Heaven, Earth, Me-Chapter 946: Meeting the Otherworlder Beasts again.

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Chapter 946: Meeting the Otherworlder Beasts again.

When Yasenia stopped using the concealing formation, several deep roars echoed from within the mountain range. They were warning roars, telling people off.

Yasenia frowned and looked toward the depths. "You want to challenge my authority in front of my children?"

The dragoness jumped from the ship while they were high up in the sky, and energy surged toward her. The girls raised their eyebrows and smirked. 'Oh? She wants to show off to the babies?'

As Yasenia fell, Tatyana controlled the ship to follow her perfectly. The children looked on as a crazy hurricane of energy gathered toward Yasenia. Then, the dragoness's voice echoed with an incredibly profound tone. "[Empyrean Cosmos Dragon Transformation]."

A brilliant blue star appeared, pushing the clouds away with the powerful shockwave expanding from it. Then, from that ball of light, the figure of a majestic dragon appeared. Its body was well over one kilometer large, with wings that spanned even beyond that. The mountainous dimensions of the creature even dwarfed the Skeletal Warship.

Her blue scales reflected the sun's light and scattered it around her, while the enormous Moon and Sun on her sky-shrouding wings glowed with their own brilliance, no less majestic than the actual Celestial Objects.

The enormous dragoness extended her wings, stopping her massive body from further falling down, and stopped in front of the mountain range.

Then, as many different kinds of presence-amplifying skills she knew enveloped her body, she took a deep breath and opened her mouth, releasing an earth-shaking and lasting dragon roar.


The children's eyes widened as the deep and imposing dragon's roar boomed outward and shook their chests and hearts. Even the girls couldn't help but gawk at the incredibly majestic figure of their lover.

Evelyn communicated through spiritual sense with the other girls. 'To think that THAT made us pregnant.'

The girls rolled their eyes a bit, but inside, they were feeling proud enough that their lips were twitching upward. Who didn't love it when their most important person looked as glorious and majestic as Yasenia?

After the long-lasting dragon roar stopped, Yasenia kept her dragon form and flapped her enormous wings while looking toward the mountain range.

Meanwhile, Estrella said, excited. "M-MOMMY IS SO COOL!"

Skye lifted her arms and shouted. "RAWR!"

Evelyn would've fallen down while clutching her heart if she wasn't holding the little one. "Why is my little darling so adorable? Argh! She is killing me with cuteness!"

But it got worse, or better, depending on the perspective, as the rest of the children followed Skye's example and lifted their arms, filling the place with glorious "rawrs" that were defeating even the battle-hardened maids.

"T-They are… Too cute!"

"S-Sister! Resist the urge! Remember Lady Tatyana's training!"

"I-I can't. Lady Tatyana's training didn't prepare us to resist the absurd level of adorableness Young Miss's children would have! I-I want to cuddle them!"

Tatyana looked at them, speechless. 'Well, I can't really blame them, can I?'

Kaleina giggled while looking at her little sisters. "I was also like that."

Flame looked at her sideways and smiled faintly. "Was? I bet that your tail would be helplessly wagging if you were in your dragon form."

Kaleina blushed and hit Flame's shoulder. "Cough. I-It wouldn't be… Although Mommy is super awesome! I would be able to resist! I am not an infant anymore! I am a big sister now!"

Flame laughed gently. "Sure, sure. Miss big sister is very mature. But, tell me, Miss Big Sister, why are you hugging and kissing Dianna's head?"

Kaleina coughed. "It is the daily ministrations of sisterly love."

Flame laughed together with Kali, who was looking at Kaleina with gentle eyes. Kaleina looked at Kali and asked. "What is Mommy doing, Mama Kali?"

Kali looked over and said. "Well, she is telling them. 'Do you dare roar back? Or, do you submit?' Something like that. That's why even her Monarch and War intents were used in that dragon roar."

Kaleina nodded. "I see! Does Mommy want to make those beasts her underlings as well?"

Kali hummed. "Do you know why we are here?"

Kaleina shook her head, but she threw a guess. "Did they do something against us?"

Kali shook her head and laughed. "No. What about you, Flame. Any guesses?"

Flame muttered. "Aunty Yasenia's mind is too deep. I probably can't guess her reasoning."

Kali laughed again and said. "Well, Yasenia forgot about their existence because of their lack of presence, so she is here to check what they are doing." novelbuddy.cσ๓

Flame looked at Kali with a stupid expression, and Kaleina burst into laughter. "Mommy is so cute sometimes! Hahahaha! Ouch."

Looking down, she saw Dianna biting her finger playfully. Kaleina blinked. "You have quite sharp teeth, don't you, Little Sister Dianna?"

Kaleina scratched Dianna's nape, making the little one stretch her limbs because of the pleasant sensation. Kali looked toward the horizon and commented. "Oh? They are here."

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Both girls looked over.

Yasenia didn't move as several presences approached and waited patiently. Then, from the mountains, several beasts appeared. Their size was also enormous but not bigger than Yasenia's dimensions. After all, the dragoness was considered a giant beast, even between those at the same level.

"Yasenia Dravory, we never provoked you. Why are you here?"

The beast that spoke was a massive griffin in the tenth level of the Legendary Core realm. Regarding raw strength, he was far above Yasenia.

But even then, and while the tone was majestic, there was no disrespect in his tone. The dragoness noticed and answered more cordially. "Don't worry, I have no interest in the mountain range you use as your nests. However, since you've remained neutral during the conflict, I never really had the chance to interact with you. Would you mind if I do a little inspection around the continent?"

An eastern dragon reaching almost 3 kilometers in length spoke. His voice was deep and slow. "Yasenia Dravory, we want a reason for this. You can't come into our homes and ask for us to show it to you without expecting anything in return."

The dragoness hummed. "Well, you are right. How about this, you let me thoroughly inspect the mountain range to confirm you are not doing anything fishy that might endanger my position, and I'll build an energy purifier in the center of the Mountain Range. While these mountains have good energy quality for what Distancia is, it still feels lacking, right?"

The seven beasts paused, and eventually, the griffin asked. "Can you really do that?"

Yasenia flapped her wings and moved toward the warship. "Angel, hop onto my head."

Angel looked down at her baby and asked. "What about Aurelia?"

The giant dragon smiled, her ethereal voice sounding gentle. "Give her to Selena, for example."

Angel nodded with a smile. "Okay!"

After Selena grabbed Aurelia, Angel jumped and landed between Yasenia's eyes. The Empyrean Dragon's head was large enough to carry them all, not to mention one person.

Once she returned, Yasenia commented. "Here, I present to you one of my wives, Angel Dravory."

Angel waved her hands, smiling cutely. "Hello!"

The griffin nodded and answered. "Welcome."

Yasenia explained. "Angel is one of the best formation masters in Distancia's continent. I know that might not impress otherworlders like you, but she was considered a blessed individual even back where I came from, the Sky Continent, a middle-level world."

Their expressions somewhat changed, paying more attention to Angel.

Angel laughed shyly, feeling happy about Yasenia's evaluation of her. "I am not that good, hehe. Yasenia overestimates me!"

The dragoness smiled gently. "You are, baby." Then, she continued. "Well, she has helped cover each and every one of the cities under my direct ruling into places with several times the energy they had before. Right now, they are thriving and you can go visit them whenever. Even entering is possible, as we've done a few tweaks to the city's layout to allow giant beasts to roam around. Of course, it is not easy, but it is not impossible."

The griffin got thoughtful and eventually asked. "Do you mind if we visit those cities first? We just want to be sure about everything."

Yasenia didn't even doubt a second and smiled. "Of course, come with me. Oh, no need to change into human form if you are more comfortable this way. My ship has spatial formations, so it can hold all of us even though it is smaller than us in appearance. Tatyana, activate the spatial formations!"

Tatyana waved her hand, and the ground below them expanded several times, creating a broad and spacious main deck.

The dragoness flew upward, and the other seven looked at each other once and decided to follow.

Then, they saw Yasenia strangely shifting through a transparent dome around the ship and shrinking as her body went through.

The rest of the beasts were doubtful at first, but eventually, they gathered some courage and did the same, arriving on the main deck of the Skeletal Warship.

The griffin saw the ample space to walk on and muttered. "Excellent spatial formations. This must've been built by a Transcendent Level Formation Master, right?"

Tatyana answered with a smile. "I built this one long ago, I was a level seven Transcendent Realm cultivator back then. I made this one as a present for someone who I recently killed with my own hands."

The griffin looked at Tatyana with confusion. "Did you have a cultivation deviation, Lady? I can sense that you are a Level 3 Dantian Spiritualization right now."

Tatyana smiled. "Not at all. I am using a body double. Thanks for asking."

The seven beasts blinked a few times, unable to fully comprehend. Then, they heard a few soft and childish voices speaking.

Dawn muttered. "So big!"

Skye answered with a snort. "But Mommy is bigger!"

Aurelia spoke calmly. "But that long dragon is longer than Mommy!"

Skye insisted with two snorts. "But Mommy is bigger! She also has bigger wings!"

Estrella nodded. "Right! Mommy is also the prettiest! Look at her scales. They are so pretty!"

Aurelia hummed. "I agree. Mommy is the prettiest."

Andrea looked up and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, the children learned to talk not long ago, and they say everything that comes to their mind."

The beasts smiled, and the Eastern Dragon laughed. "Those are some good dragonlings. They will become strong and proud members of the dragon race."

The griffin looked at the Eastern Dragon with a mocking face. "They are not going to be your type of dragon, though."

The Eastern Dragon shook his head. "A dragon is a dragon! Even those four lasses with the dragon tail are proud dragons!"

Yasenia nodded a few times. "Right, right. All my babies are the best in the Universe."

The seven beasts looked at the giant dragon with a deadpan, but they didn't dare refute it.

Evelyn spoke. "Anyway, Sirs and Misses, we are going to arrive in a few minutes, so don't get startled by the speed of this thing. Everything will go by quickly, but you won't feel a thing!"

The seven beasts nodded, and right after, the Skeletal Warship accelerated and disappeared, vanishing into the horizon.