Heroes of Marvel-Chapter 592: LEARN

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While Lin Rui and Deadpool were quickly making their way towards downtown New York, Jerry, who was located inside the League of Defender base, was resting at his computer desk.

These past few days, in addition to the people running around outside, Jerry was also very tired. In order to find the missing Mirage Knight and Deadpool, Jerry had not only unleashed several of his hacker buddies over the past few days but he also hadn’t had a good night’s rest in a long time.

However, no matter how many areas of network surveillance they hacked, they still found no sign of Mirage Knight and Deadpool. And, just yesterday, another piece of heavy news emerged, that is, Iron Man TonyStark was seriously injured and he was not out of danger.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Jerry and his team, as both League of Defender and Iron Man were hit hard when dealing with Killian, Mandarin, and their Extremis Fighters.

Dī Dī Drops~

Just as Jerry put his head down for a little while just after eating dinner, the computer in front of him suddenly ran out with a beep sound which frightened Jerry. After the prompt sounded, Jerry who was lying on his stomach was suddenly awakened.

After a second of confusion, Jerry turned on the computer excitedly. Because this tone was set specifically for Mirage Knight, and now it had rung, indicating that there is a message from Mirage Knight.

“Hello! Is it Mirage Knight?!!!” Jerry asked in a shaky voice when he clicked the call request that appeared on the computer.

“It’s me, Jerry.” After Jerry asked, Lin Rui’s calm reply came from the computer.


In the skies above New York City, a Hoverboard flew by at maximum speed, with two oddly dressed people standing on it. As they were so blatantly flying through the middle of downtown, someone soon noticed the two people flying past in mid-air.

“Is that Mirage Knight?” After seeing the two people in the air, someone who knew Mirage Knight pointed curiously and asked.

“It seems to be, although Mirage Knight does not often appear in the daytime, but looking at the way he is dressed, it should be him. However, who is that guy behind him? I haven’t seen him and I haven’t seen anyone wearing that costume before, is he a new Vigilante?” After the man opened his mouth to ask, his friend next to him nodded in reply, but they were still puzzled by the guy standing behind Mirage Knight.

“Maybe he really is a new Vigilante, but don’t you think that the costume he is wearing looks similar to that of Mirage Knight? Maybe he is as powerful as Mirage Knight!”

“But where are they going in such a hurry?”

Not caring about the things that the underground crowd was talking about, Lin Rui had already speeded up the Hoverboard and soared all the way to League of Defender’s base.

As for Deadpool, who was standing behind the Hoverboard, he lost an opportunity to show his ‘face’ in front of the masses. Because his Deadpool suit was almost ruined back on the Alien Planet, he is now wearing a simple hero suit given to him by Lin Rui, which is really similar in style to what Lin Rui wore at the beginning.


Lin Rui had already jumped down even before the Hoverboard had landed, and then his figure dashed into the base. After contacting Jerry just now, Lin Rui unexpectedly learned that he had left the earth for more than four days, which was twice the actual time that had passed on the Alien Planet.

Moreover, during the time he was away from Earth, Tony had actually made a risky appointment with Maya Hansen and ended up being injured by the Extremis fighters as they self-destructed, and he was still lying in the Intensive Care Unit. Therefore, Lin Rui is now very anxious to ask Jerry personally about what happened in the past few days.


“Jerry, I’m back!” Just like a gust of wind, Lin Rui had appeared in front of Jerry.

“You are really back! Mirage Knight! We’ve been looking for you for so long, we’ve almost searched every corner of the world!” Seeing Mirage Knight appear in front of his eyes, Jerry excitedly rushed over and shouted.

‘Even if you really searched the entire Earth, you still wouldn’t have been able to find me, after all, I was not on the earth.’ Lin Rui thought silently in his heart when he heard Jerry’s words. Then, his thoughts turned to business.

“What the hell is going on, with the protection of the Iron Man Armor, how could Tony be seriously injured?!” Regardless of how Killian and the others are doing now, Lin Rui’s main concern now is Tony’s injury.

“In order to be able to meet Maya Hansen successfully, Mr. Stark agreed to meet her without wearing his Iron Man Armor. He said that he had a new type of protective armor and persuaded Captain Rogers to agree to his plan. However, we did not expect that Killian would not care about Maya Hansen’s safety who was also with Tony. Several Extremis Fighters directly self-destructed when Tony first arrived at the meeting place. By the time Captain Rogers and the others arrived to support him, Tony was already in the ruins and unconscious.” Hearing Lin Rui’s worried tone, Jerry quickly answered.

“This guy, when will his conceited character be changed!” Hearing Jerry’s answer, Lin Rui clenched his fists and cursed Tony in his mind.

Lin Rui certainly knows from where Tony’s confidence in meeting Maya Hansen without wearing his Iron Man Ar or came from, that is The Cloak that Lin Rui and Tony successfully developed before he left.

With the defensive power of The Cloak at the time, it would have been no problem for it to defend Tony from the Extremis fighters for a period of time, and it would have been enough to support Tony until Rogers and the others arrived.

However, he did not expect that Killian would directly let those Extremis fighters Self-Destruct at close range. With such a powerful explosion, no matter how good The Cloak’s defense is, it would have been impossible for it to protect Tony.

“Mirage Knight, I have sent the news that you are back. Everyone now knows that you are back.” Hearing Lin Rui’s conceited evaluation of Tony, Jerry raised an eyebrow and said.

“Well, when will SHIELD’s Quinjet arrive? I’m going to Washington to see Tony.” Lin Rui had already contacted his family on the way over. Although his family would have indeed worried for him this time as Iron Man was seriously injured but the news is still being blocked and his previous excuses can still be used.

Now, he was going to see how Tony is doing.

“It’s already on its way and will be here soon.” Upon hearing Lin Rui’s question, Jerry answered quickly.

“En, Jerry, you did a good job this time.” Seeing Jerry’s face and knowing that he must not have had a good rest recently, Lin Rui reached out and patted him on the shoulder and praised him.

“It’s okay! This is all I should do! But, Mirage Knight, do you really have a way to save Mr. Stark?” Hearing Lin Rui’s compliment, Jerry’s face showed an excited look and then he asked the main question.

“This, I hope I can.”