Heroes of Marvel-Chapter 601: OPEN

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When Killian in front of the White House was personally annihilated by Tony, the Extremis Fighters ordered by Killian were also stopped by the other Iron Man Armors in the center of twelve major cities across the United States.

Under the combined attack of the Special Forces arranged by Iron Man and SHIELD several times as many as his own, Killian’s subordinates were almost destroyed before they even had the time to transform.


In a certain square in downtown Chicago, five Extremis Fighters were able to successfully transform while fighting against many Iron Man Armors.

However, although they have transformed and their defense and strength had increased a lot, but they still can not fly and as long as Iron Man keeps maintaining a safe distance from them then there is nothing that these Extremis Fighters can do.

And just when these Extremis Fighters, who were in a frenzy because of their transformation, were about to be consumed by Iron Man Armors, these Extremis Fighters suddenly froze.

Then, their eyes, which were filled with red fire because of their transformation, quickly faded and changed back to the color of their normal eyes. After the color of their eyes changed back, their consciousness also seemed to have completely recovered.

Looking up at the irresistible Iron Man flying in mid-air, these Extremis Fighters chose to escape for the first time!

Brush! Boom! Boom!

After nimbly dodging a few attacks, the Extremis Fighters, who had stopped attacking like crazy fled so fast that JARVIS didn’t react for a while. However, through the data coming from various battlefields, JARVIS found that this was not the only battlefield where Extremis Fighters had escaped.

Therefore, JARVIS quickly analyzed a possible reason for the current situation, that is: Killian is dead.

Before Tony and the others analyzed some of the characteristics of Extremis, although Tony has never got an active Extremis sample.

But it does not prevent them from making bold guesses, one of which is that Extremis is also hierarchical. High-level Extremis Fighters can influence and even command low-level Extremis Fighters, just like Killian who was able to order those Extremis fighters under him to self-destruct.

Moreover, high-level Extremis Fighters can also support other Extremis Fighters to make more perfect transformations and help them maintain their sanity after the transformation. So, after Killian died, these Extremis Fighters under him did not have a higher level of control, and they all recovered their consciousness. Originally, many of them were forced to be transformed into Extremis Fighters, so now, facing the danger of death, they chose to escape.

After analyzing this result, JARVIS also slowed down the fight against these escaped Extremis Fighters and then told Tony and others the news. If Tony and the others still thought that these Extremis Fighters still posed a great threat then JARVIS would not hold back.

“If this is the case, then you can try to communicate with them and ask them if they are willing to surrender. However, the condition for their surrender is that they must come under the surveillance of Stark and SHIELD unconditionally in the future. Moreover, they have to voluntarily let us study Extremis.” Hearing the JARVIS report, Tony replied after thinking about it.

Although the threat of these Extremis Fighters is indeed great, but as long as they are no longer under Killian’s influence then they are just people with some superpowers. For Tony and the others, the superheroes in this world, these guys are not something they would worry over. Moreover, Tony wanted to study Extremis more.

After being nearly blown up by Extremis Fighters at close range self-destruct and being duped once by Venom, Tony now has a lot of ideas in his head. Perhaps, after he gets the full research information of Extremis, he can really perfect The Cloak, or rather an all-purpose weapon.

“Okay, sir. What if there are those who are not willing to surrender?” Getting Tony’s answer, JARVIS then asked another question.

“If they don’t surrender, then, of course, they are to be simply exterminated, we won’t leave such dangerous people hiding within the general population.” Hearing JARVIS’s next question, Tony quickly replied.

“Got it, sir, I’ll finish this.”

Then, JARVIS first explained the changes in the plan to the SHIELD ground teams. Then, JARVIS started to take in those surrenders. As for how many Extremis Fighters would be willing to surrender this time, Tony and the others had no idea now.

However, as long as there was a complete Extremis Fighter willing to surrender, then Tony and his team would have a research object.


When Tony took his Iron Man army to completely destroy Killian’s action this time, and also directly killed Killian, Lin Rui, who had not appeared on any battlefield, was sitting on SHIELD’s Quinjet rushing towards Mexico. Although Tony had taken care of Killian, there were still Mandarin and other Extremis Fighters besides Killian.

After Professor Charles broke Maya Hansen’s psychic defense, he also got Mandarin’s hiding place which was not in the United States, but in a neighboring country- Mexico.

Therefore, the matter of dealing with Mandarin is left to Mirage Knight. Of course, besides Lin Rui, there are SHIELD’s Agents who are cooperating with him, including Falcon and Hawkeye from the Avengers.

“Hawkeye, do you think Captain would come back safely this time?” Falcon asked quietly while standing beside Hawkeye before reaching his destination.

Now Captain America Rogers Steve is under investigation by the World Security Council. They are not with Rogers to support him now as they are currently on a mission. Falcon is still a little worried. After all, SHIELD’s previous Director was also done in by those people in the World Security Council.

“There is nothing to worry about. The other party wants to use various other methods to drive Captain away. But we also have something on the other party. As long as we complete our mission, we can support Captain to the greatest extent. Perhaps Captain can still use this chance to completely turn the World Security Council into history.” Hawkeye, who was resting on the cabin with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and said calmly after hearing Falcon’s words.

Falcon can be considered an old guy in SHIELD. Before Rogers and Falcon appeared, he already existed as the most special figure in SHIELD. Therefore, he sees the internal affairs of SHIELD very clearly. He knew that nothing would happen to Rogers this time, and Hawkeye also expected Rogers to do something.

“Really? It doesn’t seem to be too worrying after hearing you say that.” Falcon spoke after hearing Hawkeye’s answer.

“We have arrived.” Just when Falcon and Hawkeye finished talking, Lin Rui’s voice came from the front.