How the Zergs were Made-Chapter 126 - Passive

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Chapter 126: Chapter 126 Passive


An alien in military uniform fell off the electric switch, and the wind roar of the impeller turning at high speed could be heard around.

A stream of incimal waves and ultrasonic waves are released, and the sound waves spread to the depths of the earth at a speed of 3,000 meters per second.

However, that is the initial speed. Due to the complexity and diversity of the underground environment, whether it is lava or various types of rock formations, the sound wave speed will not be stable at three kilometers per second, so there will be a speed range of up and down. 𝙗𝒆𝒅𝙣𝙤𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝒄𝒐𝙢

Alien people stared nervously at the display screen, waiting for the feedback message of the sound wave.

The information was quickly fed back to the machine, and the underground picture was presented in front of a group of colonial authorities such as Commander Allen.

It is a spider web-like structure, which runs through layers of strata from the depths of the earth. At the same time, there are also many forks to build a huge and intricate underground world together.

"Mys, is it really..."

Commander Allen first thought of what Marvin had said before, and suddenly felt a numb scalp and then ordered.

"'Explosive' ready!"

"No, commander, wait a minute. Something is wrong!"

It was Marvin's assistant who stopped Alan. If it was ordinary times, with the courage of the assistant, he would naturally not be able to do such a thing, but now it is not usual. The completely distracted assistant can't take care of so much at all, and is in a calm and fanatical state.

The assistant urgently adjusted the parameters, and a larger underground picture was displayed. At the bottom of the underground network, it was a huge lava pool.

"This underground network is a hollow structure. Because the bottom is connected to lava, the air pressure accumulated in the underground pipe is very high and the temperature is also very high."

"How tall is it?" Alan asked.

"I roughly calculated that it was about 1,400 degrees, with deviation, but not too big. This temperature exceeds the limit of carbon-based organisms, so..."

"So we are safe?"

"It can be understood in this way."

This answer made Allen and others relieved. Except for some cobweb-like stratigraphic structures that look strange, there is no expected monster threat. Maybe it is because of such strata that they are free from the threat from the underground.

Alan thought for a moment and asked.

"How was this formation structure formed?"

"Commander, this should be the lava channel of the volcano. When the underground pressure is too large, the weak parts in the formation may be torn apart to form a channel like this. When the lava channel is close enough to the surface, it will form a volcanic eruption as we know."

"So that's it."

Alan showed a sudden look.

This is the end of the first underground detection of aliens, but this is not the last time. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. The ground is always an undefinsolvented big gap. What if such a 'in case' appears one day?

After that, the colony will regularly carry out an underground detection operation every five days and nights.

So, has Huo Gu's "stealing learning" operation declared bankruptcy? The answer is no.

The rhizome has left, but those eyes are still in hidden places. Huo Gu modified the design. The supply of the eyes can be provided by breathing to obtain a trace amount of moisture in the atmosphere combined with substances near the hidden range.

In fact, the aliens used to think that it was a lava channel, a complex channel network, which was the structure deliberately left by Huo Gu before the root stem was evacuated.

First, it can mislead the aliens. As the so-called dark under the lamp, Huo Gu can use this psychology to better hide the 'eyes' in those colonies.

Second, these channels are deliberately manufactured as predicted. Because of the internal pressure and the bottom lava pool, the temperature will be very high. This temperature will affect the surface, but the impact will not be very large. The surface temperature will probably be three percentage points higher than the original.

Aliens will not notice this change in temperature, but the 'eyes' will be affected. This slight increase in temperature will not only not cause the air to dry, but can appropriately increase the air humidity and create a more suitable living environment for the 'eyes'.

The transmission of information is completely handed over to the life field for contact. The concealment is much better than that of radio. The only disadvantage is that there are too many transfers and the delay of information is very serious.

They are studying hard, and Huo Gu is not idle. While monitoring the situation in the alien colony, Huo Gu builds a connection with the organisms in the Xinggang wreckage, so that they can search every corner of the wreckage so that they can find the location information of the alien mother star.

Huo Gu knew how passive they were now. The enemy knew their position, but they did not know the enemy's position, or even when they were organizing a huge army.

I'm in the dark, the enemy is in the dark!

Huo Gu has now basically determined that the enemy's home planet is in this planetary system, because with the analysis of the wreckage of Xinggang, Huo Gu can basically infer the technical limit of aliens.

The science and technology of aliens is indeed a certain distance higher than that of human civilization on Earth. After all, they have achieved a large-scale deep space expedition, and the people of the earth are still sending satellites to the sky. The International Space Station lives in two or three kittens in various countries.

However, their aerospace technology still does not seem to have a qualitative breakthrough, at least it is still working-quality navigation, and like Hogu, it uses the original chemical fuel as a propellant.

In addition, Huo Gu did not find something similar to the hibernation module in the wreckage of Xinggang. He found excreta measured in tons in a cabin. Through the weight of excrement, Huo Gu reversely derived the number of aliens, and then compared the living space to the conclusion that aliens did not carry out at all during their journey. After hibernation, I ate and drank all over the journey.

The result of the reverse argument is that the alien's voyage is very short, at least on a planetary scale.

But the problem now is that Huo Gu can't find the location of the enemy's home star. Through the observation of organisms in outer space, Huo Gu has successively determined the seven planets in the environment of the planetary system, but without exception, they are all desolate worlds without organisms.

Are they hiding?

Huo Gu could only think of this possibility. It had launched a life form named 'Explorer' to the discovered planets. However, due to the long distance between the planets, it would take at least a few years to know the specific situation.

During this period, what Huo Gu can do is to accumulate technology as much as possible and complete a qualitative leap in the overall strength on the current basis.

However, things are not always smooth, and a piece of information from cosmic life makes Huo Gu no longer calm down.

"Will, there are a large number of clusters of individuals near the edge of the star."