Heidi and the Lord-Chapter 59

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Chapter 59: Murder- Part 3

Heidi didn’t want to disappoint Warren and had stayed indoors in the mansion. Cleaning her room by herself and organizing the objects to kill time. She later went down, asking for Stanley as she wished to use the library of the lord.

“Do you know which might be the oldest book in the room?” she asked the butler to see him nod.

“Let me get it for you,” Stanley offered, going to the farthest end of the room and running his hand through the books before he pulled a thick looking book, “I don’t think you might find it interesting,” he added his thoughts. Handing her the book, she saw the pages had dulled out, spots and smudges decorating it.

“Is there any records of the vampires existence?” she questioned to see him shake his head.

“Master Nicholas burnt them long ago. Before I even started working for him.”

“Was there any particular reason for it to be burn?” Stanley thought about it for some time and shrugged his shoulders to indicate he didn’t know, “I see.”

“Is there something you are looking for Lady Curtis?” the butler was a sharp man and that was one of the many reasons his master kept him next to him.

“Could I bother you with a question hen?” she asked him. Seeing the butler nod his head, she opened her mouth, “Is there any book which has records of the Rune and Lawson’s family? Like a family tree and their origin,” she waited for him to speak.

“I don’t think there is one milady. Maybe you could ask Lady Venetia about it,” the butler suggested.

“That’s alright,” she gave him a smile.

“I am glad to see that you are doing much better than yesterday. You must have rest well,” she heard from the butler who had gone to place the book he had pulled out previously to it’s original place.

“Ah, I did,” she said looking at another section of the glass. She didn’t remember the details but she knew last night she had been at the lords chamber. Did Stanley know about it? When she turned to look at him she realized he was already looking at her, “Did you…” she trailed not knowing what to ask him exactly. Seeing that the butler tilted his head in question she shook her head telling it was nothing. Borrowing a book from the library, she took it back to her room to read but instead fell asleep due to tiredness.

The next two days Heidi didn’t find the lord in the mansion and guessed that he hadn’t returned back yet since she last saw him. Warren took an hour or so to eat breakfast and dinner with her but that was all. He didn’t have all his free time but he made sure to visit her at least once a day. Her time was well spent in taking classes from Stanley which now included dancing with her studies. It would be a lie if she said she didn’t enjoy it. In middle of the week, she also tried cutting the front of her hair as the fringe had grown long enough that she could tie it with a ribbon. But that didn’t go well due to the timing she was holding her scissors ready to cut and the sneeze that came out of her mouth. In the end, the head butler had called a lady from the town to give her hair a proper cut. Though she never stepped into the painting room of the lord again, she did stumble upon a grand piano which was placed in a scarcely lit room which was empty except for the piano itself. The piano brought her memories of home when her mother was still alive. Though she didn’t know how to play it properly, she would often sit next to her as her mother played the black and white keys. Sometimes her mother would ask her to press a single key which would make her every happy. As a child, Heidi was the quieter and obedient child than Nora which needed no guessing. She had been too attached and her mother’s death had caused her immense sorrow.

Unfortunately, Warren had no interest in the instrument and therefore didn’t know how to play either. Not wanting to disturb the head butler, she did what she could with her time. But Stanley was always at her rescue even during the boredom she was filled with. She was impressed with Stanley with how fully well equipped he was around the mansion. One eveningwhen Heidi was relearning the piano with Stanley, she tried playing the simple music he had taught her two days ago. Just as they were practicing, came the voice of the person standing at the door,

“Finally there’s someone using the piano.”

“Master!” Stanley jumped from his seat is such haste to greet his lord that he ended up banging his knee to the wooden board. Heidi head snapped to look at the lord who stood at the door, one arm that rested on the wall and the other in his pocket.

“I brought some souvenirs for you and the others. Could you please unpack and take it to the underground,” Nicholas asked, his eyes fixed on Heidi who had lowered her gaze after finishing staring at him.

“Yes, master. Please excuse me,” the butler bowed his head to both of them and left the room.

“I see you are doing well in health,” She had also lost weight again, Lord Nicholas noted, not moving from where he was.

“I am. I had a good eight days of rest with the prescribed food,” she said to see him raise his brows in question.


“Warren had been to the doctor to make sure I was better and didn’t fall sick again. I think I lost some pounds too,” she laughed at the end.

“Are you sure about it? Seems to me that he wants a slim wife and he’s cutting down her food,” he took his step into the room, walking towards the grand piano where she sat now.

“Of course, he didn’t!” Heidi said before beginning to doubt what he said. Was it true? Warren wasn’t that kind of a man. Seeing the confusion that began to cloud over her hazel eyes that looked up at him with the light of the candles falling over her face, he smiled.

“Do you know how to play the piano? Sit down, please,” he said seeing her get up. Walking around he took a seat which was occupied by Stanley few moments ago. She was always so ready to escape and the thought made him smile more.

“Not much. I am not exactly a beginner either. Would you like to hear though what I learnt from Stanley?” he gave her a quick nod whilst supporting his head with the edge of his palm.