How the Zergs were Made-Chapter 59 - Rivers, Lakes and Seas

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Chapter 59: Chapter 59 Rivers, Lakes and Seas

Because the melting of glaciers is from the bottom up, when the honeycomb group heats up the surface of the planet, it will be accompanied by the collapse of the glacier from time to time. Fortunately, the structural strength of the honeycomb itself is very high, which can be ignored.

The trickle flows out of the cracks in the glacier. Water droplets gather on the outside of the hive from the top, and then heat into water vapor at high temperature.

When the ground honeycomb laying area reached one-third, the first cumulonimbus cloud appeared since the Ice Age.

However, this thicker and thicker cumulonimbus clouds are not rain.

The honeycomb heats the water into water vapor, and the continuous steam continues to rise and become clouds after melting the top ice out of a channel leading to the top ice.

The heat-rich cloud releases a large amount of heat at one time at high altitude, condensing to form ice crystals and falling back to the surface.

So, the first scene after thawing was not rain, but hail.

This is a process of alternating between hot and cold. The hail brings the cold air mass in the upper layer to the surface, while the hot air stays on it. At this time, the role of the north and south poles is highlighted.

The atmospheric circulation began to operate.

Hot air is divided into countless parts under the action of atmospheric circulation and scattered in every part of the planet.

It seems that the heating of the hive has become meaningless. The falling hail thickens the ice, and the generated hot air mass is scattered throughout the planet because of the atmospheric circulation, and the warming effect is minimal.

However, some things can't be seen this way. It needs to be viewed from a different angle. This may not be the fastest way to see the heating effect, but the mildest way.

The existence of atmospheric circulation allows the planet to heat up such things as a buffer process, rather than abrupt completion, from causing some catastrophic natural phenomena.

Hive heating is a continuous process. No matter how much hail comes down, it will be reheated into water vapor. In this way, the planet will heat up as peacefully as possible.

More and more places are collapsing, and the pools around the hive have become ponds, gradually expanding from ponds to large lakes.

The water level rises again and again, and soon spreads over the height of the hive and puts it all under the water.

Everything is going in a good direction.

Seeing that it was almost the same, Huo Gu activated the original microorganisms he had collected before, activated them, and put them out one by one.

Among these microorganisms, there are autotrophic and heterotrophic types, but Huo Gu is treated equally and there is no difference. It has nothing to do with what the microorganisms will develop in the future.

As time goes by, Huo Gu can't be regarded as idle. It should always monitor whether the operation process of various large biological systems is wrong to avoid unexpected situations.

The warming continues, but the expansion speed of the circular lake centered on the beehive is not as fast as before. Although it is still expanding year by year, the speed of expansion is indeed showing a decreasing trend.

Hogu has noticed this kind of thing, but it doesn't care much about it.

This is the illusion of diminishing efficiency caused by the expansion of circular lake area.

Because the heat produced by each hive has its own limit, and the amount of melting glaciers is so much every year. If you carefully calculate it according to the area, you will find that the melting efficiency of the beehive has not actually decreased.

The reason why it seems to show a decreasing trend is that the radius of the circular lake is extended. For each distance extended, the area of the circle will increase exponentially.

However, there is indeed something that makes Huo Gu pay more attention to.

I don't know when the dark sky finally changed a little, and there were some signs of turning to blue.

This sign is very weak, but it can't escape the visual organs that have been optimized and designed many times. The sensitivity to spectral tone gradients has far exceeded the scope of the human eye.

Obviously, there are some other components in the atmosphere. These substances that are not yet clear to the positive substances interfere with the light shining on the surface to a certain extent, so this phenomenon occurs.

"Very good, it's almost there."

The vision system on the rhizome locks a small black dot from the sky, and the small black dot is still rapidly expanding, and something is rushing towards the hive.

Soon, the unknown thing had dropped to a certain distance.

"The structure is relatively brittle, and it's better to pay attention to it when it falls."

"Hun open."

The order was given, and the thing burst out a parachute-like membrane from the tail, the speed dropped rapidly, and then fell into the water a few meters away from the honeycomb.

The bottom of the water has been waiting for the rhizome for a long time, swallowing the object into the rhizome system.

This object is a biological collection bottle. The internal structure is very simple, that is, a hollow structure like bamboo. The strength is completely dependent on the titanium alloy shell. Huogu is specially manufactured for collecting air samples.

Not long ago, in order to explore the reason for the discoloration of the sky, Huo Gu launched this biological collection bottle into the sky like last time. collected samples of the current atmosphere.

According to Huo Gu's experience, the color of the sky mainly depends on the composition of the atmosphere at that time, such as the orange sky and the blue sky of the earth during the Hades.

The roots were put into the bottle and began to analyze the proportion of the air sample inside.

The first thing noticed is carbon dioxide, because the proportion of carbon dioxide is the largest among the components.

"Well, as the glacier melts, some of it is trapped in the ice, and the carbon dioxide that becomes dry ice is re-added into the planet's atmosphere..."

"The methane with a certain component seems to be the survivor of the last competition..."

Huo Gu was not surprised. Although the octahedron is a major consuming of methane, it is impossible to consume all the planet's methane reserves at once.

"Huh? Oxygen?"

"No! Is this molecular structure... ozone?"

Ozone is a light blue gas with a special odor, which is formed by oxygen and electric shock.

In this way, the gradual change of the color of the sky can be explained. It is precisely because of these ozone that the color of the sky has changed.

Huo Gu understands what the emergence of ozone means, which has shown that in a period of time, the ozone layer will form. be𝚍no𝚟𝚎l.𝚌𝚘m

The ozone layer can absorb 99% of the ultraviolet radiation in the sun, and this energy will stay high in the air, heating the air mass, and ozone itself is a greenhouse gas.

When the ozone layer has a certain scale, the pressure on Hogu's side will be reduced. The ozone layer can also provide temperature to the planet's environment, and the rate of planet warming will be further improved.

Time flies. For a period of time after that, except for the north and south poles, the glaciers completely disappeared and the lake became a sea.