Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe-Chapter 457: Gelatinous

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Chapter 457: Gelatinous

Adam walked around the ritual formation and scrutinized the coordinates of the Spirit World that he had just carved. After ensuring that they were correct, he nodded to himself.

Valerian lounged on the bed glancing at the youth with a pout. However, the young dragon didn't nag him to take him to the mystical dimension this time.

They had made a deal earlier that when Valerian's strength reached the equivalent of a Rank 2 Magus, only then would he be allowed to go to the Spirit World with Adam.

That is why the little guy didn't make a scene this time. Instead, he grabbed the leather satchel that was placed near him and leisurely started to count the gold coins inside.

Meanwhile, Adam was doing another round of inspection of the formation. He had to be absolutely sure of where he was going to end up.

His destination this time was a magical place whose coordinates Professor Whitaker had given to the class of graduate students who were majoring in the School of Summoning.

This was one of the advantages of joining Saratoga Castle. The faculty members spared no effort in properly teaching and nurturing the students who came here.

Naturally, this also included the resources that the professors provided.

"Alright, looks good!" Adam clapped his hands excitedly, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.

He then glanced at Valerian and nodded. "Val, you know what to do."

The little guy yawned lazily and waved his paw. "Don't worry, brother. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to your body."

Seeing how unconcerned the young dragon was, the youth's lips couldn't help but twitch. "Val, I'm being serious."

Valerian put away the satchel and grumbled in exasperation, "So annoying..." He then jumped down the bed and lay down beside the ritual formation.

Seeing such a reaction from his dear familiar, Adam was dumbfounded as he thought to himself, He can't be going through puberty, could he? I don't know how it works with dragons...

He then walked to the center of the formation and laid down, inwardly reminding himself to carefully control the size of his soul body when it separated from his physical body.

Adam waved a series of complicated hand gestures. Following that, the runes along the formation lit up with a resplendent light.

Finally, a portal to the Spirit World was formed directly above the formation.

Adam's body jerked and then his soul body separated from his physical body. Under his precise control, he made sure that his soul body was the same size as his physical body.

He glanced at Valerian and nodded. "See you in... however long it takes." Then, he jumped into the portal.

Seeing the portal slowly closed, Valerian's topaz eyes flashed with yearning. "I wonder how long I must wait to visit that place..."


Somewhere in the Spirit World, a small portal opened and Adam shot out of it. He looked around in curiosity, wondering where he was. Alas, it only lasted a moment.

Before he started falling.

"AAAHHHH!!" He flailed his arms around as he fell through what appeared to be stars in the night sky.

But when he blinked again, the stars had transformed into grains of salt and the night sky had transformed into a black fabric.

Adam hurriedly closed his eyes again, thinking to himself, This place is going to drive me crazy!! When he opened his eyes again, he was once again falling through a dark space, surrounded by stars and colors.

It felt like an eternity, but also an instant. No, to be more honest, Adam felt like it had been forever since he had fallen until finally when he glanced down, he saw his reflection.

A vast wall of mirror, spreading in all directions toward infinity, blocked his way beneath him!

"Oh shit!!" The youth hurriedly closed his eyes and crossed his arms as he tried to protect his head.

But the feeling of crashing against something solid never came. Instead, he felt like his body passed through something gelatinous.

"Huh?" Adam peeked through the slit in his eyes, but right at that moment, it seemed that the glass jelly couldn't take the force of his fall and instantly shattered into countless pieces.


"No, no, no, ahhh-" Once again Adam began falling through this space. His mind was in such chaos that he couldn't even control his spirit body to levitate.

This time, however, the scenery around him had changed and he found himself falling through the blue sky. He looked around and saw that there were several clouds, big and small, lazily drifting through the air.

"This... at least, this looks normal-" But the words got stuck in his throat when he saw a bunch of creatures flying about in the near distance.

They weren't birds. No, they were whales!

He didn't have any more time to take in this incredulous scenery as he finally landed. However, it wasn't solid ground that he landed on.


It was water.

The youth involuntarily held his breath but then he realized that he was in his soul-body form. Adam couldn't help but think to himself, The soul is the concept of the self. I think, therefore

I am...

He took a leap of faith and then slowly started to inhale the water around him. He then realized that nothing was happening to him whatsoever.

It wasn't that he was able to breathe underwater. No, there was no concept of breathing, only existing.

Adam looked around and found that he was floating somewhere in the depths of a massive waterbody. He raised his head and couldn't find the surface of the water anywhere near. fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

This caused him to feel deeply nervous, his eyes flashing with terror. It was dark all around him and he didn't know if there were other creatures nearby.

Damn it! Did I really come to the correct coordinates? Professor Whitaker couldn't have made a mistake right? He thought in apprehension.

Suddenly, in the pitch-black depths of the water body, Adam was able to see light gradually appear out of nowhere. The light took the form of the branches that spread out everywhere

underneath him.

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Adam squinted his eyes, nervously thinking to himself, Is that a tree? Underwater?

But the next moment, his eyes widened in disbelief when he realized what it was.

It wasn't a tree.

It was...
