GREED: ALL FOR WHAT?-Chapter 1489 The Essence Of The Path Of Divinity.

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Chapter 1489 The Essence Of The Path Of Divinity.

----In the inner world of a world beast.

The tree father, in his elf form, is here. Legion-1 is not here anymore, but the whole inner space is his body, so he is always present. Legion-unity is also present. They are not here for anything major. In fact, they hope that there won't be anything that needs their help. They hope to just watch.

Soverick said to everyone present and absent, "We have everything we need. I think it is time."

They would have liked to delay and plan better. The Tree Father in particular wanted to get as many domains as possible, but they can't anymore because Legion-8 encountered a world god in the egg. That encounter has made it urgent that they get ready to have him hatch as soon as possible. So the Tree Father has to start his breakthrough now.

Fortunately, they have everything they need for the breakthrough. They have an Authority of the Celestial Supreme, a spark of consciousness, and several divine domains. These are all present within the white halo around the Tree father's head. The next thing they need is to fuse the domains that he has accumulated all this time.

Legion-unity couldn't wait. He said with some anticipation, "It has been a long time coming."

The Tree father said, "It wasn't that long ago when we reincarnated. It is just almost one Origin cycle."

Legion-unity insisted, "It is still a long time coming."

The requirements to become a divine spark are for a Celestial to have a level 10 authority and the Authority of the Celestial Supreme. If they don't have the authority of the Celestial Supreme, then they need the help of the Will of the realm. In exchange, they will help the realm become free of the law matrix without the need for a realm lord to become a world god.

That is the information that Legion has learned from Mother High Heaven during their period of preparation. They have also learned other useful information about the state of existence of a divine spark from Aeternus's success.

They have learned about what to do in the Tree Father's case. In the case where the Celestial doesn't have a level 10 Authority and needs to create it but can't create it easily because the domains are in different planes and different avatars, then they will need a catalyst to facilitate the fusion and make the evolution to divine spark easier, such as the spark of consciousness.

They know now that gods have always been underestimated. Legion has always looked down on gods. They call them parasites that are shackled with rules.

It is a common perspective among true immortals. They feel a certain sense of superiority above gods and Celestials. If not for the power of authority, then Legion wouldn't have cared to explore the power of gods. Gehaldirah would not have bothered to make a clone of a Celestial.

But now they know that the path of divinity has a lot of potential and that Origin gods aren't so special. Origin gods have immortality, but it is not theirs. It is immortality based on the protection of the void universe that they gain when they fuse with a concept. It is false immortality.

True immortality starts at the level of a world god. Only world gods can rely on themselves to come back from the dead. In fact, they never die. They only get severely weakened. They might sleep, but they don't die.

Gods, on the other hand, don't have immortality, so they are looked down upon. It should not have been so, considering that gods gain eternal life right from the moment they become low gods. That is something those on the path of perfection don't gain until they become Sovereigns of law.

So the gods should be the ones mocking those on the path of perfection. Unfortunately, gods are shackled with many rules. They can't even leave the planes they became gods on, so they can't be taken seriously by those on the path of perfection who can leave the realm entirely.

The essence of the two paths of power is different. They have their advantages and disadvantages. Those on the path of perfection have to rely on themselves and their comprehension of laws to strengthen themselves. They have to risk their lives to become titans of law, and they could die as titans of law. They still have to risk their lives to become Origin gods.

Their struggle makes the path of perfection dangerous, and it also fills those who have succeeded on it with pride. They are proud of their achievement, and they are rewarded with immortality.

Gods also risk their lives when they ascend or try to become Celestials, but they always have the support of others. As long as they have faith, they can't die on the line for their power. That undermines the danger they go through.

A god can grow from the level of a low god and become a great god without any issues as long as they have an ample supply of faith. But a transcendent without opposition or enemies can fail to become a titan of law despite his or her best efforts.

So gods are looked down upon. This disdain culminates in the fact that Celestials rarely reach the level of a Supreme Origin god. It is so rare that many people don't know that it is possible for gods to attain that kind of power.

It is understandable since no Celestial has ever achieved it in the history of high heaven realm. But if a Celestial manages to become a divine spark, then the reward would be worth the struggle. They will finally be able to enjoy the essence of the path of divinity without restrictions.

The essence of the path of perfection is the reliance on one's efforts to achieve perfection. The opposite is the case for gods. They rely on others to acquire power. They use the beliefs of people as a source of faith, which they convert to divinity and divine energy through their godfire. This ability to produce divinity is the essence of the path of divinity.