His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy-Chapter 608

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The next day, Shun found himself face to face with a small woman. She looked quite harmless because of her slight physique, but he sensed that she was not simple. Perhaps it was her golden eyes or the slight smile on her face.

He did not know who to consult for help. Wang Che was not around. He had left to deal with some important business. At least, Shun thought it was important because the evil man did not like leaving him alone.

“I heard that you forgot everything.” Hu Lei said.

“I did not forget everything. It was just the memories of the last few years or so.” Shun said with palpable nervousness.

The woman laughed a little eerily. “That means that we can have a fresh start.”

Shun felt scared at the expression on the cute face before her. He did not know how a woman like her could make him afraid. She did not look like she should be outside without supervision. But he could not shake off the feeling.

“I am sure I will recover my memories soon enough,” Shun said.


“There is no need for that.” Hu Lei waved her hand carelessly. “it would be better to put it all behind. There is no need to dwell on petty details such as who might have said what to their good friend. And how that might have cascaded into a terrible accident that led to amnesia.”

“What?” Shun asked. He wondered if the woman before him was implying that she was complicit in his amnesia. But he could not be sure when she talked in a roundabout way.

“What?” Hu Lei echoed with an innocent smile.

“I thought you said that you had something to do with my accident,” Shun said with wide-eyed innocence.

Hu Lei blinked. “How could that be? We are best friends.”

“Really?” Shun asked with doubts.

“Of course!” Hu Lei exclaimed. “In fact, I brought a peace offer... I mean, a get-well-soon gift.”

Hu Lei dug out a glass bottle with a golden liquid along with two shot glasses. She looked at Shun with glowing eyes that seemed to spell evil. His lips twitched.

“I do not drink. My brothers do not like it.” He responded automatically as he used to in college.

Hu Lei gasped dramatically. She put the bottle and the glasses on the table and slapped her cheeks in horror.

“You have really lost your memories.” She said.

Shun’s lips started twitching again. What kind of person had he become? If this was his best friend, he did not know what to think about himself. She literally carried alcohol in her designer bag along with shot glasses.

Was he a wild party boy?

“I am sure that this messy house must have some limes and salt. Btw, what the hell? Is this a botched home remodel? Anyway, go cut a couple of lime slices and bring them back. We are going to rekindle our friendship.” Hu Lei said with a clap of her hands.

Shun was once again filled with doubt. What happened between them before the accident? It was clear that the woman felt some self-blame for the incident. However, Wang Che did not mention her, so it could not be the case.

Before he could ask, the door opened and a rough-looking man entered. He was not dirty or untidy, but he had a few sharp scars on his face. That along with the beard made him look a little scary. He looked at Hu Lei sharply.

“Mrs Zhong, we are under strict instructions not to allow visitors into the villa. Please leave.” The man spoke up.

Shun looked at Hu Lei with some doubt. He did not know what was going on. Why did it sound like Zev did not know that she was here?

Hu Lei stood up and shrugged while looking at Shun. “They said I could not come in, so I snuck in. Wang Che must be afraid that you will run away. He has this place well-guarded. It was not easy to get in.”

“Mrs Zhong...” Zev began again.

Hu Lei turned her head to Zev with a sweet smile. “As I said, it was not easy to get in. Naturally, I will not leave before I have a little quality time with Shun, ok?”

Shun opened his mouth to try to mediate the situation. However, before he could get a word in, Hu Lei was in front of Zev. She turned like the whirlwind and kicked him right in the chest. She thought he would fly off because of her raw power.

However, he only stumbled back a few steps. His instincts must have engaged because he immediately turned and lowered his body to sweep her off her feet with a kick. Hu Lei avoided the move quite easily.

The two people exchanged a few more moves before they stopped. Hu Lei laughed lightly while looking at Zev with some admiration.

“Mossad, right? No, I am guessing some kind of anti-Mossad faction.” Hu Lei turned her head as she thought.

Zev felt fear at the revelation of a secret that only those who were part of them knew. He had heard some things about Zhong Feng’s wife, but he assumed it was just plain rumours. However, now, he realised that she was dangerous.

Unfortunately, regardless of her identity, he could not let her go. He could not have this information about them revealed to the world. His body became filled with killing intent. He harnessed his true power.

“Oh, so we are not playing anymore?” Hu Lei asked.

“I am sorry, Mrs Zhong,” Zev said with a heavy heart and deep guilt. He knew that this move probably meant the end of life as he knew it, but he needed to protect Wang Che and the others.

“Aaawww, aren’t you a polite one?” Hu Lei said. “Alright, come at me with all you have.”

Zev was a serious man, so he attacked with clawed hands, intending to get it over with. When he thought that he was going to break Hu Lei’s ribcage and burst her heart, she moved to the side and avoided his arm, as if it was in slow motion.

Then, with an open palm, she hit his chest. The force was so great that he did not have a moment to feel pain. He was just stunned in one moment and the next, he flew through the open door and out of the house.

She turned back to Shun.

“Well, get the limes.” She said as if she had not just obliterated someone.

“I just remembered we only have lemons,” Shun responded, his brain unable to process what had just occurred.

“Fine, fine. Bring them. We will make do like cavemen.” Hu Lei said with exasperation.

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