Forsaken Immortals-Chapter 173 - This Is Why

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Chapter 173 - This Is Why

Bai Rouyun had finished examining her body, and she returned her focus to Li Moyun. He was looking at her with deep rooted worry in his eyes, and her heart softened.

"Don't worry," she said gently, as she reached out her hand and caressed his brows to smoothen out his frown.

"I know why this Heart Demon appeared," she said softly. "When I died, I was full of hatred. Upon realizing that I had been reborn, I was dead set on getting my revenge. The revenge I wanted was to wipe out those factions off the face of the world, ensuring that they would never exist again.

"Then I suddenly realized that the world is not just black and white. That not all members of these factions are evil, and that if I were to act on them, I would not be any better than those who had chased me.

"I began questioning my path, and my wish for revenge became weaker. I began struggling with the thought of how to get revenge, as I did not want to become such a person who would sacrifice the innocent.

"I also began thinking that I had been living for revenge and that my life was also forced into black and white, that either I focused on my past, or I gave it up completely.

"I began wondering if I should concentrate on my future with you, and abandon the urge for revenge, or if I should spend my time and effort on getting it, and give up the wish for a future.

"The Heart Demon had arrived long ago, but it had been festering in my heart, waiting for a moment where I was relaxed and unprepared to strike.

"I was in a good mood, so Qin Huiling and I went out drinking. The alcohol allowed for my mind to relax, and the Heart Demon struck.

"After spending some time thinking about my options, I decided that I was unwilling to give up my past, but I was equally certain that I wanted my future with you.

"This is why I decided to forge another path for myself. I will not abandon my thirst for revenge, but I also refuse to harm the innocent.

"I will take my revenge on those who have harmed me in the past and leave the others.

"At the same time, I will live for a brighter future. The reason that I need this vengeance is to clear my bad breath. I am not willing to let those who harmed me go free; this is something I cannot accept.

"But I am also aware that I cannot drown myself in this revenge, because the future I have with you is just as important. My life, my future, my dreams, they are something I can never give up."

Bai Rouyun was speaking with a calm and collected voice. She was gazing into the distance, her eyes were unfocused as if she was recounting the scenes from her encountering the Heart Demon again, and Li Moyun felt his heart swell with pride.

This was his wife! She was simply amazing!

Heart Demons were not rare in this realm. The reason that Li Moyun had not encountered them so far was because his path had been straight, and nothing had been able to remove his focus.

Now that Bai Rouyun had arrived in his life, he was aware that the chance of experiencing one was much more likely.

Heart Demons were different in difficulty, depending on how confused the host was. While Bai Rouyun had suffered some problems due to this Heart Demon, she had still gotten past it relatively easily. The difficulty of this Heart Demon was amongst the weakest.

Bai Rouyun had not experienced the Heart Demons in her past life for the same reason. She had been alone, and her path was simply just survival. She did not have the luxury to stop and consider her situation or wishes for her life, which, in a way, had proved beneficial for her.

"Dearest, you have to be careful this next period of time," Li Moyun sighed. "Your body cannot handle your current level of Qi, so you have to strengthen it. While you are admitted to the institute, and not many dare to move against you, you still have to be careful."

Li Moyun gazed deeply at Li Moyun, and then he shook his head regrettably.

"It is not only the people from the Institute you need to be careful about," he said with a bit of a guilty consciousness. "Since the troubles with my dear brother, the Crown Prince, I have gone to the Richu Empire and announced my identity to my Imperial Father.

"I have also made Elder Sun inform the factions of my identity, and since my identity is now public, everyone will know about yours as well, in due time.

"I cannot guarantee that my enemies will not act on you, so you have to be extremely cautious.

"The announcement will be shaking the entire cultivation world, and many of the mortals will also hear about it.

"While not much seems to have changed right now, it will soon. I will call one of the protectors to come and guard you in the shadows."

Bai Rouyun looked at the worried expression of Li Moyun, and she chuckled slightly. "I already have Little Chu by my side," she said with a gentle laugh.

"Although they know our identities, they will not think that it is worth it to fight against Little Chu to get their hands on me, as no one knows about our actual relationship.

"While it seems good to others, many will assume that it is a trick to use me as a shield. Don't worry; I will be fine."