Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton-Chapter 263 - One Hundred Seventy-Seven: Erasing Someone’s Magic Tattoo?_1

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Chapter 263: Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Seven: Erasing Someone’s Magic Tattoo?_1

Translator: 549690339

Everyone thought of Anthony placing spies in Roland City, while completely overlooking the fact that they were all in this together.

Besides Anthony, there were twelve towering Holy Spirit Angels who accompanied him, drifting slowly down the street as if their feet had wheels underneath their gowns.

The citizens, soldiers, and.idlers in their way neatly stepped aside, creating a pathway. Some devout believers couldn’t wait to drop to their knees, worshipping fervently. Twelve ‘large’ angels – the larger they were, the more powerful they must be.

Some atheistic wizards have already started whispering among themselves, “Did you hear? The Holy Church? Isn’t that their nickname? They are collectively called the Church of Light typically.”

“Didn’t you know? The Eastern Diocese has become self-governed. They claim that the Western Diocese is occupied by the minions of the evil god. The Archbishop of the Western Diocese, Nikola, is a vile person, carelessly indulgent, sleeping with seven maidens every day, and raping the backyard pigs. He even sent someone to assassinate Archbishop Anthony.”

“In order to cleanse the followers of the evil god, Archbishop Anthony launched a purge, but was obstructed by the Pope. Anthony, unwilling to associate with the evil god, decided to sever ties with the Church of Light and formed the Holy Church. He earned the support of the entire Eastern Diocese. Now, we have to call him ‘His Majesty Archbishop Anthony’.”

A wizard who had never heard of these events appeared baffled. “Is that an explosive rumor? Seven maidens and a pig. Why would anyone rape a pig? I just returned from the sea, I had no clue.”

Another wizard shrugged disdainfully, “I knew it. No one would give two hoots for those seven maidens. Anyhow, this is the situation and now the Holy Church and the Church of Light have separated. The person the Pope most wishes to get rid of is probably Lord Anthony.”

“But we are in the Western Diocese. How dare Anthony come here?”

“Who knows how many spies he has planted here? It isn’t even decided whose side they are on.”

“Did you notice? That divine soul’s guise looks a lot like Lord Anthony’s. Even the scepter is identical. You can’t make out the face, though.”

“You think so too? Do you think it’s possible that the lady shopkeeper is one of Anthony’s spies? This place is an outpost of the Eastern Diocese, so Anthony arrived quickly. What if, he personally came because she is his mistress?”

The duo gossip fervently, part ways and merge into the crowd to find their companions.

The wizard who just heard the explosive rumor can’t help but share it with his companions. “Hey, hey! Have you heard? Nikola is said to rape seven sows and maidens every day…”

“Hey, hey! Have you heard? Nikola is said to rape seven maidens and sows every day…” freewebnoveℓ.com

The rumors spread rapidly, getting more and more distorted. Particularly the scandalous rumors. If Nikola in heaven had any idea of these accusations, he would surely descend in fury to strangle Anthony.

Anthony floated up to Katie and smiled,”Those who have faith in our Lord shall receive his protection. Come with me. Here, no one dares to hurt you.”

Everyone thought he was referring to the Gods of Light by saying ‘Lord’, but only he and Katie knew that their Lord was Ange.

Katie was involuntarily led away by Anthony. Looking back, she saw Roland City’s Lord turning red with rage but not uttering a word about capturing her.

Upon reaching a crossroad, the local Bishop arrived hurriedly with a team of paladins, having received news of a divine soul descent.

God! It had been many years since they last heard of a divine soul descent. Isn’t it time for a Saintess Awakening? Hurry up and protect the saintess.

Just as everyone rushed toward the scene, Anthony waved his hand in greeting from afar.

The Bishop halted his procession, yelling,”The venerable saint is heading to Black Mountain Kingdom? It’s very dangerous. Go protect the saint.”

The group immediately reversed direction, heading back the way they had come, completely ignoring the twelve Holy Spirit Angels at the intersection, as well as the slightly awkward Anthony with his hand up.

“Old slicker,” Anthony cursed, leading everyone away from the secret base through the teleportation array. Before leaving, he destroyed the teleportation array, effectively abandoning a secret base to rescue Katie.

Back on his territory, Anthony finally relaxed a little, instructed all the Holy Spirit Angels to leave, and then began to comfort Katie, “It’s alright, you’re safe now, are you Patricia’s person?”

“Yes…” Having her identity named by Anthony, Katie was somewhat flustered. Everyone knew the role Patricia played in the Church of Light, that she belonged to the shadowy side of the church. Who knew what Anthony thought about her.

“Don’t be nervous, Patricia is my person.” Nothing could be more comforting than these words. They’re all on the same side.

Nevertheless, Katie found it hard to believe. Even though she was one of them, the fact that Anthony had personally come to rescue her, even revealing a secret base with a teleportation array, was the treatment a little too much?

Anthony opened his eyes wide, instinctively revealing a kindly expression: “What are you talking about? Everyone is the Lord’s people. We should love each other and not give up easily. Besides, you have redefined the Holy Light.”

However, this ‘kind’ expression, on his forty-something ‘old’ face, seemed a bit out of place, making Katie, a beautiful woman in her thirties, blushing.

Ange sat on the back of a dragon, shooting out red light from his fingers, smoothing the uneven dragon scales on the back of the Bone Dragon into smooth, fresh skin.

“Again, a whole new definition of the Holy Light, but why is the effect so strange? Removing spots and wrinkles?” Negris said in confusion.

Ange pulled out a rusty iron sword, his fingers shooting out red light. The rust was soon completely removed, revealing the original color of the sword.

“Eh? Removing spots is the same as removing impurities? It can be used in this way too? Here, try this.” Negris went into the Resting Camp, fetching a piece of Bismuth Silver Jewelry.

Mithril is a valuable magic material. It has a strong affinity for Magic Elements, so it can be used in Magic Circuits. It is necessary to construct Element Channels and Magic Networks.

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The purity of mithril determines the value of mithril. Mithril with a purity of ninety-eight and above is used to forge magic items, and mithril below ninety-eight can only be used to make bismuth silver jewelry. There is a thousand-fold difference in value between the two.

If Ange can remove the impurities from bismuth silver with his spot removal spell and turn it into mithril that can be used in magic items, wouldn’t that be a fortune?

The red light shone, and the impurities on the bismuth silver jewelry slowly disappeared, making the entire piece sparkle silver.

Negris excitedly exclaimed, “It really works, great, finally there’s an ability that’s not just for planting.”

Ange then pulled out a Mithril Belt to try again.

Negris quickly intervened, “Wait, isn’t this the Space Artifact taken from those two dragon slayers? Don’t mess around, be careful with the magic patterns…well, it’s too late.”

Negris’s words always lagged behind Ange’s actions. Before he could finish speaking, the red light lined up on the belt. There was a slight buzzing sound, the magic pattern locks on the Space Artifact disappeared.

“You can do that? Your spot removal spell can also erase others’ magic patterns? You’re kidding right? Hurry and see if it opens.”