Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse-Chapter 137 The Battle For Earth Pt 5

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"The giant is less than three hundred miles from the city! Everyone get into your places! There is help coming, so you all just have to hold! A massive red dragon is headed your way, but it is flying out of the tree range to grab it! It is lighting the forest on fire, but Gaia has already brought all the clones underground!" Sofia called down to the seven girls that were lined up.

Sofia was up inside a massive Mecha-tree monster she had created with Firaga's help. The Mech looked more like a tree monster with armor plating, but it was over sixty feet tall.

"Who is coming to help us? The humans, even in super clones, aren't going to be able to do anything, right? Katie asked.

She was in full plate armor covering her entire body of her creation, but the metal was all pinks and purples. Katie also was carrying bladed whips that were coiled up in her hands.

"Beltzer and the other seven AI Generals are on their way," Sofia said, and Melody screwed up her face.

She was wearing a special armor that Firaga created with one of the Fire Systems that she had cannibalized to make it. The Blazer System was meant initially to gather outside heat to gather and increase the Hosts mass and energy output.

Now the armor collected heat and used it to create an armor that did the same but grew to whatever size Melody was. They collected enough heat to create more mass for the armor for protection and a reactive defense that could be released into anything that touched it.

"So we will just trust the people sent here to kill us all?" Melody asked, but not with anger or malice; she just wanted everyone to make it out of this alive.

[Girls, I know it will be hard for us all to trust them, and believe me, I am having a hard time with it. We have been pushed into a corner, and Daniel isn't here to save us all. Each of us needs to step up and become the woman Daniel needs us to be. Each of you should know that Daniel didn't only choose you because he loves you. Daniel picked you because he believes that you are not only good people but Heroes that are willing to do what it takes to protect what you love. We need to trust the AI, no matter how much it pains us to do it; that is going to be our only hope of surviving.]

Gaia was now operating the giant Hydra since Orphus said that something had happened to him. She wasn't sure about that, but after quickly talking to Daniel about it, he had assured her not to worry about it.

The control of the five-headed beast was nothing for her, and Gaia separated her mind into different parts. She looked up into the sky with five views, all focused on the giant mythical Dragon that was swooping down towards the city, straight at Gaia.

[Incoming! Dragon is coming to intercept me! Melody, Katie, and Marley are with me. Sofia, you take the other girls and concentrate on the golems preceding the hundred-foot-tall one behind them!]

All the girls responded and started to move, but Gaia sensed two AI flying through the air towards her as the Dragon came at her. The creature had no intentions of slowing down, but Mr. Tree was already growing a massive fist that rose up from the ground.

"We are here to help!" Beltzer called just before smacking into the top of one of Gaia's heads.

"Glacial coating!" Timala shouted as she landed perfectly on another of Gaia's heads.

The fist rising up to meet the Dragon grew a thick layer of ice off the knuckles, but the connection released a quarter megaton worth of energy. Timala and Beltzer were instantly blown off the top of Gaia's head, but Beltzer was already ready with chains spinning out of him.

The chains grabbed Timala and then pulled her to Beltzer, wrapping them both to protect them from the debris. Both of them were injured as the chain cocoon smashed into the ground, but most of the damage had been caused by the initial blast.

Gaia was knocked down, losing all five heads, and all the Great Trees, including the fist, were obliterated for a quarter mile around. Luckily, the explosion happened in the air and not on the ground.

The effects of the impact on the ground would have ripped up the earth and could have hurt and killed people below the ground. Gaia ordered Mr. Tree to start leading people away from this area, and the trees did as asked, creating underground tunnels for the people to get away.

"Gaia! Are you okay?!" Melody asked as she flew over after just getting blown into a tree.

[I am fine. I will need a short amount of time to regenerate, but you need to be careful. The Dragon's body seems to reflect kinetic energy, so be careful how hard you hit it.]

"You don't look fine!" Melody said, looking at the smashed Hydra that it was nothing more than a body with neck stubs growing back.

[This caused me no pain, so I'm fine! It somehow created a reactive blast when the tree punched it, but I don't know if it is reflecting the force or creating an explosion from just the impact alone. As you can see, it has monstrous, destructive power.]

"Girls, head back, and help the others!" Melody said as she looked at the Massive red Dragon that was getting back up off the ground without so much as a scratch on it.

Katie and Marley didn't bother to ask questions; the turn just turned tails and flew back the way they had come. All the girls have Fairy wings thanks to Sofia and her ability to change and create bodies, and the girls were getting good use out of them. 𝑓𝙧𝘦𝘦we𝘣𝙣𝘰𝘃𝗲l.com

"We are okay! Thanks for asking!" Beltzer said as the two limped over to where Melody was sitting down on the ground.

"Go back and help the others; this one is too strong for you two," Melody warned, still having a hard time flat out trusting the AI, but the two shook their heads.

"The other five are helping the others, and with the other five of your girls, we will just get in the way. There is no way that you can fight him along like this. The Dragon System is one of the most powerful Systems because it is a perversion of what the original was. Hellyle is not the one inside of that creature anymore. The same thing goes for Gravois, they are both slaves, but we have had no way to deal with them before this. You are going to need our help," Bletzer explained and then coughed up a bit of blood.

His body was covered in tattered clothing, with burns all over, and some of the cloth melted into his skin. Timala wasn't much better than Beltzer, but worse, she had lost her top portion of hair.

"He had to pick the worst possible thing! Look at my hair! This is going to take a full day to grow back!" Timala complained and then winced in pain as she touched the raw burn on her head.

A pool appeared in the ground behind the two and Melody pointed at it.

"Get in there to soak for a bit while we hold him off, then come and help us!" Melody said, but the last part came out as a growl as she shifted and changed into a giant bear covered in flaming armor that started to cover the forty-foot-tall form.

"Be careful! Hellyle is at level five and is now an Impact Dragon, so you need to watch how you attack! The kinetic and piercing force will just get you blown away!" Beltzer called up.

"Got it!" Melody growled as she bound forward to the massive thirty-foot-tall Dragon that was dark red but with glowing red lines on the scales.

Calishora got up in the abominable form of a Male Impact Dragon after being punched out of the sky. The creatures of this world had been infused with her mother's essence, and now they were trying to use it against her.

This infuriated Calishora, but the Star Child's creation had given her power for some reason. The Daughter of Tiamat knew that Omega was aware of her presence, so it made even less sense for him to give her enough power to fully take over Hellyle's body.

"In the name of Tiamat, where is the Hero?!" Calishora roared at the giant four-legged beast that was charging her, but it didn't answer, but that was fine.

Calishora drew in a deep breath, and atoms began to smash together inside of her, and the Dragon tried to expel her breath.

Melody leaped forward, grabbed the bottom of the Dragon's neck, and forced Calishora's mouth to the sky. A small explosion occurred, burning Melody's giant paws, but she never let go.

Calishora was forced to release the cosmic blast of radiation straight up into the sky, and it let out a rippling bass boom. The Dragon twisted its neck, breaking Melody's, gripped, and then slammed her head into the side of Melody's bear body, sending her flying to smash into the ground.

"I asked you a question, creature; rejoice at the destruction Tiamat brings!! DO NOT IGNORE ME, TIAMAT DEMANDS! I am the Greatest of Tiamat's three Children, and I am here to take back all the Astral Essence that you have stolen from her! Hail Tiamat!" Calishora roared as Melody picked herself back up.

"I don't know who you or your stupid mother is, but you are attacking my home! My boyfriend isn't here yet, so you are going to have to fight me first!" Melody roared as she rose on two legs.

Melody transformed into a massive ape sixty feet tall, with the most enormous tits this would have ever been exposed to. The Blaze System slowly coated her body, sucking heat from the Dragon that was two hundred feet away from her.

"You dare talk about my mother like that, the most revered Goddess Tiamat?!" Calishora growled, wishing she would have waited to use her cosmic breath that was now on a cool down.

"I heard you the first five times! Timber hat is your mother!" Melody roared, but she was wearing a smirk on her ape face.

"I will radiate your body until there is not even a particle of you left, in the name of Tiamat!" Calishora snapped, surging forward.

"Fuck your mother, the cleaning mat!" Melody roared as her ape hands grew tiger claws.