How the Zergs were Made-Chapter 67 - Name

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Chapter 67: Chapter 67 Name

There is no natural enemy. In addition to the vast space and almost unlimited resources, the number of collectors has expanded unprecedentedly. Even if you look down from outer space, you can see the stains on the sea that contrast to the blue of the ocean.

In terms of quantitative expansion alone, the original collector's goal was indeed achieved.

The individual of the reproductive collector itself has reproductive ability and long-term memory ability. The former is achieved after the gene is modified and optimized into a chromosomal structure, and the latter is written into genetic memory as genetic knowledge.

And the most important thing is that they inherit the concept of 'I' of the original individual.

However, this is not the end. It's just a simple beginning, just like one plus one equals two at the beginning of mathematics.

From 'tool' to 'life', we have to face some problems that have not been faced as tools, and these problems are more and more prominent under the surge in the number of collectors...

Although obvious patterns can be seen in the universe, when you close the perspective, you will find that the distance between the collectors is still quite spacious.

The distance between them is about 100 to 50 meters. 𝒷𝓮𝒹𝓃ℴ𝓿𝓮𝓁.𝓬𝓸𝓂

Such a loose distribution ensures that each collector can get enough organic matter as food in the corresponding waters to maintain his own life activities.

The two collectors, about 73 meters apart, communicate with each other through the life field. It should be said that this is the first communication, and both sides are very astringent in words.

"Who are you?"

"I'm a collector, and who are you?"

"I'm also a collector."

There is no awkward chat at all. The key is that they don't seem to think it's an awkward chat, so they just keep a good conversation.

At this time, the new individual began to imitate the two collectors, and also used the life field to join the topic of the two.

"No, I'm the collector..."

"Who are you again?"

The two collectors who were chatting awkwardly just now instantly transferred the object of communication to the third party, and chatted with each other.

With the first imitation, there will be a second, the third... and then all individuals have such ability.

This is 'learning'. Based on 'I', they have been able to subjectively learn knowledge from the outside world and take it for their own use.

More and more collectors have joined the communication and jointly formed a noisy and lively network channel based on the life field.

The only pity is that the topic we talked about is not very good...

"You are all wrong. I'm the collector."

"No, you're wrong. I'm the collector."

"Why do you all like to think that you are me?"

"What is the collector? Can you eat it?"


This noise lasted for a long time until finally an individual couldn't stand it. It was the first collector who woke up from the ice and awakened the concept of 'I'.

"You give me about a little bit!"

It is far stronger than the powerful life field of other individuals, covering the life field signals of all collector individuals with high power, and does not convert to uninterpretible noise.

In the face of this absolute threat, all the individual collectors trembled and were as cicadas.

Seeing that all the collectors in the channel were silent, the individual was very satisfied with the influence he showed at first.

However, the problem of addressing each other does exist. There is no reason for the noise in this channel. At first, individuals were quite aware of this.

First of all, the definition of 'collector' should be explained first.

"Let me answer your questions for you..."

At first, the individual organized the language.

Give an answer at the same time."The collector is the name of a species, you and me. It is the name shared by our whole population. The meaning given to us by the supreme will is not and must not be an individual name exclusive to you. Do you understand?"

There is no answer from the individual collector. After the initial individual finished his words, the channel followed by a dead silence.

"Why don't you talk?"

Hearing the initial words of the individual urging, the individual collectors summoned up the courage to reply.

"Ming, I understand..."

"How to solve the problem that can be called?"

"Do you already have a way?"

"If we don't use the 'gatherer', what should we use?"

In the face of this one after another, the individual initially gave a ready answer.

"So, we can give ourselves a name as our exclusive name, and the difference is the independent will of our different individuals of the same kind."

This scheme can be said to be quite epoch-making, which is like in the era of knot counting, some people took the lead in putting forward the concept of four operations.

A bunch of collectors whose IQ is not even reachable by children. From their perspective, the original individual proposed scheme is quite 'science fiction', and the shock is unprecedented.

"Really, that's awesome!"

"The problem was solved all at once. It's so smart!"


The noisy voice echoed in the whole channel again, but it was basically praising the words of the original individual. The initial individual felt very useful, so he did not scold the individual who made the channel noisy again like last time.

"So who should start first?"

A collector suddenly asked this question, and in an instant it had the effect of being 'forbidden' by the original individual, but this silence was temporary.

"I'll go first."

"Go away. Obviously, I'll go first."

"No, I'll do it."

The dispute appeared again. At first, the individual knew that it should speak again to end this noise.

"Okay, stop arguing."

"Since I put forward the plan, I will naturally come first."

The channel returned to silence, and all the collectors were waiting for the following of the original individuals.

"As another thinking individual after the disappearance of the supreme will, I should take on the responsibility of the supreme will and find a way to survive for the ethnic group..."

"I know that my ability is limited, and I don't have a huge body or unparalleled strength, so I chose this path. The more individuals of the same species, the greater the probability of survival of the race..."

"It is unknown when the enemy will come back to destroy us. It seems to be very calm now, but that day will always come. I firmly believe in this. We will be defeated. I hope my population can live forever in the "desal defeat"..."

"So, from today on, my name is 'permanent'."