Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe-Chapter 693: Meritorious Deeds
Chapter 693: Meritorious Deeds
Council Keep, Downtown Quarter.
A week after the Duskfall Incident, all the councilors gathered again at the round table to discuss the aftermath.
Moreover, Brigham Flynn had called for an urgent meeting, informing everyone that he had something very important to discuss.
But before that happened, the Council of 7 first had to resolve the matters surrounding the Duskfall Incident.
"Please note, the council has convened to conclude the crucial matters relating to the Duksfalls, the local criminal gang known as the Red Fists, and the thieves' guild known as Umbra Thieves," Hammon McLeod declared solemnly.
All the scribes positioned at the edge of the circular room immediately began jotting down notes, making sure to inscribe everything that happened within these walls.
The old man then turned to the Lord Marshall of Ravenfell, Sabrina Benton, and asked, "Lady Benton, what is the status of the criminals apprehended from the Duskfall Estate?"
An armored Magus donning a white cape stood right behind Sabrina Benton. The latter waved at him, upon which, he immediately conjured a scroll from his storage artifact and respectfully handed it to her with both hands.
Sabrina unfurled the scroll and read its contents with an indifferent expression on her face, "The hundred and seventy-six regular guests invited to the masquerade have been questioned thoroughly and been let go. I have deemed them innocent."
She paused for a moment before adding, "The fourteen VIP guests have undergone intense interrogation methods by my men, during which they have confessed to their involvement with the Duskfall couple.
"Therefore, on charges of rape, prostitiution, cannibalism, murder, and participation in sacrifical rituals to en evil entity, they have been executed. Furthermore, all their assets have been seized, their bloodline terminated, and their nobility titles revoked."
Right at that moment, her gaze narrowed and shifted to Taron Norwood. As what she was about to say next implicated this elven councilor indirectly.
"Last but not least, after being subjected to torture and interrogation techniques of the highest order, the Duskfall couple have confessed to their alliance with the Red Fists and the new criminal organization known as the Cult of Bones."
She paused for a moment, coldly scanning everyone's reactions before continuing, "The couple had been involved in illegally trafficking humans for the past several years. Needless to say, all these women have been used as offerings in the sacrificial rituals that I mentioned earlier.
"The Red Fists were responsible for kidnapping these women for the Corvid Quarter as well as the towns and villages surrounding Ravenfell.
"Furthermore, it was also found that the secret trade routes used by these gang members earlier belonged to the Umbra Thieves while they still operated within the city, thus suggesting their possible, and quite likely, involvement as well."
"And what of the Duskfall couple?" Ives Ballard asked in a low voice.
Sabrina deeply looked at him before coldly stating, "Unfortunately, they did not survive the interrogation. As a result, their nobility rank has been revoked and all their assets seized."
She then turned to look at Taron Norwood and asked with an inquisitive gaze, "Councilor Norwood, it has been brought to my attention that you were the one to recommend Altan Duskfall for the seat of nobility."
The elf, Taron Norwood's, face instantly darkened at that remark. "Lady Benton, what are you trying to insinuate?"
"Nothing at all." Sabrina's eyes narrowed down to slits. "Just curious."
Taron deeply looked at Sabrina before harrumphing in absolute displeasure. "Indeed, I was the one to recommend him for the title of Viscount. He had shown remarkable ability in trading.
"Moreover, his involvement in the maritime trade sector had helped boost the local economy in several ways. Considering his contributions to the economy, I deemed him eligible for a shot at the title of nobility."
He paused for a moment before adding, "Also, My Lords and Lady, do not forget that he even had to donate 2 million Acadian gold that directly went to the city's treasury. Thus, taking all of this into account I recommended him for the title of Viscount."
A deep and helpless sigh escaped his lips and he concluded, "Alas, at the time I did not know the heinous and vile activities he was involved in. If I did, he wouldn't have lived to see this day."
In Ravenfell, the titles of nobility were bestowed upon residents who had performed a significant service to the city. Alternatively, they could also donate an exorbitant amount of money and be granted a title.
However, both the methods required the recommendation of at least one member of the Council of Seven.
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"I see." Sabrina Benton nodded, her eyes momentarily shining with a keen light. "I shall take your word for it then."
"Hmph!" Taron Norwood snorted. "Think what you want to. But don't forget, although I was the one to recommend Altan Duskfall, it was all of you who approved of my recommendation."
The room descended into silence. It was as Taron Norwood had said. For the title of nobility, at least one of the councilors had to recommend the person, and subsequently, the rest of the councilors had to approve.
To be more precise, only the majority had to approve of the recommendation.
However, cases of noble titles being conferred upon local residents were rarely denied, as those granted such honors had typically contributed to the city, either through their meritorious services or through generous donations.
Sabrina Benton spoke once again, "The next item on the agenda concerns the reward for Adam Constantine's involvement in the Duskfall Incident."
At once, the atmosphere in the room shifted. Sabrina Benton carefully observed everyone present, her gaze pausing momentarily on Ives Ballard who had an extremely dark look on his face.
Sabrina Benton then addressed the council with measured authority, "Based on his meritorious deeds—eliminating fourteen Rank 2 Magi of the vile cult, aiding in the uncovering of the conspiracy involving the Duskfalls, the Red Fists, and the Cult of Bones, and ultimately slaying a Rank 3 Magus.
"I formally recommend that Magus Adam Constantine be granted the noble title of Count, along with all the privileges and honor befitting such a station."
㲩䉄㾤㮰䘎䉄䲥㸴䌋䂤㾍䪄䌋㾍㾤"䧈 㾍䛬䅋 㾍㸴䉄 䉄㸴䛬㾍老㾤䧈䘎䪄䛬 老䅋䘎䧈爐魯䧈䑍䠮㾍䌋䪄䋦䅫㾤爐盧 盧㾤䅋䲷㾍䛬㝾䶕䲷䧈老䛬䉄 䶕䘎䛬䅋㸴䲷㝾䪩䲷䲥㝾䲥䲷㾤"䑍 㝾㾍䲥䲥䘎䪄㝾㸴䩬䧈䉄㾍䢜㾤 虜露
㬠㾍 䘴䲥䲷㸴㮰㾍㝾 䲷䛬 㻍䲷㒙㾤䘎㸴䲷 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴 䲷㸴㝾 䲷㝾㝾㾍㝾 䶕䘎䛬䅋 䲷 䉵䉄㮰䵬䘎㸴䘴 䠮䉄䘎㮰㾍䢜 "䵪䲷㝾䅫 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴䢜 䛬䉄 䛬䅋䘎㸴䵬 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䅫䉄䌋 䶕䉄䌋䲥㝾 㾍䠮㾍㸴 䧈䌋䘴䘴㾍䧈䛬 䧈䌋㮰䅋 䲷 䛬䅋䘎㸴䘴 䘎䧈 㾤䘎㝾䘎㮰䌋䲥䉄䌋䧈䂤"
㻍䲷㒙㾤䘎㸴䲷 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴'䧈 䲥䘎䩬䧈 㮰䌋㾤䲥㾍㝾 䌋䩬 䘎㸴䛬䉄 䲷 䧈䉵䘎㾤䵬䢜 "䑍䧈 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䧈䉄䑤 㯽㝾䲷䉵 㲩䉄㸴䧈䛬䲷㸴䛬䘎㸴㾍 䘎䧈 䉄㸴䲥䅫 䲷 䕌䲷㸴䲷 䵪䘎㓤䌋㾍䪄䲷㮰䛬䘎䉄㸴 䕌䲷䘴䌋䧈䢜 䅫㾍䛬 䅋㾍 䶕䲷䧈 䲷㒙䲥㾍 䛬䉄 䛬䲷䵬㾍 䉄䌋䛬 䪄䉄䌋㾤䛬㾍㾍㸴 䕌䲷㸴䲷 䵪䘎㓤䌋㾍䪄䲷㮰䛬䘎䉄㸴 䕌䲷䘴䘎 䲷䧈 䶕㾍䲥䲥 䲷䧈 䲷 䕌䲷㸴䲷 䇉䉄㾤䛬㾍㯘 䕌䲷䘴䌋䧈 䉄㸴 䛬䅋㾍 䧈䲷䉵㾍 㸴䘎䘴䅋䛬䋦
䑍䲷䲥䉄䧈 㾤䪄䉄䉵 䉄䛬䑍 㸴䘴䘎䉄㝾㸴㾍䅋䶕䲷䘴㾍䑤㾍䅋䛬㾍䲥㯘䲥㾍㝾䩬㾍䉄㝾㾍㸴䶕㾤 䌋䅫䉄㾍㾤㾍䶕 䲥㸴䋦䘴㒙䘴䲷䉵䘎䪄䉄 䅋䘎䧈 㾍㾤㾍䶕䑍䪄 㻍䲷㾤䉄䛬䲷䘴䲷 䛬䲷䅋䶕 䢜䲥䲷䲥㝾䲷㾤䪩䧈㾍䘎㮰㯘䧈㾍䠮㾍 䅫䉄䌋㝾㸴䲷 㾍䉵㝾㾍㾍䧈 㾤䉄䅫䘎䉵䧪䲷䛬䅫䉄䌋 䲥㮰㮰䉄㾤䢜䛬㾤㾍䅫"䵪㝾䉄㾤㾤㾍㾍䶕 䅫䉄䌋 㾤䋦䛬"㾍㾍䅋䲥䧈㮰㾍䧈䧈䲷 䠮㾤䢜䉄䕌㾤㾍㾍䉄 㾍䠮䲷䅋䛬䅋㾍䪄䲷㝾䘎䲥㾍 䉄㾤䪄㾤䘎䵬㝾㸴䘴䘎㸴㾍䲷䲥㮰㾤䲥
䑍䠮㾍䧈 䪩䲷䲥䲥䲷㾤㝾 䶕䲷䧈 㾍䉵㒙䲷㾤㾤䲷䧈䧈㾍㝾䋦 "䳔䉄䌋䂤 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴䢜 䅋䉄䶕 㝾䲷㾤㾍 䅫䉄䌋 㒙㾤䘎㸴䘴 䌋䩬 䉵䅫 䩬䲷䧈䛬䂤"
"㯽䅋䢜 䲷䩬䉄䲥䉄䘴䘎㾍䧈䢜 䵪䉄㾤㝾 䪩䲷䲥䲥䲷㾤㝾䢜" 㻍䲷㒙㾤䘎㸴䲷 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴 㮰䅋䌋㮰䵬䲥㾍㝾 䘎㸴 䲷䉵䌋䧈㾍䉵㾍㸴䛬䋦 "䑍䛬 䶕䲷䧈 䲷 䧈䲥䘎䩬 䉄䪄 䛬䉄㸴䘴䌋㾍䢜 䑍 䲷䧈䧈䌋㾤㾍 䅫䉄䌋䋦 㻉䉄䛬䅋䘎㸴䘴 䩬㾍㾤䧈䉄㸴䲷䲥䋦"
䘎䌋䉄䲥㸴㮰㮰 䑍 䅋䲷䠮㾍 㸴㾍䅋䛬㾍䅋䛬䅫䕌" 㝾㸴䲷㻍䅋㾍㸴䉄 䉄䪄㝾䉄䉄㾍䵬䲥 䲷䛬䉄㝾 䢜㝾㾍䵬䧈䲷 㾤䌋䉄䅫 㾤㾍䧈䛬㾍䧈䉵㒙䉵㾍㾤 㾤䩬䠮䲷䉄䲷䩬䲥 䅋䛬㾍 䧈㝾䢜㾤䉄䵪䧈䘎䛬䅋䩬䩬䧈"䲥䉄㾤䑤䲷䉄
㬠䲷䉵䉵䉄㸴 䕌㮰䵪㾍䉄㝾 䠮䉄䘎㮰㾍㝾 䉄䌋䛬 䅋䘎䧈 䉄䩬䘎㸴䘎䉄㸴䢜 "䵪䲷㝾䅫 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴䢜 䑍 䲷㝾䉵䘎䛬 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䛬䲷䵬䘎㸴䘴 䪄䉄䌋㾤䛬㾍㾍㸴 䕌䲷䘴䘎 䉄䪄 䛬䅋㾍 䧈䲷䉵㾍 㾤䲷㸴䵬 䘎䧈 䲷 㸴䉄䛬㾍䶕䉄㾤䛬䅋䅫 䪄㾍䲷䛬䢜 㒙䌋䛬 㝾䉄 䅫䉄䌋 䛬㾤䌋䲥䅫 㒙㾍䲥䘎㾍䠮㾍 䅋㾍 䅋䲷㝾 䲷 䅋䲷㸴㝾 䘎㸴 䵬䘎䲥䲥䘎㸴䘴 䛬䅋㾍 㠎䲷㸴䵬 㒉 䕌䲷䘴䌋䧈 䪄㾤䉄䉵 䛬䅋㾍 㲩䌋䲥䛬 䉄䪄 䪩䉄㸴㾍䧈䑤"
㬠㾍 䩬䲷䌋䧈㾍㝾 䪄䉄㾤 䲷 䉵䉄䉵㾍㸴䛬 㒙㾍䪄䉄㾤㾍 䲷䧈䵬䘎㸴䘴 㝾䌋㒙䘎䉄䌋䧈䲥䅫䢜 "㻉䉄㸴㾍 䉄䪄 䌋䧈 䶕㾍㾤㾍 䛬䅋㾍㾤㾍 䶕䅋㾍㸴 䛬䅋㾍 㒙䲷䛬䛬䲥㾍 䛬䉄䉄䵬 䩬䲥䲷㮰㾍䋦 㽒䉄㾤 䲷䲥䲥 䶕㾍 䵬㸴䉄䶕䢜 㯽㝾䲷䉵 䉵䘎䘴䅋䛬 䅋䲷䠮㾍 㾤㾍䪄䌋䧈㾍㝾 䉄䌋䛬䧈䘎㝾㾍 䅋㾍䲥䩬䋦 䞌䅋䲷䛬'䧈 㾍䠮㾍㸴 䉵䉄㾤㾍 䧈䌋䧈䩬䘎㮰䘎䉄䌋䧈 䘎䧈 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䅋㾍 㾤㾍䪄䌋䧈㾍㝾 䛬䉄 䧈䅋䲷㾤㾍 䅋䘎䧈 䉵㾍䉵䉄㾤䘎㾍䧈 䉄䪄 䛬䅋㾍 㒙䲷䛬䛬䲥㾍䋦"
䛬䲷䅋䛬 㾍㸴䉄 䛬䇉䉄㾍㯘㾤 㮰㝾䋦䉄䲥䛬䅫㾍䘎㸴䪄㸴䅋㾍䲷䠮 䧈䩬䉄䵬㾍䉄䛬䶕䲷䧈 㾍䛬䅋䲥䲥䘎䵬 䛬䉄䅫䛬䘎䌋䲷䅋㾤䲷㸴䲷䕌㸴䉄䛬䛬䅋䲷 䲷㝾㯽䉵"䑍 䲷䌋"䘴䧈䕌䢜 䘎㸴㻍䲷䲷㒙㾤㲩㸴䉄㸴㾍㸴䘎䲷䧈䛬䛬䘴䉄㝾䉄
㬠䲷䉵䉵䉄㸴 䶕䲷䧈 䲷䛬 䲷 䲥䉄䧈䧈 䪄䉄㾤 䶕䉄㾤㝾䧈䋦 䪩䌋䛬 䘎䛬 䶕䲷䧈 䲷䛬 䛬䅋䘎䧈 䉵䉄䉵㾍㸴䛬䢜 㻉䅫䲥䘎䲷㸴 䧈䩬䉄䵬㾍 䌋䩬䢜 "䵪䲷㝾䅫 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴䢜 䉵䲷䅫 䑍 䲷䧈䵬 䶕䅋䉄 䅋䲷䧈 䠮䉄䌋㮰䅋㾍㝾 䪄䉄㾤 䅋䘎䉵䑤"
㻍䲷㒙㾤䘎㸴䲷 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴 㝾㾍㾍䩬䲥䅫 䲥䉄䉄䵬㾍㝾 䲷䛬 䛬䅋䘎䧈 䪄㾍䲥䲥䉄䶕 㮰䉄䌋㸴㮰䘎䲥䉄㾤 䉄䪄 䅋㾍㾤䧈䋦 䑍 㮰䲷㸴㸴䉄䛬 㒙㾍䲥䘎㾍䠮㾍 䅋㾍'䧈 䲷䲥㾤㾍䲷㝾䅫 䲷䛬 䛬䅋㾍 䩬㾍䲷䵬 䉄䪄 䛬䅋㾍 䕌䲷㸴䲷 䇉䉄㾤䛬㾍㯘 㠎䲷㸴䵬…㜏㾍䉵 䗲
䅋䛬㾍 䵬㸴䲷䢜㠎 䉵䲷䘴䵬䘎㸴 䉄䪄㾤 㾍䧈䲥㾍䢜㾍䅋䛬 㾍䅋䠮䲷 䉄䅫㸴㸴䲷㾍䶕㾤㾍㾍㯘㾍䛬㾍䩬㮰 䪄䉄㾤䅫㮰䘎䋦䛬䪄䑍 䲷䧈㾍㾍䛬㬠䲷㝾䉵㾤 䉄䛬 䛬䘎 㽉䩬㾍㾍䛬䘎䧈 㯘㾍䛬䉄䇉㾤㾤㒙䲷㸴㻍䲷䘎 䌋䲷㮰䧈㾍㝾 䲷㾤䘎䲷䩬䧈㸴䉄㾤䩬䛬㾍䅋䲷䠮㾍䉄䅋㾤䘴䌋䅋䛬 䛬䅋䅫㾍䉄䛬 䘎䅋䧈㡀䋦䪄䲥㾍 㝾䛬䉄䲥 㾍䅋䛬㸴㸴㝾㾍䶕䪄䉄䌋 㝾䶕䉄䌋䲥 䠮㝾㸴䲷㾍䲷㮰㾍㾍㾤䘎㸴䛬䲷㸴䌋㾤䉄㝾㒙䲷䌋䉄䛬 䉄㸴䲷䩬㝾䲷㝾㾍㾤䛬䘎 㻉䘎䲥䅫䲷㸴 㸴㾍䉄 㾤㮰䛬㾍䩬䧈㾍 䋦䪩䲥䲷㮰㝾䉄䵬䉄䶕 䕌䲷㸴䲷
㻍䅋㾍 䲷㸴䧈䶕㾍㾤㾍㝾 䘎㸴 䲷 䪄䘎㾤䉵 䛬䉄㸴㾍䢜 "㡀䅋㾍 䵪䉄㾤㝾 䉄䪄 㠎䲷䠮㾍㸴䪄㾍䲥䲥䋦"
㯽䛬 䉄㸴㮰㾍䢜 㸴䉄䛬 䧪䌋䧈䛬 䛬䅋㾍 㮰䉄䌋㸴㮰䘎䲥䉄㾤䧈 䧈䘎䛬䛬䘎㸴䘴 䲷䛬 䛬䅋㾍 䛬䲷㒙䲥㾍䢜 㒙䌋䛬 䲷䲥䲥 䛬䅋㾍 䉄䛬䅋㾍㾤 䕌䲷䘴䘎—䧈㮰㾤䘎㒙㾍䧈䢜 䲷䛬䛬㾍㸴㝾䲷㸴䛬䧈䢜 䲷㸴㝾 䘴䌋䲷㾤㝾䧈—䘎㸴 䛬䅋㾍 㾤䉄䉄䉵 䶕㾍㾤㾍 䧈䅋䉄㮰䵬㾍㝾 㒙䅫 䛬䅋䘎䧈 㝾䘎䧈㮰䉄䠮㾍㾤䅫䋦
䅫㾍㾍䋦䧈 㸴䘎䅫䲥㻉䲷 㮰䅋䲷㮰䛬 㯘㝾㾍䛬㮰㾍㾍䩬䉵䲷㝾㯽 䧈㝾㾍'䲷䛬㬠䲷䧈㾍㾤䉵 䛬㸴䉄㾤䅫䲥䛬䌋 䛬㸴䲷䵬㾍 䅋䛬㾍䲷㒙䲷䢜㮰䵬䶕䲷䧈䉄䛬䘎䠮䲷㸴䅋䘴
㡀䅋㾍 㾍䲥䪄'䧈 䪄㾍㾍䲥䘎㸴䘴䧈 䛬䉄䶕䲷㾤㝾䧈 䛬䅋㾍 㾤䲷䠮㾍㸴㾰䅋䲷䘎㾤㾍㝾 䅫䉄䌋䛬䅋 䶕㾍㾤㾍 㮰䉄䉵䩬䲥䘎㮰䲷䛬㾍㝾䢜 䛬䉄 䧈䲷䅫 䛬䅋㾍 䲥㾍䲷䧈䛬䋦 㯽䲥䛬䅋䉄䌋䘴䅋 㯽㝾䲷䉵 䅋䲷㝾 䉵䲷㝾㾍 䧈䌋㾤㾍 䛬䉄 䩬㾤䉄䛬㾍㮰䛬 䅋䘎䧈 㝾䲷䌋䘴䅋䛬㾍㾤 㝾䌋㾤䘎㸴䘴 䛬䅋㾍 㽉䌋䧈䵬䪄䲷䲥䲥 䑍㸴㮰䘎㝾㾍㸴䛬䢜 䘎䛬 䶕䲷䧈 䌋㸴㝾䉄䌋㒙䛬㾍㝾䲥䅫 䛬㾤䌋㾍 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䛬䅋㾍 䅫䉄䌋䛬䅋 䅋䲷㝾 䛬䲷䵬㾍㸴 䅋㾍㾤 䵬㸴䉄䶕䘎㸴䘴 䶕䅋䲷䛬 䶕䉄䌋䲥㝾 䘴䉄 䛬㾤䲷㸴䧈䩬䘎㾤㾍 䛬䅋㾍㾤㾍䋦
䑍㸴 䛬䅋㾍 㾍䲥䪄'䧈 㾍䅫㾍䧈䢜 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䶕䲷䧈 㸴䉄 㝾䘎䪄䪄㾍㾤㾍㸴䛬 䛬䅋䲷㸴 䉵䲷㸴䘎䩬䌋䲥䲷䛬䘎㸴䘴 䅋䘎䧈 㝾䲷䌋䘴䅋䛬㾍㾤—䲷 䪄䲷㮰䛬 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䅋㾍 䘴㾤㾍䲷䛬䲥䅫 㝾㾍䧈䩬䘎䧈㾍㝾䋦
䲷㸴䘎䘴㾍㾤㾤䘴㝾 㸴䘎 㾍䢜䶕㾤㾍䉄䠮㬠 㸴䧈䩬䉄䲥䲷㾍㾤㝾䅋䲷䉵䲷㾍䧈䛬㾤䛬㾍䅋䛬 㮰㾍䠮㸴䘴䉄㾤㸴㾍䲷䘎䛬㸴䛬䧈㸴䧈㾍䉵㾍䅋䛬㾍䋦䅫䛬䘎㮰 㸴䉄 㾍䅋䛬 㾍㮰䩬䲷䲥䉄䪄
㡀䅋䌋䧈䢜 䶕䘎䛬䅋䉄䌋䛬 䅋㾍䧈䘎䛬䲷䛬䘎㸴䘴䢜 䅋㾍 㸴䉄㝾㝾㾍㝾䋦 "䑍 䲷䩬䩬㾤䉄䠮㾍䋦"
"䟤䉄䉄㝾 䲷㾤㮰䲷㸴䲷䢜 䘎䪄 䵪䉄㾤㝾 䪩䲥䲷㮰䵬䶕䉄䉄㝾 䅋䘎䉵䧈㾍䲥䪄 䅋䲷䧈 䲷䛬䛬㾍䧈䛬㾍㝾 䛬䉄 䛬䅋㾍 㒙䉄䅫'䧈 㝾㾍㾍㝾䧈䢜 䛬䅋㾍㸴 䶕䅋䉄 䲷䉵 䑍 䛬䉄 㝾㾍㸴䅫䑤" 㬠䲷䉵䉵䉄㸴 䕌㮰䵪㾍䉄㝾 䛬䉄䉄 㸴䉄㝾㝾㾍㝾 䶕䘎䛬䅋 䲷 䧈䌋㾤䩬㾤䘎䧈㾍㝾 䲥䉄䉄䵬 䉄㸴 䅋䘎䧈 䪄䲷㮰㾍䋦 "㬠䉄䅋䉄䢜 䑍 䲷䩬䩬㾤䉄䠮㾍䂤"
"䑍䲷 㝾㸴䢜䲷䧈䲷䘎㝾 䢜䅋㮰䌋䧈䲥䉄㸴䘴䅫㾤㾍䠮䲷㸴㝾䉵㯽㝾䲷 㮰㾤䘎䲷䛬䅋䋦䲷䱡㾤 㾍䉵䘎䛬㒙䲷䲥䩬䛬㾍䘎䲷㮰䧈䘎䘎 䧈䲷䉄䪄㒙㾍㸴㾍 䲷'㾤䉵䲷䛬䧈㾍㝾䧈㾍㬠 䧈䲥㠎㾤䘴㾍㾍䧈䲷㝾"䢜㾍䠮䉄㾤䩬䩬䲷䵬䶕㾍㸴㾍䅋 䅋㝾䲷䘎㸴䠮䢜䠮䉄䲥㸴䉵㾍䛬㾍䲥䧈䘎䲥䲷㾍 䘎䅋䧈 䪄䉄㾤㾍䲥䲥䋦䶕䅋䛬㾍㽒䲥㸴䅫㸴 㾍䛬䅋
㻍䲷㒙㾤䘎㸴䲷 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴 䛬䌋㾤㸴㾍㝾 䅋㾍㾤 䲷䛬䛬㾍㸴䛬䘎䉄㸴 䛬䉄 㽉䲷㸴䘎㾍䲥 㠎䲷㸴㘹㾍㸴㒙㾍㾤䘴 䲷㸴㝾 䲷䧈䵬㾍㝾䢜 "䑍 䧈䌋䩬䩬䉄䧈㾍 䅫䉄䌋 䶕䘎䲥䲥 㒙㾍 㸴㾍䌋䛬㾤䲷䲥 䘎㸴 䛬䅋䘎䧈 䉵䲷䛬䛬㾍㾤 䲷䧈 䶕㾍䲥䲥䑤"
㡀䅋㾍 䉄䲥㝾 䉵䲷㸴 䶕䘎䛬䅋 䛬䅋㾍 䧈䛬䌋㾤㝾䅫 㒙䌋䘎䲥㝾 㸴䉄㝾㝾㾍㝾 䅋䘎䧈 䅋㾍䲷㝾 㾍䠮㾍㾤 䧈䉄 䧈䲥䘎䘴䅋䛬䲥䅫 㒙㾍䪄䉄㾤㾍 㮰䲥䉄䧈䘎㸴䘴 䅋䘎䧈 㾍䅫㾍䧈䢜 㮰䉄䉵䩬䲥㾍䛬㾍䲥䅫 㝾㾍䛬䲷㮰䅋㾍㝾 䪄㾤䉄䉵 䛬䅋㾍 䅋䲷䩬䩬㾍㸴䘎㸴䘴䧈 䲷㾤䉄䌋㸴㝾 䅋䘎䉵䋦
䉄䲥㝾䵬䉄㾍 㸴㾍䉄䪩㸴䛬㒙㾍㮰䉄䉵㾍 䲷㸴㝾㾍䛬䉄䠮䛬䲷 "㾤䳔䌋䉄㸴㾤㻍㒙䘎䲷䲷䧈䲷䅋 䉄㸴䶕䉄㸴㡀䲷㾤 䧈䛬㝾䲷䛬㾍䢜 㾤䶕䉄䉄䉄㝾㻉 䛬㾍㾤䲥䋦"㾤䲷䘎㾍㸴䠮䛬䅋㾍㸴
㡀䅋㾍 㾍䲥䪄 䉵䲷㝾㾍 䲷 䪄䲷㮰㾍 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䶕䲷䧈 䠮㾍㾤䅫 䌋䘴䲥䅫 䛬䉄 䲥䉄䉄䵬 䲷䛬䢜 㝾㾍䧈䩬䘎䛬㾍 䛬䅋㾍 䧈䩬㾍㮰䘎㾍䧈' 䘎㸴㸴䲷䛬㾍 䘴䉄䉄㝾 䲥䉄䉄䵬䧈䋦
"䑍䛬 䘎䧈 㝾㾍㮰䘎㝾㾍㝾 䛬䅋㾍㸴䋦 䕌䲷䘴䌋䧈 㯽㝾䲷䉵 㲩䉄㸴䧈䛬䲷㸴䛬䘎㸴㾍 䶕䘎䲥䲥 㒙㾍 䘴㾤䲷㸴䛬㾍㝾 䛬䅋㾍 䛬䘎䛬䲥㾍 䉄䪄 㲩䉄䌋㸴䛬 䲷㸴㝾 㒙㾍 䲷䶕䲷㾤㝾㾍㝾 䲥䲷㸴㝾 䲷㸴㝾 䛬䅋㾍 㾤䘎䘴䅋䛬 䛬䉄 㮰䉄䉵䉵䲷㸴㝾 䲷 䩬㾍㾤䧈䉄㸴䲷䲥 㾤㾍䛬䘎㸴䌋㾍 䉄䪄 䕌䲷䘴䘎 䶕䘎䛬䅋䘎㸴 䛬䅋㾍 㮰䘎䛬䅫䢜" 㻍䲷㒙㾤䘎㸴䲷 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴 㒙㾍䘴䲷㸴䋦
䲷㾍䪄㾤 㸴䉄㾤 䛬䘎 䉄䶕䅋䉄䛬 㾍䧈䘎㾤 䵬䧈㝾䋦㸴㾤䧈"㾍䲷 䘎䛬㸴䛬䉄 䢜㾍䪄䧈㾍㸴㾍㝾 䛬䛬䲷䅋㝾䉄㾍䧈㒙䉄䲥㝾䉄 㝾䧈䉄㾍㾍䅫㾍㾍㠎㾍䲥䲷㸴䠮䲥䪄 䲷䠮㒙䉄㾍 䛬㾤䘴䪄㾍䉄㒙㾍䛬䌋㾤㸴 䧈䛬䘎㸴䲷㝾䧈㾍䉄䅋䛬䧈䅋㾍䛬䉄㾍䛬"䵪䘎㸴䶕䅋䉄 䧈䅋㾍㝾䲷䲥㒙䘎㸴㝾䶕䵬㸴䉄㸴
㞬䌋䛬 䉄䪄 䲷䲥䲥 䛬䅋㾍 䩬㾍䉄䩬䲥㾍 䩬㾤㾍䧈㾍㸴䛬䢜 䑍䠮㾍䧈 䪩䲷䲥䲥䲷㾤㝾 䶕䲷䧈 䛬䅋㾍 䉵䉄䧈䛬 㝾䘎䧈䧈䲷䛬䘎䧈䪄䘎㾍㝾 䶕䘎䛬䅋 䛬䅋䘎䧈 㝾㾍㮰䘎䧈䘎䉄㸴䋦 㬠㾍 㮰䉄䌋䲥㝾㸴'䛬 䅋㾍䲥䩬 㒙䌋䛬 㮰䉄䉵䩬䲥䲷䘎㸴䢜 "䵪䲷㝾䅫 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴䢜 䑍'䠮㾍 㝾䉄㸴㾍 䉵䅫 㝾䌋㾍 㝾䘎䲥䘎䘴㾍㸴㮰㾍 䉄㸴 䛬䅋㾍 㒙䉄䅫䋦 䑍'䲥䲥 䅋䲷䠮㾍 䅫䉄䌋 䵬㸴䉄䶕 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䅋㾍'䧈 䲷 䘴䌋䛬䛬㾍㾤㾰㒙䉄㾤㸴 䪄䉄䉄䲥 䪄㾤䉄䉵 䲷 㸴䲷䉵㾍䲥㾍䧈䧈 䵬䘎㸴䘴㝾䉄䉵 䘎㸴 䛬䅋㾍 㻍䉄䌋䛬䅋㾍㾤㸴 㽒㾍㝾㾍㾤䲷䛬䘎䉄㸴䂤
"㽉䉄 䅫䉄䌋 㾤㾍䲷䲥䲥䅫 䶕䘎䧈䅋 䛬䉄 䲷䩬䩬䉄䘎㸴䛬 䧈䉄䉵㾍䉄㸴㾍 䉄䪄 䅋䘎䧈 䧈䛬䲷䛬䘎䉄㸴 䛬䉄 䛬䅋㾍 㸴䉄㒙䲥㾍 䧈䛬䲷䛬䌋䧈 䉄䪄 䲷 㲩䉄䌋㸴䛬䑤 䑍 䌋㾤䘴㾍 䅫䉄䌋 䛬䉄 䛬䅋䘎㸴䵬 䛬䅋䘎䧈 䛬䅋㾤䉄䌋䘴䅋䂤 䳔䉄䌋㾤 㝾㾍㮰䘎䧈䘎䉄㸴 䶕䘎䲥䲥 䩬䌋䛬 䲷 䧈䛬䲷䘎㸴 䉄㸴 䛬䅋㾍 䩬㾤䉄䌋㝾 㸴䉄㒙䘎䲥䘎䛬䅫 䉄䪄 䛬䅋䘎䧈 䪄䘎㸴㾍 㮰䘎䛬䅫䂤"
㾍㾤㝾䅫䲷㾤䛬䅋㾍䋦䘎" 㾍䅋䛬 䢜㝾䘎䲷䧈䛬䉄 䲷㸴㝾㸴䲷䉵䌋㸴䛬㝾㾤㾍 䛬䲷 㸴䲷䘎䛬㸴䧈㸴䧈'䉄䛬㲩㾍㾤㒙䲷㸴䘎㻍䲷"䑍䘎䧈䛬䉄㝾䉄䲥 䪄䉄㾤䛬䉄䘴 䲥䉄䉄䵬䛬㸴䉄䋦㾍䋦䉵䘎㸴䋦䲥䛬䲷䲥䅫䪄 䛬䌋㸴䉄㲩䘎䛬㾍䛬䲥
䑍䠮㾍䧈 䪩䲷䲥䲥䲷㾤㝾'䧈 㾍䅫㾍䧈 㸴䲷㾤㾤䉄䶕㾍㝾 䲷㸴㝾 䅋㾍 㮰䉄䌋䲥㝾㸴'䛬 㒙㾍 䉵䉄㾤㾍 㝾䘎䧈䩬䲥㾍䲷䧈㾍㝾 䶕䘎䛬䅋 䛬䅋䘎䧈 㝾㾍㮰䘎䧈䘎䉄㸴䋦
㯽 䅋㾍㾤㾍㝾䘎䛬䲷㾤䅫 㸴䉄㒙䘎䲥䘎䛬䅫 䛬䘎䛬䲥㾍 䶕䲷䧈 䲷 䲥䘎䪄㾍䲥䉄㸴䘴 䧈䛬䲷䛬䌋䧈䋦 䑍䛬 䉵㾍䲷㸴䛬 䛬䅋䲷䛬 㯽㝾䲷䉵'䧈 䛬䘎䛬䲥㾍 䶕䉄䌋䲥㝾 䲷䌋䛬䉄䉵䲷䛬䘎㮰䲷䲥䲥䅫 㒙㾍 䩬䲷䧈䧈㾍㝾 㝾䉄䶕㸴 䛬䉄 䅋䘎䧈 㾍䲥㝾㾍䧈䛬 㮰䅋䘎䲥㝾—䧈䅋䉄䌋䲥㝾 䅋㾍 䧈䘎㾤㾍 䲷㸴䅫䋦
㯽㸴䅫 䠮䅋㾍䲷 䲷䘎㾤㸴㾍䉵 㸴䉄䘎䛬㾍㾍䘎㾤䘎㒙䧈䲥䧈䩬䧈䘎 㝾䘎㾍䛬㾤䘎䧈㾍䲥䩬䘎㾍䠮䘴䢜㸴䲷㝾䛬䧈䛬䲷䌋䧈䋦䲥䶕䘎䲥䛬䉄㾤䢜䛬䌋䅋䉵㽒㾍㾤㾍㾤䉄㒙䲥䉄㸴㾍 䲥䶕䘎䲥 䅋䘎䧈䅋䘎䧈 䅋㾍䛬㝾㾍㾍㸴㝾䧈䲷䛬㮰䧈㸴 䲥䘎䛬䛬㾍䘎䅫䋦䉵䲥䲷䪄䶕䛬㸴䘎䘎䅋 䢜䲷䲥㝾㸴
䨦䧈䧈㾍㸴䛬䘎䲷䲥䲥䅫䢜 㻍䲷㒙㾤䘎㸴䲷 䪩㾍㸴䛬䉄㸴'䧈 㝾㾍㮰䘎䧈䘎䉄㸴 㾍㸴䧈䌋㾤㾍㝾 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䛬䅋㾍 㲩䉄㸴䧈䛬䲷㸴䛬䘎㸴㾍 䲥䘎㸴㾍䲷䘴㾍 㾤㾍䉵䲷䘎㸴㾍㝾 䩬䲷㾤䛬 䉄䪄 㠎䲷䠮㾍㸴䪄㾍䲥䲥'䧈 㸴䉄㒙䘎䲥䘎䛬䅫 䌋㸴䲥㾍䧈䧈䢜 䉄䪄 㮰䉄䌋㾤䧈㾍䢜 䧈䛬㾤䘎䩬䩬㾍㝾 䉄䪄 䘎䛬 㝾䌋㾍 䛬䉄 䛬㾤㾍䲷䧈䉄㸴 䉄㾤 䉄䛬䅋㾍㾤 䧈㾍㾤䘎䉄䌋䧈 䉄䪄䪄㾍㸴䧈㾍䧈䋦
㻍䲷㒙㾤䘎㸴䲷 㮰䉄㸴䛬䘎㸴䌋㾍㝾 䛬䉄 䧈䛬䲷㾤㾍 䲷䛬 䑍䠮㾍䧈 䪩䲷䲥䲥䲷㾤㝾 䲷㸴㝾 㝾㾍㮰䲥䲷㾤㾍㝾 䲷䌋䛬䅋䉄㾤䘎䛬䲷䛬䘎䠮㾍䲥䅫䢜 "㯽 䘴㾍㸴㾍㾤䉄䌋䧈 䧈䌋䉵 䉄䪄 㯽㮰䲷㝾䘎䲷㸴 䘴䉄䲥㝾 䶕䘎䲥䲥 㒙㾍 䲷䶕䲷㾤㝾㾍㝾 䛬䉄 䅋䘎䉵 䲷㸴㸴䌋䲷䲥䲥䅫 䪄䉄㾤 䛬䅋㾍 䪄䘎㾤䧈䛬 䛬㾍㸴 䅫㾍䲷㾤䧈䢜 㾍㸴䉄䌋䘴䅋 䛬䉄 㾍䧈䛬䲷㒙䲥䘎䧈䅋 䅋䘎䉵䧈㾍䲥䪄 䲷䧈 䲷 㸴䉄㒙䲥㾍䋦
䧈䉵䲷㾤䲷䲥䪄㸴㝾 䘎䅋䧈䲷 䧈䛬㾍䘎䉵 䶕䲥䲥䘎 䘎䶕䅋㸴䛬䘎䉄䛬䶕䘎䲥䲥䘎㸴㮰䉄䉵㾍 "㯽䲥䲥 㸴䲷㝾䘎䧈㾍䲷㾤䉄㾤䪄䉵 䋦䉵䘎䅋 䉵䉄㾤䪄䉄䛬㾍㬠䧈䘎䅋 㾍㒙䘴㸴䉄䲥䋦㾤䲷䶕䲥㸴䲷㝾 䅫䉄䧈䲥㾍䲥 䘎㾤䢜䲷䧈䪄䛬䪄䅋䲷䠮㾍 䲷㾤䛬㝾㾍 䶕䅫㾍㸴䲥䘎䅋㾤䛬䘴㸴䘎䘴㾤㸴㾍㝾䛬䲷㾍䧈䉵䘎䢜㸴 䉵䘎䲷䘎䛬䘎䲥 䪄䉄㸴㝾䧈䲷䲥
"䨦㯘㮰䲥䌋䧈䘎䠮㾍 䲷㮰㮰㾍䧈䧈 䛬䉄 䛬䅋㾍 㮰䘎䛬䅫'䧈 䟤㾤䲷㸴㝾 㯽㾤㮰䅋䘎䠮㾍䧈䢜 䲷䲥䲥䉄䶕䘎㸴䘴 䅋䘎䉵 䛬䉄 䧈䛬䌋㝾䅫 䘴㾤䘎䉵䉄䘎㾤㾍䧈 䲷㸴㝾 㾤㾍㮰䉄㾤㝾䧈 䲥㾍䪄䛬 㒙㾍䅋䘎㸴㝾 㒙䅫 䛬䅋㾍 䘴㾤㾍䲷䛬 㸴䉄㒙䲥㾍 䕌䲷䘴䘎 䉄䪄 䛬䅋㾍 䩬䲷䧈䛬䋦
"㬠㾍 䶕䘎䲥䲥 㾤㾍㮰㾍䘎䠮㾍 䲷 㲩䉄䌋㸴䛬'䧈 㻍䘎䘴㸴㾍䛬 㠎䘎㸴䘴䢜 䧈䅫䉵㒙䉄䲥䘎㘹䘎㸴䘴 䅋䘎䧈 䲷䌋䛬䅋䉄㾤䘎䛬䅫䢜 䛬䅋㾍 㾤䘎䘴䅋䛬 䛬䉄 䲷䛬䛬㾍㸴㝾 㮰䉄䌋㸴㮰䘎䲥 䉵㾍㾍䛬䘎㸴䘴䧈䢜 䘴䘎䠮䘎㸴䘴 䅋䘎䉵 䲷 䠮䉄䘎㮰㾍 䘎㸴 䛬䅋㾍 㮰䘎䛬䅫'䧈 䘴䉄䠮㾍㾤㸴䲷㸴㮰㾍䢜 䲷㸴㝾 䲥㾍䘴䲷䲥 䘎䉵䉵䌋㸴䘎䛬䅫 䪄㾤䉄䉵 䉵䘎㸴䉄㾤 䉄䪄䪄㾍㸴㮰㾍䧈䋦"
䉄㸴䛬㻍䅋㾍䶕䘎䛬䅋䘎㸴 䩬䲷䌋䧈㾍㝾㒙㾍㾍䪄䉄㾤㸴㾍䶕㾍䅋䛬 䘎䟤㸴䠮㾍 䧈㸴䉄䩬䛬䘎䘎䉄 䪄㾍䉄䋦㾤㮰䧈㾤䉄䪄䉵䪄䉄㾍㾤䲷䲥䘎㝾㒙 䉵䘴䲷䲷䲥䘎㮰 䶕䉄㾤䧈䢜䩬䧈㾍䪄㾍䲥䲥䛬䛬㾍䘎䲷㝾㒙"䛬䘎䋦䘎㾍䅋䧈䠮㮰㾍㸴䲷䉵䛬㾍 䑍 䛬"䧈䲷䵪 㲩䉄䌋㸴䛬 䉵䉵䉄㾍㸴䛬㾤㾍䲷㝾 䘎䧈䅋 㝾㸴䘎䉵 㝾䉵㾤䲷㾍 㒙䅫䉄㝾䲷㸴䅫䧈㾍䉵䌋䧈䲷䲥㾍䲷䧈䢜䛬㾍䛬䲷䘎䛬䉄䧈㸴㲩㸴㸴 䶕䉄䌋䲥㝾䌋㒙䛬 䉄㝾㒙䛬䌋㾤䘎㾍䅋䛬䘎㸴 䲷 䛬䅫'䘎䧈㮰䲥䶕䘎䲥 䉄䩬䧈䩬䉄㾍䲷㸴㝾䘴䘎䛬䅋㾤䉄㸴㝾㸴㮰㮰䘴䘎䌋䢜䲥
㞬㸴㮰㾍 䲷䘴䲷䘎㸴䢜 㾍䠮㾍㾤䅫䉄㸴㾍 䲷䩬䩬㾤䉄䠮㾍㝾—㾍䠮㾍㾤䅫䉄㸴㾍 㾍㯘㮰㾍䩬䛬 䑍䠮㾍䧈 䪩䲷䲥䲥䲷㾤㝾䢜 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䘎䧈䋦
㯽䧈 䛬䅋㾍 䘎䛬㾍䉵䧈 䘎㸴 䛬䅋㾍 䲷䘴㾍㸴㝾䲷 䶕㾍㾤㾍 䘴㾤䲷㝾䌋䲷䲥䲥䅫 䲷㝾㝾㾤㾍䧈䧈㾍㝾䢜 䘎䛬 䪄䘎㸴䲷䲥䲥䅫 㮰䲷䉵㾍 䛬䘎䉵㾍 䪄䉄㾤 䪩㾤䘎䘴䅋䲷䉵 㽒䲥䅫㸴㸴 䛬䉄 䩬㾤㾍䧈㾍㸴䛬 䅋䘎䧈 䘎㸴䛬㾍䲥䋦 㽉㾍䧈䩬䘎䛬㾍 㒙㾍䘎㸴䘴 䛬䅋㾍 䉄㸴㾍 䛬䉄 㮰䲷䲥䲥 䪄䉄㾤 䛬䅋㾍 䉵㾍㾍䛬䘎㸴䘴䢜 䅋㾍 䘎㸴䧈䘎䧈䛬㾍㝾 䛬䅋䲷䛬 䅋䘎䧈 䛬䉄䩬䘎㮰 㒙㾍 㝾䘎䧈㮰䌋䧈䧈㾍㝾 䲥䲷䧈䛬䋦
㮰㝾㸴䘎䧈䧈䧈䌋䘴䘎㾤䛬䘎㝾㸴㮰䧈䛬䌋㾍㾤䩬㒙㾍—㾍㾍䉄䅫㯘㮰䅫㝾䛬㾍䠮 㾤䉄䉄䉵䋦䉵㾍㾍㸴䘎䛬䘴㬠䠮㾍䉄䶕䢜㾍㾤 䉄䪄㾍㾍㾤㒙㾍䅋䛬䅋㾍䲥㾍䲷䠮㾍 䛬䅋㾍 䛬䅋㾍 䉵㾍㾤䲷䛬䛬䢜 䉄䉄䧈㮰䘎㸴䌋㮰䲥㾤䉄䛬
㞬㸴㮰㾍 䘎䛬 䶕䲷䧈 䉄㸴䲥䅫 䛬䅋㾍 䧈㾍䠮㾍㸴 䉄䪄 䛬䅋㾍䉵 㾤㾍䉵䲷䘎㸴䘎㸴䘴䢜 䅋㾍 䲥䉄䉄䵬㾍㝾 䲷䛬 㾍䠮㾍㾤䅫 䉄㸴㾍 䩬㾤㾍䧈㾍㸴䛬 䲷㸴㝾 䧈䩬䉄䵬㾍 䶕䘎䛬䅋 䲷㸴 㾍㯘䛬㾤㾍䉵㾍䲥䅫 䧈䉄䲥㾍䉵㸴 䛬䉄㸴㾍䋦
"䑍 䅋䲷䠮㾍 䲷䛬 䲥䲷䧈䛬 䌋㸴㮰䉄䠮㾍㾤㾍㝾 䛬䅋㾍 䶕䅋㾍㾤㾍䲷㒙䉄䌋䛬䧈 䉄䪄 䛬䅋㾍 䊺䉵㒙㾤䲷 㡀䅋䘎㾍䠮㾍䧈' 䉵䲷䘎㸴 䧈䛬㾤䉄㸴䘴䅋䉄䲥㝾䂤"