god charged at Su Yi. Its aura was monstrous and terrifying, and even Ye Luo couldn’t help but feel surprised.

He had to admit to himself that earlier, had his opponents used such a forbidden attack, he would have had no choice but to avoid it.


Su Yi’s right hand suddenly shot forth, and his fingers formed a seal and hit the air.

Thirty-six blue stars flashed in the air, outlining a strange and grand star diagram, which resolved in the air. From a distance, it was like a whirlpool of stars.

The Starry Sky Refining Spirit Art!

This wondrous ability was a legacy of the Wilds’ greatest Daoist sect, the Nine Extremes Profound Capital. The Wilds’ Touch of Gold Pavilion appraised it as the ninth greatest skill for exorcizing demons throughout the heavens!

In the past, due to the limits of his cultivation, Su Yi couldn’t have unleashed such an ability.

But now that he’d re-entered the Profound Dao, his cultivation base has transformed into Profound Power. Using this ability now was as easy as plucking a flower.

The reason he’d chosen this particular art was because it was specifically designed to counter Dragon Tiger Dao Mountain’s Wrath of the Demonic God!

The person who’d developed the Starry Sky Refining Spirit Art did so after a user of the Wrath of the Demonic God suppressed him, and he went so far as to spend almost ten thousand years contemplating before finally creating this divine ability.


The star diagram revolved, like stars around a black hole. The surrounding skies contorted and collapsed, and the charging projection of a demonic god crumbled like wheat under a millstone. Its massive body collapsed, inch by inch, until finally it was ground to nothingness.

Light scattered like rain, and the old man in dark robes coughed up blood. His face paled, and he sighed, “The Starry Sky Refining Spirit Art! Great!”

Before his voice had even finished echoing through the air, the old man’s body scattered like dry wood. A streak of sword qi swept through his primordial spirit, and it too shattered into a rain of light.

Yet another Profound Serenity Emperor had died!

“Old Daoist Suirong definitely wasn’t willing to die. This must have been a mortifying way to go.” Ye Luo’s eyes shone with strange light.

Dragon Tiger Dao Mountain hated and feared nothing more than the Starry Sky Refining Spirit Art. If not for their inability to defeat the Nine Extremes Profound Capital, the leaders of the Dragon Tiger Dao Mountain would have long since destroyed that particular legacy.

Why did they hate it so much? Simple! Because under its suppressive effects, Dragon Tiger Dao Mountain’s strongest forbidden technique, the Wrath of the Demonic God, was nothing but empty posturing!


As Ye Luo sighed, an explosion shook the heavens.

There, on the battlefield, unstoppable, radiant sword qi enveloped the man in dragon-embroidered robes. His halberd shattered, and his body was instantly minced into countless bloody chunks.

Bloody mist filled the air, staining the skies red.

Yet another Profound Serenity Realm powerhouse had perished!

It had all happened far too quickly. The old man in dark robes had only just perished when the man in embroidered robes died. Su Yi had executed him in a flash!

This bloody scene terrified the colorfully dressed woman. She shrieked, then split into countless streaks of misty light and attempted to flee through the cave’s distant exit.

The Demonblood Formation-Breaking Art!

This was one of the Cloud-Scraping Yao Sect’s divine abilities. When unleashed, the body could split into countless pieces and soar through the air. Enemies couldn’t see through it, and it was difficult to stop.

However, Su Yi’s distant gaze shone with glittering silver light, as if the radiant full moon were reflected in his pupils.

In the blink of an eye, he saw through truth and fiction and located the colorfully dressed woman’s true body.


Practically simultaneously, a roughly ten-foot streak of sword qi appeared out of thin air, like the blade of heaven’s judgment. It shone with illusory light as it swept across the colorfully dressed woman’s body.

“The Moonspirit True Eyes of the Xiezhi lineage…” The colorfully dressed woman’s beautiful eyes widened, then filled with bitterness. “I heard that the Swordmaster of Abstruse Force was proficient in all manner of abilities and that he’d mastered ten thousand Daos. Now, it seems those were no mere rumors…”

Before her unresigned voice had even finished echoing through the air, her body split into pieces, and she died on the spot.

All of this really was quite terrifying.

Both the old man from Dragon Tiger Dao Mountain and the colorfully dressed woman from the Cloud-Scraping Yao Sect had used forbidden techniques, and both were top-notch even by the standards of the Wilds. Ordinarily speaking, even foes of higher realms would have struggled to stop them, let alone those of the same level.

But this time was different. This time, their opponent was Su Yi. The reincarnation of the sole sovereign of the wilds, the one honored as the Master of Ten Thousand Daos, Su Xuanjun!

The secret arts and divine abilities he’d mastered were enough to counter a forbidden technique of this level!

By now, the Profound Serenity Emperors of Nine-Star Sword Mountain, the Divine Blue Lightning Sect, Dragon Tiger Dao Mountain, and the Cloud-Scraping Yao Sect had all perished. This no longer even qualified as a “fierce” or “chaotic” battle, because even five against one, Su Yi wasn’t injured even once. He cut through his opponents as if they were rotten wood, simply, directly, and utterly tyrannically!

Battle? No. This was one-sided suppression!

Were the world’s Emperors to see this, it would unquestionably leave them wide-eyed and tongue-tied. After all, Profound Serenity Emperors already stood at the pinnacle of the world. Every one of them was prominent enough to dazzle the world and make its countless cultivators tremble.

But Ye Luo didn’t find this strange at all.

After all, in his heart, his master had always been invincible! Even though he’d reincarnated to begin his cultivation anew, Profound Serenity cultivators like that were in no way a match for him!

The dense smell of blood permeated the air.

Only Huo Yao remained, and he fought stubbornly.

However, in stark contrast with when the battle began, it hurt to even look at him. His hair was disheveled, his body was covered in wounds, and every inch of him was smeared with blood. Dread and panic were written all over his deathly pale face.

When he saw Su Yi about to attack once more, Huo Yao seemed to collapse. He shouted, “Master, you took me from a Xiantian fire source, and you raised me. You once said I was like a son to you, and you saw me as your own. Are you… are you really going to kill me?”

His voice was raspy, and it brimmed with terror and an air of pleading.


Su Yi’s attack paused in midair, transforming into an oppressive power. It forced Huo Yao to his knees, and it was so agonizing that his entire body convulsed.

But he paid none of this any heed. Instead, he begged in a quavering voice, “Master, I know I was wrong. No matter how you want to punish me, I’ll accept it all, but please, don’t kill me. Don’t kill me, okay?”

His lips quivered, and his blood-covered long hair hung over his face. He knelt there, then looked up at Su Yi, his eyes glistening with tears. However, it was unclear whether they were tears of regret or tears of dread.

How arrogant and unbridled was Huo Yao when the battle began?

Yet now, he was as humble as a prisoner. He knelt on the floor, wept, and begged for his life.

When Ye Luo saw this, he felt incomparably conflicted. He didn’t quite have words to describe his feelings.

Su Yi’s calm expression never wavered. He gazed down at the kneeling Huo Yao and said, “Do you know why I reincarnated to cultivate anew?”

Before Huo Yao could answer, Su Yi continued, “Because there were numerous flaws in the Dao of my past life. That’s why I resolutely cast everything aside, all my accomplishments and all my glory, and chose to start afresh.

“I suppressed your cultivation because I couldn’t bear the thought of you repeating my mistakes. I didn’t want your mistakes to come back to bite you when you attempted to enter Profound Unity.

“But now, it seems I only hurt you. I didn’t just fail to rid you of your heart demons. No, I made you hate me to the bone and view me with enmity.

“Hah! We’re master and apprentice, yet here we are, hurting each other. How ironic is that?” Su Yi’s expression had been calm all this time, but now, it was filled with deep self-deprecation.

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