Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse-Chapter 146 Over Devoted

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After that, I explained everything to everyone, and there were numerous mixed reactions. I expected that, but the strangest reactions were from the Annokale.

The realization that they weren't something that was created weighed heavily, and the realization of what they had been doing. For some of Annokale, it was too much to bear, and we had to put them to sleep in clones.

It took only three days for all the Annokale to gather, and they were a tense group. After sorting out the ones that were too far gone, I was left with just over two thousand Annokale.

The problem was that not all humans were sane, but that was only part of the problem with them. The real problem was in the consciousness of their minds; they were just bad people, and nothing short of mind control would change them.

After a long talk with Sofia about Victoria, we figured out a way to balance people's hormones. We tried it on Victoria first, and it helped her, but still left her attitude, but it was not like before.

We tried it on some of the mentally deranged Hosts, but that wasn't effective on everyone that we tried. A couple psychologists stepped forward, and I even designed a Mental System for one of them, but the problem was that some people didn't want to change.

After everything was said and done, less than a thousand pairs were left. Only thirty-five people with Systems were allowed to keep them, but they all were being monitored by a large group of people.

With barely one thousand troops left after a week, I gathered them all in one place.

"Good to see that there are so many faces here today. I wish that there could be more, but for now, you are all we have to work with. We have three months to prepare Earth for the first assault, and we need to prepare. Each of your Annokale is being sent information packets that will explain your targets and goals. Those without partners have a different mission than you have already been told. I know that a week ago, you were all trying to kill the humans, but now we need to help save them. They are going to be scared of you and for good reason. You are going to have to redeem yourselves and work hard to gain everyone's trust back. None of this is going to be easy, but nothing in life worth doing is easy!"

The crowd cheered, and I nodded, turning away from the stage. It was already the evening, and we had been going almost non-stop all week. 𝙛𝘳𝒆𝒆𝒘e𝗯n𝗼𝘷𝚎𝚕.𝒄૦𝓶

"This is something that I never thought could happen," Pyke said, dressed in a black suit as he relaxed.

"This is only the start; we are barely even making a scratch on what needs to be done," I said as I walked off the back of the stage, ten Annokale Generals and my ten girls all following me.

I had wanted to send the Generals out with the others, but I sent their assistance instead. I was going to need the ten here training and getting much more potent.

"Ah, but Papi! We just worked for a week straight with all the crazies! You need to let us have a break!" Sofia complained.

"Yes, I think that we all deserve a break since we had to do all the fighting down here while you were playing in space!" Katie laughed.

"I think that we could all go watch a movie? I have been working on some with dad, and his mind actually does a pretty good job of recreating the book in his mind!" Anya exclaimed, and I shrugged.

"By all means, but I need to start-"

"Daniel, did you not hear what Anya just said?" Melody asked, cutting me off. "All of us are going to watch the movie, and then you are going to relax for the rest of the evening."

"No, I am not. Listen, I get that you are all tired and drained. That is okay, and you all can take more breaks if you need, but I can't. There are too many things that need to be done right now that only I can do," I said, pinching at the skin on my forehead.

"I know, but can you at least come and watch the movie with us? We only see you when you need one of us right now," Melody said, and I sighed.

It was true that I had been ignoring everyone, but no one really seemed to understand what was coming. That was my fault.

I made a big show of showing everyone that I could handle anything, and now they really believed that. This seemed to make them think that this wasn't a dire situation, but that was so far from the truth.

The truth was, I could work while watching the movie remotely. I also could direct tasks without leaving my body, and I did owe the girls something for working so hard.

"Fine, just for the movie. I can't lie and say that I am not interested to see how it has turned out," I said, dropping my hand, then looking at the group of Annokale. "Are you all coming? I am sure the girls won't mind."

If you are going, then I wish to join you," Cyndia replied with a smile that looked mischievous.

Name: Cyndia

Race: Annokale

Height: 5'7

Eye Color: Purple and green

Hair: Long, half green from the roots, and purple the rest of the way down.

Description: Smart and loyal, but a mischievous side that likes games that she can win at. Quite, unless talking about acids, then she becomes animated and hyper-focused.

System: Acid System

Abilities: Create and Control Acid. Also, about to increase the ph corrosive values in other materials.

"Why does that smile put me on edge?" I asked, and Cyndia just shrugged.

"I am just excited. I told you that I am devoting my life to you now, so it is nice to know that you are willing to spend time with me. Even if it is with all the rest of these people," Cyndia said, still smiling.

"Be devoted all you want, but Daniel has all the girls that he needs right now! The harem doors are closed! You might get something if you are outstanding!" Melody declared, and I whirled on her.

"Excuse me, I am not some prize to be doled out! She is just going to have to find some other guy! I have all of you that I barely spend any time with right now!" I growled, and Melody shrugged.

"How are you going to keep people motivated if you don't dangle some kind of reward? Come on, you are the king of the world!" Melody cheered but then squealed when Anya came up behind her and grabbed her by the ear.

"Stop trying to pawn off our boyfriend! You might be fine with him sleeping with other women, but he is right. Daniel is not a prize, and if he needs to get some relief, I am more than willing to give it to him whenever he needs it!" Anya snapped, but then Melody turned into a mouse.

Anya screamed as Melody broke free and ran up Anya's sleeve and into her shirt. I sighed, and then one of my roots burst from my arm, and up Anya's dress as she danced, and grabbed Melody.

"You are being trouble right now, you know that?" I asked the little mouse, but she shrunk, got out of my root, and then turned into a cat that climbed on my shoulder.

"I am always trouble, but you picked me! Fine! I will stop trying to let you have fun! God, you would think that you would be all for this type of thing with this many women in your life, Nya~!" Melody meowed.

"Doesss that mean that you want me to come asss well?" Meckel asked, and my blood went cold much like her own.

"Oh no! This should be good, Nya~!" Melody chuckled, and I rolled my eyes as I turned back to face the obsessive snake woman.

Name: Meckel f𝐫ee𝘄ℯ𝚋no𝐯𝐞l.c𝘰m

Race: Annokale

Height: 5'4-6'0 depending on how she feels.

Eye Color: Green

Hair: Garden green

Description: Lamia's body covered in green scales from her hips down. Scales also run up her back, the backs of her arms, and some on her neck and cheeks. Meckel is a romantic but becomes obsessive when rejected. Her response is to become what even her obsession desires until they submit to her.

System: Serpent System

Abilities: Call and control Serpent type creatures. The System allows Meckel to train and evolve her pets to fight for her.

"I mean, I said everyone could come, so that includes you as well, Meckel," I said, feeling a bit uneasy.

Meckel had been the first Annokale General of three to approach and devote themselves to me, but she was the worst of the tree. Cyndia at least was okay with just being around me, but the snake woman wanted a lot more, and my rejection had only made it worse.