How the Zergs were Made-Chapter 97 - Physics

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Chapter 97: Chapter 97 Physics

The so-called astronomical observation is, to put it bluntly, is the collection of electromagnetic waves in the universe. These electromagnetic waves are the sounds in the universe. It will tell the listener the stories that have happened in this universe. There are violent supernova explosions, quiet and larger nebulus, and when and where it has it has been like this. A black hole is formed there.

The reason why human beings want to build various large-scale observation stations and astronomical satellites is to collect electromagnetic waves. Although human eyes can also collect electromagnetic waves, there is a limit. Human eyes cannot observe all kinds of electromagnetic waves in the whole universe according to their will.

And Huo Gu doesn't need to worry about this. It allows cells to act as they want, so they don't have to design a set of biological structures for astronomical observations.

Under the visual view of visible light, the planets in the galaxy are not very conspicuous, especially in the background of the universe. It is not easy to identify them carefully.

However, if the perspective of infrared and ultraviolet rays is added, it will become easy. The ultraviolet rays of the star will be reflected back after touching the planet, and the star's light itself has heat, which will warm the surface of the star. From the infrared perspective, it will produce a completely different microwave from the cosmic background.

Huo Gu soon discovered the asteroid belt, which was just a planetary ring, similar to the structure of Saturn's rings.

Suddenly, Huo Gu found that the planet he observed was moving slowly. On the observation scale, this speed was undoubtedly quite fast.

This is a big deal. It can affect the planetary level, and the mass can get the stellar level anyway.

"If it's a wandering black hole, it will be troublesome..."

"Where is it?"

Just as Huo Gu nervously searched for observation information, the whine-like vibration from the cone was transmitted through the entity to the perceptual cell.

Huo Gu instantly understood what the problem was. While he was relieved, he became nervous.

The reason for relief is that it is not a horrible thing like a black hole, and the reason for the tension is that the problem is that the cone it designed is not a small sand mound.

Biomolecules alone is not enough to create something at the celestial level, because it is a physical field, the atomic bonds between atoms. At this scale, the strength of the material will be seriously weakened, so it is necessary to add mechanical considerations.

Even if the strong metal is strong enough and does not break, it will be 'soft'. For example, now, Hogu, who is searching for the asteroid belt, is facing the swing from the cone.

Originally, this should have happened a long time ago. If Huo Gu arranged the cone to build it elsewhere, I'm afraid that it would enter the middle layer at most and collapse under the action of the latitude and rotation of the planet.

However, coincidentally, Hogu's location is on the equator, and the problem of latitude is avoided. The cone only needs to withstand the air resistance caused by the rotation of the planet.

The cone shows a certain curvature under the action of air resistance.

This is the cone as a whole. The part still looks straight, and the curvature is at the decimal point level, which is the same as the flat surface of the planet and is not easy to notice.

The speed of the giant swing is not violent, but the range is getting bigger and bigger. Huo Gu knows that if it continues like this, collapse will happen sooner or later, and the phenomenon caused by collapse can be described as collapse.

Of course, it doesn't matter if this is the same as in the ancient world, but now there is a group of intelligent intelligent creatures living on the surface.

Huo Gu's three views were unacceptable for the death of a group of innocent people because of his own mistakes. 𝐛𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗼𝐯𝐞𝗹.𝐨𝐫𝗴

"No, there must be a way to save it."

Huo Gu used instructions to make a large number of titanium alloy shelters for the rhizome, and then forced the collectors living near the equator to enter the shelter and strictly ordered them not to leave. He was racking his brains to think about countermeasures.

"By the way,

I can bold and widen it. If the interior is hollow, the mass will not rise. The cells needed do not need too much. In order to ensure strength, the metal body will increase to a certain thickness... Yes, that's it."Cones... No, the shape can no longer be regarded as a cone, but closer to the round chimney of nuclear power plants.

The hollow area inside the dome is expanded under the direction of Huo Gu, and the inclined surface shows an inward slope inside. Such a structure can ensure that the center of gravity of the whole structure moves down while increasing the area of force and reducing the pressure on the ground.

After hundreds of days and nights, Huo Gu was so busy that he could calm down.

"It finally stabilized and scared me."

"By the way, I made another big thing..."

When Huo Gu noticed it, he found that the area of what it unconsciously made was equivalent to one twentieth of the octahetahed if it included the hollow part.

In terms of intention, Huo Gu didn't want to toss out such a big thing at the beginning, so he chose the previous design...

"At least... I can still afford this guy. Compared with the octahedahed, it consumes less, and he has no ability to destroy the atmospheric structure.

Finding an excuse for his behavior, Huo Gu turned his energy into something else, that is, the measurement of the planetary distance.

Huo Gu has no good way to measure the distance of stars. After all, it is not an astronomical major, which is beyond the scope of its knowledge. However, if it is a measurement within the planetary system, Huo Gu still knows a little information.

The method is to use radio signals to measure the distance between the planets.

The principle of the method is not high. It is the same as using sound waves to measure the depth of the canyon. It sends a beam of radio signal to the observation planet. During the time period of calculation, the distance traveled by the radio waves is divided by two, and then the distance between the planets at that time can be obtained, and then after several observations. The data, as well as the position of the star at that time, can basically outline the orbit of the planet.

The principle of radio is not too complicated. It is basically divided into two structures, transmitter and receiver.

The principle of the receiver is that the voltmeter is connected to the wire for electronic circulation to form a closed circuit without power supply, which is a radio receiver.

The transmitter is slightly more complicated.

The change of the current in the conductor will produce radio waves, and the change of the electric field caused by the electric wave will generate current in the conductor, which is the basic principle.

Whether it is changing the resistance or through a switching power supply, the transmission of the radio can be achieved, and the strength of the radio signal itself depends on the strength of the current generated by the transmitter.

Recalling his past knowledge accumulation, Huo Gu began to measure the planetary distance to prepare for the next action.

Space travel has never been an easy task, especially for technology to be in the process of propulsion.