Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe-Chapter 398 Teleportation

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Chapter 398 Teleportation

The first day of the academic year for the graduate students had begun. The students filled in the classroom and found their seats. Some sat in groups, while others sat alone.

A hushed murmur rippled through the crowd with the occasional nervous laughter ringing out from time to time.

It was only natural for them to be nervous. This was Saratago Castle, after all. One of the Four Pillars of the Empire.

A lot of expectations and responsibilities were placed on the shoulders of these young Magi.

Adam sat at the back of the class all by himself. He had tried to strike up conversations with a few students earlier, but when they learned that he was from the Southern Federation, they cast disdainful glances at him and distanced themselves.

After approaching a few other students and receiving the same treatment, he stopped bothering about it.

He didn't know the reason behind such prejudice. Of course, he felt a little annoyed by the discrimination, but that was all.

The youth glanced at the classroom with shining eyes. The room itself was large and circular, with high vaulted ceilings. The walls were lined with tall narrow windows, their stained glass panes casting colorful shadows on the floor.

Rows of wooden desks, each carved with years of initials and scribbles from previous students, were arranged in a semicircle manner facing a low, raised platform.

On the raised platform stood the professor's desk. On it, were ancient tomes, quills and ink bottles, and glass jars containing strange objects.

Behind the wooden desk, a large blackboard awaited the day's lessons.

Suspended right above the professor's desk was a chandelier made of iron and enchanted candles, casting a warm light throughout the room.

While Adam was looking around the classroom with curious eyes, a group of students sitting in front of him turned back to look at him and started mocking him.

"Look at this hillbilly, acting like he's never seen a classroom before."

"Do they not have academies in the backward region you're from?"

"How the hell did someone like you even get admission here?"

"Haha, true, true, it ruins the reputation of Saratoga if you ask me!"

The group of young Magi started laughing at him, drawing the attention of the rest of the classroom. Most of the students wanted to watch some drama unfold, while some simply minded their business.

Adam glanced at them and snorted in displeasure. "Piss off, will ya?"

"Oho, look at that!"

"Did you hear a dog barking?"

"Hahaha, that appears to be the case."

The students kept making fun of Adam. At this point, the youth really had had enough. Before coming here, he figured that there would be some level of discrimination that he'd be facing.

But he didn't know that it would be to such a degree.

Sure there were cultural differences between the Acadian Empire and the Southern Federation, but Adam didn't expect the sense of exclusion to be so great.

Furthermore, his distinct accent came across as less refined to the students here, leading to mockery and condescension.

Should I just beat some sense into them? The thought crossed Adam's mind, but he quickly got rid of it.

It would be unwise to do something like that on the first day of college. Just when he was thinking about how to deal with this group of pests, the heavy wooden door of the classroom suddenly creaked open.

Instantly, all the students straightened in their seats, their attention drawn to the entrance. An old lady walked in through the door, her ocean-blue robes fluttering as she made her way to the raised platform.

Her hair was gray, mostly white, and tied into a bun. Her emerald eyes scanned through the students in the classroom, pausing momentarily on Adam before resuming their course.

Adam's eyes lit up when he saw that it was none other than Professor Whitaker. From his conversation with her last night, he had a fairly decent impression of her.

There were several Rank 3 Magi who taught the graduate students lessons about summoning magic.

Mathilda Whitaker was the department head of the School of Summoning. So it made sense that she would be teaching the students who majored in this field from time to time.

Adam just didn't expect her to teach the first class. Moreover, seeing the other students who had surprised expressions on their faces, it was safe to assume that they hadn't expected her to come either.

Without wasting a moment, Professor Whitaker had already begun the lecture, "The School of Summoning focuses on conjuring creatures, objects, and even magical energies."

She stepped onto the platform and stood behind her desk. Seeing that everyone was paying rapt attention and had already begun taking notes, she nodded in approval.

"The spells from this school can also be used to transport objects and people from one place to another," she added.

She walked around the table with her hands clasped behind her back. "That being said, the School of Summoning can be further divided into two sub-schools - conjuring and teleportation." f𝗿𝐞ewebno𝚟𝚎𝗹.𝗰𝐨m

When the students heard the term teleportation, their eyes lit up.

After all, who wouldn't be fascinated by the concept of teleporting distances instantaneously?

"Conjuring refers to the phenomena of summoning spells that bring forth creatures, objects, or energies to the caster of the spell."

She paused for a moment before continuing, "Please take note that they are instantly sent back to where they came from when the spell expires."

The following moment, her lips curled up into a smirk as she weaved a simple hand gesture.

"As for teleportation…"

A layer of thin fog suddenly covered Professor Whitaker's body as she took a step forward. And then, she disappeared.

Rank 2 Spell: Foggy Step!

"Spells related to this sub-school transport the subject of the spell over large distances," came the voice of the old Magus from the back of the classroom.

Everyone turned around in amazement and glanced at Professor Whitaker who was standing behind the last row of desks.

She had teleported!

The layer of fog on her body gradually disappeared and she began, "Remember, students, teleportation spells are often one-way and require another teleportation spell to return."

"Yes, Professor!" The students replied excitedly.

"Now, can any of you tell me what is the common point between these two sub-schools?" Professor Whitaker asked with a faint smile.

Adam, who was sitting closest to her, confidently replied, "The Spirit World."