Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest-Chapter 588 131.2 - Alden Evergreen

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Chapter 588 131.2 - Alden Evergreen

Maya stood outside the dining room, taking a moment to compose herself before entering. The weight of what was about to unfold pressed against her chest, though she kept her face calm, masking the emotions swirling beneath the surface. Her family had always been a source of strength for her—a lineage filled with pride, duty, and unspoken responsibilities. Yet, they had also been a source of love, something many wouldn't have expected given the Evergreen family's prominence.

She let her mind drift for a moment, thinking about her parents, her upbringing, and her brother. It was strange, really—how the world saw them as distant, noble figures, yet behind the scenes, they had always shown her kindness and care, even if it had been cloaked in the weight of their duties.

Her parents had raised her in the mansion, surrounded by the ancient traditions of the Evergreen family. There had been love, yes, but it had always been tempered by the expectations placed upon her from a young age. They were leaders of their people, descendants of the Elven Royal Line, and that came with its own set of challenges. Her father, a stoic figure with a sharp mind, had always been busy managing the vast responsibilities of their household. Yet, whenever he had the chance, he'd find time to smile at her, to ruffle her hair, and remind her that despite everything, she was his little girl.

Her mother had been more affectionate, a gentle presence who guided her through the intricacies of their heritage. Maya remembered the way her mother's voice would soothe her when the weight of their responsibilities became too much, how she'd weave stories of their ancestors, of the strength that ran through their blood. Her mother had always spoken with warmth, but her eyes had always carried the same burden of duty.

Yet, despite the affection, there had been an unspoken distance as well. Their love had always come with conditions—expectations that Maya would uphold the Evergreen name and carry on the legacy without question.

And then, there was her brother.

"You are here."

The moment they entered the room, the familiar voice of her brother echoed in her ears. Though it had been a month since she last saw him, thanks to the fact that he was busy, the voice remained the same.

Elegant and calm.

And those words, though calm and elegantly spoken, carried with them a pressure that was unmistakable. Maya felt it immediately—the weight behind her brother's voice. It was subtle, but it was there, a constant reminder of who he was, of the responsibilities he carried. Alden had always been like that. Even in the most casual of moments, there was an unspoken authority in his presence, an intensity that never wavered. His words alone had the power to shift the entire atmosphere of a room.

Maya took a deep breath, steadying herself as she and Astron stepped into the dining room. The room itself was grand, with high ceilings and soft lighting, the Evergreen family crest prominently displayed on the far wall. But all of that faded into the background as her brother stood at the head of the table, his gaze locked on them.

Alden Evergreen. Tall and composed, his figure draped in the traditional dark green and gold robes of their family, the intricate Elven embroidery shining faintly under the light. His silver hair was neatly tied back, his sharp features framed by an expression that was calm yet unreadable.

His blue eyes—those same piercing eyes that had always seen through her—were focused on her now, studying her in the way only an older brother could. But beneath the surface, she could feel it—the weight of his expectations, the silent judgment that accompanied every interaction with him.

It had been a month since she'd last seen him, but that pressure was the same as ever. The kind that made her stand a little straighter, choose her words a little more carefully.

"Brother," Maya greeted, her voice calm, though she couldn't help but feel the subtle tightening in her chest as she met his gaze.

He nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes flicking briefly to Astron before returning to her. The scrutiny in that brief glance was palpable. Though he hadn't spoken a word to Astron yet, Maya could already sense that Alden was sizing him up, assessing his worth, his intentions. That was just the way he was—always watching, always calculating.

"You've brought a guest," Alden remarked, his tone even, though Maya knew him well enough to catch the undercurrent of curiosity mixed with caution. "I wasn't expecting that."

Maya smiled slightly, keeping her composure. "Yes. This is Astron, my Junior from the academy."

Alden's gaze shifted once more to Astron, this time lingering a moment longer. The air in the room seemed to grow heavier, the pressure more noticeable now. Maya could feel it in the way her brother's presence seemed to fill the space—his authority, his scrutiny.

"Astron. A unique name," Alden said, the name rolling off his tongue with the same calm elegance as everything else he did. "It is a rare occasion for Maya to bring someone from the outside into our home."

Astron remained composed, meeting Alden's gaze with his usual quiet confidence. "It's an honor to be here, Lord Evergreen," he replied, his voice steady.

The formal title seemed to amuse Alden, if only slightly, as a faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips. But the weight of his presence did not lessen. If anything, it intensified.

Maya felt a flicker of anxiety, though she kept it well hidden. This was the moment she had been bracing for—her brother's evaluation of Astron. Alden had always been protective of her, and though he wouldn't outright say it, she knew he wanted to ensure that anyone she brought into their lives was trustworthy. He wouldn't make it easy.

Her brother's gaze remained locked on Astron for a few moments longer, and Maya could feel the silent exchange between them, a test of sorts. Alden was measuring him, determining whether Astron was worthy of being here, in their home, beside his sister.

"Very well," Alden finally said, his voice soft but still carrying that underlying authority. "Let's sit."

As they moved to sit, Maya cast a discreet glance at Astron, observing him closely. Despite the palpable pressure emanating from her brother, Astron remained composed, his expression unreadable, his posture relaxed. It was clear that he wasn't fazed by Alden's quiet authority, and that brought a sense of relief and silent pride to Maya.

She had worried, perhaps more than she realized, about how Astron would react to her brother's intense presence. But as always, Astron held his ground, calm and unwavering.

Once they were seated, the room fell into a brief silence, filled only by the faint clinking of silverware as the servants began placing dishes on the table. Alden sat at the head, naturally commanding the space, while Maya and Astron took their places opposite one another. Maya could sense the tension in the air, though it wasn't hostile—just heavy with unspoken questions.

Alden leaned back in his chair, his gaze flickering between the two of them. "Maya has always been... selective about who she brings into our family's home," he began, his voice steady but filled with an unspoken undertone. "So I'm curious, Astron—what is it about you that convinced my sister to do so?"

The question was pointed, though Alden's tone remained polite. It was clear that, despite the civility, he wanted answers, and he wanted to see if Astron was truly worthy of Maya's trust. Maya stiffened slightly, but she didn't intervene. This was something Astron would have to handle on his own.

Astron met Alden's gaze head-on, his purple eyes reflecting that same quiet confidence. "I don't claim to know all the reasons, Lord Evergreen," Astron began, his voice composed and measured. "But Senior Maya and I have grown close through our time at the academy. We've faced challenges together, and I suppose that trust is mutual."

His words were indeed truth. The amount of things that Maya and him experienced could not be considered much, but the weight of each experience itself was quite high.

The fact that Astron had saved Maya from a vampire and then prior to that, the two somehow started a Senior and Junior, followed by the reveal of many secrets….All those things were quite heavy in terms of weight.

Alden raised an eyebrow, the slightest hint of intrigue flickering in his expression. "Challenges, you say? And what kind of challenges would make my sister trust you enough to bring you here?"

But the hard part of those challenges was the fact that none of them could be revealed.

Whether Maya turns into a vampire, her drinking the blood of Astron, or Maya's confession. Each of these things needed to be hidden.

Though Maya herself knew that at some point, these things would eventually be revealed.

Maya's heart raced as she listened to the exchange, feeling the weight of her brother's scrutiny. Every word that passed between Alden and Astron carried a deeper significance, and she knew that much of their shared history had to remain concealed. The challenges they had faced—her vampiric transformation, the blood bond, her confession—all those things were too dangerous, too intimate to reveal at this point.

Even though she trusted her brother deeply, Maya wasn't ready for him to know everything. Not yet. She needed time to regain full control over her vampiric state, to ensure that when she did reveal the truth, she could present it with strength rather than vulnerability.

For now, she had to tread carefully.

'It's time,' Maya thought, taking a steadying breath. 'I have to step in.'

She straightened in her chair, her calm expression giving nothing away as she spoke with a confidence that she hadn't felt a moment ago. "He saved my life."

The words cut through the air like a blade, and for the first time, Alden's composure faltered. His piercing gaze narrowed, shifting to Maya as the atmosphere in the room shifted from probing curiosity to a deeper, more serious tone. His body tensed slightly, though he remained seated, his eyes now locked onto hers.

"He... saved your life?" Alden's voice was low, steady, but there was an undeniable edge to it now. His entire demeanor changed, from polite authority to something far more personal. He was no longer scrutinizing Astron—he was focused solely on his sister.

Maya met his gaze evenly, feeling the weight of the moment settle on her shoulders. "Yes. My life was in danger, and Astron saved me." Her voice remained steady, even as the memories of that night flickered in her mind—the vampire, the fear, the blood.

Alden's eyes darkened, the intensity behind them growing. "Your life was in danger?" His voice, while calm, carried a force that was hard to ignore.

"And I was not informed?"

Alden was angry at that moment.