God of Blackfield-Chapter 216: I Was With Him (2)

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Chapter 216: I Was With Him (2)

“Daye, take charge here for a bit,” Kang Chan said.


Kang Chan quickly went to the other side of the hill.

Bam-bam-bam. Bam-bam-bam-bam. Pew! Pew!

The volley of bullets made the boulder he had his head against explode.

“Kwak Cheol-Ho!” Kang Chan called.

While prone, Kwak Cheol-Ho turned his head to Kang Chan, who was behind him.

“Let’s hijack the truck up front,” he continued.

Kwak Cheol-Ho briefly nodded.

“Have the men carry the thirteen women on their backs. Seok Kang-Ho and I will run out first. You and Woo Hee-Seung will cover our six and take the truck! At my signal, the rest of the team will then head down with the hostages!”


Bam-bam-bam! Bam-bam-bam! Pow-pow-pow! Pow!

“Prepare the grenade launcher! Our enemies might have something similar as well, so as soon as you get on the truck, have our snipers positioned at the front and back of it!”

After issuing orders, Kang Chan crawled over to the hostages in the middle of their formation.

“Please listen carefully!” he exclaimed.

Pow-pow-pow! Pew! Pew!

Gunshots and the sounds of rocks breaking apart continued to echo around them.

“We’re going to steal the truck up front! My men will be carrying the women on their backs because they’re slow, and the men have to run with us. Any questions?”

“Isn’t that too dangerous?!” the same man as before yelled. He had a point, but Kang Chan still couldn’t help but hate him.

“It’s the only way!” Kang Chan responded.

Bam-bam-bam-bam! Pew! Pew!

“Look at this!” the man yelled and quickly stopped Kang Chan from turning around. “What’s your religion?”

What insanity s this fucker saying?𝐟𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘄𝗲𝐛𝐧𝐨𝘃𝗲𝗹.𝗰𝐨𝐦

“A god is protecting us! The fact that we escaped from our kidnappers proves that, doesn’t it?” the man continued. Kang Chan’s silence seemed to give him confidence. “If we’re really going to get the truck, then let’s all pray together first! He will definitely answer our prayers!”

Kang Chan was relieved that he was wearing a mask and a helmet. Instead of responding, he immediately went back to Seok Kang-Ho. At the same time, Kwak Cheol-Ho explained the plan to the soldiers through the radio and assigned them the people they would be carrying on their backs.

“We’re heading down the hill once they’ve provided us cover with the grenade launchers,” Kang Chan told Seok Kang-Ho.

“Roger that.”


“We are all in position,” Kwak Cheol-Ho reported at the same time as Seok Kang-Ho’s response.


“Prepare the grenade launchers,” Kang Chan ordered.


“Yes, sir.”

A moment later, Kwak Cheol-Ho, Woo Hee-Seung, Lee Doo-Hee, and two soldiers carrying M203s approached Kang Chan.

“See that rock in front of the truck?” Kang Chan asked.

Bam-bam-bam! Bam-bam-bam-bam! Pow-pow-pow! Pow-pow-pow-pow!

When Kwak Cheol-Ho raised his upper body a little, the enemy immediately tried to shoot him down.

“We have to secure that area so the others will have a safe location to come down to!” Kang Chan yelled.

“What about the rest of our team?” Kwak Cheol-Ho asked.

“Staying here is too dangerous, so have them target the first one among the three trucks! Make sure they take down any tango carrying an Igla or RPG!”

Their opponents were in what essentially was a flatland that didn’t provide any cover that would allow them to use shoulder-launched missiles in hiding. However, if they managed to fire even just one rocket toward the truck, then everything would be over.

Kang Chan immediately told the soldiers what to target with the grenade launchers. If they could just eliminate the enemies hiding behind the rocks, then they would gain approximately three to five minutes of time.


Lanok stayed up all night.

In his room were three agents standing with their feet apart and hands clasped together in front. Raphael was also waiting next to his desk.

Glaring at the TV hanging on the wall, Lanok took a sip of his tea. Not long after, the phone on his desk rang.


- High Commissioner, this is the Director-General.

“What’s going on?”

- I called to clear up a misunderstanding

Lanok had a similar smile to Kang Chan’s.

“I believe you’re working with France in mind, Director-General, but you’ll only cause problems if you go cross the line of the role you’re given. Nothing is more important than France’s glory for me as well, but even I have trouble forgiving anyone who would dare point a gun behind my back and Anne’s.”

- I have never thought of doing that, High Commissioner.

Lanok firmly pressed on the inner corners of his eyes with his left thumb and index finger.

“Romain de Begeade,” Lanok called.

- Please go ahead, High Commissioner.

“Be thankful that Monsieur Kang is on close terms with France. If he worked with the UK, France would have already disappeared from the map.”

- I’m aware of that.

Lanok glanced at the TV. “Fine. I’ll give you a chance to make an excuse about this ‘misunderstanding.’”

- We have removed Deputy Director-General Theo from his position. On the aristocrats’ honor, I, DGSE Director-General Romain de Begeade, swear my allegiance to you, High Commissioner Lanok Belmonde Perdieu.

“Who ordered that stupid broadcast to be aired?”

- According to our investigation, the DIA and Ethan have made a secret agreement.

“Where’s Ethan right now?”

- He immediately went from Russia to the United States.

“Protect him.”

- You must be concerned about Josh.

“UK’s intelligence bureau will keep making trouble with that kind of idiot as their leader. However, if Ethan is removed, then Josh will become their head. And if that happens, then France will be faced with a really tough battle.”

- Understood.

“Promote Monsieur Kang to the empty Deputy Director-General position.”

Raphael gulped while quickly looking at Lanok.

After a brief moment of silence…

- High Commissioner, I have a personal question to ask you.

Still watching the TV, Lanok began to look as if he had put on a mask.

- Do you believe that Monsieur Kang will genuinely work for France?

The Director-General seemed to have taken Lanok’s silence as permission.


- Yes, sir?

“No one can predict the future, so wouldn’t looking back at the past at times like this be the best answer to that? Have I ever made a decision that harmed France’s glory?”

Raphael quietly put cigars and an ashtray on Lanok’s desk.

- Understood. I’ll appoint Monsieur Kang as Deputy Director-General. What measures should I take afterward?

“Mobilize the Foreign Legion’s special forces. Save France’s Deputy Director-General.”

- I’ll have all those done immediately.

Lanok ended the call and held up a cigar, which Raphael then lit up for him.

“Contact Vasili and Ludwig. Tell them to cancel their command to assassinate Romain and that I’ll contact them once Monsieur Kang has returned to stop them from saying anything else,” Lanok said.

“Yes, sir,” Raphael answered, looking full of pride.

“Will you tell Anne and Louis to return to the DGSE as well?”

“Will do.” Raphael quickly left the room.

Lanok looked back at the TV.

“Monsieur Kang improves one step at a time whenever he’s in a difficult situation. Should I call the DIA and thank them for turning Monsieur Kang into the hero of all the special forces around the world through this broadcast?” Lanok asked himself, then deeply exhaled the smoke from the cigar.


Thunk! Thunk!

Kang Chan glared at their target. He imagined firing the grenade launchers would make cool and heavy sounds, but in reality, they just sounded as if someone fiercely struck a can.

Bang. Bang!


Kang Chan and Seok Kang-Ho stood up at the same time.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Bam-bam-bam! Bam-bam-bam-bam! Pew!

“Daye!” Kang Chan called, then quickly went down the hill.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

Kang Chan shot back at their opponents as he ran.

Seok Kang-Ho immediately ran over from behind Kang Chan. Kwak Cheol-Ho, Woo Hee-Seung, and the two soldiers armed with grenade launchers provided cover fire.


[Two soldiers are quickly going down the hill. As a citizen of South Korea, while I’m proud of the soldiers for overcoming that kind of desperate fight…] The news anchor trailed off, unable to hold back her emotions.

The broadcast from CNN lacked sounds and sometimes shook as well, which perhaps made the scene seem all the more desperate.

[Ah…!] The news anchor sighed. The screen now showed the soldiers quickly running out with the women on their backs.

[Please… I and all of our fellow South Koreans hope that the soldiers and the hostages can escape safely—ah!] the news anchor, who could barely deliver her lines, screamed, and all of South Korea fell silent. The screen showed the soldier running at the very back of their formation falling to the ground.

Dirt splattered as the enemy riddled the truck with holes.

While the soldiers helped the rescued hostages onto the truck, two more collapsed.

The female news anchor at the bottom right corner of the screen turned her head to the side, unable to hold back her tears anymore. Yoo Hye-Sook began to cry as well, feeling the same way.

The soldiers’ situation seemed to be becoming direr every second.


“Cover me! Daye!” Kang Chan yelled.

Bam-bam-bam-bam! Bam-bam! Pew! Pew! Pew!

Kang Chan ran to the back as he called Seok Kang-Ho.

“Please go!” a soldier yelled. A bullet wound was on his thigh.

“You son of a bitch!” Kang Chan swore as he and Seok Kang-Ho tightly grabbed the soldier’s shoulders at the same time.

Pew! Pew! Pow-pow! Bam-bam-bam!

The others provided cover fire for Kang Chan and Seok Kang-Ho, who were dragging the wounded soldier with them, so relentlessly that it was as if they had gone crazy.


“Fuck!” Seok Kang-Ho swore as he staggered. A bullet had found its way into his left shoulder.

Swoosh! Pew! Pew! Pew! Bam-bam-bam! Bam-bam-bam-bam! Bam-bam!

“Grab onto him!” Kang Chan yelled. As soon as they reached the truck, he managed to lift the soldier onto it.

He and his men formed a circle around the hostages.

“Daye! Get in the truck!” Kang Chan yelled.

“Ugh!” Seok Kang-Ho—whose eyes were glinting full of spite—grabbed the hand a soldier offered and climbed onto the back of the truck.

“Go!” Kang Chan yelled as he struck the door of the driver's seat. He ran as quickly as he could next to it.


Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

As the truck began to move, Kang Chan returned fire.

“Kwak Cheol-Ho! Get in!” he yelled.

Kwak Cheol-Ho and Woo Hee-Seung—who were protecting the hood of the truck—climbed onto its back.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Bam-bam-bam! Bam-bam!

This had turned into a battle to the death.

Dirt splattered around Kang Chan with each gunshot from their enemies.


Kang Chan staggered back.


Yoo Hye-Sook covered her mouth with her hand.

Even though she didn’t know anything about warfare, she still noticed the special forces commander falter. He continued running next to the truck not long after, but he was limping now. He seemed to have been shot in the leg.

Imagining the family and the parents of that soldier watching the broadcast made Yoo Hye-Sook cry even harder. Remembering Kang Chan doing the same thing some time ago didn’t help at all either.

Wiping her tears, she unintentionally glanced at Kang Dae-Kyung, who was glaring at the TV and tightly gritting his teeth.

“Honey…” Yoo Hye-Sook muttered, then held his hand. Kang Dae-Kyung—who never failed to console and comfort her during moments like this—was crying.


Inside a plane, Gérard loaded the magazine into his gun and looked at all the soldiers before him.

“I don’t know what you all think about him, but to me, the God of Blackfield is a hero I’d be willing to put my life on the line for.”

Right now, Gérard’s eyes were glinting as much as Seok Kang-Ho’s. The scar on his cheek seemed to express his emotions. “Our target location might change on our way there, but our goal will remain the same. Secure the route the God of Blackfield will be taking. We don’t have enough time to land, so we’re going to have to drop down.”

Smirking, Gérard continued, “As your commander, I have to admit that this operation is dangerous. I’m sure you’re also all well aware of how high-risk parachuting down into the middle of enemy territory is. As mandated by the rules of the Foreign Legion’s 13th regiment, I will ask you all once more. Does anyone want to back out of this operation?”

No one raised their hands. On the contrary, one of the soldiers even looked as if his pride was hurt.

Gérard nodded. “Then let’s go save our hero.”


The youngest soldier roughly pulled a breechblock and released it. He was wearing the bandana that Kang Chan gave him.


“Woah!” A thunderous roar came from an apartment when the TV showed the limping commander getting on the truck.

The men watching the scene got goosebumps, and the women clapped while wiping their tears.

As soon as he got in, the commander put his right foot at the edge of the truck and continued returning fire.


Brandon—the Director of DIA—spoke to Ethan with cold eyes.

“Discontinue the broadcast for me,” Ethan said.

“I feel like I’m watching the future of the British Empire. I can’t believe the leader of an intelligence bureau can’t keep the promises he so confidently made. I even feel like I got teased because I can’t believe it,” Brandon responded.

“I didn’t expect the Director-General to turn his back on me. They’re cunning.”

Brandon sneered at Ethan. “You took Lanok too lightly, didn’t you?”

“If the DGSE kept their word, then Lanok would have already been killed last night—”

“Ethan,” Brandon called lowly, breaking off what Ethan was about to say.

“Now that we’re in this situation, the DIA has to make the childish and nauseating excuse that we prepared this broadcast for South Korea’s special forces team. We also have to join this operation now. SOCOM [1] has already mobilized the Green Berets[2],” Brandon looked at Ethan emotionlessly. “You’ve done something truly ridiculous this time, but at least it made me realize that Lanok has a power that we aren’t aware of.”

Just as Ethan was about to respond in delight, he added, “However, something horrible happened as well. Watching the broadcast has made the US military’s special forces think of South Korea’s special forces and the God of Blackfield as a hero.”

Brandon’s cold comment shut Ethan up.

“Go back. France’s DGSE pressured us into letting you live in exchange for quietly letting us go off the hook for that damn broadcast, so I suggest you head to South Korea and beg Lanok for your life,” Brandon continued.


“Ah! If I were you, I’d be on a plane already. If the God of Blackfield manages to get to South Korea before you do, you’d probably end up with a bullet in your head like that North Korean.”

Ethan gulped as he nodded.


Kang Chan quickly scanned their surroundings. A soldier had bandaged his right foot, which was on the edge of the truck.

Damn it!

My leg keeps getting shot every time I pick up a gun. I should put a fulu[3] or something on my right foot.

When they left the standoff, their enemies stopped shooting at them.

Fortunately, their surroundings didn’t offer anything the enemies could use to hide.

Clunk! Clunk! Click!

With the truck rocking, Kang Chan held up his rifle and aimed at a small boulder. Everything would end if someone popped out from behind it and launched a missile at them.

The two snipers continued to monitor their surroundings on top of the truck, while the soldiers sharply glared ahead of the truck.

Two of his men were short in the thigh, one in the waist, and Seok Kang-ho in the left shoulder.

One of them forced a smile as he looked at Kang Chan, blood seeping out of his military uniform. He was wearing a mask, but Kang Chan could immediately tell who it was just by looking at his eyes.

Kang Chan brightly smirked back, then examined their surroundings again.

That’s it! Don’t die! Let’s get back home alive!

Click! Pew! Pew!

Kang Chan suddenly pulled the trigger twice.

1. SOCOM is a Unified Combatant Command that oversees Special Operations Forces ☜

2. a special operations force of the United States Army that’s known as the "Green Berets" due to their distinctive service headgear ☜

3. Fulus are Taoist magic symbols and incantations that are written or painted on talismans. They are used for various purposes, one of which is preventing misfortune from happening. ☜

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