Hitman with a Badass System-Chapter 801: Andohr, God of Time and Space

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Tears gushed out of Sabrina's eyes, knowing the truth. The Dark Lord was her brother. Everything fell into pieces in her mind. When she prayed for her brother to save her from the vampires, he arrived at her aid. Now she knew why she felt a strange connection with Ghost. The truth would change the Winston manor forever. The images of Ghost's face flashed across Sabrina's eyes. She wanted to tell Rowena and Noah about the truth. If Noah and Ghost had learned the truth as she did, they might stop hurting each other. Sabrina now had the power to bring peace between the Guardians and the Dark Lord. But first, she wanted to know why her mother hid the truth about Ghost from everyone.

"Emelda," Sabrina called Emelda. It became so difficult to keep pretending as Diana when her mind was in a shamble.

Sabrina turned her gaze back to Emelda. Suddenly, the door creaked. It slowly opened, revealing Samuel. The spell she cast on Samuel should keep him asleep for at least six hours. Yet Samuel somehow managed to wake up and reach the room. Moreover, Sabrina wondered what he was doing here.

"Grandpa-" Sabrina's words stuck in her throat when she noticed the strange glow in Samuel's eyes. The pair of eyes glimmered like diamonds. It wasn't the same man Sabrina had seen upstairs. He walked with a certain grace. At that moment, he radiated a kingly aura as he walked toward them.

"Samuel," Emelda raised her mud, wordlessly asking for a refill from the butler. However, Sabrina didn't think the man before them was their butler. He seemed different. But before Sabrina could question the man, an energy pulse shot out of Samuel's eyes and knocked out Sabrina and Emelda cold. The two ladies were lying flat on the bed. With a flick of his wrist, Samuel closed the door.

Without wasting any time, Samuel moved their unconscious body to the floor and put them next to each other. He then squatted beside them. Silence fell over the room. The cheerful laughter and songs sung by the servants barely reached the closed room.

"The drunk always spills the beans," Samuel sighed. As Sabrina sensed, it wasn't Samuel in the room. On the contrary, Samuel was possessed by Andreas's sliver of soul.

The last time he took over Samuel's body, Andreas wiped off the memories of Ethan, Emelda, and Sabrina. This wasn't the first time Sabrina had learned the truth about Diana's real identity and her connection to Ghost.

Previously, Ethan told Sabrina about Diana's real identity when she returned from the Shadow Realm. If it wasn't for him, Sabrina would have told her entire family about Ghost and his connection to the Winston family. Andreas couldn't let that happen because he cared about Noah and his family more than anything. Revealing the truth about Ghost being Noah's brother would bring nothing but destruction upon the Winston family. Only the death of the Dark Lord could ensure the Winston family's safety from the Skyhall. But killing him was not an easy task. Only Noah could take the Dark Lord's life. A mere moment of hesitation to kill the Dark Lord would bring calamity upon the world. If the Dark Lord managed to kill Noah, there would be no one to stop him. At that time, the world would turn into the dark realm, which Lady Qin Jiu desperately wanted the Great Eight Clans and the Skyhall to stop. All of her sacrifices and struggles would be meaningless if Noah failed to fulfill his destiny.

The fate of the entire world was resting upon Noah's shoulders. Hence, the last thing Andreas wanted was Sabrina to change his mind about taking the Dark Lord's life.

Andreas gently placed one hand on Sabrina's forehead while the other on Emelda's. His hands glowed, radiating a gentle white light from within. The light enabled Andreas to access both of their memories of the last hour. Every time Andreas used the spell, it cost him a bit of his soul. But it had to be done. Andreas didn't think the Dark Lord would spare the Winstons if he knew the truth. Knowing Noah, Andreas was sure Noah would drop his guard against the Dark Lord in case he learned that the Dark Lord was his twin brother.

"Expelerio," mumbled Andreas, wiping off Sabrina and Emelda's memories of the last hour. Gradually, the light in Samuel's hands dimmed out. Then, he left the room as if nothing had happened, leaving Sabrina and Emelda behind. They would have zero memories of what had happened once they woke up. Knowing the secret of the Winston family was safe, Andreas could rest easy. Being stripped away of their memories, Sabrina and Emelda slept on the ground peacefully.

(Read Chapter 587 to refresh your memories)


Meanwhile, somewhere else in a pocket dimension, a lone castle stood gracefully under a starry sky. Trapped between inviting lush green hills and intimidating jet-black, snow-capped mountains lay the castle. The castle resided peacefully at the top of a hilltop, not making a sound. No one knew why it was there or who built it. But indeed, it was something quite unique.

As the sparkling blue light beamed upon the golden walls of the castle, it revealed the splendor and majesty of the castle. The starry sky revealed the ceramic pavements, the golden statues, and the most beautifully engineered towers that touched the clouds. If one were to look at it from a neighboring hill station, the castle size itself could be convincing enough of that of a city. Covering hundreds of hectares of verdant land. The view was simply breathtaking. Cyan blue lakes fainting the thousands of trees lined up against one another, tainting the land with various shades of blue, red, and whatnot. As much as the golden castle looked grandeur, it was also quite intimidating. Its hundreds of foot-high walls and glistening runes and arrays were enough to scare the most daring of enemies away.

Only one being was living inside the castle, a god. Not only in the castle but even in the entire dimension, he was the only living being. He had been in the castle for thousands of years. The inside of the castle was just as grandeur as the outside. Bulky braziers hung from each of the twelve obsidian columns. These columns lit up the lower levels of the throne hall and allowed shadows to play and dance where light could not reach. The illustrations of a golden-haired man on the rounded ceiling danced in the flickering light while sculptures resembling the man looked down upon the maple floor of this grand hall.

A viridian rug ran in a circle around the hall, with two paths at the throne and the main entrance, while ribbon banners with adorned embroideries covered parts of the walls. Draperies edge massive, tinted glass windows colored the same viridian as the banners. The curtains had been adorned with gold leaves and embellished borders.

In the middle of the throne hall, on an elevated platform, sat a radiant throne made of sapphire and gold overlooking the statues resembling the man sitting on the throne.

The man had silver frizzy hair tied in a ponytail, revealing a fresh, gloomy face. Glittering hazel eyes sat narrowly within their sockets, watching wearily over the empty throne hall. Freckles were spread charmingly around his nose and cheekbones. A sword left a mark reaching from just under the right eyebrow , first running towards his small lips and ending above his right eye. This scar kept him awake for thousands of years.

While the man was resting on the throne, a cloud of dark smoke rose from the ground before him. He stood up from the throne and climbed down the stairs to reach the ground.

"Andohr," The cloud of smoke talked in a terrifying otherworldly voice.

"How long do you have to wait for him?" The cloud of darkness asked Andohr.

"He has started to build his stupid castle. Compared to the last time, he is progressing much faster than I initially anticipated," said Andohr. For some reason, his eyes glimmered with killing intent, and his voice oozed hatred. Just thinking about him made Andohr's blood boil.

"Do you feel the same hatred and anger toward him as you did five thousand years ago, Andohr?" The dark cloud asked Andohr.

"No," Andohr shook his head.

"What I felt five thousand years ago was just a seed. It has grown into a giant tree of hatred in my heart. I want his blood more than I want a way out of this pathetic mortal realm,"

"Patience is a virtue, Andohr. As the god of space and time, you should know this more than anyone," said the dark cloud.

"I have all the time in the world. He made sure of that," Andohr snarled.

"That was his mistake. Now, you know everything he would do before he does,"

A devilish grin emerged on Andohr's face.

"He forgot who controls the time. Soon, he would pay the price for it," Andohr chuckled devilishly. Every fiber in his goldy body was filled with hatred toward his fellow god, The God of Darkness. How could Michael have reset the time without meddling with the God of Time and Space? Their battle shook the universe itself and created tears in reality. The God of Darkness proved to be the most powerful of the two. As a result, he successfully reset the time using Andohr's blood. Because Andohr was the God of Time and Space, he was able to escape the time array created by the God of Darkness.

By resetting the time, Michael closed the portal to the higher realm, the world of the gods. The portal could only be opened again by the one who closed it in the first place. But to do that, Andohr had to wait for the God of Darkness to get stronger. Certain things must happen to the God of Darkness in his life. Otherwise, the timeline would change, and his way out of the mortal realm might become a dream. That was the main reason why the Skyhall didn't send their entire army to destroy Michael in the first place. Because the Skyhall was controlled by none other than Andohr himself.