How the Zergs were Made-Chapter 103 - Hongchao

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Chapter 103: Chapter 103 Hongchao

With the strong explosion, a large meteorite was thrown out of the planetary ring and moved in the direction of the inner part of the planetary system. Then there were explosions of the same level one after another, and huge meteorites took the same journey.

However, these meteorites are slightly different from ordinary meteorites.

Generally speaking, normal meteorites will more or less have their own rotation when moving in a non-gravity environment, but these meteorites thrown out of planetary rings do not have this feature.

"Will, are you sure you don't need us to provide you with a location?"

"No, this is likely to expose your existence. Even if you can't decipher the signal content, it's still easy to lock the signal source."

"Remember, you are 'seeds'. I believe in your ability to let you stay."

"But in this way, you won't have the risk of being lost, in case..."

"No, there is no risk in what to do in this broken world?"

"I'm leaving."

As soon as Huo Gu's exchange of information ended, there was another violent explosion. The huge meteorite was thrown out of the planetary ring, and together with the meteorites ejected before, it formed a huge meteorite rain.

All the explorers stood on the meteorite and reluctantly stared at the departure of the large group of meteorites.

For a long time, an explorer came to his senses.

"Don't be in a daze. Do you want to disappoint your will?"

"But what are we going to do next? There has been no next action order for us at all.

The explorers began to discuss on the Life Field Channel, which had lost contact with Hogu. 𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐧𝗼𝘃𝐞𝐥.𝗰𝐨𝗺

"Are you stupid? Since no action instructions have been issued, can't we draw up our own action instructions according to our needs?

"So what else should we do next besides paying attention to receiving radio broadcasts from the will?"

"There is no need to ask. Of course, it is to use all means to strengthen our overall strength as much as possible, such as increasing the number, or... to pick up the taboos we gave up at the beginning."

As soon as this idea was put forward, all the explorers were no longer calm, and some even showed their hostility to the proposer of the idea.

"Do you... want to challenge your will again?"

"No, this is for the will! For the ethnic group! This is our duty!"

The explorer made an extremely firm statement, and there was no wavering in his mind.

Under this firm influence, all explorers changed from initial hostility to hesitation.

The explorer ignored these. He pointed a tentacle at the owner of the planetary ring, the huge planet.

"It's a world, the same huge thing as our original world. We conquer it to expand the power of the ethnic group."

"If the ethnic group strength of one world is not enough, then two worlds, two worlds are not enough, that is, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand. In an endless number, I don't believe what kind of enemies can compete with it."

In this way, without Huo Gu's knowledge, these left-and-reliced explorers embarked on a road of self-improvement that completely refreshed Huo Gu's three views.

At this time, a large-scale war on an unprecedented scale is being staged in the midst of the slowdown of thinking.

The intensity of this war has completely exceeded all the large-scale wars that have taken place on the surface of the planet so far.

The collectors climbed up the coastline from the ocean. They had no feet, but had scorpion. They could lean forward like spiders.

They are very large, very large. Looking around, even the blue ocean changes color.

Countless collectors are next to their peers, ups and downs, and the whole large cluster looks like some kind of flood from a distance.

All the collectors locked their eyes in one direction.

The outermost layer of the planet, a giant created by their supreme will."Retake it back! We must take it back this time!"

"Those invaders must pay for what they have done!"

The life field channel is full of anger. This is not the emotion of an individual collector, but the whole group, and the collective anger of the whole collectors left on the surface.

They acted magnificently, as if nothing could stop them.

In fact, it is true that the huge rock blocking the front turned into powder in a blink of an eye under the countless single-molecular blades of countless collectors.

Just like responding to the style of responding to the collectors, there is a scream from the sky, from far to near, and very harsh. If Huo Gu is here, he can realize what the true face of the owner of the voice is at the moment he hears the sound.

An explosion occurred in a surge of collectors, and nearly hundreds of collectors were killed on the spot. The explosion's heat wave overturned tens of thousands of collectors to the ground, and small metal fragments made thousands of collectors incapacitated.

Subsequently, was the same explosion, and the flood of collectors suffered a large number of casualties.

However, no collector chose to escape. They still struggled on the land with their limbs. The dead bodies of the collectors will soon be eaten up by their peers and continue to play a role for the community in the form of nutrients.

The power of the explosion is huge. The original vast flood tide, only a few are still moving forward. Large areas of empty areas appear in the flood tide, but this phenomenon is short-lived. The number of incompleteness is quickly made up by the latecomers, and collectors continue to emerge in the ocean.

For the collected person who is injured and disabled in the explosion, the collector Hongchao will spontaneously get out of the way. The slightly injured collector will soon repair himself and rejoin the Hongchao. The seriously injured collector will do his best to adapt to the physical state of the missing limbs to join the Hongchao, or commit suicide and return to the community in the form of nutrients.

However, what was just an appetizer just now, that's not the end.

A vast collector seemed to step on some switch, mixed with a crisp sound in the messy pace, and a bright cherry flame gushed out of thousands of degrees on the ground.

For a moment, the front, the back, and the position they are in at this time are all a sea of fire.

The collector's army has long responded to this. The single-molecular blade is full of energy and strives to chop down. With an explosion, the fire-breathing mouth on the ground is blocked, and the collector, who is the fire-breathing mouth, once again returns to the ethnic group in the form of nutrients.

In this way, the collectors flooded the sea of fire.

After crossing the sea of fire, it is a smooth road to move forward, but the flood tide composed of the collectors stopped here.

"Espermanent, we have arrived. Today we are going to break through here and kill all those invaders."

"For the ethnic group!"