Heroes of Marvel-Chapter 696: Collaborates

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With that strong shock wave sweeping out, this large chamber that was built to separate the Portal from the outside world actually shook.

One must know that in order to ensure safety and to prevent dangerous particles that may rush over from the Portal from affecting the earth, this huge chamber is built according to the highest specifications. Although it was a little rushed, but its defensive power is not weak.

It is such a strong defensive chamber. After suffering the destruction of those monsters and Colossus, Harry, Storm, and others, it finally suffered damage under the shockwave. And, of course, that also shows how powerful the blow that Rogers just blocked was.

Bang Bang~

After the shock wave swept through the area, the two silhouettes flying out at an angle hit the solid wall and fell down. Obviously one of these two silhouettes was Captain Rogers.

Although Rogers had blocked the Axe with his shield, but the force behind the attack had hit him and left him with a nasty wound.

As for the guy who kicked Rogers at the last minute, he was lying on his back with one leg across Rogers’s chest, in a very awkward position. And this unexpected figure is none other than Peter Spiderman, who has come in a hurry from New York.

Peter’s Spider-Sense alerted him of danger as soon as he arrived, allowing him to rush to Rogers’ rescue at the last moment. If it hadn’t been for Peter’s kick, Rogers would have only been able to block half the force of the Axe and he would have been seriously injured.

“Cough!” After coughing twice, Rogers forcefully removed the leg that was resting on his chest.

Looking at the shield that landed not far from his side, Rogers had a lingering fear in his heart. Had it not been for Jack’s action and the appearance of Spiderman at the last moment, Rogers would really be in danger of losing his life!

Although he doesn’t know why the big Alien guy suddenly attacked him but it was clear that Rogers’ initial plan had not worked. After that guy attacked him, no matter what Rogers had planned before, it would be impossible to implement that plan now.

In fact, without Rogers having to give any orders, everyone else who was watching had already done the same thing after the big guy took Captain America out of the air with a single blow.

With the exception of Jack, who was a little injured, everyone else in the room abandoned the remaining monsters to attack the big guy.


When Rogers and Spiderman flew out, a cold light had already shot out towards the Big Guy from the inconspicuous corner of this secret room. Hawkeye had already made his move before everyone!

As a member of the Avengers, Hawkeye has been paying attention to the situation on Rogers’s side. The moment the Big Alien threw the axe, Hawkeye had already attacked.


As Hawkeye’s arrow hit the Big Alien, a Spatial Fluctuation appeared beside the Big Alien.

Different from the stable and peaceful space power of the Portal, the space fluctuations that occurred at this time were very sharp, and it was the space power that was enough to cut everything.

Obviously, Blink had also made her move and she intends to wipe out the guy in front of her in one fell swoop.

In addition to Hawkeye and Blink, everyone else is also attacking the Big Alien. However, their attacks are slightly behind Blink and Hawkeye. However, if all of these attacks were hit, even Hulk would not be able to come out unscratched.

Facing the sudden attack in front of him, the Big Alien’s dark eyes flashed a few times. In the next moment, attacks from the Avengers, X-Men, and the League of Defenders had all hit him.



In an instant, the big guy who did not dodge was covered by a violent fire, from which a burst of powerful shock waves rushed out one after another. Faced with the unfriendly attitude of this extra-terrestrial humanoid lifeform, everyone present chose to destroy it without holding back!


And when Hawkeye and others joined forces to attack the big guy, a figure quickly rushed to the place where Rogers and Spiderman fell. Reaching out to support the two injured guys, Daredevil breathed out a sigh of relief.

“Spiderman, you came just in time!” Daredevil said as he lifted Spiderman up. If it wasn’t for Spiderman’s last kick this time, Captain America would not know what it would be like.

“Uh-Oh! It hurts!… Hey? Of course, I came in time!” Originally, Peter yelled twice because of the pain when Daredevil lifted him up but then he suddenly resisted the pain when he heard his words and spoke with a smile on his face.

Peter was able to save Captain America this time and he can now brag about it for the rest of his life. Moreover, Peter was originally a fan of Captain America. One can imagine how excited he is seeing as how he is also a fan of Captain America.

“Captain, are you okay?” Without speaking any more to Spiderman, Daredevil looked at Rogers and asked with some concern.

Daredevil has been at SHIELD for a long time now, and he also sincerely respects Rogers because of his character, so now he is also concerned about his situation.

“I am okay, two broken ribs at most!” Rogers replied with a wave of his hand when he heard Daredevil’s words.

With the physical fitness of the Super Soldier, two broken ribs are really not a serious injury. Moreover, there are more important things to deal with right now, even if Rogers is seriously injured, there is no time to deal with it now.

“Who is that big guy? Why did he suddenly attack Captain Rogers? And, I am also getting a very bad feeling from him.” Peter, who knew the severity of the situation now, was no longer sloppy, as he turned his gaze to the Portal and asked.



After Peter’s questioning, the area in front of the Portal surrounded by flames and explosions finally weakened, and it gradually revealed the situation inside.

However, to everyone’s surprise, there was a tall figure standing there. Under such a high-intensity joint attack, even a piece of superalloy would have been destroyed by them, so why can that guy still stand?!


After another two seconds, the automatic exhaust system in the secret room blew away the smoke and dust and Rogers and others were finally able to see the situation of the big guy clearly again at this time. However, after seeing the big guy, the expression in everyone’s eyes changed.