I Am This Murim's Crazy Bitch-Chapter 34: The Waves in Front of the Yangtze River Goes Blah Blah Blah (8)

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Chapter 34: The Waves in Front of the Yangtze River Goes Blah Blah Blah (8)

The Waves in Front of the Yangtze River Goes Blah Blah Blah (8)

The Mission Window displayed such stark words.

[Omen, (Unknown)th Crisis]


[You stand before the downfall of the Waterway Forts.]

Actions for Mission Completion

Righteous Karma) Assist the Waterway Forts in suppressing the rebelli.

Qing immediately closed the Mission Window.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You think Im a fucking idiot?

She wasnt interested anyway.

No matter how grand the claims about influencing everything below Heaven were, she would not be fooled again.

Whats so great about influencing everything under the Heavens anyway?

Just the fact that Im breathing right now means I took a whole lungs worth of air from the world, you know? So Ive influenced something under the Heavens, havent I?

After all, its better to do whatever the fuck I want than doing shitty things just to receive a bit more RIghteous Karma.

Teacher, this is how your disciple livesThis is how she is doing.

I wonder how our Female Middle Schooler chan is doing. Is she well?

Qing ignored the Mission Window.

When she did so, it popped up again.

And Qing got pissed off. Rightfully so.

What the fuck? Do you wanna go? You wanna try me, huh? Is that what it is?

What? Youll keep popping up until I read you or something?

Shall I show you my ability to skip through cutscenes, honed through countless second tries of games?

[Advent of the End, Blood Calamity of the Nine Provinces, Final Chapter. The Last Crisis]


[At the end of a long pursuit, you have finally faced the true mastermind behind a brutal conspiracy. It is the destroyer of all who breathes under the sky, as well as the end of the world.]

For the sake of the world, eliminate Un Yeonyoung

*Blood Poison) Massacre all who stand with Un Yeonyoung

[The fate of all under the Heavens depends on you.]

But the words written were very different from before.

Moreover, it was a format she had never seen before.

As Qing scrolled through the Mission Window, she saw Un Yeonyoung.

Final Chapter. The Last Crisis.

The destroyer of all people, as well as the end of the world.

So, that means shes the End-Stage Boss?

Why the fuck is the Final Boss appearing now?

The Mission Window said to meet after a long pursuit, didnt it?

Is this a bug?

Qing suddenly felt rather cheerful.

Qing just wanted to enjoy a delicious dinner and incidentally see some bloodshed through the process.

Like a ship without its rowersNo, it was actually a ship without its rowers. Anyway, along with such a ship, she had drifted here.

Qing was unaware of any conspiracy.

She didnt even know that the existence of some mastermind or whatever existed in the first place.

She especially didnt realize she had an enemy she needed to pursue.

And yet, something like this was being oh so proudly displayed. Why? She didnt know. To reemphasize, she didnt know shit.

Mission? Thats fucking nothing.

If this is the result of some stupid calculation triggered by something, well, fuck it. Who fucking cares.

Hey. Uhnyeong~~. Ah Nyeonyeong1She is acting cute right now~~

Oh my. That isAre you calling me?

Eung. Why? You dont like it?

Howcan you suddenly be so bold? Your trembling figure was quite cute before.

So, does that mean you dislike it or something?

No. Not at all. It is quite to my liking. Have youopened up your heart?

Un Yeongyoung smiled brightly.

Qing smiled back and asked.

You said youd protect me, right?

Of course. As long as I am here You are the safest person in this world, you see?

But the fact that you need to protect me means there are also dangers that are that severe, right?

After all, there are about three Living Jiangshis and quite a few Blood Jiangshis. Above all, since the Demonic Cannibal has directly intervened, the frail Young Lady Ximen will not be able to last more than a few strokes. Isnt that so?

Demonic Cannibal? Feels like Ive heard of the guy before.

Qing repeated the name a few times, then gave up on remembering.

Must have heard it somewhere along the way. Whatever.

But his name is the Demonic Cannibal? Wow! What a shitty nickname. Did his mother not love him?

I cant believe hes such a piece of shit that hes actually known for eating people.

But there was something more important than that.

Qing smoothly asked another question.

So, do you really like me that much?

Words cannot fully express how much. You cannot even imagine what you mean to me. What kind of existence you are to me.

Why? Is it because my Constitution is unique?

Un Yeonyoungs eyes widened.

It was a dramatic change from her usually graceful demeanor.

Did you already know?

I just found out. Anyway, if another person like me appears, does that mean I become unnecessary?

Un Yeonyoung smiled with that expression.

The very expression that seemed to say she found Qing really, truly adorable.

Oh my. Young Lady XimenYou must understand how much of a miracle, how wonderful your body is.

A miracle?

It is like counting to the tens of billions once, and then repeating that another tens of billions of times. That is what you are.

So, Im the only one in the world?

That is correct. There is onlyyou.

Qing nodded as she fell into contemplation.

As expected, this really kills any and all interest I had in her, huh. What a sick bitch.

At the very least, if you want to get close, you should say something flattering.

Instead, she directly stated that my body is the ultimate goal for her?

Nobody would ever be happy to hear that.

Anyway, it seems I can fuck around a bit, huh. I dont have to be too worried around her.

Qings ability to read between the lines had completely pushed Un Yeonyoung into the category of an extreme pushover.

This is all because I created my character well.

By the way, it seems like Im in your debt again, Mr. Strategy Guide, huh?

If I ever return, I will reward you greatly. My life has been saved several times thanks to you, after all.


Champions of the Yangtze River, listen!

Some curse us as thieves while others call us parasites, disgusting leeches living off the water.

But is that really the case?

There might have been a time where we were like that.

When we were merely barbarians, bandits on a river, I saw pillagers on the Yangtze, witnessed blood flow along with the water, and ultimately lost my teacher to the grief and grudges it caused.

Being the child of a thief, even my mother was practically akin to stolen wealth. What such a child learned from that was only hatred and twisted killing intent.

The father was shameful and the child was full of loathing.

This pain was what caused us to change!

But we have changed now once again!

Who established the laws of the Yangtze River and put them in order?

It was us. Because we are the owners of the Yangtze!

It was because we have become upright heroes! Champions! Fathers and mothers envied by the land dwellers because we are right! Because we are just!

And now, our grand cause is shaken!

The scum trying to return to the era of plunder and cannibalism have revealed their true natures!

They threaten our main house! Our stronghold! Our families!

This was what speeches before battles were usually like.

We are the good guys and they are the bad guys.

Think of your families.

Lets fight. For blah-blah something more important than life.

While listening to the speech, Qing thought.

That ahjussi can speak really well, huh.

Not just anyone can be a leader, it seems.

Qing looked at the martial artists heated up with morale and, on the other side, Un Yeonyoung, who was busy responding to something.

I really want to tell them. Shes the mastermind. Shes the one manipulating all of you behind the scenes. Shes the one who did everything. But, so what? They wouldnt even take me seriously anyway.

After saving the leaders son, shes been treated with utmost respect, so even if Qing said something like that, she would just be called a crazy bitch.

She was a very high-functioning nutcase. Oh, and a capable murderer.

I mean, thats probably why I was supposed to find out about her after a long pursuit.

Qing grinned and approached her.

You must think that Jiangshis have no weaknesses. You have to hit their necks or cut off their limbs to immobilize them. At the very least, they are monsters that can only be wounded if one is in a realm where they can hurt people with External Qi and I can weaken the Living Jiangshis with sorcery

Turns out it was something like a strategy meeting.

It almost felt like she was playing with them. After all, she was the one who had empowered the enemys ringleader, but now, she was digging into his weaknesses, exposing them for the other side.

Qing poked someone she recognized in the ribs.

It was the First Arrival of the Yangtze River, Pa Bonmu.


Young Lady Ximen? What is the matter? Its a busy time right now.

Give me back my sword. You said youd return it later, didnt you?

Agh, later, okay? We are about to fight, so the Young Lady should just stay safe and wait.

How am I supposed to be safe without a sword in my hands? If I stand empty-handed, do you think the enemies will just avoid me? Should I yell out or something? That I dont matter, so they shouldnt hurt me?

Ah, I see. Hey, Juhyung, in my room, theres a sword under the bed. Bring that here.

And so, Qing got her Moonlight Sword (No. 8) back in her grasp!

Not long after, an island appeared suddenly through the fog.

The main stronghold of the Forts of the Yangtze River Waterway, called Waterway Fortress, was located on that very island.

The dock was crowded with people, but it was clear from a glance that they were not there to welcome the returning heads of families.

Isnt it obvious for anyone that theyre ready for a fight? Like, theyre all lined up, holding spears and swords.

Qing watched this shitshow while holding onto the railing.

Suddenly, red streaks shot across the sky.

Fire arrows! Shields up! Firefighters, stand by!

Hundreds of fire arrows.

With a loud noise, the fire arrows that hit the deck and hull stayed stubbornly lit and kept flickering, igniting themselves over and over.

It was chaos.

The fire arrows continued to whistle down, people were stepping on flames and spraying sand, and some unlucky ones got hit by an arrow and collapsed.

Some tried to pull away an injured martial artist only to get hit by another arrow while others caught fire and were running around in a panic.

However, the massive vessel, which seemed like an aircraft carrier to Qing, was not much hindered by this.

Were docking the ship! Get down!

The ship charged straight into the sandy beach; it was quite a rough and fiery docking method.

The collision caused the giant ship to traverse the beach, creating a veritable earthquake.

The stern opened and martial artists poured out onto the beach. The Masters jumped off the deck and joined the crowd immediately.

As arrows poured onto the shore, people started falling continuously.

Though there were no guns, it was quite a tense landing operation.

It was quite a spectacle to observe.

Then, a voice called out for Qing.

Young Lady Ximen, you can wait here, yes?

Eh? Didnt you say youd protect me.

These children will protect you.

Simultaneously to those words, something that looked like people popped out from behind Un Yeonyoung.

They appeared to be about ten years old. So they really were children.

But their eyes were completely black without any whites, making them eerily disgusting. They were not normal.

Them? Theyre going to protect me? Are you sure its not the other way around?

Ah. Despite how they look, they are incredibly strong children called Heavenly Jiangshis, you see? Each one can face a Transcendent Realm Master, so they are quite reliable.


Seems like theyre the Final Bosss guards or something.

Wouldnt they probably appear as mid-bosses?

Then, let us meet again after everything is done. Young Lady.

Un Yeonyoung waved her hand.

Qing responded with a bright smile.

I dont want to, though?

Oh dear. Young Lady? This isnt a request, you see?

Qing shook her head.

The Demonic Cannibal is the strongest, right? Since you said youd protect me, lets keep that promise, okay?


Ignoring her, Qing leapt down.

A refreshing free fall. The sand on the beach softly cushioned her plummeting body.

She channeled her True Qi to her feet.

As her Teacher said, her Inner Qi was already top-notch. Practically absolute.

With a massive amount of True Qi propelling her forward, it felt like the world was receding behind her.

Qing laughed.

With the Final Boss promising protection, what is there to fear?

Havent I already heard a confirmation?

Qing took a deep breath.


Following that, a roar similar to a lions shook both Heaven and Earth.


It was a wrath that could be felt vividly, even from afar.

Qing glanced back.

Un Yeonyoung, extremely taken aback, was running towards her, followed closely by the five children.

Each of these kids was said to match the Transcendent Realm, right?

Qing raised her voice again.



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