Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton-Chapter 214 - 153 ‘What is ‘Mother’?_2

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Chapter 214 Chapter 153 ‘What is ‘Mother’?_2

Translator: 549690339

So, after growing to tens of meters high, those World Trees would stop growing. Those malnourished trees stood there, taking up space. Clearing some of them would provide more space and vitality for the other trees. If the elves wanted it, it couldn’t have been better.

Those large trees, over ten meters high, were dug up and cut into logs to be transported over. It would take some time. During this boring wait, the Great Unicorn suddenly roared at Lightning, “Come home with me.”

Lightning unconsciously shrunk its neck, and after realizing what was happening, it refused, “No!”

“Are you coming back or not? Come here.”

“No!” Lightning hid behind Purple Corpse, and everyone could see that it was out of breath and feeling guilty.

“If you don’t come over, I’m going to hit you.”

“No!” No matter what the Great Unicorn said, Lightning just stuck its neck out and hid behind the Purple Corpse, saying ‘No.’ The only mouth that dared to spout nonsense in front of Ange could only say ‘No’ at this moment.

In the end, the Great Unicorn was tired and roared, “If you don’t come back with me today, don’t bother coming back at all.”

“Then I won’t come back!” Lightning roared back.

The Great Unicorn angrily turned and left, a result that made many sigh in regret.

“Hit it! Beat it! As its mother, why aren’t you beating it up?” Luther lamented and stomped his foot, grumbling under his breath.

“Beat it! Slap its mouth, Kick its butt, ugh, all it does is roar.” Negris sighed in regret.

“That’s it? That’s it? Should we find a whip for the mare mom?” Lisa suggested.

“Don’t do that, it’s not a horse, it’s a unicorn, here, a whip.” Feilin handed over a whip.

Before Lisa could grab it, the Great Shaman passed by not far from the Great Unicorn with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky. A whip accidentally fell from his waist to the ground.

“…When did it offend the Great Shaman?”

“…I have no idea. This damn horse, even the patient Great Shaman who often babysits for others has been pissed off by it?”

“Beat it.” Many people silently cheered them on.

However, the Great Unicorn didn’t do as everyone wished. It walked in front of Ange, first knelt on its front knees and then gently touched Ange’s forehead with its horn.

Seeing such a large pointed horn thrusting at him, Ange instinctively reached for his scythe, but Negris quickly stopped him, “It’s the highest tribute a unicorn can give, to touch the purest you with its purest horn.”

Ange carefully touched it with his forehead and quickly withdrew, “It’s sharp.”

Gailard’s hands, which were behind his body, abruptly clenched, and he forcefully suppressed his laughter. It was a rare day when his mount was ignored.

The Great Unicorn didn’t seem to mind it or rather didn’t mind being disliked by Ange because it said, “Thank you for protecting my child. You all are the purest ones. Son of Lightning, may he accompany you on your journey.”

As the Great Unicorn spoke, a group of electric light condensed on its horn and slowly floated in front of Ange. “I hope you can continue to protect him. The Son of Lightning blesses you.”

“This is the Unicorn’s blessing, it can immunize you from most negative states. It’s a pity it’s useless to you,” Negris regretfully told him.

“Ah? Useless? Why?” The Great Unicorn was somewhat baffled. 𝔣𝔯𝖊𝔢𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝖑.𝔠𝖔𝔪

Its Unicorn Blessing was a very practical permanent buff that many creatures were very fond of. In the black market, some people even offered incredibly high prices to capture unicorns just for this blessing. How could someone not need it?

Negris shrugged, “Because standing in front of you is a deity who is naturally immune to most negative states. No, two deities are standing in front of you.”

As he spoke, Negris puffed out his chest and patted himself with his small paw.

The Great Unicorn looked at the God of Knowledge with skepticism: “Oh, so Gailard called it the God of Knowledge, are all gods this weak these days?”

Then the Great Unicorn became distressed: “I want to thank you, but my blessings can’t be used by you, and I have nothing else to offer, I’m broke.”

“No need to thank us, Lightning has been quite obedient, it has helped us a lot.” Negris started to praise Lightning forcefully.

“Really? It’s not as good as you say.” The Great Unicorn couldn’t help but be like other mothers as their child gets praised, with smiles all over her face.

“Of course, Lightning can run very fast. There were several occasions where it transported me…to the scene in time. Very impressive.” Negris barely swallowed the word ‘us’, fearing that the Great Unicorn would throw a fit if she found out Lightning was being ridden by everyone.

“Hehe, you flatter me, it can’t move that fast, it can’t even tread on air. Now that its horn has grown out, I’ll teach it when I get back.” The Great Unicorn laughed heartily.

“Stop dawdling with the Blessing Aura, let it be sealed in the wooden plaque, the effect will be reduced, but make a few more, and there’s a World Tree right here.” Negris stripped a section of the World Tree’s core, carved three plaques, and had Ange carve some magic circles on them, forcibly sealing the Unicorn’s blessing away.

This kind of Unicorn Blessing Wood Ornament has about eighty-percent of the blessing’s effect.

The Great Unicorn, after being flattered, attempted to give three blessings, almost exhausted herself, but Gailard quickly stopped her.

Well, one blessing couldn’t be given away, but three blessings finally were. Negris was satisfied, the three blessed wooden plaques, Ange couldn’t use it, but Little Zombie, Little Angel, and her could.

Gailard pulled the Great Unicorn far away, not allowing her to talk with Negris anymore, to prevent any further scraping.

Once the World Tree stump was completely excavated and directly transported to the Elf Forest, after Gailard confirmed its arrival, he was eager to flee with the Great Unicorn.

Before running away, the Great Unicorn approached Lightning, her horn touching Lightning’s broken one: “You’ve grown up, if you won’t come back with me, take care of yourself. Ange and those around him, except for the Bronze Dragon, all possess the purest of souls, they will be your best companions.”

“???” Negris was puzzled, ‘why exclude me?’

Some experiences transferred from the horn to Lightning’s heart, allowing Lightning to instantly understand a certain skill.

Lightning grimaced: “I got it, no need to remind me. Just the fact that they haven’t killed me yet shows they are good-tempered enough. You take care.”

The Great Unicorn, carrying Gailard, ascended to the sky, and until their figures disappeared on the horizon, Lightning breathed out a sigh of relief, his nerves totally relaxed.

Negris flew over: “Hurry up, don’t play dead, show us what your mother taught you.”

“What else could it be? The technique of treading on air, I couldn’t learn it before because my horn was broken.” Lightning waved his broken horn.

Now his broken horn has grown three-quarters of its length, only the most sharp part in the front remains, but it doesn’t interfere with him using the special abilities of the Unicorns, like Thunder Power.

“Come on, perform it.” Negris said. He clapped his hands and Little Angel immediately rode on Lightning, followed by Little Zombie and Ange. Negris also seated himself firmly on Lightning.

“Could you guys please show some decency, I just learned it and I’m not proficient yet, I might end up injuring all of you.” Lightning grumbled, then sped up gradually on the ground, and eventually made it into the sky.

Being on horseback and dragonback provide entirely different experiences. With Lightning’s slim figure and no wings blocking their view, one can see the sky and earth’s scenery even with just a slight turn of one’s head.

It seemed as if the sky and earth were connected; this viewpoint was more immersive. The excitement tossed Little Angel and Little Zombie into shrill yelps.

Excitedly running all the way, Lightning became thrilled as well. The speed of treading on air far surpassed the swift speed on land, unknowingly they ended up several hundred kilometers away, a red terrain that was strikingly different from the desert’s yellow appeared on the horizon.

“Huh? Is that red soil? How did we end up in Dark City?” Negris was astonished, the only place with red soil and sand rocks in the desert is around Dark City.

Not mentioning Dark City, Ange had forgotten about it, he had originally planned to kill Hermorthos before Gailard’s arrival.

Ange pointed downwards: “Go there.”

But before Lightning could change direction, Ange suddenly looked up. Above him in the clouds, several shadows were rapidly plunging downwards, behind those shadows, an even larger one seemed on the verge of emerging from the clouds.