Heroes of Marvel-Chapter 682: LOW

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Hearing JARVIS’s definite answer, Lin Rui’s brow furrowed even tighter. This is obviously something that should not happen as the location Lin Rui gave was the absolutely correct location given by the locator.

Unless …… unless Red Skull is not really dead and he escaped on his own after Lin Rui left! But this is also impossible to happen because at that time, Lin Rui clearly heard the system prompt and he also got the Quest Rewards for killing Red Skull.

“It is impossible for the system to go wrong, and it is impossible for the System to give out Rewards when Red Skull is not dead! So Red Skull must be dead! But why didn’t JARVIS find his body? Is it the wrong location? Or did some Animal go over after I left and ate Red Skull’s body?” Lin Rui, who had learned that Red Skull’s body had not been found quickly thought of some scenarios in his mind but he could not figure it out.

“JARVIS, didn’t you find anything at all?” Lin Rui asked again feeling very puzzled.

“No, even if some Animal had appeared here, they would have left some traces on the scene. However, after I searched, there was no trace of the Red Skull in that area.” It seems that JARVIS knew what Lin Rui was thinking and quickly answered.

“Then this is weird!” Lin Rui frowned and muttered in a low voice when he heard JARVIS’s answer.

Looking down and thinking for a while, Lin Rui raised his head again, “Forget it, anyway, Red Skull must be dead. If we can’t find the corpse then it’s also alright. Anyway, he is just a failed Super-Soldier, and there is not much research value to his body.”

“JARVIS, then this time when things are over here, I will go to the base over there and take a look. If the construction has been completed over there then I think it’s time for League of Defenders to move as well.” No longer bothered by where Red Skull’s body went, Lin Rui then spoke to JARVIS.

“Okay, Mirage Knight.”


“Mirage Knight, Captain Rogers is here.” Just when Lin Rui had finished talking with JARVIS, Harry leaned in to remind him in a low voice.

Just now Lin Rui had secretly communicated with JARVIS and while Harry and others knew that, they didn’t listen carefully to what Lin Rui said to JARVIS and they weren’t bothered by it either.

But now that they have arrived at the gate of the temporary base built by SHIELD, Captain Rogers has already been waiting for them at the gate of the base.

So, Lin Rui heard Harry’s reminder when he raised his head, Captain Rogers had just walked out of the base to meet them.

Next to Rogers were a man and a woman, they were Black Widow, Natasha, and the man who wrapped himself up like a polar bear was Dr. Banner.

Dr. Banner doesn’t have a superhuman body like Rogers and the others and he is just an ordinary person when he is not being the Hulk.

“Hello, Mirage Knight, and everyone from the League of Defenders.” Captain Rogers spoke with a smile on his face.

“Hello, Captain Rogers, Miss Natasha, and Dr. Banner.” After Rogers spoke, Lin Rui also responded with a smile.

“Mirage Knight, it seems that you are really powerful! You recovered from such a serious injury in two days!” After Lin Rui spoke, Dr. Banner, who was standing next to Rogers, looked at him and spoke with some surprise in his voice.

Although it was the Hulk who injured Lin Rui two days ago, Dr. Banner still had some hand in it. So he knew that the power of Hulk’s last move was the extent of Mirage Knight’s injury at the time.

But now only two days have passed, and the seriously injured Mirage Knight reappeared in front of him again. Of course, if Dr. Banner knew that Lin Rui just laid in Tony’s place for two hours and he was almost healed then I don’t know how shocked he would be.

“Oh, it’s not still Dr. Banner’s ‘fault’.” Hearing Banner’s words, Lin Rui’s face twitched as he spoke in an odd tone.

For Dr. Banner’s surprise, Lin Rui felt very speechless. It was obvious that his injury was caused by Dr. Banner, and he was still surprised at the speed of his own recovery here. If the Emotional Quotient of someone was not low to a certain level then who would ask this in front of the person who was injured by himself?

“Hey? Why is it mine…” Just when Dr. Banner was still wondering what Lin Rui meant by saying this, Natasha standing next to him quietly poked him with her arm. Natasha’s small gesture made Dr. Banner Shut up.

If Dr. Banner continues to ask then even the mild-mannered Mirage Knight will become angry and that is something that Rogers and Black Widow don’t want to see. Although Dr. Banner has a very high IQ, his EQ is really too low. This may be a kind of balance from heaven.

Seeing Natasha’s little movements, Lin Rui suffocated a smile. For this Dr. Banner, who has a super high IQ but a low EQ, Lin Rui is also very helpless.

“Let’s go inside, I want to see what’s going on inside now.” Resisting the feeling of wanting to laugh in his heart, Lin Rui looked at Rogers and said.

“Yeah, let’s go in. Although this base was built temporarily, it can prevent the harsh environment of Siberia.” Upon hearing Lin Rui’s words, Rogers quickly replied.

“Yes, that’s right! Let’s go in! I’m freezing myself to death here!” Not paying attention to Natasha’s interruption just now, Dr. Banner stomped and rubbed his hands and urged.

Then, under the leadership of Rogers, Lin Rui and other members of League of Defenders entered the simple base in front of them.

While Lin Rui had rushed towards Siberia to follow Rogers into SHIELD’s temporary base, Tony, who was still in New York, was doing a new round of experiments.

Lin Rui left behind a lot of materials he got from the Alien Planet, and these things are what Tony is mainly focused upon. Although Tony had also learned about the Magic Cube, he was not in a hurry.

“Peter, did you write down the characteristics of the thirteenth? This will be useful for me in the future, so pay special attention to it, don’t let it die!” Tony was holding a green ball in his hand as he looked back and shouted.

“It’s done! Mr. Stark, that number 13 is amazing! Just now it almost melted the experimental glass and ran out!” After Tony finished shouting, Peter’s loud answer came from the other direction of the laboratory.

“If it wasn’t great then it wouldn’t be so useful. Okay…this series is finally done!” Hearing Peter’s answer, Tony murmured and then put away the green bead in his hand.

“Is it finally done? Ah! I can finally rest and go home!” Hearing Tony’s words, Peter happily jumped up in the other direction of the laboratory.