How the Zergs were Made-Chapter 116 - Believe

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Chapter 116: Chapter 116 Believe

"Commander, 'The new type of flood tide has been eliminated!' The effect of "explosive sound" is remarkable!"

Hearing this report, the commander of the Third Fleet and the operators in the headquarters were all relieved.

The new flood tide organized by Huo Gu really scared them. The expansion speed of the rhizome is much faster than that of the collector Hong Tide, even if Huo Gu deliberately slowed down in order to increase the fear of the invaders and further plunge them into despair.

The brand-new monster, ultra-high speed and self-healing ability, is larger than the original, and almost everyone in the headquarters has a stone hanging in their hearts.

Fortunately, the effect of 'explosive sound' was still significant, and they survived.

The commander first calmed down, and then he asked one thing.

"Is there a callback from the parent planet?"

"No, the receiver at the top of the metal mountain can't receive anything. Since the meteorite rain, the interference in the channel has been very serious."

Hearing again, the commander of the 'Mite' Third Fleet almost jumped on the spot, but he still suppressed the emotion and replied.

"Continue to call, don't stop, keep trying signal calls from various channels, and be sure to get in touch with the home planet as soon as possible."


The conversation between them ended and they returned to their posts.

They all think that the 'explosive sound' saved them. Although in a sense, it can indeed be understood in this way, it is not the effect of the 'explosive sound' that saved them, but the 'explosive sound' that made Huo Gu realize the seriousness of a certain problem, so that Huo Gu had to temporarily choose to terminate the revenge.

On the inner slope of the giant structure of the round platform, a fist-sized metal flap is opened, and one eye is exposed to the air. From this angle, you can see the whole layout of the colonial city.

A rhizome grows from the giant structure of the round platform deep into the soil layer. This rhizome grows horizontally, and the root beard becomes thick and becomes a new rhizome.

Soon, this spread pattern occupied a certain stratigraphic area.

After entering this stage, while the horizontal expansion continues, the vertical also begins to expand.

The upward-growing rhizome will select some deep objects to enter it.

For example, those fruit trees with purple leaves go deep into the stump from the bottom and grow higher, and then make a small hole of a quarter of a centimeter on the tree. The inside of the hole is an eyeball of the same size.

Or the building, like a tree, grows from the bottom up, and then opens a small hole in the building to place the eyes.

Or street lamps, chairs, sculptures, and even dirty and messy drainage channels.

Every corner was inserted with eyeliner by Huo Gu.

At this time, the whole group of collectors and Hogu are sharing this all-round perspective of God.

As long as Huo Gu is willing, with an order, this colony will become history in an instant, and all the residents in it will become souls of the dead.

Looking at the traffic in the streets, Huo Gu asked quietly.

"Do you know what I'm doing now?"

Huo Gu's inquiry is not just about a certain collector, but the whole group.

"You are monitoring the intruders."

The group quickly gave the answer, and Huo Gu was satisfied and continued to ask questions.

"So what do you think they are?"


The group gave the answer again, but this answer did not satisfy Huo Gu.



After a while of silence, the collector group changed another answer that they thought was correct, but Hogu still gave a no.

"What is that?"

A number of collectors, including perpetuation, were embarrassed by Huo Gu's sale. They couldn't figure out why these two answers could not be recognized by Huo Gu.

Huo Gu gave an explanation.

"It's nutrients."

"But what I'm talking about 'nutrients' is not for you to eat their bodies in practice. This is another meaning. You need to understand it from a different perspective."

Huo Gu's words made the collectors puzzled. Can they understand it from another perspective? How to understand? Is it possible to pose an independent golden chicken when eating?

Even the sustainability with the highest IQ among the collectors could not understand Huo Gu's words, so it asked.

"So you mean..." 𝚋𝚎d𝚗ov𝚎𝚕.co𝚖

"What? Perpetual, can't even you understand what I think?"

Huo Gu originally thought that perpetuality would understand his intention, because the responsibilities of perpetuality should be easier to understand than other peers, but it still seemed to overestimate the IQ of the collector.

Now Huo Gu can't wait to upgrade each of their brains.

"Esperpetual, I just noticed that you lack so much knowledge now."

"I'm very sorry to disappoint you."

"I don't blame you. The boundaries of knowledge limit your eyes so that you can't see anything farther, but after learning enough knowledge, don't make such a mistake again, because once such a mistake is made, there will be almost no chance to give it again, understand?"

"I see.

Huo Gu thought for a while and answered.

"Forget it, since none of you can understand, I will directly assign you a task - to learn the language of those invaders and understand their behavior and culture."

"It's through the full-angle monitoring network I've built now."

Perpetuality included a group of collectors who were puzzled by Huo Gu's instructions. Just when they wanted to ask, Huo Gu replied first.

"Don't ask me why I did this. You can't understand it. You are too stupid now to see anything too long-term."

"So will we become smarter by learning from those invaders?"

A collector asked curiously.

Huo Gu thought for a moment and replied.

"It can be understood in this way, but it is not completely learning. They also have garbage places. Learning and absorbing that kind of place will not only make you smart, but also become stupid. You must pay attention to this and know how to self-identify."

Perpetually asked again.

"What is good and what is bad? What should be the specific definition?

"There has never been any specific good or bad. Everything has two sides. It's up to you to judge. I won't interfere. At most, I'll just give you a little advice."

"Don't be confused about my requirements. This is also one of your lack of 'subjective judgment' abilities. Perpetuable, you have to master it, master it, and you will be stronger than you before you master it."

Hoguton paused and replied to all the collectors in a solemn and serious tone.

"At the beginning, I said that I would be responsible for you, so I will definitely carry it out to the end. Don't let me down. I believe in your ability."